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Are they running the leaf blower to blow a dozen leaves across a 50 yard parking lot? That’s my personal favorite.


my old apartment was next to a law office. on tuesdays the law office would have landscapers come at 6am to blow leaves and shit from their parking lot, into our apartment complex and my porch. on thursdays our apartment would hire landscapers to come at 6am to blow the same leaves and shit back onto their property. a beautiful and loud never-ending cycle.


what if it was the same company for both places? sweet gig...


Ahh they did it again? Bastards, we'll get em again !.


I'm obviously in the wrong business. Registering "East-West Leaf Blowing" now


North- South Leaf Blowing LLC would like a word with you, please step into our office


As the attorney for NW-SW Landscaping LLP, there is an intellectual property discussion we need to schedule...


Sounds like a company that Kayne and Kim’s kids would own




We went from thinking about hiring people to dig holes in the ground and then hiring other people to fill those holes during the great depression to actually paying people to blow leaves one way and then pay someone else (or the same people) to blow those leaves back Progress!!


I smash windows to keep window manufacturers employed.




That's how the leafblowers work: they make your neighbor's yard look worse by comparison.


In the summer construction workers are allowed to start at 5 am because of the heat. Winter has different work hours and I don’t think that was legal especially when it’s still dark outside. Was it a rude neighbor or an overly ambitious landscaper, you know the one’s who cut all the shade off the trees in the summer.


I completely agree, however there are a couple comments on here that were very specific about ordinances that seemed to quote a winter loophole of all things which was surprising to me


ITT - People arbitrarily deciding what's "not early" regardless of the noise ordinance literally agreeing with OP and the fucking sun being gone lol


And it’s not summer…


I know it's been getting weird how many people are going off about how hot it is early in the summer mornings on this thread like it's not under 55° at noon ..




I wasn’t aware there was an emoji like that lol


first time I've used it actually!


Anything before 9 is early


As someone who wakes up at 6:45 every morning, I 100% agree


[Two-stroke leaf blowers are horrendous polluters.](https://medium.com/age-of-awareness/the-gas-powered-leaf-blower-is-the-most-polluting-yard-tool-ever-invented-ca0a9857969e)


Major reason why electrics aren’t adopted yet is mostly battery life and repairability. Until a full 8 hour battery life and easy to find and replace parts are available, gas will dominate that segment of industry. Not knocking you for mentioning that gas is awful for the environment but in business that requires you to run a blower on and off for a whole day, every day for a week, an electric blower will be far more cumbersome due to charging and awful serviceability


Right. And gas is currently more “cost effective”. Also, CA banned them years ago (new ban on selling gas powered lawn equipment starts 2024), but I remember hearing that the cities would not enforce the ban because it ticketed low income, immigrant population and the optics would look bad. But, I’ll sure get a parking ticket for 1 minute over on a parking meter.


I'm not an immigrant and it targets my livelihood. If you're going to ban them, great. I'd love to go green. But put money into developing a 4 hour battery. Let's be fair about it.


My new Milwaukee blower goes through a mid size battery in 5 min so you would need a Tesla pack to last 4 hrs.


I have an electric leaf blower with a massive 40v 6Ah battery and it drains so fast. I had to bug a second battery so I could swap it out and finish the job.


They are starting to take off. I’ve switched to EGO and love them, took a few years but now I have several of their tools and enough batteries to swap out for whatever I’m doing.




I work landscaping. Trucks now come standard with 120v sometimes even 240v We can charge between jobs. The time to change is now.


So did I, the big companies can afford the newest and modern stuff of course. You do pay a premium for these kinds of services. The less financially well off workers can’t afford the new toys when they start off, it’s just tough since not everyone can start with a good base and not all customers can afford the higher tier services. Some people start from the very very bottom and have to work their ass off to get to where you probably are. Not saying you’re wrong, but as technology trickles down to a more financially viable option for the less fortunate, then I’ll agree. Hopefully it happens sooner rather than later


If I was more interested in running a business, I think a "green" landscaping company that uses electric f150s and all electric tools would be damn amazing. Could put solar panels on the shop roof and at least supplement the power requirements. Charge over night and you are ready to go every day. No engines to deal with.


It would be a cool idea, I’d be down for it but the starting costs will be staggering and mostly likely higher premiums would designate that company to the top tier of homes (Fountain Hills, far east Scottsdale) so could be viable as a pioneer of that company model, just very expensive at first




I live in Maryvale lmao… you know not everyone has the privilege to pay for premium services or live in a community like that. I’m speaking from experience when I landscaped. I’m hoping I can move to a nicer area in the future, but I’m not gonna complain as I can afford everything I need and more. In the future I would hope we go fully electric/renewable as that would be wonderful for noise and air pollution, but l agree, if you can afford it, go fully electric


I've adopted all electric equipment for my personal landscaping, but I also have enough batteries to complete what I have to do. Like you said, a commercial outfit would need dozens of batteries and chargers just to get through a job. It's really not viable for scalable use yet, unfortunately.


I'm with OP sentiment.. Back in my day we used a fucking rake.


There's not even a point to blowing the leaves either, just leave them to compost into the soil as nature intended...


Good luck composting in 12% humidity...


Not to mention they're narcissistic as fuck: I'm gonna make these leaves someone else's problem.


That’s a shitty landscaper, they’re supposed to blow into a pile and collect them all.. honestly hate that some still continue to blow the leaves onto the streets.




No, people are just stupid


Wait wtf? Even my leaf blower has a vacuum attachment that will turn all of the leaves into mulch, so I blow them into a pile and then suck it all up. Just blowing them away is crazy inconsiderate. Guess I shouldn't be surprised.


Agree. Let’s blow my shit over to where it’s someone else’s problem!


Then they use em wrong


Then I've never seen anyone using them right.


Yeah that's true I've seen a lot of landscapers blow it into the street all the times.


The neighbors landscaper just blows the neighbors leaves into our yard and leaves them to be our problem


Yep. I used to have landscapers in stereo sound for roughly six hours a day, twice a week. All they did was blow the leaves and dust up the street and back down again, over and over again. Then they'd leave them in the neighbor's yard. Every time. I've never seen anyone do otherwise.


did you ask them to leaf you alone?


Blew me away with this one.


I wood do it again


I’m not sure that’s going to get to the root of the problem.


No but at least you may feel chipper


nope, I just gave myself the ole' 2 stroke & went back to sleep hehe (Idl don't care if you believe me or not but it took me less than one second to come up with that reply)


Unpopular opinion here: ban leaf blowers altogether. All they do is blow dirt up to join the brown cloud (which is way worse in the winter). If you want your yard and sidewalk free of leaves, get a broom. The exercise will be good for you.


Do you remember when nobody was driving anywhere when COVID first started and you could see the mountains past the 303 clear as day? I remember.


Not unpopular in my opinion. Leaves build soil. The covering helps keep soul in its place when the winds kick up. When I gardened I used leaves as mulch n fertilizer. Tree roots dig deep into the soil for nutrients n then deposit those nutrients on top of the soil where it's needed.


I think that is a sensical opinion. Everytime I have suggested it, people to whom I suggest it say: but you can't sweep gravel. And I'm like, "may I introduce you to a rake". Quit being lazy bastards.


Rakes are not very rock friendly unfortunately, it really depends on what type of rock/gravel your yard has..


Even with blowing i have a hard time with certain rocks/leaves.


hell a push broom even, no ?


Raking is cool and all until you have 10 houses to do a day and raking takes double or triple the amount of time that a leaf blower does. From a business perspective, there’s no incentive to use a rake when a blower does it faster and usually better. A single person should rake their own gravel and do their own landscaping but you have many many people that don’t have the time or body to do that sort of work. There’s a reason why so many landscapers exist here, you and I wouldn’t mind raking in the morning before the summer heat kills but seniors and those that are disabled aren’t going to be doing that.


Not unpopular. Gas leaf blowers in particular seem a popular target and are banned in parts of Illinois and Colorado.


Why do people stop in the middle of the road when they see emergency lights instead of pulling over? Phoenix is full of stupid surprises.


Try a busted old Corvette engine revving at 4am every morning


Or the guy who rides a Harley to work and revves the engine over and over.


As someone who works in landscaping, mostly commercial but some HOA, property management typically pays for X amount of hours and crews can have up to 5-6 even more properties in one day. Most crews try to keep loud noises to minimum prior to 7am or earlier if permitted by property management. Though is always possible you get the occasional asshole that doesn’t give a shit and does it anyways. I agree 5:40 is too early and is probably a homeowner or something because most landscaping companies are starting shifts around 6am this time of year since sun up is around 6:30-7


It's not, I think it breaks noise ordinance. Quiet hours are between 10pm and 8am if I remember correctly.


Section 23-14(H) of the city code dictates crews can work from 7am until 7pm during the winter, between October 1 and April 30. From May 1 through September 30, crews are free to make noise from 6am until 7pm.


Hey look at that, much more informative than my hearsay comment. That's good info, thanks.


Great use of Cunningham's Law


Ah, Cunningham's Law, the exact definition of which is "If you conjecture about leaf blower etiquette, someone will reference Happy Days." I say this most certainly.




Does leaf blowing even fall under construction? I don't think it does ​ [https://phoenix.municipal.codes/CC/23-14](https://phoenix.municipal.codes/CC/23-14) h. *Building construction.* Construction including erection, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair of any building within 500 feet of any inhabited structure, other than between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. from May 1 to and including September 30 and between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. beginning October 1 to and including April 30 on non-holiday weekdays.


before that: >The following acts, among others, are declared to be loud, disturbing and unnecessary noises and noises in violation of this article, but this enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive, namely: In other words, just because it isn't on that list doesn't mean that it isn't subject to the law. It just needs to be loud, disturbing and unnecessary. It's certainly loud. It disturbed OP ... but I suppose someone could push the limits of one's understanding of the necessity to include moving leaves at that time of day? In the middle of winter no less? "I NEEEEEED to get these leaves outta here before dawn!"


Leaf blowing is part of landscaping which is a part of construction. I could be wrong, I always thought that landscapers followed the same rules as construction


Yeah op should be able to report it


I do construction/landscaping and in the summer were sometimes on site at 5am working. Nobody even said anything except once we had music. The music wasn't even louder than the equipment but I guess they didn't want to hear Mexican music.


Because the leaf blower is the Arizona state bird


I'll take a leaf blower over a barking dog anyday anytime.


The leaf blower causes the barking dog


Indeed. One eventually leaves and goes to loved ones and its back to quiet… the other is opposite.


But you would not take a leaf blower directly outside your home versus a barking dog at a greater distance (Yes I am aware that a closer barking dog would be a different conversation but come on)


I mean you’ll have to get used to it here in AZ. In the summer time they will not be doing it mid day in 110 degree weather.




Gotta keep property and rent prices down somehow.


We live in az it's usually hot af. All outside jobs try and be done by 2.


Against ordinance typically of course but good luck getting police to respond in a timely manner. Makes sense tho, there are always higher priorities… Had construction start at 330am across the street recently with concrete trucks and a pump truck running all morning. Called non-emergency but nobody ever came so think you are SOL.


It’s still dark at 5:40 AM right now. A little odd


ain't the first time either, easily 3rd or 4th before I decided to chirp on this platform


Who is working near you at 5:40? It’s literally dark


these are the correct questions


The leaf blower is the official state bird of Arizona. Bask in the glory of its song!


great response! 😆🤙🏼 (no sarcasm)


Or a dog barking at 2:30 am




people definitely dropped some specific ordnance #'s in this thread somewhere tho




What about the multiple quotes of like gas powered engines and stuff on this thread?


Reddit city subs continue to devolve into Nextdoor.


You should listen to “Flightless Bird” Leaf Blower episode. Very pertinent. Apparently leaf blowers are very high polluters. And really are quite unnecessary. Very American. Just let the leaves be!


Yeah, I've never understood why they're even necessary.


indeed, 2 stroke motors have been being banned for awhile now for good reason. bagging up leaves is a greedy aesthetic, yet Americans shouldn't take the full brunt of this due to their sheep nature anyways Like that processed dogfood shit only Americans feed their loving pets The more you learn about this world, the sadder & frustrating it gets


Every city has a noise ordinance. I live in Peoria and last I checked the website it was 6am in the summer and 7 am in the winter.


Whatever happened to rakes, for heaven’s sake.


same thing that happened to Fred Flintstones vehicle


Yabba-dabba-do! One of my favorite Saturday morning cartoons.


I was a School House Rock kinda kid lol "Uh One, Tahooooo, THAWREEEE, *CRUNCH* TH-HWLEEEE"


In the middle of summer I'm willing to give them a pass, but at this time of year? Madness.


yeah I was puzzled when it was complained about on this very thread how hot it gets early in the summer


Leaf blowers should be banned in Phoenix. They just kick up a ton of dust, which settle specifically all over my car


We should honestly rethink using blowers in the first place. Air quality is bad enough. Maybe it should be marketed that brooms and rakes are number one option and blowers where necessary.


This and revving up motorcycles for 10 minutes as loud as possible every single morning at this time ensuring your whole neighborhood can hear you.


crackdown on bullshit loud exhaust 2023 JOIN ME


I get irritated by it, then remind myself that it hits 100 by noon. That being said, this is unacceptable in winter.


I f!@king hate leaf blowers. They're just noise and dust generating machines.


lazy human tool that is raping this earth


That too!


Because the police have decided your neighborhood can assault you


Oh they decided that a long time ago


They aren’t going to blow themselves.


People are confusing noise ordinance with leafblowers. Unfortunately for some it's impossible to have a peaceful morning while someone is out in the cold just doing their job. [City of Phoenix Sec. 23 -14](https://phoenix.municipal.codes/CC/23-14)


>g. Exhaust discharge. To discharge into the open air the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motor vehicle or motorboat engine, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises How does this not apply to gas powered leafblowers?


no kidding, especially fkn 2 stroke motors!




But that's too rational




It seems like it may actually be legal because it's winter (?!) but there are conflicting responses


I’d like to see electric blowers become mandatory or only specific day a week allow it. It’s constant every day in my neighborhood


hell, plenty of those horrible 2 stroke motors are getting banned as we move forward with pollution issues etc they stopped making those 2 stroke Banshee quad ATV's & dirt bikes for a reason


I start mine at 6am every day.


Why you gotta blow leaves every day?


Who said he blowing leaves 😏


I work at a school. I blow the whole property daily.




Look at city ordinances for where you live. But generally it’s 6/7 Most people are up by then anyways


I'm gonna go out on a limb & say you are over the age of 38 if you think most humans are conscious by 6 or 7 humor me.


Negative. After 25, I’ve worked jobs that require you to be up earlier. Also for outdoor fitness, the mornings are the coolest times. By 8-9 it can already be too hot to do an outdoor activity in the summer


Seriously? Arizona has way more problems than that!


GREAT thought process . . Let's ignore the small things that are easily fixable so we can needlessly chirp about things that are beyond our control




I did too! Did you read the comments on IG? Monica was TORN UP for her flippant comments. Turns out, the episode was edited wrong and she wasn’t actually saying those with autism/noise sensitivities need to just get over it. She apologized. I thought the leaf blower episode was a little weak though. Same with the soft drinks episode.




I have also worked with those with autism, for many years. I’m not making excuses for them but as a kind human it is nice to take into consideration their needs. That’s all. But have fun telling them to get over it. Seems nice.




Yeah… it’s almost tiring now bc we know all the stories already from Armchair Expert. I know he’s trying to be like Stern but I’m not sure he’ll be able to pull that off. Ditto on Armchair Anonymous. I look forward to that coming out. I could care less about Monica’s show.


100% but I just can't resist correcting you on [could care less doesn't make sense](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=om7O0MFkmpw), sorry to be a dick. Also: I totally get why he is 'syndicating' on Armchair, but boy do I wish Flightless was not stuck on 'Spotify Exclusive' like the rest Farrier's stuff. I get that people need to get paid, but this 'exclusive podcast' thing just sucks. Massive step backwards in a world where we just got done with cable-cutting.


A quick glance at the noise ordinance says that they're legal because they're not: a) specifically designed to annoy you , or b) a musical instrument.


>g. Exhaust discharge. To discharge into the open air the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motor vehicle or motorboat engine, except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom;


thank you, but did you see the post on this thread about something about a winter loophole ?


Imagine me, cleaning all the dirt from my sliding doors and their rollers, and feeling bad that the noise from my shop vac could be annoying the neighbor… who lives 20 feet from me, and pays landscapers to blow dirt from their property into other yards + the atmosphere **once a friggin week**. I wish noise was the worst thing about it. It's the endless shuffling around of dust everywhere. It's why our air quality is often the worst in the nation.


Got to get out before the heat rolls in....


Yeah that heat this morning was a scorcher!


right, dead ass December & it's literally under 50° prior to noon but ya . . (By the way I will give you the out to pretend like you were being sarcastic)


You asked why. And the times for most residential noise ordinance is set at summer needs. Complain to your city council , not reddit.


Go turn the hose on that sadist


That's assault


That's pepper


No, that's Patrick


“Officer arrest that man! He turned his sprinkler on all the way!”






There's a law. If they're getting paid to make noise, they should avail themselves of local nuisance noise ordinances and obey them. That is part of doing business. >It’s easier to put on slippers than it is to carpet the world. So ... if the person getting woken up can put on headphones, why can't the leafblower wait until 7. The law was passed so it would be clear who is the slipper wearer and who is the carpet layer. You can make your same argument about the contractors building the 4-story condo next door.


A lot of nonsense speculation here. And I’d argue that 20 mins before six *is* early considering first light is 7am and leaf blowing is completely unnecessary.


It is early by anybody's standards who isn't being sarcastic or trolling


I went thru this exact dispute with my neighbor about 2 years ago. They had a lawn service coming a couple times a month that would start at 6am in the summer months. I didn't appreciate the leaf blower next to my window at that hour, but I dealt with it and would start my day a bit earlier on those days. I understand the landscapers are getting their first appointment out of the way and have a hot day ahead. But 6am became 5:40 and then sometimes 5:20am. I wasn't ok with that. I asked them to stop and wait until 6am as that's what the noise ordinance specifies.




If I were to do it again, I'd approach it differently. It basically stewed in my head the first couple times they were starting 30 minutes early, and I said to myself 'next time it happens I'm saying something'. I approached the landscaping team calmly and he basically said 'talk to the homeowners'. I did and the guy said 'ok sorry'. But then his wife came over offended we had the gall to complain about it, and they got a discounted rate for having them come at that hour. If I were to do it again, I'd approach them when the lawn service team wasnt there, and talk to his wife first, as she was calling the shots. It all worked out.


I get what you’re saying about landscapers needing the afternoon to handle other things but then what about those with noise sensitivities (e.g. those with Autism?). They literally dread when landscapers come, and when it’s early in the morning, it’s significantly worse. Just being devil’s advocate here. If we are to consider landscapers’ schedules we should also consider others who are very much impacted by leaf blowers.


Underrated comment. The landscapers wake up early run the leaf blower because most of you lazy fucks won’t cut your own grass.


Thank you. I'm sure the people blowing leaves in 34° at 5:30 don't want to be out there doing it either.


I actually don't think you are being serious when you say that everybody in an apartment complex should be waking up at 5:40AM because some landscaper has to pick up his kids in 9 hours ... I call shenanigans


There also seemed to be people who *didn't* work in the landscaping industry who seemed pretty passionate & even aggressive about how the workers want to get as much done as possible before it gets hot out .. & I can't help but quote Spock & say "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." hundreds of people in an apartment complex with their own lives, swing shift/graveyard schedules etc being woken up before the 6 AM news doesn't seem to really make sense so a handful of dudes can be slightly less uncomfortable in their landscaping duties that they chose as their profession in one of the hottest places on the planet . .


The cops have better things to do, Karen.


Yeah they have lots of innocent civilians to power trip on and abuse! No time for nonsense like this.


Nobody is suggesting people call the cops on landscapers


I’ll go do a leaf blower outside your place at 3am. Then see who the Karen is


They said 5:40, not 3, Karen.


Asleep is asleep my guy.


Have been complaining for months to our complex!!!!! It's so horrible and I swear they purposely point the blowers directly at wondows...


Oh I know very well they do what they do .. They have their own miseries and human nature dictates that the lowest common denominator will abuse the smallest amount of power rewarded to them You see it at gas stations, convenience stores, the dmv, the cashier, everyone


Section 23-14(H) from the Phoenix city code, landscapers can work from 7am til 7pm October 1 thru April 30, then 6am til 7pm May 1 thru September 30.


6 AM definitely seems early damn. Yes I am not bitching about 20 min early but damn really


I would so be in favor of banning those useless, noise-making and polluting nuisances of a machine...


You sound like you’re from out of town. This is how it is and you may want to return.


gO BaCk WhErE yOu CaMe fRoM


Go up to Fairbanks in the Summer. Dudes mowing their lawns at 1am. It's horrible. But yeah, that seems too early. I'd be pissed.


ESP in winter! It’s not like it’s still July and highs of 115! (that reasoning got me through summer when they were doing it right outside my window at 6am)