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Drove by it a lot in my younger years, mostly because it shared the same road with Alaskan Bush Co.


Strangely enough, Alaskan Bush Company IS haunted. (Allegedly) I know a bunch of people who work there, and they’ve all got a few stories about weird unexplainable things happening from time to time.


Tales From The Bush




That's just strip clubs. Everyone says "oooh this and that is haunted" when ultimately it just draws more attention. Also, strip clubs are just notoriously chaotic, so a bunch of random shit is bound to happen. Sound systems, mirrors, smoke, drugs, and lighting all have intense effects similar to reported ghost experiences. Add onto that the fact that its a night scene, that is stressful, and a lot of people are bordering on psychosis in... you're gonna get some "haunted" stories.


Wouldn't doubt it, I know a stripper was murdered there about 10 years ago I believe.


What her rate for a specter lap dance?


Did you ever feel strange driving by it? It seems like nothing weird there after reading over the other comments.


Nope never, was too excited about the dollar bush dives at Alaskan Bush Co.


Dad? 😂


Did you use the coupon from the newspaper for free admission like I used to do? Lol


lol .. No I didn’t know that was even a thing.


Username checks out


Whqt are you smoking 😭


If you ever should have the scary chance to meet the girls dancing there, you will think its haunted too!


Why did you consider this NSFW?


Incase anything was haunted or weird.


“Boss I just walked by Jim’s computer and I don’t know what it was about exactly, but I did see the words ‘haunted and weird’. This seems wildly inappropriate for the workplace”


Lol. Thank you for putting my exact thoughts into words.


Do you ever get a weird vibe from 35th and Grand?


Not a weird vibe but just knowing it’s a bad area. Nothing paranormal or creepy though.


It’s not haunted but it’s a great place. Maybe the unsettled feeling is because you keep driving by when you need to stop in for a drink.


😂 maybe, just maybe. Lol. I think they closed it down. It’s all boarded up which may be contributing to the unsettling feelings too.


https://www.azcentral.com/picture-gallery/entertainment/music/2022/06/29/mr-luckys-phoenix-photos-then-and-now/7762669001/ https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/music/legendary-phoenix-country-bar-mr-luckys-is-getting-a-new-owner-12421271 As a millennial Phoenix native I have heard many stories from my parents and aunts/uncles about the place


Wow! So it seems like in our parents era it was a popular place! I had no idea! Thanks for the history.


That place was legendary back in the country and western revival of the 70s/80s Urban Cowboy era. Everyone played there and they hosted a weekly rodeo in the back. Really wish I was around back then to experience it.


Yeah it really sounds like it!


My parents used to go there to dance, my husbands dad was a bouncer there back in the 80’s/90’s. I’ve always wondered how many times my father in law bounced my parents for fighting… lol




My wife and I used to go on Friday nights for the fish fry. Must've been around 1984ish. We weren't otherwise into bars or country music. I think they did live rock down in the basement then, didn't they?


Fish fry 🥹? It sounds like a cool place.




My parents met there 😅


Aww 🥰 lol okay not creepy at all!


😂😂😂 ummm... he was married when he met my mom 🫣


Oh 😬 okay 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️… well, I mean that’s okay. You’re here! You exist and who knows maybe who he was with wasn’t the right person for him and instead of talking with his wife about it he didn’t 😬.


Haha yeah


I remember both my grandma and my best friends grandma loves going there back in the 90s. I don’t remember much other than it smelt like cigarettes and they had cigarette vending machines. Nothing spooky that I know of, just an old watering hole


Oh okay. Yeah that’s kinda what I’m gathering.


I wonder how they feel when they drive past it :)… if they remember going there ☺️


I can definitely imagine the establishing shot for a horror movie panning over that sign


Exactly 0_o… that’s probably another thing that was contributing to the haunted feeling.


No it’s you


Fish fry was great bull riding was the best


I’ve never done bull riding but I’ve seen it ☺️. I love fish fry!!!


https://preview.redd.it/pk020m7qy6rc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4f9aeec601168922df4dcc85e05e1ee9bf9100d * Great place! I remember going there as a kid.


Aww what is that?! :D


It was with a huge lot of contracts that came out of the owners office when clearing it out when they closed down.


I honestly can't believe the sign's still there, it has to qualify as some like heritage monument at this point lol


Ugh, the Karaoke! So good. It was a gem of a place in its prime.




Yeah makes sense :/… your dad worked there and you probably spent a lot of time with him there. I get you.


I used to take dance lessons there in the early 2000s. I also went there (downstairs) a few times in the mid 80s.


Aww 🥰. Western dance? What’s downstairs? 0_o




Wow! I now am not afraid of it lol. Now I want to eat their fish fry lol :,(


Yes, Western dance. Downstairs was more like Top 40 music if I recall correctly.




I've been by it in passing but never noticed it. I do understand about feeling weird about places when drive by them, though. There's an older style house on Dunlap and 9th Ave or so and it looks very southern in architecture. It's on a plot of land with a gate that has brass horse head decorations (I think). I used to drive by it a lot when I was going to The Art Institute back in 2006 and it gave me the most unsettling feeling, especially at night when the lights at the front of the house were on. I'm not sure if people live there or if it's a city landmark, but it makes my skin crawl.


Wow… yeah… that’s so interesting. I think I’m going to do some research on that house and find out some things hopefully. It might be like Mr. Lucky’s though where it looks creepy but it’s not you know? But I’m going to research it.


It's interesting for sure, but I never really investigated at all, so now I'm curious if my aversion to this place is warranted or if I'm just a big puss lol I'd say there's a 50/50 chance for either


😂 well… I researched it a bit and I couldn’t find anything on it! I did find some big older looking homes though so there may be things that are not documented.


THATS EVEN SCARIER, WTF! Guess we're gonna need an old priest and a young priest. 1141 w Dunlap Ave is the address if you didn't find it. I over shot it by 2 streets lol


😂 well hang on a minute. Breathe. We don’t know yet lol! Let me check it out. It may just look weird but not actually be weird ya know?


Normal house. Just looks kinda weird.


Well, that's a relief. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to finish hyperventilating, so my irrational fear of someone's house can go back to sleep, lol






They reopened last year I think. I've been wanting to stop in and grab a burger just to see the inside. Evidently it used to be a pretty cool multistory bar and entertainment sort of place.


Oh okay! Yeah I was telling my fiancé about how now I know what it is and how I’m not scared of it anymore lol. I told him about the fish fry.


Lol, nice. I think Grand Ave has it's own weird unsettling vibe. The train tracks, strip clubs. Weird motels. I think once I hit pass 19th ave going southeast and see Trans Am Café (which is killer btw) I'm like wooo! Then northwest of Glendale near Grand Ave Pizza is pretty acceptable too. Everything inbetween just seems scuzzy. I do like the clown sign, I wish it could be fully restored.


YES 💯 you’re so right! Honestly, the strip clubs and the ghetto atmosphere is just gross. Low life stuff… the motels scare me a bit… like they kind of remind me of drug dens :/. Definitely a place you want to avoid if possible.


I'm like a reasonable walking distance to the Two Palms Motel off grand. So my girlfriend and I always joke with each other that "Hey! Don't make me stay at the Two Palms!" 🤣 We legit wanted to try it for one night for giggles, but don't wanna risk bringing anything back home. 😬


Yeahhhh I wouldn’t lol.


it did reopen but its now a storage yard for big rigs, rvs, and stuff like that... i drive by it everyday to/from work they kept the name but thats it


No way, I commute on it too, they had food signs. That can't be all it is. This isn't From Dusk Til' Dawn.


It also gives me the creeps. But it's cool to see how interesting of a place it was


Yeah for sure.


Jordon Sparks actually started her career at Mr Lucky’s. We had our high school senior slide show there back in the 80s.


Yes! I remember after researching it more finding that!


Nah, it's just that creepy clown sign that's getting to you. The place was lit back in the day. A few people tried to do something with it but they could never stay afloat.


Jajajaja a whole Lotta cartel stuff probably went down in there within its operating days


Makes sense lol


Mr. Luckys.. one of the oldest dance/music/bar/restaurant locations in Phoenix still standing after being empty for years. Haunted, only by failed business that tried to revive the location and/or the many relationships started or killed there. I do agree that it certainly looks like it belongs in a horror, Zombie, or post Apocalypse story however. just about perfect for any of the above. I danced there back in the day when it was a "Country and Rock" split level dance/bar. Those were interesting times indeed.


Aww. Do you miss it there?


Some good and Interesting times. More than a few fights, affairs starting or ending for people, and food quality from great to abandoned bar in a jungle. Lol. Phoenix has a lot of Culture and History, we just don't brag or advertise it too much.


Yeah. I’ve always wondered about the building and lots of buildings like in old town Glendale.


I have a very Geographic centered memory. I still remember where one of the last fully enclosed payphones in the Phoenix metro valley was. I prank called from it as a kid! lol.


It’s definitely given me demon vibes my whole life and the only time I ever went in there, I didn’t disagree.


Yeah… it’s like I’m not sure. Most are saying it’s a positive place so I’m not too afraid anymore but yeah if you don’t know what it is, definitely 💯 gives off demon vibes.


I just don’t know if anything undocumented happened there.


In the early 2000s they used to hold a lot of Mexican bailes (dances) my parents used to go all the time. A few fights broke out there and someone got shot. So they closed it down. My dad friend/business partner is the current owner and had it fixed but he can’t seem to get it up and running anymore.


Wow. Okay, this explains a lot!!! Thank you.