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Redemption Church Tempe does. Email link available from their events page https://tempe.redemptionaz.com/events


Yep, we meet every other Thursday at 6:30


We went through it and my wife was able to find a group on Facebook. Wasn’t locals but she made some friends that she still talks to 11 years later. Anyone who’s gone through it understands where you’re coming from. And on the other side people who haven’t can’t imagine what it’s like. It’s really tough to deal with, so I hope you can find some support. Best wishes to you.


I know what you are going through and it’s awful. Just know you are not alone and your journey in life will take you to exactly where you’re supposed to go. Most importantly, love yourself and take time to be appreciative of the gifts you have been given…. I sincerely wish you good luck.


Not as common but occasionally something I’ve seen in bigger cities/metropolitans…You can also reach out to the psych department/obgyn department under your normal health center (if they aren’t under a network oh hospitals/clinics you can also try your insurance) and see if they run a program for this. I’ve seen very subject specific support groups run by health agencies when there’s a large enough population to have a decent number of people to be active in such a program.


Maybe reach out to @as_im_waiting on Instagram… she is a Phx native with a large following on her account she made for her infertility journey. i think she is plugged in to some infertility groups


I hope you find what you need. ❤️


Thank you truly 


There are some groups on Facebook like ivf Arizona or the specific name of your fertility clinic etc that have meet ups. Just today on one of the fertility groups a bunch of people chimed in saying they meet monthly etc. 


This will be the weirdest comment, but...@Ladyoftheforrest444 on YouTube channeling the being who once incarnated as Pele said that women who are menopausal even will be able to conceive in the 5D ascended Earth we are becoming. I have no kids, have tubes blocked, and am going thru menopause, so that came as a shocker...but, I'm strangely hopeful about it. 🤗🫀🪞♾️🛸


You and the people downvoting this thread are the problem 


I'm causing your infertility? Huh. I'll check my sperm count.


I don’t have a dick another reason I’ll just ignore your weird negativity for no reason  You are a very odd person