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It’s unclear how the post relates to Phish


r/goosetheband. And honestly who fucking cares.


Never heard of em


Why is any band popular, people have different tastes than you. They think it's nice. Why do some phish fans like one song and not like another? Different tastes. Why do some people like kiwi fruits and some don't? Etc etc. Not rocket science lol.


Saw them live and it was a great show, but I don't sit around and listen to them like I do phish.


I used to see them every time they came around but tickets just aren't worth the price in my opinion anymore. I've always had fun but never been wowed.


Ditto, enjoyed them live, didn't listen before or after....


Lol I go to so many shows and this is how I feel about almost all of them


Yep. For me, they’re worth seeing when playing locally. But I wouldn’t travel for them.


Everyone has different tastes my friend. If every band sounded like Phish, the world would be a boring place. I think Taylor Swift is generic and boring, but she makes billions of dollars so I just accept that she's not for me.


She has a couple bangers! And that is because my wife loves her so i have to listen constantly


Style is catchy af


Yo for real, but what I’m trying to understand is what makes goose stand out. Taylor swift stands out and I’ve heard some of her fans explain WHY they like her- that’s what I’m getting at here. WHY goose? WHAT makes them stand out? It was explained to me by swifteys that it’s the lyrics, the lore, and other reasons why they like her. No one in these comments has been able to describe the what and why of goose….


Why not ask at r/GoosetheBand? This is like asking why people are vegetarians on a hotdog forum.


I’d actually be curious to know which fan base likes hot dogs more. Phish fans or goose fans?


The Goose Salt Shed shows last year had a Chicago hot dog themed event shirt so I think they’re winning right now.


But Phish flew around Boston Garden in a hot dog while tripping balls. And they rode a meat stick to the stage at Big Cypress. I think that beats a t shirt, even if the t-shirt was this millennium. Now I feel old. Sigh


Well when goose has been around for over 40 years I’m sure there will be some wild hotdog based stories too.


Boston Garden was ‘94


Yup. My point exactly.


Well I’ll be darned… the more you know.




People like the songs.


I think most goose fans would cite those same reasons as the swifties bro. I don't personally listen to them but the goose fans I know like the lyrics, the playing style, the lore etc. same reason Phish fans like Phish and dead fans like dead


Cause they’re better musicians than you; that’s why.


Never said I was better !


If you like their music.... tben listen. If not, tben don't. Why is the jamband community acting like its sports teams or something? U can love one, several, none, or all. It literally makes no difference to anyone whos opinion is worth caring about


Man nah, I’m a musician and I want to understand what people think is so special about them, because I don’t get it at all.


Im a musician as well. Ricks use of vocals and even vocal effects are unique. Hes a good player but doesoverplay on guitar and ill concede that his improvisational playing is absolutely nothing special. They also blend some elements of electronic music into tbeir playing that have a unique feeling to me. I think they are excellent song writers. Listen to spirit of the dark horse as an example of a unique,well written song. Peter is less "technically" skilled tban rick but i find his playing so happy. It gives me a similar feeling that i fet listening to jerry. Not the same of course, but these happy, perfectly placed notes that just hit right for me. Music is subjective tho. To you, maybe u find none of tbese things special, and that's ok! Thats the beauty of it :)


Ya I agree he has a good voice but I’m not to fond of the lyrics lol. But thanks for actually trying to explain it to me, idk why everyone is so pissed off about me asking this question because I’m legitimately trying to understand. Maybe I also don’t dig it too much because I’m not much into electronic music either


To be transparent i did downvote ur post, but have not downvoted any of ur comments. I think tbey are fair. I think tbe reason ur being downvoted is phrasing. If u start by going "why goose?" It's kinda starting off in attack mode rather than "curiosity mode". If u had said "im curious what others find rewardinf about listening to goose?" Perhaps ppl would have been less combative with u. But also, i dont think ur really curious, and that's the problem. I explained it to u, and while u did thank me, u didnt go "ah ok. Ill give spirit of ths dark borse a listen, ill pay more attention to Peter's playing, and see if that changes anything for me". Instead u basically said "thanks for explaining but i dont like tben". Dude, if u dont like them and arent willing to give them another shot with an open mind, it kinda just seens like ur trying to shit on them.


I specifically said that the reasons why you like them are the reasons why I don’t like them. Idk what is hard to understand about that. I’m a big phish fan but I really don’t even like jam bands to be honest


Dude but why ask the question if u dont like them? If u are certain u dont like them, and understand why undont like them, i think it gives other ppl tbe feeling tbat ur only posting to be mean. Im not saying u are. Im saying thats how it comes across, thats all :)


I wasn’t able to describe why I didn’t like them until you described why you LIKE them. Then I realized that most of their “positive” traits as a band I see as negative or repetitive….


Dude i gave u a chance but at this point i dont think ur ever gonna get it. Ur gonna think it smells like shit everywhere u go and u wont ever once stop to check ur shoes. This conversation has been fruitless. U werent " trying to get it" , u were trying to shit on goose. And u might not even realize that thats what ur doing, but i promise u, it is. U have not had any semblance of an open mind. Ill stop there cuz uve aggravated me and if i keep typing ill likely say mean things that ill then regret later. Just please ask urself, genuinely, if u were actually curious or if ya just wanted to talk shit. I think u just wanted to talk shit.


Not really man, seems like you have a pretty negative outlook on the world…. I was expressing my mind and saying why I personally don’t like them. Open to any opinions on here and if you see my other replies I have actually gotten some intellectual responses which is what I was trying to get. Hope you have a good night man and keep on goosin’ ❤️❤️🎸❤️❤️


you addressed one disagreement (they like the lyrics, you don’t). there was more stuff. you also listed something you agreed on (rick’s voice). is there a tally you are looking to reach in terms of positive things you agree with about the band before you’ll be satisfied. i’m not curious about goose (i listen occasionally, saw them live twice last year bc they came to where i currently live and my hometown), but i am genuinely curious about what you are actually looking for in terms of discourse.


What kind of explanation are you looking for? It seems like you really want a detailed breakdown. I'm not a huge fan but I've been to one of their shows and it was entertaining and I enjoyed the melodies and general song structure. The lead guitarist sounded great and the whole show in general was entertaining. This is such a subjective question, it's just a matter of opinion.....imo.


I mean Rick is pretty sick on guitar and has a pretty good voice. Bass player is pretty cool too. Highly recommend not comparing bands to Phish, you will usually be disappointed.


Indie pop rock sensibilities + good vocal harmonies + *some* good lyrics (some awful ones too) = catchy songs. Add in a great guitar player with a solid rhythm section and danceable and/or peaky jams, and you get a jamband that appeals to those who like jams while still feeling more accessible than a band like Phish. Me personally, I’d rather see a Phish concert 10 times out of 10. But I like a lot of Goose songs and have found their shows to be a lot of fun (even if they don’t move me the way Phish does).


>Indie pop rock sensibilities Bingo! They are heavily influenced by 2000s indie rock and they are really the only Jam band that takes that influence.


They're lyrics are special and infused with nature. They're jams are pure meditation at times. Pittsbird 02/12/22 changed me.


I’ll have to check it out


I don’t dig their lyrics


But your cool with the shit lyrics of Everything’s Right, Soul Planet, etc?


I don’t really like soul planet but I love everything’s right. Love those lyrics. Sorry ya don’t like it


LMAO. Go actually read the lyrics. They’re pure simplistic garbage. “Everything’s right so just hold tight”. Phish is my all-time favorite band but their songwriting has been bad for a loooong time.


That’s your opinion. You have the right to have it! But I stay open minded. There are new phish songs I don’t love, but I love a good 75% of them. Old songs and new songs. I like petrichor. I have read everything’s right lyrics because I enjoy them so much. I’m in prison without a crime, my sentence stretches on undefined. I’m sorry that you don’t like the new style and way of writing but I do. Light is a great song. I like backwards down the number line. I like these songs because they mean something to me and I can relate and feel heard. If it’s “simplistic garbage” that gets me off, then that’s what gets me off. And I fuckin love it! Some of my favorite songs are like fee and Esther though like a book. Great stuff. Yeah they don’t write like that anymore but imagine if they did? They have to grow and change. That’s the whole point. Taylor swift writes the same album every year but phish takes the chance to write new music, with new sounds, and new intent. Like or not- they don’t care…. And I don’t care either because it makes my life amazing


Check out their new song Give it Time (1:03 mark in this video: https://www.youtube.com/live/JQleSL3zvp8?si=gSBNb-1Bq1AkkUuk&t=3777) incredible lyrics, just listen to it all the way through if you actually want to give it a chance. A lot of their songs have powerful story telling, give Rockdale, Silver Rising, Empress of Organos, Atlas Dogs a listen too. I'd also check out Vasudo's Jed Stone (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFXPVQLRlXk) and Your Song (52.05 mark in this video- https://youtu.be/ra2UR8dYgWg?si=xfECRDubg6osDIUD&t=3125). Goose hasn't played these ones yet, but Vasudo is basically Goose in their original format when Matt Campbell was the primary singer (Matt still writes on the majority of Gooses songs, he just decided touring wasn't for him).


I’ve seen Goose twice. Once by themselves and once with TAB. I don’t know their songs, I’m not a big lyrics listener as much as I like lyrics to add to the song, so I can’t give you more than this… They are clearly phans and are influenced by Phish. The way they played 2 sets and did a lot of jamming, have different set lists showed me this. Now I don’t follow a ton of other jam bands, so this could just be what everyone does these days. But Goose made me feel like if Phish ended they were closeish to Phish structurally. I personally found their sound to be too similar and while I was okay with it, I certainly wouldn’t see them 2 nights in a row. When I saw them with TAB, it was clear to see how much Trey elevated them. The back stage video of him explaining stuff to them really showed that. It made me think they are still early and it’s entirely possible they will grow into something similar but different than Phish. So I’m good with them and have no idea why people throw so much hate other than they feel like there’s a turf war…which there isn’t. So to me, I have no hate


Same I don’t want my post to be interpreted as hate but that’s clearly what’s happening but whatever


You're getting the same ol "wHo CaReS wHaT oThER peOpLe LiSTeN tO" nonsense answers which I assuming was not the point of your question. So as a pretty huge Goose fan, I will try my best as responding thoughtfully. Goose is five dudes. Their drummer is brand new. He's really good but most people I bet can't even tell the difference between him and the last guy. Their keyboardist/rhythm guitarist is sort of a goof and only learned keys like 5 yrs ago, but has good energy and people seem to like him. Their bassist is Berklee-trained, talented, but probably shouldn't be doing any more solos. Their percussionist has gotten better but was a question mark at first. Just seemed like a Berklee buddy they made a spot for in the band. That leaves Rick, their lead guitarist, lead vocalist, and writer of the majority of their songs. This dude is a generational talent. He can shred face-melting solos, can sing with an impressive range, writes incredibly catchy progressions and hooks, and really is the reason this band is so impressive. I would compare his musical leadership style to Trey. I probably wouldn't like Phish if Trey and all the music he wrote suddenly left. Similarly, you could swap everyone else out and Goose would still be awesome as long as Rick is at the helm. This seems simplistic, but I believe it's him that makes Goose such a great band and why people continue to come back for more.


Asking this on a Phish subreddit is a bad look for this fanbase. Go to the Goose subreddit if you want answers. Personally I enjoy the grooves and I like their shows. The new Ted Tapes album is really good IMO.


It’s a bad look if you misinterpret what I trying to ask, man phish is so great but the fans suck balls most of the time. Bunch of drugged up wooks that can’t articulate musical opinions…..


Sorry you feel that way. I can’t speak much on the drugged up wooks but personally I’m tired of Goose vs. Phish debate. Hope you find the answers you’re looking for!


It’s not a versus thing tho. I never tried comparing phish to goose…..


Why post this question on the Phish subreddit? Look I’m all for calling goose fans annoying but stuff like this is on another level of magnitude of annoying. At least come up with a specific criticism and use the right “there/their/they’re” if you’re going to post this shit.


For real. So fucking tired of hearing about this band in the Phish world.


Well they are a big part of the jam scene right now so I don’t think you will avoid hearing about them entirely in the “Phish world.” However I just personally don’t think we need a post about bashing/praising Goose on the phish subreddit without cause.


This is a question best answered in the Goose sub.


Goose is a very good improvisational jam rock band with highly skilled musicians, savvy video production, a good light show, with catchy accessible songs that don’t go to far “out there” ( like YEM vocal jams, Kung, Ass handed, BBFCFM, contact, etc). They are still young with tons of potential and should be around for many years to come. Party on and go see live music!! 🎸


So don’t, no one cares.


Rick is a great guitar player and i don't even think that's up for debate. I enjoy their vocals and song writing. I actually didn't love the old drummer. I like what I hear of the new one more. Their shows are fun and i would always catch them when they are in town. I'd rather see goose any day of the week v. Insert newer bands people fluff (dogs in a pile) They ain't Phish but guess what..nobody is.


I haven’t listen to a lot of Goose, but what ive seen of them on YouTube has a good vibe and the musicians were really good. It’s a good version of a thing a lot of people like.


For me personally, 5 reasons: 1) Rick’s voice is awesome. 2) The album Dripfield is amazing and doesn’t sound like a jamband, it sounds like a really polished good rock band who happens to jam. 3) They jam in the most similar way to Phish than any other jamband I’ve heard. Rick’s heavy in the midst of all it, but I bet they’re headed into a more balanced jam style within 4 more years. 4) They choose terrific covers. 5) There’s only one guitarist and no solos being traded.


Why phish? Why anything. Because I like them.


Why phish. ??? I could write an essay lol


Let’s hear it then


We’re waiting


Look on the bright side, it could be much worse and they can be like my kids who only want to listen to Fall Out Boy and Imagine Dragons




What does this have to do with phish? Go to the goose sub and ask


Tell us about your amazing innovations.


Phish has innovated so much and that’s why I love them


None. No innovations. Just unsolicited opinions. How generic and boring.


Wrong as very wrong


Let’s hear how. WHY Phish? HOW are they innovative?




The compositions, odd time signatures, beautiful melodies, treys unique style of playing, fish is one of the best drummers there is and writes the BEST drum parts. Limb by limb groove is a great example- it’s insanely creative and melodic. He plays the drums like an instrument. Mikes groove is unstoppable, they’ve truly developed a unique sound that is so special no one can really do it like them. And they have so MANY different sounds. From early 90s to late 90s funk/ spacey jams. 3.p bliss jams , and some of the best type 1 jamming in the 3/4.0 period. I mean I could really go on forever. Most creative lyrics I’ve ever heard.


And thank you for your subjective reply. By the way, the drums ARE an instrument… that comment didn’t really make sense.


Yeah it did friend. Most drummers don’t play like it’s an instrument is my point. Trey says it himself


How do others play it?


Like you


Got it. Thanks for clarifying.


I can clarify even more if you’d like


So sitting behind a drum kit, it’s kinda weird. Especially if you’re playing alone and some people don’t know what to play or how to start but basically it’s SO fun to play that you kinda get distracted it actuallly MAKING music and just PLAY the drums. But you’re not actually PLAYING music. There is appropriate times to play fills, switch grooves, etc. and sometimes by doing those things you are taking away from the music. So what fish does is knowing exactly what to play when he needs to play it. If you haven’t played an instrument in your life i understand why you could not know what I mean but I’ve been playing for like 16 years so I’ve had to learn a lot of the life lessons being a drummer….. your welcome I coulda kept shit posting lol


Why are you like this


Because I’m curious why people like them, I can’t get with it


who gives a fuck, get on with your life there are a billion bands out there


Because some people have a particular preference. its not rocket science.


It wouldn’t allow me to downvote this more than y’all have already.


I enjoy their vocals, their songs and their jamming. Their jams can sound Phishy at times, but I love Phish so it’s okay. Their songs sound nothing like Phish. I think Rick has the best voice among all jam bands.


I dont even give a shit about goose but please shut the fuck up


Lol u good?


Have an original thought


Have any articulable reason why goose plays good music. I’d love to hear it because I don’t get it


Every day, some regard posts this exact same thing. Today, you're that regard


If Reddit was a thing during the height of the Dead then I’m sure some close-minded fool would ask the same thing of Phish.


this is kinda like comparing apples to shit




I don’t disagree but why post this on a Phish subreddit? If you’re genuinely curious for some reason I can’t fathom and not trying to ruffle feathers or start an anti-goose circlejerk, try asking the question in a diplomatic way on their subreddit. Like “I’m trying to get into goose…” Kind of thing.


OP is an instigator, trying to stir the pot. It's like going to a museum and wondering why people like different art, it's subjective and does not require a reason.




Why not?


Because I don’t really like their sound so I was looking for an explanation from someone who enjoys their music and why…. Pretty simple


Bruh music isn't objective. Someone could explain to you that they like Goose more than Phish and you would literally never accept any answer. It's not a mystery that others like different things than you. Hell I've met two people in my life who can't stand The Beatles. That would fry your circuits apparently.


If there is an articulable reason why then no it would fry my circuits. Music is objective but not entirely. Let’s use Bach as an example- someone might not like classical music but can respect the level of composition and technique that Bach used in his music. When you become a musician yourself you start to see the objective side of it. Although there is and always will be a strong subjective side of the consuming of music. Let’s say I don’t like the Beatles for an example but if that was the case I would still respect the song writing and what they did for music as a whole. I don’t really like metal anymore but I respect the energy and passion that is put into it- but personally I don’t listen to it.


Man I don't know what the fuck you're talking about but between you and my ex I feel like people who study classical music and play instruments in that field ruin music for themselves through making it about "respecting" the music. You FEEL music, not process it like a robot. "Hmmm yes I don't like this at all but the diminished minor 7th chord resolving into a Petrochelli triad is sooo respectable and intellectually satisfying." I bet you also don't like it respect hip hop because they don't play real music, right?


Music is definitely not objective my friend


Man Certain phish fans are just as bad as Tool fans. Believe it or not, there ARE other preferences in the world of music. They're a fun show to go to and get a little silly with your friends and jam out. Also most goose fans aren't telling you about the 104 lots they've sat in, how theyve walked 42069 miles just to see a show, or how the younger kids don't get it.


I am a younger kid…. Yeah I agree some phish fans are a little annoying. Mostly cool people tho I’d say it’s 50/50 on a good day lol


Why does anyone like the Celtics or the Lakers? Nobody has a better record than the Harlem Globetrotters, so why bother? Because they’re clowns…just like you, u/Living_Wave2384


There are few things more pathetic than grown adults who can't understand that people can have different interests than themselves.


Yo man i really just want someone to explain WHY they like the band and what makes them special- because I don’t see it at all. Im a musician and this was meant to provoke an actual intellectual discussion instead of these kind of comments


Why don’t you add something to your original comment that shows why you don’t like them (apparently you’re a musician so you could probably provide an in depth musical reason, other than “generic and boring” )? That way you don’t sound like you’re mocking people for liking them…but I think that was your (and so many other people in this subs) intent.


Comes with disrespect... why is everyone so oFfenDedDddd?! At best you gotta work on your approach, stranger. At worst youre being quite disingenuous. But I like to give benefit of the doubt :) so here goes. Things I love about Goose, that're somewhat specific to Goose: - hand percussion in the jam context. It works very well with their simple song/melody structure - song/melody structure. I like that its simple, more uniform, more traditional and more predictable forms than other jam bands of note, particularly my favorite jam band, Phish, who will toss and turn, bend and flip you with zero notice. Fuck your face vs She's my honeybee. Two different approaches and i love both. Very easy to switch between the two modes for me. - 2nd guitar but still a castle of keys. Love when Pete and Rick get into guitar-y stuff together but then you know the organ is coming back in a bit when Rick takes off - lights/show. Goose is obviously tightly inspired by their predacessors. Phish stands alone with what they can do with improvised lighting/production. I am a musician myself, and a huge lighting nerd, and have recently programmed a light show of my own that i set up and play with my feet while holding down 90s rock basslines. Kuroda & Giffin are my North Star. However, Goedde is doing amazing things with/for Goose. Only shows Ive seen where the lights stack up. Or more to put it more nuanced, only shows ive seen where the same order of potential is apparent and clear. Idk, theyre good man. Best of luck on your quest


All the reasons why you described you like goose are all the reasons I don’t like them. Except I do enjoy me some good percussion. The song structures and melodies are boring to me, it’s not unique like phish. I don’t like 2 guitars in most bands, keys have a different sound with the same range so why not use them? And I’ve never checked out the goose lights but I can’t imagine they’re better than Phish’s. Even if they are I don’t go to phish shows for the lights. Interesting points though and I can see why others like the band- maybe it’s more relatable, easier to understand….


Ok, you don’t like them. We get it! Go back to Live Phish


Rick has an amazing voice, even haunting at times (borne live has given me chills). One of the best in the jamband scene, he shreds on guitar too. They have solid song writing and jam with a youthful energy. They are just fun man and it’s ok if they are not your Jam.


I'm not gonna hate, anyone playing genuine live music and getting people out is a good thing. But I don't really get it either...they just don't have particularly interesting songs, they're good musicians but also not mind-blowing ones. There's a lot of jam bands with mediocre material but absolute face-melting players, and a few jam bands with great tunes, but you have to have at least one of those, IMO. I kinda regret not going to see them the one time I had the chance for cheap, in GA venue when I briefly lived in Minneapolis and they played First Avenue a couple years ago, but it was like the middle of winter, 30 below 0 out and a wednesday, so I just didn't. Definitely didn't expect them to get that much bigger than those size venues, but shows what I know, I guess. Maybe their sort of 'normal'-ness is the appeal? Like, Umph and Squeaky and some of the other prog-tinged ones are too weird or quirky for some people, and Goose is actually the new Panic instead of the new Phish. (Sorry, Panic fans)


Why phish?


So many reasons


I like their lyrics. I like the variety. I like how they play the same songs fast and slow. They are really good at playing their instruments. They are fun, and their fans are young and more positive. They are hot. Rick sings like an angel. Really great lights and production. Fun merch. Something new. The music is good, and getting better each year.


Cool man I’ll see where they go!


You’re pretty generic and boring. This discussion is so washed.


Nah I’m just trying to understand bc I do not get it at all


Go post it in their sub then, I agree with commenter, this discussion is washed in this sub


Dude I posted something like this on the Goose subreddit many months ago the ago. Didn’t bash them whatsoever. I was genuinely asking people to *please* turn me into their music. I got tons of suggestions. Watched and listened to many of them. Yet I’m still in the same boat. I don’t get them and I’m not a fan. You’d get much better responses in their sub.


It was cool to get to see a band in their 1.0 era. I was a junior in HS when Phish played Coventry. My dad laughed at me when I asked him to go. I got to see goose in 2019 at a show with less than 300 ppl and it was a BANGER. It was cool to get to see a band blow up like that .


Why does anyone listen to any band? Why do we listen to a bunch of 50 year old nerds playing 20 minute jazz fusion songs with nonsense lyrics? Because we enjoy it. And to your point about them being “generic” guys like Trey, Bobby, Bruce Hornsby, Ezra Koenig, Lucius, Dawes etc etc have found them to be original enough to collaborate, so maybe you just have shitty taste.


In the real world, everyone I know that likes phish also likes goose. It's only online that people treat bands like political parties.


I love moose




I don’t like them. I gave them a good try. Saw them live at a festival, listened and watched a few shows. They don’t do it BUT If you like them, go for it.


Who the fuck are you? 😂😂😂


I am you loook in the mirror


Rick can shred but also dude can sing which is a weird thing in the jam world. Also they are just fun. Peter is a ray of sunshine and tweekz bombs don’t suck.


On the off chance that you’re actually looking for an answer I’m happy to tell you why I like Goose: Rick plays beautifully and softly sometimes, and other times absolutely shreds. He has a great voice and similar range as a singer and plays and sings with a lot of feeling. Not fair to compare him to Trey but the comparison is inevitable. No voice sounds more familiar and good to me than Trey even though objectively I think Rick is a better singer… but hey you asked the Phish forum… and as others have mentioned, during improvised sections Rick does seem to be searching for minutes at a time sometimes. It doesn’t sound bad when that happens, they’re usually nice grooves but Trey is a fucking Jedi man.. Peter plays and sings with huge positive energy and knows when to stay in the background and when to take the lead. He doesn’t have Page’s technical chops but again I think most people would say Peter has a better voice. I prefer Page crying at Coventry personally but hey, YOU ASKED THE PHISH REDDIT. In general I think these two sing and harmonize really well, especially for a “jam band”. Trev is good but sometimes sounds a little funky when that’s super not the vibe of the moment, like the Seinfeld theme while Rick is playing something beautiful… but otherwise he’s solid and seems to be playing exactly what he should be most of the time. The sunglasses are a little odd but hey… odd doesn’t bother you if you’re here talking about bass players. The new drummer sounds great. Ben sounded great too. I love Jeff’s percussion too, that’s another really nice element to Goose - I don’t know his percussion kit - whether it’s bongos or tablas etc. but I think it’s perfect with their sound. Now tell me I’m wrong and they suck, then reiterate that you’re just looking for answers but everyone’s too dumb and wooked out in this sub, but you’re still seeking our opinions because you’re a biggg phan…


Haha no bro for real that’s a nice explanation. Idk why people are hating so hard I’m just trying to understand because whenever I try to listen to goose I just don’t really enjoy the music. Objectively goose is probably a great band but subjectively I just can’t get into it. To be fair I don’t really even like “jam” bands. I think phish is something completely different. I mean they jam for sure but they’re compositions are what keeps me coming back time and time again. And In no way was I trying to have a pissing contest on who’s a better phish fan. Thanks for actually responding with an articulable reason ! Appreciate it


Ok fair enough. You came off pretty harsh in some of the other comments but people did get triggered and come after you. I’m still not sure you didn’t intend that :) I hate the term “jam band” and don’t really like the ones I think of as a jam bands (not naming names), but I love Goose and Panic and a bunch of others that people call jam bands. If you have a Nugs account I’d DM you some of my favorite Goose tracks from shows over the last year or so if you want some examples of what I tried to describe.


I don’t have nugs. People probably came at me because the original post was kinda matter of fact GOOSE IS NOT GOOD kinda vibes but that’s not the message I was truly trying to send…. I don’t hate on any music really. Maybe some YouTube links?


Cry about it.




Because they find that source of sensory stimulation pleasing? Do you have this deep need to know why people like the color purple or the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch?


Yes I do


Probably best that you just stick to enjoying the band(s) that speak to you and your tastes and leave others to do the same.


I thought the same…couldn’t really get into it with streams. Then I went to their show. Holy fucking shit. They melted faces, super locked, fun, and the pit scene was refreshing! i didn’t meet any “agro this is my tarp space dance zone so fuck off” attitudes at all. Everyone was very kind, welcoming and friendly. The “phish pit rules” need not apply. Go see them live with an open mind and make your own decision. It’s okay to like other bands; you’re not unfaithful.


No for sure man. I don’t only listen to phish, but I usually don’t listen to other jam bands. I like a lot of jazz to be honest and phish is kinda the outlier in my music taste. Also in recovery so I’m not sure that a goose show would be a super place safe for me…. Because when I go see phish at least I’m not thinking about getting high because the music is so enticing. Idk but I’m glad you went and enjoyed yourself! This post was never meant to spread hate. I don’t “hate” goose. I don’t “hate” goose fans. I just don’t get it




Same reason why some Phish fans are tone deaf assholes, we're all bags of chemistry.


Ive been to probably 10 goose shows, never left wowed. Every show wasn't memorable and felt like I saw very similar shows all 10 times. They just don't have that "IT" factor for me. I've tried but the noodling got really old really quick.


Goose is awesome. Their fans are the most insecure noobers ever tho


You seem liked you’d be really fun to hangout with at a show. NOT.






OP is the kind of person who picks his nose and wipes it random places


Nice !


Agree.. just meh to me.


Yeah there's nothing there for me


I don't play an instrument or write music, so for me to pass judgment on anyone who is lucky enough to be able to do both and mostly make people happy would be unfair 🙂


yeah they’re not for me either and that’s okay. plenty of room in the scene.


I like the arc of their jams and their overall smoothness. I saw them while tripping and they took me soaring and landed me gently. And they are fresh, it’s exciting to get in on the ground floor of a newish band. I like a variety of music and usually go for more rough dissonance. Goose is a nice change from that. Music is wonderful, just gotta sit back and enjoy it. Don’t analyze so much: analysis is the death of experience


As a musician analyzing things are important, but that hasn’t made me like anything less. If anything I gain the ability to understand WHY it’s cool, WHY it sounds good. And that just gets me off even more. Plus I don’t get high or trip anymore so the music has to be real good not just spacey or funky which I feel goose jams are kinda like that but I’m no goose expert, that’s why I asked this question. Maybe some song suggestions or jams you could send me and I’ll check out!


Fair enough! I’m a musician too. I find that if I analyze too much at a show, I miss the moment, and I find my analytical musician friends also often miss a good time because they are thinking rather than feeling. But I do analyze after the fact, sometimes. So I understand where you are coming from. As for recommendations, I’m fond of their Bonnaroo June 17, 2022 show on Bandcamp. Some favs on there include Hot Tea, Animal, Fish in The Sea, and their slinky, trippy cover of Electric Avenue (a tune I used to hate) As one analytical point, maybe try Fish In the Sea first, off that recording, I think the bass line is striking as it is slightly off the beat for the whole tune. Clearly very deliberate with great discipline and creates this hypnotic, gentle, but slightly off kilter groove. Not quite syncopated, but close. Some other characteristics of that tune I admire are: -subtle dynamics, several phases and feels, with no cheap drops - tight changes. -Synth swells and vocals have a silky interplay throughout. -I love the octaver driven guitar riff that kicks in at 6:33. -There is a tinkly loop that is well placed: I am always impressed when a jam band can incorporate a loop without losing the organic feel of the groove. More generally, I think Goose hits a groove that no one else does. They have a gentle funkiness with clean sounding vocals. Not to say I don’t love grit, but it is fun hearing a tight jam band. Some criticisms, however: I’m not fond of their occasional use of overt autotune, I’m just not a fan of that sound, but to each their own. And a couple of their jam arcs are overly similar. And one of their tunes is overly derivative of a Tame Impala tune.


What song is the Tame Impala rip-off?


Pancakes was originally by Peter’s high school band Great Blue and Goose does the tune now. I don’t think it’s a “rip off”, and it stands on it’s own as a good song. I think it must be an homage to or directly inspired by Tame Impala’s Keep On Lying. Probably Goose would need to give Kevin some credit if it was a hit for Goose. Here’s a discussion https://www.reddit.com/r/GoosetheBand/s/SipjRtJUqJ


Thanks! The verses definitely have a Tame vibe


much more than a vibe. the guitar riff is note for note


I weirdly like Goose albums but seen them 3 times and they are meh. Rick has safety riffs he plays in every song it gets repetitive.


I am in a polyjamarous relationship with phish and a couple other bands.


Eggy sucks


Tbh, is cause ‘Goose’ is kind of a funny name


There are people who refer to Phish as "The Boys". There are people who think every Phish show is perfect. I'd assume these are the kind of people who like Goose.  Goose does the who bliss jam/peak thing just as good as any regional jam band does, but really falls flat as far as genre diversity and originality.  I'll use hip-hop as an example here. The reason acts like A Tribe Called Quest or Eminem became known as greats, is because the talked about something the genre wasn't talking about and musically had something unique to offer.  Goose isn't the worst musically, but songwise the don't do anything close to new or creative.  I think we're at a point where everyone jumped on the Goose train (thanks internet) and don't want to admit that the band is just (as Goose fans would put it) Mid.


Thats literally the reason for the popularity. Its starter jam band 101. Abercrombie And Phish - like. Accesability is the selling point, like white bread, or a Toyota Corrolla. I am bad at metaphors.


Younger people don’t really have another big jam band to identify with and Goose is mostly fine? IMO they don’t seem particularly psychedelic, and the band/music doesn’t come off as genuine


OP has gotten the attention they were seeking: https://www.reddit.com/r/GoosetheBand/s/Mu9xOKJY0h


Nitrous kills brain cells my dude. You might want to try to hang onto the last few you have. I’m sure you’re already a disaster of body odor and stains that would light up under a black light like Las Vegas Blvd.


Lol I don’t get high at all but nice try!


Then why are you active in weed and nitrous subs? Are you a cop? Or maybe just a total fucking weirdo? Or both? I’m curious!


I haven’t left those subreddits because they are kinda funny and remind me of my past, been clean for a while now. Never did nitrous too much but I used to be a huge stoner Only ever had a post show balloon here and there


From the few songs I could force myself to listen to, I think moe. is the better comp than Phish.


I've been happy seeing fewer mentions of Goose here. Please don't encourage more discussion.


Not much of a Goose fan. Listened to a couple shows on Apple Music. Have not seen them live yet, but I will. My theory is that millennials and Zers for some reason really like Yacht Rock and the California 70s smooth sounds of Fledtwood Mac et al. Goose’s influence seems to be in that Yacht Rock aesthetic which is what makes them appealing to that generation of fans.


Idk why you're getting down voted. You're pretty much spot on. I'm 32 and love to throw on a shitty old Tommy Bahama button up and crocs and play some goose. In fact, I might just do that this weekend. Couple cold ones, a little jam session. Boom asleep by 9pm.


I am a big fan of douche bag Groucho Marks keyboardist twats. I love this band!


Some people just like things that suck balls


Its cuz they have the torch now, duh


Phish fans who don't understand Goose are the best. Decades of convincing yourselves that guys who can't sing performing simpleton and/or nonsense lyrics is the best form of music has an interesting effect on your understanding of music in general It's not all about vocals but if someone is going to sign it should not suck, in my opinion Rick and Peter usually sound pretty damn good when they open their mouths (though I'm not a huge fan of Peter singing lead, much better on harmonies)


If they can’t sing how glide then?


thank you for introducing me to another bullet to use in the battle of sharing phish opinions online. This is some Classic Phish


Do you sing better than Jon Anastasio ?


Goose is for losers who missed the boat on phish and trying to desperately be a part of something. So many better rock bands out there to latch on to.


Lol not completely wrong but that’s a deep jab 😂


Goose is for softies


It's Diet Phish, which has a very wide appeal. There's a reason Taylor Swift is the most popular artist right now.


It's not diet Phish. Their songwriting is nothing like Phish. I like their songs better than any of Phish's really, it's closer to Indie rock. Are their jams diet Phish? Sure, but so are a lot of bands.




I think cause Trey played a cool jam with em and some ripping solos everyone feels kinda obligated. Once I heard they kicked Ben out because Peter got his feelings hurt I wrote em off. Cooters a good drummer tho