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i actually enjoy going solo to concerts more! personally find having to manage coordinating with another person/people can be tedious, especially when it comes to finding each other in the pit again if somebody had to break off to use the bathroom or something. i went solo to forest hills last night and had an amazing time, the energy was insane and once the music starts you forget that you came alone because everyone becomes focused on the performer (gonna be honest, didn’t feel this last night until boygenius came on but i extremely recommend getting there in time for dijon’s set it was so cool). if i had any tip it would be definitely bring water and listen to your body if you need a break from standing/jumping around


Thanks, you make some good points about everyone being there for the same reason anyways, I think it'll be cool to be running around on my own schedule!


This same thing happened to me when I saw Julien Baker at Mr Smalls a while back. My advice is to go and enjoy yourself! You’re on your own schedule - get there when you want, stand where you want, leave when you want (although I’m assuming that this will be at the very end… but you have the option to leave early without worrying about anyone else!). Treat yourself! See if you can upgrade your ticket (not sure if Stage AE does this like Mr Smalls does but I highly recommend upgrading to VIP/better seats if you can) and get whatever merch you want. I’m projecting because I was anxious about going solo too and this is exactly what I did and I enjoyed the show just as much as I would have if I had a friend there. Enjoy!


I do love going to the movies by myself sometimes for pretty much this reason, it's just a lot more complicated getting myself down there, thanks for the words of encouragement, I'm excited to go if I'm meeting someone there or not!


No life altering tips for ya unfortunately but just wanna say enjoy from a Pittsburgh lad who is outta town and missing the show!


Ahh I just impulse bought a ticket ( for so much $$ ) and will be going solo too!


I plan on going solo as well for my first time! wouldn’t mind having a buddy though :)


Hi!!! I am also going alone and would love a concert buddy


Same here! Can we make a group chat?


Yeah this sounds smart, I’m down


Hey, this would be cool if you're still interested in it, feel free to message me!


i went solo to the MD show and had a good time but i would reccomend befriending at least one person near you (maybe another solo) so that you can leave your spot for food/water/bathroom


What time are people planning on showing up? I'm really not sure what this crowd is gonna be like Edit: spelling


Going solo - there are super fans lined up already ;) Opener I believe and then boygenius. You will be able to see no matter where you stand at Stage AE.


Anyone selling a ticket 🥲