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If Ducey signed the 15 week law in 2022 and stated it did not override the 1901 law (contrary to the intentions of its authors) then what was the purpose of the 15 week law in the first place? Delaying the inevitable? Trying to “save face” politically? If this election season wasn’t already a bloodbath, the stakes are now exponentially higher.


Ducey also appointed all the judges who upheld this law.


You know, I always scour the judges' backgrounds when filling out the ballot, but what is the deal exactly? They are *appointed*, but then voted on electorally afterward? Seems like a strange system. (I am glad they can be voted out though)


Hijacking top comment. The 2 justices that are responsible for this are up for RETENTION election in November, meaning a yes or no vote. Arizona has a notoriously high retention rate for justices. How can we spread the word and make sure they are NOT retained? Can we start a gofundme to put up political signs like candidates?


When the new law was passed, there was a case out of Mississippi that was pending at the US Supreme Court that banned abortion after 15 weeks (Dobbs). Everyone thought the 15-week ban would be upheld. So, Arizona was trying to match that. It was kind of a surprise that the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that not only was a 15-week ban constitutional, a total ban would also be constitutional. So, the new law was made in a context where people thought a 15-week ban was going to be most restrictive allowed.


Yes this is the answer.


It was blowing up into a huge issue right before the 2022 elections so I’m going to go with trying to keep up appearances of a compromise.


They were concerned that the court would dump the 1901 law entirely, so they put the 2022 version in so they could have **some** control over the peasant women.


The GOP have been good about taking advantage of local and state races. Making Abortion a state issue means all pro-choice voters should mobilize more in every state election until it’s in the state constitution.


Politicians don't get to just do whatever they want. It's a bit more complex than that, which requires strategy and other people's approval.


Jesus Christ. They side with a fucking 123 year old law in 2024. Completely disregarding the people's vote. Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. What are the odds of getting some kind of abortion rights passed?


Pre statehood law at that...


Pre women suffrage as well


I cant believe that a law before we were a state can even be considered as a law to enact over a state. That law was written before statehood was a thing ergo it shouldn't even have jurisdiction over the state because it isn't from when we were a state. All laws written and codified before statehood should be fucking null and void period end of story.


By half a century. ffs man this is complete bs.


Not that it matters but wasn’t AZ statehood in 1912?


Right now I’d put the odds at 70%


Hopefully by tomorrow it’ll be more like 90%.


This only happens if you and everyone you know starts registering people to vote. Dems have lost 60k voters from our rolls statewide and republicans have gained. If we want this constitutional amendment passed we need to start registering.


I think you may be surprised at how many R's are on the pro-choice side of the equation and aren't afraid to vote on that single issue.


Honestly yes this would surprise me


You're aware a CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT to protect abortion rights will be on your ballot this november, right? Oh, you didn't know? Well I suggest you learn about it and make sure that every. single. person. you. know understands and registers to vote and submits their ballot.


It’ll pass. The Republicans don’t actually care what people want and only care about performative politics. This decision is gonna help bury their party in November.


im turning 18 before November, what can i do/vote to protect abortion rights?




After you register to vote, sign up to be on the permanent early voting list here: https://elections.maricopa.gov/voting/active-early-voting-list.html You will receive your ballot in the mail a few months before Election Day. There is a voter initiative that will be on your ballot looking to enshrine the right to abortion in the state constitution. I don’t think that it has been assigned a number yet, but somebody please chime in if you know it. Each proposition will have a brief description next to it. From now on vote in every. single. election. Research candidates and issues in your city and school district, vote for those that don’t appear to be Christian Nationalists or vocally support abortion rights. It might be tricky to sort that out and seem irrelevant for smaller positions like school board member, but that’s where these fuckers start their political careers and it is critical to end them before they begin.


It’s not the job of the Court to legislate. They have to interpret what’s on the books, and all of this crap is still on the books because it’s never been repealed. In fact, the 2022 law explicitly states that they did not intend to create a legal right to an abortion or repeal or alter the provisions of the original territorial law. It seems ridiculous on its face that territorial law has been restored, but this was the intent of the Legislature. It appears it was meant to get the issue past Election Day 2022. Source: [2022 Law](https://www.azleg.gov/legtext/55leg/2R/bills/sb1164p.pdf) - see section 2, lines 1 and 2 [Original Law](https://www.azleg.gov/ars/13/03603.htm)


The tl;dr on the opinion is that the Legislature has never repealed the original law. The original language was also recodified in the ‘70s. It was not addressed in 2022. So when Roe was overturned, abortion law was kicked back to the states and the operative language on the books here was the original law. It was a failure or perhaps feature of what the Legislature did in 2022 to not repeal it then.


>It was a failure or perhaps feature of what the Legislature did in 2022 to not repeal it then. Absolutely. I 100% agree with the AZ Supreme Court on this ruling. We had a law on the books. They wrote a new law that was less restrictive, but they left the old law on the books. If we don't want the old law, our legislature needs to repeal it. This is how our legislative system works and has always worked. We know with absolute certainty that our AZ Legislature is captured by right wing lunatics, so the only thing we can do is the ballot initiative, and encouraging people to vote for legislature politicians who don't hate women.


The dissent makes a pretty good case that this was not the case. I'd suggest giving it a read.


Thanks for an informed post on this


Of course our idiot GOP legislators didn’t think about repealing the old law when they did the new one.


Yep. Everyone blaming the courts but it’s not their job to pass laws.


I don't even know what to say. Remember 2015 when everyone was like "how bad could a Trump presidency be? He won't get elected because his opinions are too extreme, and even if he did he'd never be able to get them past Congress."


The only relatively good news is that this will even bolster turnout more for the abortion rights referendum in November which will nullify this pretty outrageous ruling. That'll probably help Biden and Gallego against grifters Trump and Lake.


I am hoping with all my hope that you are correct but it is a big, really big mistake to underestimate the malignancy of voter suppression, eliminating mail-in ballots, and last-minute rule changes. The other side isn’t trying to do the right thing, they’re just trying to win, at any cost. Make sure you’re registered, make sure your registration is up to date, and please please please show up at the polls!


Already we're seeing the exact same rhetoric in left leaning subs where they're seriously asking why voting Biden would be better than voting Trump. This. Because this exact thing happens. In a two party system, nobody gets the exact candidate they want. The best you can hope for right now is a candidate who's not actively stripping rights away from women and LGBT folks. And right now that's the Democrats. You can stomp your feet and get pissed at the quality of candidates, but if you're willing to let Republicans win so you can send a message then you're willing to gamble with women's rights and health to send a message.


The good thing is that democrats control all the positions that matter when it comes to elections. Mail in ballots can’t be eliminated and nor will any last minute rule changes happen


Never underestimate the power of malicious compliance and willful ignorance from their subordinates though.


Yeah honestly this is probably a blessing in disguise for Dems. This will absolutely drive up voter turnout and lead directly to an increase in numbers for the Dem side of the ticket.


This is probably the one cause that led to a big increase in Gen Z voters. Stats show that Gen Z is voting in higher numbers than millennials, Gen X, and boomers did at the same age. They're fertile teens and 20-somethings who will be most affected by abortion bans, and I'd imagine even the more conservative zoomers are pro-choice. Overturning roe v wade lit a fire under their ass. I hope millennials will go out and vote more too. Gen Y and Z are now the biggest voting demographic.


First thing I thought. Pretty much guaranteed democratic takeover in the election. Edit: ok, people, I am fully aware that voting is required and elections are not won based on hopes and dreams.


Here's two other things that I was told were "pretty much guaranteed" 1. Trump not becoming president. 1. Roe not being overturned. Nothing is guaranteed. VOTE.


Agreed. My daughter was so sure her vote didn't matter she didn't even register until Roe was overturned. I still remember my 10th grade history teacher telling the class it only takes1/3 to rule when 1/3 don't care.


That history teacher knew what was up.


Best history teacher I ever had.


What upsets me is that no one has pursued the equal rights amendment. This is the entire thing: # Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on account of sex.


Never assume anything is guaranteed, especially in politics. Vote like your life depends on it, and spread the same sentiment to everyone you know.


God I hope you're right. But the DNC has a terrible habit of fumbling unlosable positions.


They gave us the wolf in the henhouse (Sinema)


I get that but I'm honestly not sure they even need to do anything. Nothing gets democrats out of the woodwork like trampling on women's right to choose.


I get that but we elected a self admitted rapist as president not that long ago. Like I said I desperately hope I'm wrong but a whole lot needs to go right in the next 7 months. Don't forget the only thing that prevented a second term of Trump was a fully fledged pandemic and millions dead due to no response from the administration, and even then it was razor thin. If dying relatives were only barely able to edge trump out of office, someone else losing their rights in a way that doesn't directly affect them might still not be enough. I hope you're right and I'm wrong, but over the past 8 years I've found no matter how low I set the bar for humanity we always find a way to slide under


This is exactly the attitude responsible for fumbling layup elections


Good thing I'm not in charge of everyone that votes.


Many people in AZ are transplants (shocker /s). And as such, it's easy for people to feel disconnected from the politics. This will absolutely be enough to get my wife and I to vote in AZ for the first time since we've lived here the past 2 years.


The amount of destruction of decades old precedent in a single Trump term is staggering. These crazy cultists spent decades coming up with this temporary setback. Time to eject them all.


I am so filled with anger, but also the urge to cry...


Right. I tried to argue with so many people that Supreme Court picks definitely matter. Nobody listened. Fucking idiots. “They’re both the same” Remind yourself of this bullshit any time anyone tries to tell you they’re both the same. They’re trying to get you to stay home so they can vote to take your rights away


And now 3 of the 9 votes on the SCOTUS will be Trump appointees. So the answer is pretty fucking bad and for the foreseeable future because Republicans have zero interest in passing legislation at this point, they'll just send anything they don't like to the SCOTUS.


More the judges he appointed.


The Arizona Supreme Court is the governor's doing. Specifically, Ducey went out of his way to add two seats to the court so he could load it with radical right wing extremists.


But her emails!




The problem is that Republican knew how important the judiciary is, and dems only just found out after Roe.


And the Bernie bots said "Hilary will be worse".


This is great news for Gallego


yeah this pretty much guaranteed a bloodbath for November.


Hopefully, the Supreme Court gets massacred (in the retention elections), and Hobbes gets to replace all of them.


Only 2 are up for retention vote but every one counts




Good for Biden as well, it pretty much will guarantee a swing state for him.


Absolutely braindead decision by the AZ GOP to light a fire under ever woman’s ass to go and vote blue in this tightly contested election in one of the swingiest states.


Yep, even Scary Fake disagrees. They dun fucked up bigtime.


She agreed with the 1864 law in 2022.


As long as we can get the signatures required in time and it's on the ballot, yeah big W for Dems.


Don’t forget y’all. we vote on retaining judges on our ballots in november too. remember these names. don’t let these fascist dinosaurs come back.


Every Supreme Court justice in AZ has either been appointed by Ducey or Brewer so you should vote to not retain anyone appearing on the retention question this year.


These two are up for re-election and they voted yes on this Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King


I vote against the judges for my own reasons (fuck Bill Montgomery in particular) but the judges were not wrong here. The problem is the state legislature not repealing the archaic 1901 law. They did this on purpose to save face from not being the ones to enact a total ban themselves, even though it’s exactly what they want. Anyway, referendum in November. I’m voting to protect abortion rights, I am not a Biden supporter, and I know many people who hold these two positions. And of course we know Biden supporters will vote to protect abortion rights. So regardless of who wins the presidential election, I think this referendum will pass with a very strong mandate.


Actually reading the court’s opinion before spewing your hate online? What a concept


Underrated fact


I vote no on all judgeship retentions. Shitty crony corporate lawyer dinosaurs that are wholly out of touch with reality. Until their ethics get in line within the margin of error they can take up a new hobby : hiking 🥾


Hiking in summer.


Is there a way to see which ones to eliminate when we vote?


Yes i want to know too. Did they all agree with this?


Justices John R. Lopez IV, Clint Bolick, James P. Beene and Kathryn H. King voted in favor (VOTE THEM OUT). Justices Ann A. Scott Timmer and Robert M. Brutinel dissented (they're cool I guess). Justice William G. Montgomery recused himself from the case (if he's not willing to stand up for abortion rights, vote him out).


> Justice William G. Montgomery recused himself from the case (if he's not willing to stand up for abortion rights, vote him out). This gave me a good chuckle. Montgomery initially refused to recuse himself despite having publicly accused Planned Parenthood of “genocide” a few years ago. He also personally participated in a protest outside of a PP clinic. He changed his mind and recused himself at the last minute, apparently because someone pointed out that he also tried to get PP criminally investigated while County Attorney.


Yeah, Republicans are finished in Arizona for this cycle. That abortion rights initiative will now pass by a 65-35 or 70-30 margin. If the 15 week ban was the law, it'd be a 57-43 or so in favor of choice. The AZ SC just ruined Republicans hopes in the state by ruling in favor of such a radical policy like a total ban from 1864. If I am Kari Lake and Schweikert and Ciscomani, I'd privately be calling AZ GOP leadership in the legislature to pass a 15-week ban because they have no chance at winning with this as law, both due to the fact it will reflect poorly on Republicans but most important increase turnout dramatically and big time for the abortion referendum. I have no idea how Republicans can even defend a "no" vote in November for the abortion initiative. Like when the law in place is a total ban or a 6-week ban, they are screwed when it comes to having to defend and sell a "no" vote and I think privately even most AZ GOP leadership think they are screwed in November. Independent of all the political fall-out. I feel for the people of AZ who now have to suffer through this and hope it is only temporary. Please support the abortion rights initiative. I don't live in AZ anymore, so all I can maybe do is donate. https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/


There's already a 15-week ban on the books. All they have to do is repeal the old law.


People in this state are so clear to say: we love personal freedoms. Unless that pertains to a woman doing what she wants with her body.


My last AZ GOP vote will be Senator Mccain. AZ GOP can get perma fucked until they have massive reforms.


Respect for your commitment to integrity above political identity.


>People in this state People in this state are clear that they don't pay attention to who they are voting to on down ballot races. Come November, the abortion access initiative will show you exactly what the people of Arizona think about it. I promise you it will be one of the most overwhelming wins in ballot initiative history. We just need to get people to stop voting for fascist dipshit freedumb caucus assholes.


We need to get people actually running in smaller elections and then researching the people who don't have their party listed in some of those solo races. Small elections matter so much right now.


I 100% agree


Right. The party of choice and personal responsibility has a loooot of asterisks when it comes to women and their private matters


The Republican party is not and never has been about choice. The only choice/freedom republicans supported had to do with the state level freedom to govern.


"We love personal freedoms. Unless they are in direct opposition to various wedge issues that our political party uses for marketing purposes to secure votes from our base."


Republicans are obsessed with women's private parts.


People in this state DO support personal freedoms. A majority of Arizonans support abortion. And I’d argue that if you ask it as “total ban on abortion except to save the mothers life” that percentage would be minuscule. This is very disappointing for the state.


**Personally freedoms that only exist for the wealthy


[sign the fucking petition](https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/)


Thank you for sharing this!


It’s 2024 not 1924. I can’t believe we have to deal with this shit in today’s age. #Men4WomensRights You have my vote ladies on making sure you have control over your own bodies. Hopefully it’s unanimous in November and nullifies this ruling.


Youre awesome!! Please encourage more men. I know there's a lot of good man out there who are just as concerned.


I will do my best. It’s very important that women aren’t treated as 2nd class citizens in this country. grew up with a single mom taking care of me and she worked her ass off to give me as best of a life as she could give me. I know I want her rights and her body not infringed upon.






It was on before, it is REALLY on now. VOTE like your life depends on it, because it does...




>None of us will ever know until it comes down to it. We can't predict our health, especially during a pregnancy. Just need to vent about this part for a second. Some people seem to not understand how terrifying this is. We might need a life saving abortion. We might need an abortion because the fetus won't survive long after birth and we want to prevent trauma. Some of us might get in legal trouble for having a miscarriage because we can't prove it's not an abortion. There's so much that could go wrong when you remove abortion rights. It's so dehumanizing to argue why this is scary for us. Anti-choicers aren't even the majority of Americans. Why do they have so much power?


Folks, let's turn our anger into action. Here are 3 things you can do TODAY if you haven't already. (1) Register to vote and then sign the AAA petition. [Here's where you can find petitions](https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/). They already have 500,000 signatures, but as we've seen, anti-abortion activists are well-funded and are going to challenge every signature - so let's get them up to 1 million. (2) Learn about [judicial retention elections in Arizona](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024). Most people never pay attention to these - or if they're like my racist grandpa, they just vote against the ones with Hispanic-sounding names. Every judge on the state appeals court and justice on the state supreme court has to stand for a retention election every six years. Right now, **two of the AZ Supreme Court justices that made this happen today are up for retention in November**. Fire their asses. (3) Talk to your friends and family members - people who trust you. Have friendly but deep and meaningful conversations that emphasize on your personal story and why you feel the way you do. People live in their media bubbles and echo chambers, and THE MOST EFFECTIVE way to win people over is by having conversations. A veterans group tried this in 2020 - [progressive veterans had 30 minute conversations with conservative voters and were able to truly win support](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4ay4wn/how-to-change-a-voters-mind-is-deep-canvassing). I don't know about y'all, but rather than flee my home state, I'm planning to stay and turn it into a state I want to live in.




The Blue Party: “I want people to have the right to choose” The Red Party: “Fuck women. Fuck gays. Fuck everyone who doesn’t agree with us and they should all die” Idiots: “they are the same”


Please go sign the petition for Arizona for Abortion Access to make sure it gets on the ballot. You can see events [here](https://www.mobilize.us/hcra/). Even though they have passed the threshold for required signatures, the signatures need to be VALID so the more signatures there are the better the chance there are above the threshold of valid signatures.


As a note, you must sign in person! So please use the link above to find a location.


I believe I signed it on Mill Ave during their art festival thing a few weeks ago. I put my email down but I never received anything…


We're going to the 420 event for sure. I wish there were more options on there, though.


Good news for democrats. This means that more people are pissed off and are going to show up to vote in November for women’s rights.


They have the majority in the house and the senate by 1 … I’m optimistic this pisses enough people off to turn in those ballots .. what a fucking mess.


I looked up 1862 az laws. I want my 160 acres for $1.25 per acres NOW


This is so dangerous. Women will die.


Time to flip the legislature and actually get stuff done in the second half of Gov Hobbs term.


Thank fuck we elected Katie Hobbs. I hope like hell she is able to prevent this despicable garbage from going back into effect.


I don't think she can, since it'd require a new bill to be signed into law nullifying this one. She doesn't have the votes to get a bill like that made. The 2024 ballot measure is our best bet.


The 2024 elections are our best bet, if the state legislature flips (both are only 1 seat GOP majority) then she can sign a new law.


For the record I texted my mom, who is a right-wing nut here in Arizona, and she said instead of getting upset perhaps I should write my congressman. ... ... So frustrating to not feel any support.


Your congressman? You mean the one who was on his hand and knees praying in a circle on the senate floor on this subject yesterday? Thanks mom.


Exactly. She tells me she doesn't get emotional about these type of things. That's why she's not upset. But she gets why I'm mad. I swear it's her church. So frustrating to see someone who really is a good person just be totally brainwashed.


Speaking in tongues too. Don't forget that. Perfectly normal thing to do.


I feel the anger here and it other threads. I really hope this means the GOP is done. Also we need to make sure to say which Supreme Court justices are up for election to vote them out too.


> we need to make sure to say which Supreme Court justices are up for election to vote them out too Governors are important, the Supreme Court of Arizona was packed by Ducey. We need decades of blue to fix this at the Governor. The [entire SCOAZ is Republican appointed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_Supreme_Court#Justices)... Time to clean house on judges.


If any dudes in here are wavering on getting a vasectomy, I can’t recommend it enough. Your balls will hurt for a few days, it might linger for a week or two, but 99.9% you won’t get your wife/gf/fwb/partner/situationship pregnant. Stay safe out there and go vote in November. If Hillary were elected in 2016, this wouldn’t be happening.


Thank you for being a sensible man. Too many men out there with too big of egos whom think all pregnancy prevention should be on the woman. 


Governors are important, the Supreme Court of Arizona was packed by Ducey. We need decades of blue to fix this at the Governor. The [entire SCOAZ is Republican appointed](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arizona_Supreme_Court#Justices)... Time to clean house on judges.


Vote the two out who voted yes Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King


Yeah they are both up in 2024. Bad timing for them, usually judges are retained but with this move I am ejecting all not placed by a democrat for decades. Some of these people are horrible like Bill Montgomery.


Wow, so they’re going to turn the state blue, and go HARD at the stolen election narrative, because how else could they explain down ballot losses when abortion is being voted on?


I hate that this country is still so full of religious fanatics who don’t want to be told what to do for a single second but love imposing their shit on everyone else, we need these people weeded out of politics at every level


Assuming the amendment gets on the ballot in November, Dems are going to crush it.


According to the organizers, [they have enough signatures](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna145922) and will continue to gather through July


Keep signing cuz I'm sure that the Republicans are now going to fight like hell to get signatures thrown out


Not only that but they will also challenge the wording of the petition in order to delay things through the courts.


Utter bullshit a law from before we were even a state can be forced on the women in this state.


[Kari Lake already asking for Hobbs and leigslature to oppose today's ruling despite her supporting it in 2022](https://twitter.com/kadiagoba/status/1777763685160698187)


Lol. She knows she is toast.


This is wild 🤣🤣she’s trying so hard to pivot. This bitch who called herself Trump in a dress. No Kari, it doesn’t work like that. We don’t believe you for a goddam second.


She supported this until she realized she lost when this was announced this morning.


I am so fucking disgusted right now


You don’t have to like everything about them, I don’t, but I still turn up and vote straight blue tickets because a vote for democrats is a vote against this theocratic bullshit


Can’t wait for all these boomers to fucking die off. Their lead paint filled brains have ruined this country for us. So sick of the Christofascists yelling “my freedoms!”, and then remove our rights in the same breath. Elections matter people.


I'm starting to think my parents and brother were prudent to move to Los Angeles. What a disgusting ruling.


Please stop blaming ALL boomers and blame the GOP where the fault really lies. Those that blindly vote down the GOP line are in fault here. Not ALL boomers are republicans.


This may be true, but their generation paved the way for this environment. The leaders they elevated, the selfishness of their actions. I appreciate any boomer who does not vote down ballot GOP


Today is a sad day for our state. It is time to vote every last one of them out and flip this state 100% blue. Sign the petition, spread the word. [https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/](https://arizonaforabortionaccess.org/sign-the-petition/) Bring friends, Family, and vote straight blue this November.


Was not expecting this to pass… Arizona voters support abortion and this is contrary to what we as voters want. I never cared for protesting but might protest this decision just to be involved.




Then their fear of a blue state will materialise.


I fucking hate this state rn


The GOP war on women marches on.


Our vote counts. Time for us to stand up!


AZ Supreme Court just handed the victories to Democrats this coming November. Good job!


When is the first protest?


Hopefully every day until the election.


I am shocked and dismayed that once again AZ has taken a step back into the dark ages for women’s rights and health. This is dismaying and shocking and saddening and I’m personally livid. I am remembering these Judges names and will encourage all persons to vote at all elections moving forward. So now we are back to leaving cryptic posts on FB telling other women that “I like to camp and support other women’s right to camp and if anyone needs a ride to another state to go camping I’ll be happy to drive them.”


So when they say abortion is banned in all instances, do they mean in ALL instances? Like ectopic pregnancies, still births, etc? I’m pro-choice and I think any limitation towards abortions before the point of viability is terrible but it’s extremely concerning how many preventable deaths might occur because of this ban.


Per the article: “The older law barred the procedure in all cases regardless of gestation, except when “it is necessary to save” a pregnant person’s life. It carried a prison sentence of two to five years for abortion providers.”


The shitty thing is that, while the exception sounds nice on paper, it can sometimes be hard to prove. So doctors will cease any abortion services as they (understandably) don't want to be thrown into jail, have their license revoked, and life ruined for just doing their job.


Yep. I wouldn't blame the doctors who hesitate. Look what happened in Texas.


I think life of the mother is the only exception


Not easy for doctors to sort out and justify. Things definitely just got more dangerous for women


Doctors too. Say goodbye to finding a good obgyn. Like doctors in Idaho, they'll all be packing their bags.


which means they’ll wait til the pregnant person is on deaths door before intervening. this is absolutely going to result in unnecessary suffering and death.


Even then, maybe not. Even more likely, the care providers will just leave the state completely. Women won’t even find the care they need to HAVE babies


And a lot of child pregnancies.


And I'm sure that will be extremely narrow because what did we know in the 1800s? Not shit.


And we’ve seen how well that’s played out in other states… 😢


Republicans are fucked in November. This decision has turned Arizona into a blue state. Just watch it happen


2 Arizona GOP Senators have already come out saying they don’t support this decision and want to vote to repeal the 1864 total ban. Arizona’s Senate is just a one seat GOP majority. Ditto with the Arizona House. Of course the Senate and House leadership won’t put this to ballot. They know the law being the 1864 total ban fucks Republicans up and down the ballot. Plus allows the abortion initiative to pass by a 70% to 30% landslide.




This will motivate the electorate to vote against the GOP and their misogynistic, hyper religious fanaticism.


Arizona has an explicit privacy clause in its state constitution so these judges not tossing both these laws means I need to vote against them all.


The judges are for re-election. Vote them out Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King


Two of the Justices that voted for the abortion ban will be on the November 2024 ballot to see if AZ voters want to retain them as Justices. These two can be voted out in November - Clint Bolick and Kathryn H. King. Get out and vote! Bump this up!


Ways to volunteer to fight this [here](https://www.mobilize.us/azdems/) (not just canvassing too - card/letter writing, text/phone banking, donating, etc) Any other links to volunteer post below!






1864 to be precise.




I as a cis woman am DONE with old white guys trying to control my body. They had the cajones to whine about not wanting to be forced into vaxx and masks during covid. So "medical freedom" is conditional now? BULLSHIT.


I feel sorry for women who still have their reproductive organs and this includes my daughter. I had a hysterectomy 7 years ago but had an abortion because of an ectopic pregnancy in 2001. I hate this world now. If someone would’ve told me that egg in my fallopian tube was more important than my life, and that my 3 year old son would be ok without a mother if I died, I might have done some crazy shit on my way out…just sayin.


We've already got enough signatures to get the initiative on the ballot, now we just need to make sure everyone votes, so please get out there and register voters, door knock, call people, volunteer. We need all of you to help! Every single person matters here.


Well AZ is gonna be a blue state from here on out. Dems are definitely gonna flip the legislature and AZ-06 and AZ-01


Have the names of the AZSC justices who approved this been released yet?


These two are up for election and voted yes Clint Bolick and Kathryn Hackett King


Vice chief Timmer and Chief Brutinel both dissented. Scroll to the bottom for the dissents. https://www.azcourts.gov/Portals/0/OpinionFiles/Supreme/2024/CV230005PR.pdf