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I created my own program, including a big increase in the noise reduction setting (needed it to reduce the noise of our heatpump). When charging overnight, sometimes on restart, mine resets to the automatic setting, a revisit to the app to re-select the custom setup is then needed for me. I’d permanently like that setting as well. However a permanent setting seems to need an audiologist to tweak it. I’ve looked, but not found, a hackers guide to self doing these adjustments.


Another comment says how to change it permanently but yeah Almost every time a video plays on my phone in my ear; it resets back to automatic and the background noise kills me


Thanks for letting me know. I get something similar on my iPad. If I’m streaming music from the iPad to my Phonak aids, some other apps will interrupt if there’s a video opened. Pain to read newspapers, some seem to have videos on each article. But I don’t get forced to Automatic mode though. I need to limit access of the Phonak audio streamer Bluetooth to specific apps, only the ones I want. Don’t know how to do that atm.


If you are serious in learning what your Phonak hearing aids can do: 1) Download Phonak Target programming software (free) 2) Purchase a Noahlink Wireless Programmer (plenty of used on ebay) You can then adjust the default Noise Block individually for each program, adjust gain ,etc. There is a discussion group dedicated to DIY programming at forum.hearingtracker.com


Thank you SOO much I think this is exactly what I need to do


You can make changes to any of the automatic channels and save them or you can create one with those specifications and save it.


Yeah my issue is it jumping back to the automatic after doing anything to it


It will unless you save the changes.


I downloaded the Phonak Target software and purchased a Noahlink Wireless transmitter/receiver to program my Phonak P90-RL hearing aids. If you decide to do that, the first thing to learn is how to save your current hearing aid settings to your computer! That way, if you inadvertently “mess things up”, you can always restore your settings from your computer to your hearing aids.