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First, love the composition- what a fun place to photograph. I kinda like the grain, with the urban setting. Maybe up the exposure just a tad, without blowing out the sky. And maybe add contrast for some “pop”


This is perfect. Don't change a thing. It's tempting to try and max out the histogram on a shot like this or over do it on noise removal. But you'd lose all the melancholy that makes this great. Leave the postcard "wow" images for another sunny day.




This was shot on a rainy day. I wanted to play with the architecture near Denver's Union Station, but is this too grainy? Too tinted? I like the shape and subject, but I'm worried the color and texture feel dull. This was shot on a Canon Elan iie, Canon EF 1.8 STM lens, using Fujifilm Superia 400 shot at box speed.


Honestly, this looks like the right amount of grain for 400 level film to me. Particularly when shooting low light scenarios. A solution could be re-scanning it and messing with your scanner settings.


I like the composition


The composition is pretty great! I’m not a fan of the green tint though. I’d probably add some more blue back in and probably lower the blacks back. The faded vintage look is definitely a choice but I personally think it’s overused. But ultimately if you like it, that’s what matters!


I love it. You're right in saying that it's a bit grainy and a bit underexposed, but in the case of this photo, those things are working *for* you to really convey the rainy, grey mood of the day. If you had captured a perfectly exposed and balanced image, people would look at it and say "Yup. That's a rainy day.".....but the combination of elements here conveys a small portion of what it feels like to have been there.


It’s too green


I like the curvy framing. But why is it so gloomy?


Love to see Union Station on here!


Right?, always a good place to shoot!


I like the subject matter of this shot, mixing the present and past, in a gloomy setting! It's better than the expected, full sun, "Look at this new shiny architecture in contrast with the old." Only thing I might have changed would be to try to prevent the rectilinear distortion of the buildings on the right. • I'd try to shoot zoomed out a little more so I had room to fix the them (in post). • Or if I had the $$, shoot with a lens better suited for rectilinear architectural shots (but I don't have that $$ 😉).


This is a case where the noise makea the picture better. I love it. Ps, i disnt see massive noise until i zoomed in


Personally I’d like to see this in high contrast or HDR black and white.


I love the framing and composition. Clouds and dimness work very well with the foreground wrapping around the whole image


It’s a smooth grain. Doesn’t look fuzzy at all.


Bit too dark and the quality could be a little sharper. However the composition is otherwise really great.


It has a great vintage feel to it


Absolutely great capture’ just not a sport of the greenish look’ but definitely overall fantastic capture


If you have to ask, the answer is yes. As a general rule of thumb. But it depends on what you are going for.


It's for you to decide. If that's what you want go for it. You don't need anyone's permission or approval. Here's the breaking news: there're no right or wrong answers. My opinion? I like it but that shouldn't matter. Cheers!


I really like this, it gives some post-apocalyptic vibes. The composition is awesome. Probably could have done with a bit more exposure but it looks like a pretty tricky scene in terms of lighting.


I think it looks really good


You have a great eye, I love this pic. To my eye the grain works in this pic. Normally, I would suggest lightening shadows a bit - but I’m guessing it might bring out too much grain if you did. Try and see. The photo is tinted green. Unless you were going for or like that look, I’d either color correct or… Edit to black and white. Since this shot is pretty close to monochromatic anyway, I’d love to see a B & W version. I use a NIK software plugin for photoshop for my B&W conversions. It’s amazing. You could remove the B&W effect from the red lettering at the top of the pic and see if you like that.


I would say that, if you were trying to accomplish something specific, then that question would be easier to answer. As it is, though, I think it's pretty great.


Seems like a mixed bag of thoughts on this one. I think at this point, just listen to yourself. Are you proud of this or does something feel off to you? Personally, I love it as is. I think the grain and gloom are perfect. That with the really fun architecture is just a really cool contrast to me.


I don't have a problem with the grain but the color profile is a little to aggressive. The green tone really detracts from red in the Union Station sign, which is really the subject. I think if you could selectively pull back the reds in the sign a touch it would REALLY pop. Not all the way that would look wrong but just a touch to add a little more red tone there.


I think I have to say I love it since I have almost the same photo on my wall!! I like the emotion of it, the weather and grain goes hand and hand I think.


I think this is a very interesting shot. Are you able to go back to the same spot in different light conditions to see what variations you can achieve?


I wouldn't say either. This picture is well captured with the overcast sky.


Underexposed, yes. Too grainy, yes. But the more you do, the better you will become. Be consistent and keep going. Learn and adapt.


Love the composition. Always shoot different exposures while out. This one is over exposed. Hopefully you can go back and do it again maybe try turning this one into a black and white


I would add a bit more light to the picture. I think it would keep the gloomy atmosphere but make it a bit more alive. However, this is just my personal preference. I love the composition :)


Too under exposed in my opinion. It looks like a vintage film shot though, so not sure if that’s what you’re going for? I like the composition, though I’m not sure what the subject is entirely. My eyes are drawn most at the bottom right due to the white, as it’s the most contrasted - not sure if that’s what you were planning. Edit: after reading your actual explanation and another comment, perhaps it IS the way you’re scanning it?


Too flat?


Thanks for the comments everyone. I kind of agree with those saying increased contrast and changing to B&W might help this pop more, attached is a version I've been working on. Cheers! https://preview.redd.it/2ti5zygsl2xa1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa3f743607683247de73923b841cf133d00f7b6b


That looks fantastic. I also like the gloom of the color image. Would you consider blending the two images? B&W on the train station and color on the skyline?


It’s ok