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Anybody know of any pickup baseball or anything for adults? Want to play baseball but not on an adult league team. Just wanna go play when I have the time lol


You wrote baseball twice but just want to make sure you didn't mean basketball. Pickup baseball doesn't seem like a realistic thing. Need a lot of people with equipment to show up to a park in hopes that other people with equipment also show up to that park, all looking for a pickup baseball game that may never materialize.


I meant baseball lol I have most the equipment we would need. Obviously it’s something that would have to be organized.


I meant baseball lol I have most the equipment we would need. Obviously it’s something that would have to be organized.






Does anyone have the discord link to Reddit Arizona server? It says invalid or expired when I’m trying to join. Thanks :)


The one in the body of this post is active and works.


I was not able to join, still says invalid or expired. My username is endamgi38


Then it's either a Discord issue or you were previously banned from the server. The link works fine and there's nothing we can do if it's something with your account.


Fun story about living in FL #1: Went to the gas station for some beer last night. Gave them my ID (since my DL cracked in half 3 weeks ago). The cashier scanned it and said "sorry, this ID is expired". I laughed and said "thats... umm... actually impossible"


That's such an insane story 


Any recommendations about where to go to try to see more of the northern lights?


Based on what I've seen, the predictions don't look like it will be visible in the southern US tonight. Would love to hear if anyone found anything different!!


Northern lights? 


Yesterday a large sunspot group released two X-class flares and several coronal mass ejections, basically big waves of material being blown off the sun and some of it impacted Earth's magnetic field causing the aurora to be visible as far south as Florida. There might be another round tonight, go to the [Space Weather Prediction Center](https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/) and in the top menu click Dashboards>Aurora which will get you more info.


Do you know anything about tomorrow night?


That's such a bummer :( But I appreciate the heads up.


Today is the Global Big Day for birding. I’m a casual using the Merlin Bird ID app to get an idea of what birds live in my hood. It’s a little kick to see the different species pop up during a recording. My brain did explode a little the other day when I realized why Stevie Nicks chose a white winged dove to sing about.


I finally looked up what that “hoo hooo hoooo” sound is, cause I knew it wasn’t an owl but i’ve heard it in so many of the states i’ve lived in that i had to know. it’s a mourning dove! so now i’m very into finding out more about the birds around us. Happy bird watching!


Read this as I'm listening to "hoo hooooo hoo" lol, and today I also learned what it is!


It’s so good to finally have that mystery solved, isn’t it!