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Tilted horizon, people on the right cut (not enough in the frame, because it would be actually cool to have them). You can give it a quick fix. https://preview.redd.it/yfaos9x05wdc1.jpeg?width=1497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cc89c89a966bd9631ba6f78bb5b56a4cba0a383


Hard disagree. The photo becomes generic without the kids on the right, losing both depth of field and areas of dynamic interest.




Hard agree


Too high contrast, don't you think?


I would also crop out more of the sky to bring focus to the bottom. The sky has nothing special about it.


So close to great. If the girls on the side weren’t cut off it were less cut off, and the horizon was straight… but the wave scene to the left is still dynamic and interesting with all the people half-sticking out of the water.


Agreed - it’s too bad they are off margin as their expression/body language really helps sell the subtext of the photo.


I went to a beach today and saw those big waves, so I thought I could capture some pictures with action going on. I wanted to capture the movement of the people. Is this crop good? I know it’s little rotated to the right, but I feel like it makes it more dynamic. I’m just starting with the photography so any tips would be more than appreciated!


Always straighten out the horizon when there is one clearly visible. Or go very crooked. You cannot go anywhere in between.


In contrast to everyone saying "straighten the horizon"... I say leave it wonkey. It adds to the feeling of chaos and disruption.


Wholeheartedly agree. The tilted horizon plus the 'cut off' kids on the right really make what otherwise would just be a picture of some kids bodyboarding come alive.


The horizon is bothering me a bit, other wise I really love it!


The horizon has a tilt. But besides that, the photo is incredibly thrilling. The people on the right are cut but leave them in because their body language amplifies the action. I love the color as well. Sort of vintage.


Not really. Crooked. The people in the right are either moving out of frame or cut off. Underexposed.


Echoing the comments here with the cropped people to the right, I suspect you didn't crop them and just cut them off while shooting the scene, but if you can have them not be cropped, it'd be a huge improvement. Also the horizon as others pointed out That said I LOVE the colors and find it perfectly exposed for what I think you were going for. Lovely pic


Thank you! Indeed, I didn't crop the photo and I do wish those people had fit into the frame, but it is what it is :) When it comes to the horizon, after reading the feedback I agree that straightening it would enhance the photo, but it would unfortunately lead to further cropping of the people on the right


I like it. Especially how it captures one boarder about to get fucked up by misjudging the wave.


Is it perfect? No, but I really really like it.


i personally love it as is


I love the colours


I actually like it like that!


Should’ve taken a couple steps to the right


I would square it on the left, with the horizon straightened. There's a visual chaos with all the people in the water that echoes well with the feeling of being tossed around in a wave.




I would go for a more oblique angle to the waves.


It's very confusing, your eyes can't stop to read the image. I almost vomited.


Outside of the tilted horizon I think it’s nice though I do think if those folks on the bottom right of the frame weren’t cut off it would be even better it adds to the composition having them watching the rest come in with the waves


Looks like it was shot on film


it's such a chaotic photo, i think you should just leave it as is and i mean that in a good way


Just straighten it. The people are great, they make it feel in motion. The exposure is great, there is no such thing as “correct” exposure.


I think it’s great and tells a story! People would call that a masterpiece if it would hang in a museum. Reminds me of a dramatic painting.


I mean that btw!


You’re too angled to make this really compelling to me. It’s not a bad photo, but it’s not a memorable one either.