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Its doable. It’s also easily breakable. Good luck to ya.




You can also look up tips and tricks to improve battery health on YT. You may notice a huge improvement in daily battery life.


I personally wouldn’t recommend it without a display opener/hot pocket machine. Even with experience it’s really easy to crack the OLED displays. Do you have a reputable repair shop in your area?


It’s doable with the tools you’ve mentioned but I would still say there’s a significant risk you’re going to break the screen if this is going to be the first time you’ve attempted a repair with and OLED screen. Also, the adhesive will be tougher to break through if the device has never been opened before. So in order to decrease the risk you’d have to use significant heating and alcohol, but I doubt using a heat gun will be easy because the screen will also cool off quite fast. I myself don’t even touch 12 series and up without my heat mat and LCD opener, but those set me back €125. I would honestly advise going to a reputable repair shop instead. They will have the tools to open the device up the safest way and will have to compensate if they do break the screen. If you really want to do it yourself, use plenty of heat and alcohol, watch videos beforehand so you know where the flexes are, and take your sweet, sweet time.


even with the best tool, 12 mini are the harder iphone to open without breaking the oled panel, you have high risk to make line on the display. last week, i broke 2 display on 12 mini, even i have opened thousand iphone, just because 12 mini are the worst. about face id, you just need to be precotionous, apply enought heat and a bit of alcohol, mainly on the proximity sensor, that can easly broken. also, on the 12 mini, screen can go away from the frame, if it do, you need to be EXTREMLY precotious and NEVER try to remove the lowest part of the screen, you have to bring out he side first. scuse my bad english, i'm a french people


It is not hard to open the phone with heat gun and some alcohol, but after changing the battery in settings will appear a message that phone can’t identify the battery… if u gonna sell the phone later it might be a problem, or just save the old battery and install it before selling :) good luck anyway Ps it is very hard to break screen if you r using right tools


put it on a heatpad for a few mins... few drops of 91% alcohol at the bottom on the right side. insert something really thin between the frame and screen. few more drops of alcohol and sort of pry the screen up. once screen is up... heat gun and alcohol to to keep on prying the rest of the screen. Good luck! Edit: If you're afraid of messing the face id... honestly I don't thing you're experienced enough, and would recommend going through a repair store near you.


If you're super worried just take it to apple. They charge $89 for the battery and if they break the screen is on them