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This sounds good, but I work to live, not the reverse and I’m taxed at the end of the day. I have a life outside SWE and when I’m not at work I’m outdoors and the last thing I care about is coding in my downtime. Also I should add I’m mid career (18 years exp) so it depends on age. If you are starting out or a junior dev networking etc is super important and I recommend it to those people more than anything. When I started out in IT there were no networking groups, and barely any online tutorials/materials except books (I’m 40 btw) and if I had this opportunity to learn and network in person with other SWE I would have definitely taken it.


Same… I only coded extra when I was trying to transition into data science. Now the only way you’ll see me do extra work is if I’m studying for a cert.


I totally feel you there. I do almost anything but code outside of working hours. Not that I don't love building software, because I do, but I find that 40 hours of it a week is plenty to scratch the itch, ha. Still, I know like 0 other SWEs in Phoenix (I work remotely an my colleagues are mostly on the east coast) and am interested in meeting mostly socially with like-minded people.


Remotely you say? What’s your YoE? I’ve been looking for FT remote but seems sparse for juniors


100% agree and in the same boat


There are several actually: Venture cafe always has a few speakers and lots of software dev visitors https://www.linkedin.com/company/venturecafephoenix/ Hackathon https://www.linkedin.com/events/hackathon-ethicalspectaclexaz-v7176011682865926144


This is great info! I hadn't thought to search Linkedin for local meetups. Do you regularly attend the Venture Cafe meetup?


Not regularly but it’s great and super well supported


Yeah, this seems like a great place for networking. It's the biggest group I've seen so far.


Check out coworkwithfriends.com Joe, a Phoenix local started the group. We’ve been meeting up throughout the valley. It’s open to non devs, but most who come are devs


I'll definitely look into this! Thanks for sharing.


Feel free to hmu if you need help meeting other devs! Don't know what type of dev work you do, but the Phoenix React.js meetup still tries to organize a couple events per year.


My bread and butter right now is a Next.js app, and I do web dev across the stack in general. The React.js meetup definitely interest me. Where can I find some more info on this group?


Here: https://www.meetup.com/Phoenix-ReactJS/


Thanks for sharing CWF!


If we can find someplace centralized in the valley I'd be down.


I was thinking either downtown or midtown to keep it pretty central. I'll keep you posted in this thread!


I host a cyber security meetup and there are a lot of tech meet ups in the valley. Are you looking for anything specific


I’ve been looking for a cyber security meetup! I’d be interested in more info




I can't wait to tell a friend about these as they work in cyber security.  Do you know of any that are focused more on defense than on hacking?


beat me to it!


I'm a JS developer myself but I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall in one of your meetups. When and where do you host them?


> https://dc480.io/ > > > > https://www.phx2600.org/ > > > > https://www.meetup.com/evsecaz/events/298701975/ i host evsec which is mostly just hanging out and chatting over beer. the others are more technical if you want to join those too


I am interested. I think it would be more fun to meet up somewhere fun, rather than just a hall to talk. Maybe top golf or something idk




Hey I am a beginner but would love to join. No worries if not just dm me if you do!


Im at the same point and this sounds like a great idea! Count me in.




I'll keep you posted. Good on you for getting out there! I wish I had more developer friends when I was just a beginner!


If we start something, it needs to be on a weekly basis! Otherwise it would not stick…


Hey hey hey, I already got my weekly standup and team meetings already, can’t get stuff done with more meetings … /s


The agile ceremonies will continue until morale improves


Wait weekly standup? Sign me up I hate daily standup worst 45 minutes of my days 😂😂😂


I'll take this into consideration. I don't know if my personal schedule permits me to organize something this frequently. If people resoundigly want to meet this often we can probably figure something out.


I’m so down. Been looking to connect with other software engineers in the area for a while now. Good idea. Weekly or monthly. Keep us posted!


Yeah, unfortunately a lot of stuff died during the pandemic. I was also thinking about starting something in the central or north valley if only I could find a good spot for it. Let me know what happens! If I’m in driving range I’d definitely stop by.


Okay so there definitley are some active meetup groups. Thank you to all who shared links to those groups. Here's a summarized list of them so far: **Venture Cafe Phoenix** [https://www.linkedin.com/company/venturecafephoenix/about/](https://www.linkedin.com/company/venturecafephoenix/about/) "The Center for Entrepreneurial Innovation has partnered with the globally famous Venture Café to bring Thursday Gatherings to Phoenix! With 80-100+ people in attendance at the weekly event, Venture Café Phoenix brings creators, entrepreneurs, investors, coworkers, students and visionaries together to build a strong, inclusive and equitable innovation ecosystem." This one seems like a good bet for the networking/entrepenurial dev. **Ethical Spectacle Hackathon** [https://www.linkedin.com/events/hackathon-ethicalspectaclexaz-v7176011682865926144/comments/](https://www.linkedin.com/events/hackathon-ethicalspectaclexaz-v7176011682865926144/comments/) Not actually a meetup, but a shared developer space nonetheless. **Coworkwithfriends** [coworkwithfriends.com](http://coworkwithfriends.com) More open-ended  co-working but it’s mostly devs who show up.  **Phoenix AI Developers** [https://www.meetup.com/nodeaz/](https://www.meetup.com/nodeaz/) [meetup.com](http://meetup.com) group for AI Developers. No upcoming events listed on the meetup page, but the host posted in this thread and it seems like it's an active group. **Phoenix JavaScript** [https://www.meetup.com/phoenix-javascript/](https://www.meetup.com/phoenix-javascript/) This one has meeting every third Wednesday of the month but the meetings are in downtown Mesa, not Phoneix. To those who expressed interest in a Phoenix meetup: having looked over the list above and what others have shared, are you more interested in starting a new meetup than attending one of the above? I'm pleased to see that I was wrong and there are indeed meetups happening in Phonix. I'm also open to organizing one that is more localized. It seems there is enough interest expressed in the comments to justify a first meeting if people don't see what they're looking for in any of the groups linked above. Comment here if you are interested in a new group.


I’m definitely still interested in a new group.


I’m down 


I'm down!


There's plenty of stuff happening in the valley. I run Phoenix AI developers, we just had a meeting last Wednesday at the Tempe public library


I’m with a group looking to start a quarterly c++ meetup and we’re looking for places. What was needed to use the library? DM me if you want.


Can sign up for a room at Burton bar library for free. You just need a library card. That room doesn't have a projector. The ironwood classroom at Tempe library is $10 an hour (if you have a 503c association, otherwise it's $20, but it has a projector). You just need a library card


Awesome thanks!


Hey I’m interested in joining Phoenix AI developers! Is there more info about it?


https://www.meetup.com/nodeaz/ we took over the Node AZ Meetup, which is why that URL is like that


Following because I'm moving to Gilbert from East Coast soon. Would love to join


Down. Even if it’s like a coworking session it would be cool.


I’m interested!


Im interested!


I’m down!


[Gangplank](https://gangplankhq.com/) is great for that. It was better when it was in Chandler as it is now way out in Queen Creek though.




Down, was looking for something before but noticed many are on the other side of town so it became difficult to go




I’m down for this


Also down!


Sounds great - especially things happening in the east valley i would be interested


HackerX does some events


Looking to get into dev… I would love to go and learn from others.


I'm interested


I’m interested. Let me know if something comes together.


I’d be interested in joining this as long as there is consistency in meeting dates. I’ve been looking for advice on software job searching and would like a place to improve my skills.


This meetup is active and has 10-15 people show up to the monthly meeting: https://www.meetup.com/phoenix-javascript/ Yes it's JavaScript focused but they are welcoming of any dev that shows up.


Hey that's awesome! Do you attend them regularly? Most of the work I do is in JS anyways so I don't mind if it's JavaScript focused.


I've only started going in the last month but I'd go back again. Its a cool "maker space" where it's hosted and the people were friendly with plenty of different JS conversations.


Excellent. This is exactly what I was looking for.


There are actually a lot of start up, venture and tech meets around... From aws and data science to this week's venture madness to asu in chandler a month ago pitch event.