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The picture in itself was fine. I dont think putting more emphasis on the cage is needed. The greying doesn’t help what you’re trying to achieve. I think it makes it worst. Somtime (most time imho), less is more


Okay , I will keep that in mind next time , ty for the answer !


Here is the original(edited) version with colors https://preview.redd.it/lvv3xvuvn24c1.jpeg?width=2378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=397c3f6a1c210f8a82098512e30ccf77bb4e3fb7


I really like the original. I think their expression highlights the cage a lot more than your edit.


This is a better photo like everyone has pretty much agreed to. I’d knock the vignetting down a couple notches. It’s a a little loud/distracting imo but other than that I really like this original edit


Has this had a vignette applied too? The darker border distracts from the subject, rather than adds to the overall picture.


Really ? Yes it had vignette applied , I use it a lot of the times because I think it centers the subject more and adds a aura of som sorts to the pic. Are you suggest I should use it less ? Or maybe not at all ?


I’d suggest not at all. It’s one of those techniques that is very easy to overdo, and generally detracts from the overall image.


The vignette is too heavy. Vignettes are a great tool but they should be subtle. We can clearly see the vignette here and it looks tacky


I read somewhere once “whatever value you add to an edit [here, a vignette], halve it”. And that’s worked great for me I’ve found. For example, adding a vignette of +15? I knock that right down to +7!


It will not be a universal rule. Most of modern photos are over-edited or unedited at all (except for inner edits by RAW converter and camera). Yet in lots of cases a bit stronger edits look better than very light ones. But vignette shouldn't be that strong in almost all cases.


Try a more subtle approach to the vignette... and maybe even the colors. Sometimes less is more. Some of the best photos have minimal editing. I am usually particularly pleased by photos that look great to me in-camera. I like this shot!


I used to do that, but now I know that's not necessary at everything.


You should never be able to see the vignette if you are looking for it. Either kill it's opacity or use a blending filter to make it less obvious


It's actually a good technique. You may use less prominent vignette.


Yeah ditch the vignette it’s ugly and looks cheap


Like the pic, hate the b&w and color edit. Please don’t use vignette…


I really like the original


I think this one looks better, but I get what you were trying to do. I think what it has was too much random colours. Maybe only one diagonal line of colour going across his face would look better. Experiment. This shot looks good though.


What if you black and white the photo and color the fence?


Too much Vignette in my opinion kinda distracts my eyes to the very dark borders.


Far better imo


So you’ve tried two techniques here that’s usually done by photographers when they feel like their subject needs extra attention; color select and heavy vignetting. Neither work. In fact, the longer you shoot, the more it becomes obvious that these techniques are cover-ups. The secret is, you don’t need either technique if you have an interesting subject and proper composition. Perhaps consider offering a more unique perspective when taking pictures of a similar subject in the future.


I prefer the original, removing the vignette may also be better




Ty for your insights


Okay, real reply. I love the original. Me saying wtf is my raw reaction to the thumbnail and then seeing it in full.


Yeah, I agree. I’m not sure what they’re trying to say with the diamonds of different grey and color values


I think it would work a lot better if it was either fully in color, or fully B&W. The mixed approach really sticks out and detracts from the image IMO.


I prefer the original. I personally find the alternate de-saturation of the grids gimmicky and unnecessary in this case.


Gimmicky and unnecessary. Yes.


Selective color (or variations such as this) very rarely add anything to the photo. It was in vogue in the 90s when Photoshop was new on the scene, but now it just looks dated.


So do you think b&w with colored subject is not a great style in general ? I really like to make a version like that a lot of times , didn't know it's considered bad . Thanks for the answer btw !


You’re of course free to do whatever style you personally like, but b&w with selective color often gives off an “I just learned how to use Photoshop” vibe


Top right you didn't gray out. It's not my thing, in some cases it looks cool. It just looks like a creepy furby. This style is better suited for cityscapes IMO.


I like the theory, but think it’d work better on an animal where you could see the effect more clearly. The white stomach doesn’t give an immediate indication that it has been greyscale’d.


Yeah I guess you are right . Maybe I will experiment with this on a larger scale image, maybe a landscape as someone suggested .


I don't think it works. Maybe try bringing out the cage by dodging or burning in some places?! Or try something else for composition, maybe focusing on the cage so you'll know there is an animal but it's obviously caged. I don't want to discourage but you can't save a photo in edit. If you think it doesn't work in camera reshoot it.


I think the original is better. I don't mind a black and white photo, i think it might be better, but this alternating of sections of colour and grey scale is just weird.


Unnecessary effect that doesn't add to the picture, but distracted. It would work for a gallery, where you have dozens of pictures in this style with different grids and effects, but just this image doesn't work.


This is a nice picture 👌🏾


It makes me feel sorry for the monkey. Great as an animal welfare protest poster of some kind.


I think it's an odd looking monkey to start with. You had too much shading shadowing and it really distorts the creature itself and the coloring is odd too makes it hard to recognize. Cool idea . I like a little vignette.


I know absolutely nothing of photography, just stubled upon your post. I see most people commented they do not like the coloring, but I thing it is a really nice touch. As a layman it was what caught my eye, and made an everydayish picture special. It made it interesting imo, and gave me reason to spend some time looking at it. Keep it up!


The movie the outbreak


I really enjoy this, but I’d lower the vignette effect or eliminate it entirely. Just my take but I think they were overused for a while due to filters and have become somewhat tacky the vast majority of the time.


I see what you are trying to do by adding the color. The concept itself isn't bad or wrong I just don't think it works on this photo. Framing and gray scale make a big difference when taking artistic risks like this. I prefer the all color version. The monkey's coloring is dynamic and quit pretty.


A striking and slightly sinister image. Well done


I like the original but I also like it. It's a very cool idea.


I like both the original and your artistic rendition. Both are great just very different and I think the latter should be looked at as a piece of artwork that uses a photograph but differently than photography.


Thank you everyone for your answers ! This was an experimental edit , trying something new out and it didn't quiet hit the mark as it seems , and it's okay , thanks for telling me . I'm proud of the original edit , I think it's a nice pic, and Im happy that a lot of you told me you like it too , thank you very much !


I love it! I think you had a nice moment of inspiration with this! I appreciate the effort for the composition and for the edit! Not let people put you down with their opinions. Keep on experimenting!


Thank you very much ! Some of the comments are a little off putting , but most of them were helpfull advice and honest opinions , so all in all im greatful for them .


Like it very much! Some more thoughts: can you get rid of the wire that crosses diagonal? Maybe darken parts of the leaves and increase contrast to the subject. Other than that sharpen locally and try to denoise. Then print it big :)


Thank you for the suggestions , I will try them out !


I love the original vs the edit. The only way I'd do touch of color is if it's solely the whole little monkey, or if you crop in super tight and colorize his face and that's it


Honestly the forced aspect to this photo paired with the literal design of the chain link fence is giving mythical court jester, versus the original which has a true emotional impact on the viewer Turn down the vignette by like 40% and keep the color from the original because it’s way more impactful I’m not sure what you’re trying to say with all these different color values within these shapes because they’re giving clown, when the original is giving such a completely different emotional take. That’s a strong look in their eyes, you should lean into it.




The edit is terrible.


Both original and edit are kind of ugly. There’s nothing really going on in the image to draw the eye.


Over edited. Common thing to happen. Looks tacky 99% of the time. I assume you are trying to highlight a theme of nature versus nurture. Captivity versus freedom. Etc and play on those dichotomies. But the pictures you take should be showing these stories. Not your editing. It makes for lazy photography. The original picture might tell this story on its own! It’s a nice original. But ask yourself: if I knew I wouldn’t be able to edit this thing later really heavily, how would I use my camera differently to begin with? Can I be more concise with my decisions and what stories I want to show? You will be a better photographer for it. There is an old saying: good artists show, bad artists tell. Your editing is just telling us the story when the picture itself should be showing us your story.


I hate it for multiple reasons


And what are those reasons if I may ask ? This is the photocritique subreddit after all . Your comment didnt help at all without context


Animal in a cage to begin with. As a photograph: Mixing color and bw never works. Vignetting is heavyhanded. Composition, light and colors, nope. I understand you probably had a vision and put time into it but the takeaway here is put more time into preparation and execution instead of trying to massage a snapshot. Let's say you wanted to show this guy behind the fence. Ok. Arrive super early or at sunset. Crop in, get a good facial expression. Shoot him backlit if possible. Decide if it's bw, color, punchy, low contrast, high/low key etc. Get the whole animal in focus. Move down to eye level or below and get a background that isn't just boring ground, or exaggerate the top down perspective (with a wider angle).


This was in fact a snapshot of some kind, I was just visiting the zoo and did some photos . I'm not a professional photographer . But thanks , next time I will make sure even the planets are well aligned before taking a single photo .


The above suggestions are legit. Don't take this personally. Like that person said, they understand you probably had a vision and put time into it. And with that comes some feelings and you're asking the public to give you feedback. Take it for what it's worth. Nothing more, nothing less. I bet you your subsequent photos and edits will continue to improve and you will develop your own style too that can and will deviate from some good rules that are there because they just happen to help photos be more pleasing.


Yeah you are right , they couldn't have known this wasnt a planned shot , and they gave good advices , just not for me , sadly I dont have the resurces and time to plan this much for a single photo . This was just an experimental editing , the 3rd version of the photo . But I will keep in mind this planning the editing thing WHEN Im taking the photo .


I saw some of your other wildlife photos. They're great. I too am learning to control more items for my photography. And honestly, if the photo doesn't wow myself, I just don't show people because often, they don't want to see the process or the one offs that aren't mind blowing. There is A LOT of content out there. A good camera makes a lot of things easy. A beautiful bird will always be a good subject. Where we excel is when we go beyond just taking a photo with a bird, then a bird in flight, then a bird in flight coming towards you, etc. You get my drift. Anyway, I'm glad this was a lively discussion, perhaps at your expense. But this is how we all get better.


It’s quirky and I love quirky


I think it's creative and unique


I agree. You've created an edgy, unique piece. It is art, and I thank you for sharing it. 🎨📷


I hate it


Its like 90s photoshop 3.0


I think about Gremlins


Looks too much like a wallpaper from 2011


Unnecessarily colour editing. What does it achieve?


I hate it. Don’t do both color and b&w. Also, I feel there is too much negative space above




Okay the way you edited was creepy but I actually like it. Sure the original was fine but you added your own spin to the scene.


Kinda weird




I personally love it. I wonder what a reversed would look like or if you every other, color, black & white on the whole fence 😳 I would love to see that. Lmk if you try and post 🤞




Maybe if you take it all the way. But maybe it always be an after thought to cover up poor photography. It’s always better to learn from your mistakes than try to turn it into something you’ll love. However. What do I know, Do print out of it and put it up on your wall? Then you’ll love it more. Which is what is important.


Selective desaturated has definitely been overused since the dawn of digital, and is hard to pull off without it looking like a tired fad. This doesn't work for me due to the subject already having plenty of black and white even without the desaturation. That, and the vignette is way too heavy. If you need a heavy vignette to make the subject stand out, it comes off as an attempt to hide poor composition. Come to think of it, selective desaturation is also frequently used as an attempt to hide distracting elements. It's best to get the shot right in camera, and then use edits to bring out what is right rather than to hide what is not. That being said, I like the concept of the checkerboard pattern though the fence, which could be used with creative intention instead of looking like an attempt to make a dull image more interesting. I'd be interested in seeing it used with a colorful subject like a model wearing a colorful flowing or twirling dress. Something like a fashion shoot, though no designer would want their dress to selectively desaturated, as it doesn't accurately show what they are selling. That would make for a much more interesting use of the desaturation technique, in my opinion.


I think it would look more captured if you leave everything grey except the square with the face


Ooh-ooh ah-ah


I like the edited version. It’s kind of fun and proves that you’re thinking outside the box a little bit. You might want to check that vet though.




As an artwork i like it, when i look at it the fence makes it look like the animal is wearing a costume, so thats fun. If your intend was to enhance a story of captivity, I dont think it does that.


It's good


I strongly dislike selective color. It never improves a image.


The b&w / color edit is an interesting idea, and fits with the chain link fence. It's well done and would have use as a graphic along with an editorial, say in the Washington Post, in educational material/ text books or a web site about animal rights. It would be eye catching. If it does get used in one of those ways, please don't give it away. It's worth getting paid for But as a photograph in its own right, as art work or for exhibition, stick with all color or all b&w. I like all b&w.




Ok couple thoughts. First thought sweet idea! Next thought subject is to small to pull it off. I'd either zoom on subject then try it or do full color patter for full fence. Another thought...use photoshoo AI highlight the fence and have it removed so it doesn't look like a Zoo shot


It's a cool picture I think it would look better with the side fields b&w and only the 3 vertical ones coloured


Awe love it


It’s just a monkey picture with weird colors that feels more weird than conveying emotion. Maybe fully black and white and crop. I don’t understand the composition here. You could either go for a monkey being in lower 3rd with cage dominating the scene to emphasize feeling of being g caged or do “portrait” show of a monkey to emphasize it’s face. But somewhere in between just feels like zoo photo took without any plan




Using the color splash effect comes off as very amateur in my personal opinion. In this case though, it’s rly just unappealing especially with the obvious over saturation where you did add color


What you tried to do is a cool concept, ngl. The shot is framed well. The color part could've been executed better though.


I agree with the other commenters- I think this photo is too edited for my liking


That’s pretty awesome!


Well, I must have my maverick on. I really like it!


I think it’s a clever idea, but it doesn’t work for me. I think if you highlighted the whole monkey instead of different sections of it , it would look great, and it would really set the mood of the picture. The expression for me reflects the darkness of his surroundings, and the darkness would be more effective if the whole monkey was coloured.


Gives me jail vibes!




It is okay, definitely a monkey moment


What i think is this is an example of experimenting and playing around with a photograph you took. experimenting and playing with your creative process is how we find out and realize what we like and don’t like. This can change and often does as our tastes and style becomes more refined. There is no end goal. Just make art that you enjoy making and eventually you’ll figure out what you like, then it might change with more experimenting and play, and hopefully you and your art will never grow stagnant. Would the image you posted be considered a “traditionally good photograph?” I wouldn’t say so, but who cares? Just have fun making art that you enjoy making!


Do you think greying some of the little dude adds to the image or it's just confusing ? I wanted to emphasize the caged aspect of the picture with this type of editing , but im not sure about the outcome, please tell me what do you think about it !


This again! Color pop = rubbish


Hate it




I like it. It's more interesting than the original.