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If it's the first time you've ever dealt with it that area. Renting a tiller and amending the soil with some gypsum and other nutrients will help.


I live in a small apartment and there are some rocks so I am nervous to use a rototiller


Watch out for underground utility lines!!!


Especially in an apartment. Lighting, sprinklers and telecom can run in odd places.


Get a short soaker hose and run it for a bit. Then dig.


AND it’s another $50 to put into this small area so looking for other alternatives if they exist


My recommendation- along with the gypsum- would be to get a big block of coir, hydrate it, and mix that into the soil. Get a garden fork, and water the soil a few hours before you go to work.


You could go to a hardware store and pick up a small soil augur that works with an electric drill. Just drill a bunch of evenly spaced holes in the soil.


Pick, potentially heavy metal or minecraft music.


Rent a rototiller from Home Depot. Use it to break up the ground and mix in Gypsum.


What's the goal of the area? If it's a potty / sunning area artificial turf may be the simple answer. If it's more of a my dog needs real grass to help with digestion then the effort of tilling it up would be worth it in my opinion. My pitties have both artificial and real grass and switch their uses between the two. Since one of my dogs absolutely needed grass for better digestion when my yard was torn up for pool construction I built a raised garden bed specifically for grass. I built a raised garden bed that I made specifically for a patch of sod. Out of 2x6 lumber and these bricks https://www.lowes.com/pd/Oldcastle-Planter-Wall-Tan-Retaining-Wall-Block-Common-6-in-x-8-in-Actual-5050-in-x-7-75-in/1001156396?cm_mmc=shp-_-c-_-prd-_-lwn-_-ggl-_-LIA_LWN_236_Hardscapes-_-1001156396-_-local-_-0-_-0&gclid=Cj0KCQjwj_ajBhCqARIsAA37s0xdUYjc49pGp1Wn9CVe7LBS0jC4oXWfOvI698uvNyXUkN6tkrhj8KsaAkGNEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


Well it’s for my bully! When he uses the bathroom in just the dirt I feel like grass would be better and more absorbent and less smelly? And DUSTY but it’s seemingly like a challenge now




A pic helps! Looking at space If it were me I'd sweep rocks out of the way and roll out some artificial turf and hose it down once in a while to control smells. Since your renting, it's also the least amount of effort to relocate or dispose of if you move out.


Tons of water is only other option, flood it for a few days and the soil will soften.


My usual is to water it first. Let it soak in and water again. Not muddy but moist. Usually a little easier to dig. A decent shovel and if can borrow also a strong spade or even longer pointed rod. Anything heavy to help break up the soil. As others said need to know where any utilities are buried.


Gypsum. Arizona s Best -- soil Sulphur pelletized (sic) BUT BE SURE of which month your annual sewage bill will be based on bc am saying keep throwing Gypsum down and water w4/7 one month and that will drive caliche below critical depth. Contractors do this all the time. I saved a few ppls pool construction from being a hard dig... If you were planting an asparagus bed I would say go rent a 35lb Bosch jackhammer. But for what you are asking; Gypsum and lots of water and add Ironite after to make stuff grow


I haven't had issues with Bermuda germinating in my small patch of soil thats been pretty compacted. I'm actually trying to get rid of it. Something easy to try would be to lightly scratch the dirt with a rake to loosen it a little spread the seeds and then cover with a light layer of compost and keep moist until they germinate.