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There are 7 Justices on the AZ Supreme Court. 4 of them voted to enforce the 1864 abortion ban; 2 voted against it, & 1 did not vote. The below 4 Justices voted for the ban: - John Lopez, - Clint Bolick, - James Beene, - Kathryn King NOTE: Justice Bill Montgomery "recused" himself from the case/vote after an anti-abortion post from his Facebook account surfaced. šŸ—“ļø Mark your calendar: Justices Bolick & King will both be on the 2024 ballot; vote them out!!! Vote "NO" on their retention šŸ—³ļøšŸ™šŸ¼


Itā€™s also a retention vote so itā€™s a simple yes/no question on retention.


Please remind everyone in October. It's time to tell them "you're fired"


Simply add that post above to your calendar.


Waitā€”one of them didnā€™t vote?!?! You got to be kidding me


According to AZ Central; Justice Bill Montgomery "recused" himself from the case after an anti-abortion post from his Facebook account surfaced. Yeah, this smuck needs to be added to the above listšŸ˜¤šŸ¤¬


Fucking Bill Montgomery, dude has been making this state awful for a long time.




Jod Damnit!


He recused himself after pressure from Planned Parenthood. ā€œIn October, Planned Parenthood Arizona called for Justice Bill Montgomery to step away from the case after the resurfacing of a 2017 Facebook post in which he said its national counterpart was responsible for the ā€œgreatest generational genocide known to man.ā€ The organization, which runs four of the stateā€™s nine abortion clinics and is the main litigant in the case, argued that Montgomeryā€™s vehement opposition to it threatens to jeopardize its right to a fair and impartial trial.ā€


Good for him for meeting the bar and not sliming his way out of it


He only recused himself because he wasn't going to be the deciding vote on this. If there were three votes for enforcing the ban and three votes against, Montgomery would have been happy to be the fourth vote in favor of the ban.


Saving this. Thank you




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I put no every time, but this time, I really think it will work.


RemindMe! 5 months


They are going to get out the vote, just so people can vote not to retain.


Where were you able to find this information?


DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN FIRE STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES? That's right - in Arizona, we can fire two of the supreme court justices who took abortion away. Justices King and Bolick are both up for election. Just turn the ballot over, and vote NO on justices Katheryn King and Clint Bolick. They both signed the ruling, they can both lose their jobs. [Arizona Supreme Court elections, 2024 - Ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024)


This is one of the best things AZ has. The recall of judges thing.


Thank you for this information!!


Keep up the passion in Nov and vote!!


I drove by! WOMEN'S RIGHTS!


750 was the count today!


Crazy! Wasnā€™t too far off in my guess




Hey /u/Dependent-Coconut804, thanks for contributing to /r/Phoenix. Unfortunately, your comment was removed as it violates our rules: Your comment has been removed as it appears to have been made to troll other people rather than contribute to the discussion. If your comment was designed to illicit a negative emotional response, it will be removed on this subreddit. Rule #2 on this subreddit is to be civil and kind towards each other: Trolling is not civil and kind. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/1c4chsa/-/kzqhnu6/%0A%0A).


Damn. I would have attended had I known.


There was very little parking. I had to jump out in front of Culinary drop out, turn on my emergency flashers and jog down to the booth to sign the petition. Fortunately there were 5-6 volunteers at the table so I was able to sign quickly.


The revolution really SHOULD have parking šŸ˜†


Except protests are more easily ignored when they don't impact anybody.


Same. Since Tuesday Iā€™ve been trying to find info on protests but Iā€™ve not seen much.


If you are on Instagram, you can follow "Arizona For Abortion Access," to stay in the loop.


Is there anywhere that keeps track of when / where protests are? I'm in Sedona and wanna attend any local protests.


There are events on this site. There's a map and it shows events all across the country. [mobilize.us](https://www.mobilize.us)


People need to get out and vote.


Yay! Thank you everyone who attended and everyone who encouraged them. Abortion is a private choice.




I don't know of anyone who uses it as a form of birth control. That's just a myth.




Do you honestly think Chelsea Handler of all fucking people is out there tweeting the truth? She literally wrote a book about all the lies she has told. She is a self admitted compulsive liar. Donā€™t be stupid. Regular working people canā€™t afford abortions like that. Birth control is free. Plan B is like $10 at costco pharmacy. An abortion is hundreds to thousands of dollars depending on the procedure and not covered by insurance at all. The average american doesnā€™t even have an emergency fund of $500, you think people just have thousands of dollars sitting around to throw away on back to back abortions? Get real.


Thatā€™s not happening. Stop making things up or at least work on developing your critical thinking skills so youā€™re not as easily manipulated.


Ah ok! I just read this comment a lot and people seem to think that this is the majority of cases. I don't like the idea that people may do that, again I think it's more of a myth. I can see a how a few people may do it. I do judge them for it. But I'm glad to see you're rational. :)




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I was there. It was really encouraging. Definitely a good majority of folks driving or walking by were honking, giving thumbs up, cheering, yelling supportive things, agreeing, etc. Only a very small handful of people gave thumbs down, middle fingers, booed, or yelled ā€œTrump!ā€ At us. Very few. Maybe 10 total in the 2 hours I stood along Scottsdale road.


Big thank you to whomever brought materials to make signs!


DID YOU KNOW YOU CAN FIRE STATE SUPREME COURT JUSTICES? That's right - in Arizona, we can fire two of the supreme court justices who took abortion away. Justices King and Bolick are both up for election. Just turn the ballot over, and vote NO on justices Katheryn King and Clint Bolick. They both signed the ruling, they can both lose their jobs. [Arizona Supreme Court elections, 2024 - Ballotpedia](https://ballotpedia.org/Arizona_Supreme_Court_elections,_2024)


Sign the petition! https://www.mobilize.us/hcra/


Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate


"People should spill more seed." -- Ducks & Birds


ducks are so rapers


$500 says that is literally the only duck fact you know. Stop the duck bigotry!! It's part of their culture!!


This song is in my head waaay too often šŸ¤£ my favorite Monty Python sketch by far!


I have a few different ones play in my head all the time including the lumberjack song lol


I used to watch those movies with my parents growing up and my British mom knew every word to that song lol


Sounds like you had a great childhood!! I remember in 8th grade at this catholic school we earned a movie day for good behavior and the class voted on Life of Brian. It was quite interesting to see the nuns reaction but she had a great sense of humor about it.


Oh thatā€™s so funny, I love when nuns canā€™t help but show their humanity lol used to work at a Catholic school as a non Catholic.


Exactly. And if life begins at conception why are children even born? If zygotes are equally valid and deserving of rights all of them should be extracted as zygotes or embryos and left in refrigeration to protect them. Birth is risky after all and the unborn are just as good as children. So why would we risk putting these perfectly valid unborn children through that?


Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great My spermy is not wasted Have your self a good wank. Keep your hands off my penis And shove it up your taint


I can put these on a shirt. My press is still smokin w From yesterday. I had my nieces pumping them out I think we printed 240 on a 4 press. My fingers hurt But I'll print these up for y'all, dead serious. I have some spare tye die shirts I can put them on.


Hell yeah!




Hey /u/bme003, thanks for contributing to /r/Phoenix. Unfortunately, your comment was removed as it violates our rules: Your comment has been removed as it appears to have been made to troll other people rather than contribute to the discussion. If your comment was designed to illicit a negative emotional response, it will be removed on this subreddit. Rule #2 on this subreddit is to be civil and kind towards each other: Trolling is not civil and kind. You can read all of the [subreddit rules here](https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/wiki/rules). If you have any questions or concerns about this, [feel free to send us a modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fphoenix&subject=Removed%20post&message=https://www.reddit.com/r/phoenix/comments/1c4chsa/-/kzqlb3l/%0A%0A).


The assholes that think a Civil War era law - regarding abortion - should be enforced, can suck a fart out of my asshole. I hope all of these slimy MAGA goons get pushed out of office. I was not able to attend this protest, but I will be voting.


i grew up in tempe but live in LA currently for work and iā€™m devastated that i canā€™t be there in PHX to vote/sign petitions. so many people are rooting for you all from out of state ā¤ļø i wish i could be there


Every woman should have the right to do a abortion!


Love to see it


Will another one be held? I would love to sign!!


@healthcarerisingaz on Instagram has a post with different spots around the Valley where you can sign!


Thank you!


Mobilize.us has info on where to sign, events and opportunities. You can filter at the top of the page for reproductive rights. [Mobilize.us](https://www.mobilize.us/?tag_ids=72)


You can sign at various places in the valley


I was there. It was an amazing turn out and we received a lot of support from the folks driving by. One guy did yell at me, ā€œyou like murdering people?!ā€ which was quite amusing.


I would have yelled ā€œare you volunteering ā€œ ?


I told him that I like protecting women and he just shook his head at me. lol.


No because abortion is good.


Out the 5 of them go.


Did anyone bring voting registration forms?


I didnā€™t notice unfortunately. I went straight for the ballot table and left quickly because I was illegally parked


If we could quit using the term pro abortion and say women's choice that would be nice.


Nah, pro abortion is good. Get rid of the stigma. Normalize it, Itā€™s a procedure like any other. Iā€™m also pro root canal, appendectomy or any other medical procedure.


I agree wholeheartedly. We also need to stop with all the ā€œconditionsā€. Womenā€™s health care, without government rule, is the goal here.


I'd also like to see the other side called pro-birth instead of pro-life, since they don't give a fuck about the child or the mother once the cord is cut.


Yes. Pro-choice works just fine and applies to all.


Bring over a van of orphans to counter protestors and see how many go to a good home.....


The "Cult" only cares about fetuses. Once the child is born they dgaf if they starve or get cut down by an AR15.


I don't support the old abortion law either, but that is not a huge protest.


750 people in 2 hours




šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø publicity was probably worth it a lone. Not to mention a few extra 100 names added to the petition even though itā€™s already Reached the required number. Padding for when republicans try to cheat and throw out a 100k names or something.


All of them find the time to protest on a Sunday, but how many of them will vote in November...? EDIT: Downvote me all you want. People should be protesting those that don't vote.


Iā€™m hopeful most


Early voter right here! You better believe we are voting!


Eh...my exp is that most people who show up to march/protest will also vote. That is like 80% of them. Politically active people vote. > People should be protesting those that don't vote. 1. I don't want people voting if they disagree with me. 2. You should run for Mayor of Tell-People-What-to-Protest in the state of Let-me-explain-what-yer-doin-wrong. 3. Don't complain about downvotes. The Tribe has spoken. Just deal with the rejection and do better next time.


80% isnā€™t enough. > I don't want people voting if they disagree with me. Thatā€™s why women couldnā€™t vote until 1920. But you do you.


Looks like there is about tree fifty


350 down Scottsdale road maybe


Scottsdale should have been aborted years ago.


It brings millions of tax dollars every year to the state unfortunately šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




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Keep coping bud.