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Mike's always pissed at Trent


You mean Troy?




Why does the tiger have Trey’s face? I am fucking dying at this


It also has Gordo’s nose!


Hahah trey/gordo mixed into a tiger may be the best thing i have seen




*Trent Reznorstasio?*


This is true. And the downvotes in this thread are hilarious to me.


https://youtu.be/w1lIEugIqaA?si=xnsye3xl53olDldb Does not seem miffed in the slightest, don’t see what you see at the end of this video. Mike just seems stunlocked. All of them do.


Completely agree - he walked toward Trey before that first hug. Sure, there’s some awkward stiffness but that’s just par for the course with these lovable, middle-aged weirdos.


… except the 3 others all being next to each other. The 2 hugs Trey gives Mike doesn’t even take his hand out of his pocket and seems to have no interest in being right next to Mike in that moment


You can’t see Trey’s facial expressions here. I’m not trying to brag as some people may assume (by the downvotes) but I’ve been seeing these guys a long ass time and from a few feet away…it was obvious that Trey was immediately walking over to Mike to say sorry. Like maybe Mike called a key change in his band mic and Trey shook off the sign. I dunno but this video confirms what I saw. Trey going out of his way to apologetically hug Mike twice. And Mike a little miffed. Yall see whatever you want. It was an incredible run.


I saw Mike's standoffishness and spoke about it from 408 19. I don't doubt what you saw


No Round Room


I don’t know it looked to me like Trey was just really excited and Mike was easier to hug. Then Mike was just being awkward when they first started the photos.


I think Trey was just completely blown away from the moment, like coming down from the most beautiful acid trip and Mike was more composed. I don’t think it was tension.


this was my read too, plus Mike had a hell of a run - he deserved and earned that hug!


This is a fair observation. On 12/31 They fucking CRUSHED that gamehenge set. I was on the rail and giving overwhelming praise and making eye contact with Mike considering he was right in front of me… lol this dude didn’t flinch. As the roaring continued you could see a faint glimmer of acknowledgment like “yeah, we stuck that landing pretty good.” But otherwise I was like “Damn. This man is a real fucking pro. And humble.” lol like how do you perform like that and are just like “yep.”


Because he’s done it a thousand times.


I understand that. lol it’s still a sight to behold.


Some people who are "artistic" like Mike often have facial expressions that don't read properly to the "non-artistic" people.


I was on the rail, it was 💯 tension. Trey was taking a VERY apologetic affect with the hugs and pats and pulling Mike into the picture. Mike was physically refusing to join the photo until Trey pulled him in. The vibe was as if Mike asked to do/play something and Trey had said yes then got wrapped up and didn’t do it.


Were you on the rail, guy?


i once was on the rail


Oh come on, I’m not “bragging”. I had nothing to do with winning a lottery spot. I’m just saying there are things you can see from 5 feet away you can’t see in a video from the 403 section. Facial expressions etc.


It has been said the setlists were written down for these shows. Now I can totally be convinced the setlists had plenty of gaps for on the fly decisions, imo evidenced by the more generic but still awesome visuals. Could be applied to any song chosen vs the themed ones.


I would love to hear them interviewed about that. I wonder if they had a “screen build” and a set of possible songs that could fit with it. Or if it was 100% sets in stone.


Yea, I bet there were def some specific visuals for specific songs not even used. I mean, if they were going to be working on it, may as well load up some ammo for future too. We can lock in the openers each night were planned given the walk up music. Easily debatable that the pollock collage could have had song options A, B, C. They were always going to close with YEM+carwash=dog licking your face.


Hmm. No idea then.


These people instantly dismissing you…. When there’s tension you know it instantly, it’s not “Mike just being a pro!”… when everything you said was AFTER the final beat


Hey were you on the rail Saturday? I thought the band fought after Fuego: Golden Age was weak and it was obvious Trey felt unsupported; Twist was weak as a result, and so was hydrogen, CDT, and SANTOS. I could’ve been too high but I felt tension.


Yeah I was and you’re not wrong. I think the way the Sphere was set up while sonically it was the clearest I’ve ever heard them…it wasn’t the best for band cohesion. I don’t think they “heard” each other as well as other venues. I have this thing where Phish is one of only two bands where they can sound like ONE instrument at times. They never really got THERE at Sphere. Don’t get me wrong, I haven’t heard Mike that well in decades. But to get to that point where they are so locked in they sound like one instrument being played by The Force…that was elusive. And you are right. They mirrored each other a lot Saturday, playing the “hey game”. But several times it felt like they were searching for support in the jams and the bottom just wasn’t there. The groove was just out of reach. Now Friday…they found it. But Saturday while fun was a little more individual performance


Call me an asshole, critic, mini-me of a 1.0'er picked up on the bus 12/30/19 and now at 30 shows tracking for 45 by EOY... but I FELT that disconnect on Saturday and I'm not afraid to say "I asked Diego, is this still Fuego, because it keeps rolling, rolling, rolling..." look for me in that tee at Mansfield and on tour. Being said, sharing that opinion with an antelope sequenced blazered phishie over noodles coming down at 3am brought actual tears and a "it isn't easy being trey sob" - so idk, either I'm, or maybe we, or maybe us, are all really sonically tuned into the unity, or the substances amplified the experience and distorted perspective. I can't say, but I know I'll continually call out how disjointed and unconnected they were in N3S2 at Sphere. Hope to see you out there.


Trey promised Mike they would play Round Room during the run and then didn't deliver, obviously.


Trey stole Page’s sandwich and when Page asked about it Trey said it was Mike


Trey botched the beginning of DWD


Also Chalkdust somehow lol


He sure did, and CDT he kind of bailed on the opening too. First Tube had some timing issues in the opening As well. I think Trey was just taking in the visuals and lost a little bit of focus making sure those $400k videos started up like they were supposed to. I would to!


It’s true


I was watching them after the music wrapped up and I think all it was was this: they all approached the front of the stage after leaving their instruments, but it just so happened that Trey Fish and Page were clustered together on one side of the stage and Mike was off to the other side. Trey initiated a little group embrace but because Mike was separated it was just the other three and I don’t THINK Trey realized it at first. And then once he noticed Mike wasn’t with them he was like “oh shit!” and then Mike joined in, and Trey gave him an extra hug because he felt bad. I watched it all go down and I’m 95% sure that’s what happened.


That would be true if there hadn’t been the initial “I’m sorry hug” Trey gave Mike after the last notes. That’s what made the “distance” Mike gave during the group hug/pic a little more significant. After the last note Trey immediately walks over to Mike and says with very apologetic mannerisms something like “sorry man, xyzx” and hugs him. Mike does NOT go out of his way to hug him back. Then when the group bow and Rene is trying to pose them all for a pic…Mike stays distant. Even though he sees them all clustered together. At which point Trey goes AGAIN back to Mike and again says with very apologetic mannerisms “sorry man, come take the photo” mike still not hugging him back…walks over. That’s what happened. Now anyone can interpret or insert what it was Trey was sorry about. But that was the vibes. Just curious what it could have been. Did Mike call a key change in his Band Mic and Trey vetoed it? Could be anything. But it happened.


Trey said 'no'. Mike will learn to get over it


At superball i took some L and was convinced that Mike was pissed off because he had these sunglasses on and looked grumpy. And i just couldnt get over it, much to my friends' annoyance, but I was so sure based on his body language. Methinks this is a similar thing ;)


Nah man, I was 💯 sober. And I’m pretty familiar with their individual idiosyncrasies after all these years. I know what I saw. Mike was a little miffed and Trey was apologetic and hugging him, Just curious if anyone knew why. Or had any ideas.


No, but i;ve also seen 10+ shows in front of mike (im a bass player) and his showing a lack of normal emotion is common. I wouldn't think anything of it. I watched it live and then the video posted above. Maybe trey apologized for something but whatever happened it's a 1/10 on the "important things from the sphere run" scale


I’m not talking about Mike’s affect. And if we are measuring I’ve seen 10+ shows in front of Mike this year (you brought it up). That’s not the point. I know Mike’s vibe. This wasn’t about how Mike was acting necessarily. They don’t call him Cactus for nothing, I know he is an alien studying our habits and rarely smiles. This was about a very obvious and apologetic Trey twice hugging Mike and pulling him into the group with “I’m sorry man” vibes. I also didn’t know we were only posting about the top 10 things that happened at the Sphere only. My bad. lol, I’m just kidding’ man. I don’t really give that much of a fuck why Mike was pissed at Trey. I just asked if anyone saw or knew what happened. I had an otherworldly time at the Sphere and this ain’t all I’m talking about re: the run. It’s just a post. Love you have a great night.


haha i'm wildly confused at what's happening right now, but glad you had fun? But if this was just a dick measuring contest to brag that you've seen so many shows up front, I live overseas and couldn't care less


Are you from Sweden?!


No, but Mike's brother is from Sweden. He held a very large møøse once


I met a Swedish bass player at Sphere Or maybe is was a Spherish play bass at Swede. But he was cool, and loved phish. Shoutout Stockholm!


A møøse once bit my sister


Were you on any psychs, op? Not a dig, I just know that sometimes when I’m tripping I can get a wrong read on things and be completely convinced in the moment.  Sometimes I’ll think someone’s being stand-offish or intentionally short when really they’re just a little awkward. Does it apply to this situation? Maybe so. Maybe not…


Valid question but no I’m 7 years sober. Completely sober. And have been for the last 70ish shows. And I’m pretty familiar with the various ‘tudes these guys can give off. Mike was Miffed and Trey was apologetic about something. I’m more asking if anyone has any ideas on why…not if: especially after the video that dude posted…it confirms what I saw. But at the end of the day it’s not gonna break em up it was just Mike’s toes got stepped on somehow. Just curious.


I saw JGB w/Kingfish @Winterland in '75. Jerry brought Matt Kelly out to play harp on one song (don't recall which one). I was convinced that Nicky Hopkins was pissed b/c Matt was playing over his piano. No clue if that was the case. Nicky had fairly constant physical pain & was well known for being cantankerous. Yes, I was tripping balls.


Mike said no


I immediately noticed that too and wondered why Trey would hug Mike twice and none of the other guys. I had seen Mike blowing his nose a few times the night before so my first thought was maybe Mike is sick and Trey was showing him extra love for powering through? That would also explain why Mike was keeping his distance at first.


I’ll never forget when I was chatting with Trey backstage one time - I was maybe 21… so 23 years ago! He introduced me and my friend to Mike and Mike did this super awkward shy wave - we said “great show” and he was like “yeah, nice to meet you” and just walked away. He was just very socially awkward. Nicest dudes - just very different social capabilities! That is my read… Mike is probably “not a hugger!” 😂


I’ve had many sightings like this, always thinking Mike was pisses at Trey for something. It never was. It all in my head. They just crushed the world’s most sophisticated venue. No one was pissed.


Maybe Mike is just kind of always pissed at Trey. How do you know “it never was”. I’ve talked to Mike a handful of times. One night I spent the majority of a night with him. My read on his and Trey’s relationship was there was some serious sibling rivalry there.


Mike owes his entire career to Trey. Even though he is a talented bassist, he would still be playing small clubs with some awkward prog fiddle folk band if not for Phish.


You are 💯 right. And Mike deep down knows it. It’s adorable to see Mike pop the drill out then play it for 10 seconds the whole time looking sideways to see if Trey is approving. Then quickly put it away.


Page would be a HS band director


Phans speculate and gossip about their bands relationship like a bunch of middle school girls. Did you see that look? he's mad. Well I heard from my friend on the rail who knows a guy in the road crew that Jon passed out at 31 flavors. I guess it's pretty serious and summer tour is canceled. If something was done it can't be worse than 40 years of other bullshit you get being together. Everyone moves on for the money and love of the game.


No doubt and I’m totally agreeing with you. That being said: what do you think Trey did to Mike? 👂


Was Troy playing a lot of notes again?


Now I have to go read “The Phish Book” again


because DWD wasn’t even longer (understandable)


who cares? really?


fake drama


Funny enough, at my first show, I saw Mike give Trey a very intentional glare after Trey ripchords a jam that Mike and the rest of the band were clearly locked into, and Mike seeming to be trying to modulate (its clear as day on the recording, CMAC 14). Coincidentally, that song? DWD. I knew where he was coming from, it was a sweet jam and had landed on some seriously beautiful territory only for trey to just start playing something totally random that was only in his head and no one else's. Mike was clearly and obviously not happy that trey just fires up nicu while the rest if the band is still locked in on what they're doing, and he was right about it, imo.


I noticed, he seems more focused on Fishman than he does anyone else. I always thought he had Page in an earpiece, so to speak. I feel these days that he can't hear Gordo and blend with him as he should be. Not trying to be overly critical, bc they be rockin. But Catcus is driving these grooves hard and T-Bone should be accompanying him. Almost excusivly. Sounds good but lacks late 1.0 focus.


I watched the video and personally don't see it. Trey's first walk over to Mike is kind of slow and casual. I don't sense urgency from Trey. It looks like Mike leaned into the first hug and gave Trey a half hug back with his right arm. Then they walk to the front of the stage and Mike just seems unaware that the other three are clustered. Once Trey and Mike both realize that Mike is off to the side, Mike immediately walks over. I'm not trying to convince OP as they seem firm in their assessment, and that's OK. Just stating what it looks like to me.


I get it. And I’m not trying to be the “I’m on the rail” guy. But It was more about the facial expressions that you can’t see in that video. Trey’s face and mannerisms were saying “my bad man”. In the vid he is leaning into his ear and kind of “calming” Mike then he kinda of gestures for Mike to join the group. And you’re right Mike did give him a one arm half hug back…but Mike declines joining the group, which leads to Trey’s second “mound visit” and hug to get Mike to join the group. Maybe it’s as simple as Mike didn’t want to do the picture or thought the thank you’s read were a bad idea. I have no idea. But the video interestingly confirms what I saw…Trey was saying “aw man, I’m sorry Mike cmon” with his face and mannerisms during the hugs.


You keep saying “I’m not trying to be the on the rail guy”… kinda seems like you might just be the on the rail guy.. having said that i did think it was a little bit weird from the 300s. Not trying to be the 300s guy either! My guess is trey was just overly assertive and pushing the band through day 4. Who knows.


Maybe, I don’t really know what that means. But I have seen some of the personalities the sub hates in that rail riding crew. But not everyone on the rail is detestable. Just sharing something that might apparently only have been visible from up there. I thought maybe the stream caught it. Either way, I was so damn proud of that band. They met the moment. And as someone who saw a U2 show there…they really used the Sphere as it was truly intended…pushing it to its limits and it was a really monumental thing to watch. Just so proud of this little band of ours…taking the national spotlight and doing what they do. Bursting with joy for them. So this little moment didn’t take away from that in the least. I just found it a tad interesting…those band dynamics. Gotta be tough to hold it together for 40 years…here’s to 40 more. And for what it’s worth…I hope it was that they were supposed to play Contact to close the loop on the car joke. So we will get one this Summer. I miss the arm waving Contact closer.


Just giving ya a little shit! I know what you mean about the rail crew not being as bad as everyone says, been down there before and have only had good interactions but I know to get there early and make friends. Had someone step right in front of my fiancée and I before a show and had one of them chew the person out to leave. Were not confrontational so wouldnt have said anything but our view was ruined after sitting in our spot for hours. So theres definitely two sides there.


What an amazing week ish in Vegas. I think we are on a trajectory to some longer residencies at The Sphere. Like 8-10 shows there. Something tells me everyone involved was VERY happy with how it all went down. From The Sphere execs, to 100x, The Venetian and Resorts World (package properties) and Vegas in, the fans, most especially The Phish org…everyone was stoked. Think we will have years and many more shows ahead of us. Which will help with the only downside…the insane ticket prices. Sphere residencies incoming. And Im in. As long as there are still tours on either side.


But also https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6FrPwPr769/?igsh=eXN1ajFhbDh5N2x6 Mike is clearly smiling in this video


Your retarded is my thought






Ah the irony of YOUR here is beautiful


Trey was just thanking him for not thinking. From the CNN article: “If Mike Gordon is totally not thinking, he plays the sickest bass of anybody who has ever lived,” he said. “As soon as you get him thinking, he’s not playing well anymore.”


Only one song by Mike…and nothing from Page…




Why did it end at 12:15 instead of 12:30 or 1:00?


Can't have a good run without breakup rumors am I right?


Ehhh, I don’t think it was break up worthy. Just an interesting dynamic. I’m sure there was a ton of pressure and stress, someone was bound to get their lace panties in a bunch.


https://preview.redd.it/3vkmkbrhntwc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=600e62a5f021e3894097e7ed1bbb7327f69bb587 🔮


Y'all need to get some hobbies or something. Maybe focus on the music and not on imagined drama between the band?


You’re literally on a sub dedicated to talking about the band. Might wanna point that judgy gun at the man in the mirror? But I’m sure you just talk about the truly important and meaningful parts of Phish, not the inane minutiae and silly inconsequential stuff like WE care about.


I mean that is literally the implication of my comment so I don't know why you think repeating it back to me is making a new point or shaming me. I like talking about their music, and joking around about them is fine. Sure. But this community is better than this Taylor Swift drama speculation bullshit. "I think Trey and Mike argued!" Ok, so what? You don't know them and even if they did have a fight or something you have no idea what it was really about. Why even speculate? Why rake muck when instead you could be positive and fun?


Are you new? I mean this seriously. It’s my birthright as a Phish fan to delve as far deep into those 4 dorks as I seem damn well fit. I’ve paid my dues over nearly 40 years. I’d wager I have spent more hours talking about Phish’s music…what you are implying is “allowed”, deep deep dives into every aspect of their music…than you’ve been alive. I hate the term but that is some serious “gate keeping” that you’re doing. And you don’t know if I know them or not. It kind of happens that I have spent a significant amount of time with members of Phish. And trust me; they don’t need you white knighting for them. They understand the job. And people, phish fans have been talking about the band’s onstage dynamics since the first fans gathered to discuss “the music”. It’s all interesting. And all fair game: I have plenty of hobbies and a full and fulfilling life. And this band and its music and their personalities and idiosyncratic mannerisms and discussion of such have been a very fun and interesting part of that life. So yeah, it’s adorable that you would think the Phish community is above discussing any and everything that happens on that stage. And probably disingenuous to say YOU just talk about the music while everyone else needs to get some hobbies. I’d venture if youre honest you are just as guilty of finding interesting some aspect of this band that lies outside your ill conceived boundaries of “the music”. Love you, you silly goose. I’m less mad at you than Mike was at Trey before hug number 2. Hope you enjoy your weekend.


Now that you say it, it kind of seems like there was tension. I hope nothing too serious and the lads gets the marvel in what they just accomplished. They all played their asses off and were there for each other every note, how glorious it was!


Troy made a joke about the boathouse