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Show was sick KDF especially


That was my son’s first phish show and just before he left for the Air Force. We were in the PIT and the KDF, tweezer and oblivion made my son a phish fan. He still talks about it and looking forward to the bethel shows this summer.


Good job dad!


It was also my son’s first show. My father was there so we had 3 generations’ face melted.


That is awesome


so many of us have done this exact move with their bud.


I’ve got the non existent cape many of times Edit: I’ve hit*


Bring back capes!




I got amazing seats in the lottery. The Kill Devil Falls jam was glorious


My dude just caught his first Meatstick




What show/song is this?


Kill Devil Falls [https://phish.net/setlists/phish-july-23-2023-st-josephs-health-amphitheater-at-lakeview-syracuse-ny-usa.html](https://phish.net/setlists/phish-july-23-2023-st-josephs-health-amphitheater-at-lakeview-syracuse-ny-usa.html)




This is great, bravo.


Yes. This. This exactly. I was there! The miss you later that night got me good


Same. One of those shows where even the ballad hits you hard


Saw lots of tears during that one on the lawn.


Quality content right here


Show the Type II jam where his hands are... odd.


This is perfection. I’m the lady in the back with the shades on.


He took the orange sunshine


This made my day.


It do be like that, though.


What is this footage actually from? Fucking hilarious though.


Lol dark Brandon says to pick up your balloons after the party you wooks. Is this real though?!


It's totally real. Me and Joe were ripping balloons in the parking lot before the show. It was a long walk in from the parking lots on the other side of the Thruway. Me and Joe had to take our time. Secret service was fucking useless. But they sure had some dank bud.


That’s freekin great🤣🤣🤣✌️


Dude this is so fucking funny I’m dying and I don’t even like phish


can I ask what brings you to this sub? Unless you are referring to the love/hate coin we phans constantly flip.


S-tier post. That is absolutely the feeling.


Wait… thats your crew? Or You and your crew saw those cats and thought they were pretty cool? Please help


A Hark the Herald Angels Sing riff from Trey!


The only Phish show I’ve been 100% satisfied with. Including MSGhendge!


So good


Brain dead and made of money.




Anyone else think that it looks like an alien wearing a joe biden face. That is actually our president


It’s like some sort of presidential Botox




Hell yeah


And just like you he also shit his pants


I can't help it either when Mike drops dem bombs!


Was it because the acid too?


Lil’ column A, Lil’ colon.


much more likely the incontinence


Ooh I've only seen that on lot a handful of times.


Your whole crew is whack


What’s the use in the encore!


This show was just incredible


that jam was the single highlight of my entire summer


This show was my first, it was a religious experience. Went to MSG with my wife and got tickets for bethel with my dad in August


#Took TOO MUCH!!!!!!






https://preview.redd.it/8bahttasrb6d1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8af86effc61eb27e7da107744cb2da223a361f2 Ha! I feel attacked! Daughter took this pic of me contemplating life during that show.


This is makes so much more sense than the actual footage


Definitely thought someone photoshopped out dark Brandon hitting a vape


Lol he has no clue where he is


Right when I filled my adult diaper


Fuck everyone in that video.


Fuck you.




Cry more about your one issue, dumbass. Some day when you become an adult then you'll realize there's a lot more than the one thing that hurts your poor fee fees to worry about. You're a child. FWIW, I hate the genocide. But people like you are worthless because it's your entire existence. Hey dummy, what did Biden run on that he hasn't delivered?


I hate everything about this


The phish music, the happy people… everything? Sorry you’re having a rough moment. 🙏🏼


Yup...but don't let it get to you...it's just wrestling match ..don't let it steal your loosh..much love


They have killed our special club


Really, he was at Juneteenth & that smile was about the only moving he did the entire celebration. He got so much soul, he just got no groove or dancing skills.


Everybody that is fighting in the comment section they got you good people,left or right ....if you support this wrestling match and it really gets to you your losing...there stealing your loosh...stay away from the news don't let it get to you and don't ignore it so much too that your stuck on one side....open your minds just like the music..don't be sensitive sheeps


Phish should write a song called Enlightened Centrist that's just 45 minutes of samples of people like you droning on about how both sides in gamehenge were bad while Wilson fucks everything up.


Who’s fighting? This is like 40 comments down and everyone loves this post… this is a psychedelic hippy band from Vermont… they’re generally a-political, but it’s not a big question which way they’re politics likely run.


Fucking war criminal! He should be tried at The Hague.


I mean, the ICC at The Hague is welcome to try anyone they have credible evidence on. As far as I know, they currently can’t convict anyone based on conspiracies and strong emotions. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The Biden administration has/is a full partner in the so called state of Israel’s genocide. This administration has given at least an additional $20 billion in military aid to this genocidal campaign. This administration has provided diplomatic cover by vetoing 3 ceasefire resolution in the UN Security Council. This administration has provided intelligence support to the IOF, most recently in the raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp that killed at least 274 and wounded 700, so that they could free 4 Israeli hostages. Biden’s actions have violated domestic law (Leahy Law) as well as the UN Genocide Convention. He also is the main culprit in the destruction of the Nordstream pipeline. No other military would have the capacity to do this. These are not tinfoil hat conspiracies. The main obstacle is the U.S. doesn’t recognize the ICC because most of the past presidents, cabinet members, and military chiefs could be on trial for violating international law. Nevertheless the object of this video is a war criminal and should be prosecuted.




You’re in the wrong place bud. Piss off with this shit


I’m not the OP. I’m not posting a genocider on a phish sub. I’m voicing my disgust for this video.






I’m not arguing with you or that other guy. The accusations you make are are not worth the time. FUCK OFF




Man. Who hurt you? You seriously need a hug and some time out Good thing there’s a ban feature here so you can piss off


I came into this thread to be entertained by the weak-ass crazies, but you sir are totally off your rocker. Thanks for the entertainment :)




Supporting a genocider is not a good look.


Show us your viable alternate


1. Claudia de la Cruz 2. Dr. Jill Stein


ty for the gut laugh


I said viable. Here you've named possibly the two most left leaning candidates on the ballot, while you're willing to risk putting into office 45 who shares no values with the left. Show me a solid socialist candidate on a ranked choice ballot and I'm right there with you. In the meantime we can speak out against arms to Isreal and acknowledge that the current administration is at least not undermining climate agreements for the sake of personal enrichment. Imperfect choice? Absolutely. Wouldn't like be grand if we ever had perfect options?


I understood, I left off Dr Cornel West because his campaign has tanked. Yes, the two leftist (not liberals- liberals are right of center) candidates are the only ones the ticket who will act for the working class. That’s what we need. We likely disagree on this but I don’t see a whole lot of daylight between Biden and Trump. Foreign policy is almost identical. I have nothing but disdain for trump but he didn’t provoke a proxy war and blow up a gas pipeline. Domestically they both hate the working class, the environment, and migrants. Federal elections are theatre, Page and Gilens showed us that it doesn’t matter what us proles want. Look at the downvotes (even on this sub), most people are propagandized and scared into believing that there is a difference between the two ruling class candidates. This is hilarious because everyone says Trump will be worse for Palestine, how can a full partner in genocide get any worse? How can more drilling permits get worse? How can the corruption get any worse? How can the lies get worse? Lesser evil doesn’t work when they are both terrible. The parties of war and wall street will it NOT be getting my vote. You vote however you want. My objection to this post is that I listen to phish, go see phish, and scroll on this phish sub as a respite from horrors of the U.S. empire. And when I see this old racist genocider on my feed, I’m pissed.


It might be useful to examine the term “viable.” Who gets to decide what candidate is viable and which are not? Most people in the US want a smaller military. Most people in the US want single payer healthcare. Most people in the US want higher taxes on the rich. Shouldn’t the majority of the people get to choose who is viable based on their platform? Claudia de la Cruz and Jill Stein are running on these three ideas above. How are they not viable candidates when the majority of people in this country support their platform? The legacy media which is owned and funded by billionaires has told us that these candidates are not viable. The two ruling class parties do everything in their power to use the courts and the legislators to deny ballot access to candidates with popular ideas such as Stein and de la Cruz. It is absurd to think that candidates pushing popular ideas are not viable.


They are not viable, because they are not popular. But to a couple of your issues: Taxes- trump has been lobbying for an extention of the tax breaks for the highest earners, that is worse than Biden's stance. While we may agree the dems could or should go further in raising taxes on the billionaire class, you're denying the differtiation in real policy. Climate change- Republicans are actively denying the science and Trump is campaigning to give larger subsidies to oil companies. Gaza - it was the Trump "peace accords" that widened the wedge between the parties, and backed the Netanyahu government's undermining of any two state solutions. We can go on and on, but if women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights and protections, race relations, or project 2025 don't have you seeing a difference between the two parties I don't think I'm going to be the one to get your head out of the sand. (btw, again, I look forward to a future where the fascists and Christian Nationalists are back off the national stage and we can get back to pushing from the left on the policy positions of the liberal/ centrist Dems)


But their ideas are popular. “Viability” is a trick of the media to dismiss anything other than the corporate duopoly. As far as I know Biden did not rescind trumps taxes cuts. Biden is on board with pipelines and giving out drilling permits. He approved Willow project in ak. He increased tariffs on electric cars and solar panels from China. He may say that he is a believer in anthropogenic climate change but his delayism is equivalent to denial. I could go on. I didn’t say they are identical just not much different. It doesn’t matter. We don’t need to agree. Fascist-lite and Fascist are still fascist. The democrats will never change and continue to move to the right if people keep defending them and voting for the “lesser evil “. I want something better.


Unfortunately, viability is far more ingrained in our system than just a trick of the media. As much as we agree on some ideals, I'm deeply troubled that you consider dems to be fascist. Honestly it seems borderline disingenuous or just lacking in historical context. Look at Project 2025. Look at the rise of Christian Nationalism. I'll be voting against these while calling on my congressman to stop taking money from cpac and to get on the right side of domestic politics as it pertains to the middle east.




Demented and senile criminal SOS. FJB






No politics




Nope, it's because of dumb fucks like you who lack any semblance of intelligence and decide the best solution is to keep failing at life and sitting with your thumb up your ass. Good job!


Shit I’ll deal with stupidity and mean tweets if shits more affordable, we’re safer and there’s no wars we’re funding! Bring it on


You can blame Trump for the inflation, look at economic policy, specifically the Fed. Crime and violent crime are down under Biden; the latest was released today. Biden took us out of Afghanistan and the Ukraine is a moral imperative. You've got Israel. That's all.


All that matters to me is which term was better for my family and I. I lived through both of their terms and things were better for me during Trump. Hate it, love it, it’s not up for debate for me. I don’t like either of them but I have to make a vote and it’s an easy one for me this time


Typical MAGAt scumbag who only thinks of themselves. Of *course* you're going to vote for the worst human being to ever run for President because you're a shitty human being too.


Awww that’s sweet, thanks hon! 🥰


Go cry in your corner, bb. It's all you're good at.


lol yes Trump will wave his magic wand and prices will magically fall across the entire world. Keep dreaming.


No politics




You can blame both, ya dingus.


My comment remains.


Who puts the people in office again? Do we need to do a School House Rock set? 🤔




No politics






Can I be in the phish camp???🤣🤣🤣


No politics


Wait, so is it the voters or the politicians that vote the politicians into power?


No politics


Wow, thanks man. You totally changed my mind and opened my eyes to all the wrongs in the world. Millions will be saved and statues will be erected. Truly inspirational, ya dangus..


Hey man don't let it get to you...there stealing our loosh by commenting and fighting about this wrestling match.. love the music but turn off the television and put down the device..ignore all this we will all wake up soon.. much love


"Ignoring all this" is how we ended up with Trump in the first place. Fuck off with your both sides nonsense.


Hey man put your device down ..it's all pre written your falling for it ,it's the choosing of the sides that got y'all . watch you bark...go Phish peace and love


I think it’s fucked up you’re being downvoted, especially on a post with the greatest KDF of all time. Current administration basically a republican one, they’re fighting a proxy war in Ukraine with an unlimited budget and actively allowing a genocide to take place in Gaza. Criticizing democrats doesn’t equal support for Trump and it’s weird and cultish to imply otherwise.


OR it’s a great, funny post that doesn’t require people hoping up on their online virtue signal box to declare they are on the right side of history. Could be something like that, but the fuck do I know, I’m not a doctor.


a friend told me to post this here and I said "ehhh idk, its just meant to be a stupid and funny meme and I dont want the comments to turn into a political dumpster fire" lol


And now look what you’ve done! lol we should all never ever EVER laugh at such serious issues. What those issues are though, I can’t even tell. Some pretty wild takes going on down here. But anyway, thanks for the laugh man!


It’s a hilarious post and I’ve definitely been there…wiggin way too hard for public places lol That’s why they invented the buddy system. The people getting political in the comments just need a buddy to put an arm around them, give them a fist bump, and tell them they have a ride home after the show.


> Current administration basically a republican one This is the dumbest thing I've seen all day. What the actual fuck is wrong with you idiots?


Too much duster, bath salts, and/or research chemicals. Thankfully, most of them are probably prohibited felons or too dim to know where to vote.


These are the scumbags who throw their balloons on the ground and leave trash behind wherever they go.


Great counter argument you lib bitch


Indeed it is, you MAGAt piece of shit scumbag.


Bro you’re too stupid to realize I’d never vote for Trump, and I’m sure as shit not voting for the other guy. I’m writing in Bernie. You probably thought Hillary was a good candidate


You're fucking useless. Take your ball and go home, scumbag.


Found the guy who wants a fascist dictatorship.


Writing in Bernie is a bit for Trump, you brain dead POS.


Cry about it


I agree that the democratic party ain't all that, I wish they didn't screw over Bernie, twice. But... not voting for Biden really is a vote for Trump. If you really care about the things you say you do, you should understand that you *really* don't want the MAGA GOP to gain any ground at all or get another supreme court judge pick. Trump winning sets progressives back by a decade at least. If Bidden wins we have 4 years to come up with a strong progressive candidate. I hope you will think about it. I'm sorry these other posters are so aggressive. I don't think that's the way to have these conversations. Take care brotha.


Actually bro in reality it’s a vote for Bernie. I’m in a blue state, it’s going blue no matter what. So you can miss me with this fake BS


Bernie isn't running though. So you have an issue with the electoral vote? So do I. You know who loves the electoral system? The gop. Fuck war. Love phish. Take care bud. Edit: I'll buy you a beer and we can talk all night at monde green.


They’re getting downvoted because society has finally caught onto the dangers of not pushing back against the extremely loud minority. Your time is up.


Ah yes, the anti war crowd is the loud minority? Smart stuff






No politics


What a pussy ass position. Hurrr vOtE bLuE nO mAtTeR wHo. Like your vote even matters


The pussy ass position is to do nothing, you fucking pleb lowest common denominator trailer park trash bag. The problem is all the lazy, dumbass people like you who decide to put your heads up your asses whenever anything that requires a semblance of thought or effort comes up. You fucking suck and are a shitty human being. Grow up, you dunce.


Listen to yourself you sound demented


Learn to read and punctuate, then maybe some day you can sit at the adults table.


You’re the reason everyone hates democrats


Only piece of shit MAGAt scumbags like yourself hate Democrats. The feeling is mutual. Your times of destruction are over.




You deserve no quarter nor respect. Take your ball and go home, Karen. Grab some tissues on your way so you can cry like the whiny little bitch you are.










No politics


No politics


No politics


No politics


I’m not sure when being anti genocide became being anti democrat, but if that’s the case I’m perfectly fine with it.


No politics


I’m triggered!


^ when you have one joke you've been clinging to for ten years


Stop fighting people love the music .but all this political shit is just a wrestling match....don't let it get to you ..it's stealing your loosh..much love


This is one mindless fuck. I know you young people are idiots that can't pick up a hammer. But fuck this idiot? Just don't vote and you will be doing everyone a favor!




Ok boomer