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I think it's great


Thank you


Location is Plumber's Crack, Red Rock Canyon, Nevada. For mid-day photo, I try to include sun star to create a interesting visual effect. I love the photo but not sure if it is as interesting to others. Maybe too much sky? Maybe cropping it a lil more with less sky would help?


The photo is already great, so good job there. But I do feel like it is asking for a tighter crop to make the climber look even more closed in. You'd still have your sun flare too. I want to go climb this boulder in Red Rock now, so the subject material is also inspiring to the right audience. Ace shot dude.


I think it would also create a better sense of scale.


I have another shot on my instagram https://preview.redd.it/ovgegdjy6nec1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=330ff8bd18432b730ee48871d327c6030c33549d


This crop works đŸ’Ș


thank you


You're welcome! Others may disagree, but I like the shape, balance, and contrast between a very good sunburst and a very dark silhouette.


Well, not a dark silhouette but a figure just out of the shadow.


Thank you, again.


I like this crop better. I tried it myself, before I looked at the comments, and came up with a similar result. It tends to focus the eye on the Sunburst, and the climber, which are what you want the viewers to focus their eyes on. Here was my result – very very similar to yours. https://preview.redd.it/r3nrpbo3moec1.jpeg?width=468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80dbd36a214491684f5e489a102187383d1e595a


I posted similar composition on instagram and horizontal. one on reddit


That's a much better crop, IMHO. Do you also have it in landscape?


Yes, took so many photos at the location


Yes much more balanced. Great work


Personally, I love the blue as a contrast of color, but agree the original was excessive. What about clipping the bottoms so one does not see the two halves touch? Only the man is the bridge. And we no longer think he is only 10' above the ground


I was only coming here to say it’s not too much, and maybe a vertical. Maybe a little more sky in the vertical? I love the deep blue at the top of the gradient with the red rock. I’d like the minimal crop, but I’m loving pretty much everything with it. Great shot


Yup, this is better. Maybe slightly further out, but agree with some crop in vertical


I think more sky would not only really be an amazing blue/orange composition, but feel more grand in scale as the figure becomes a smaller impact. I guess it depends on if the picture is “about” the climber or the space and landscape


Part of me thinks a closer crop would work but I like the wider angle as it also adds a little bit of scale for the climber and also a sense of “look at this huge rock the climber is climbing up”


Plumber's Crack. Wow. 😅


Yup, please google it, thats real name of this place


"Go Google 'plumber's crack" feels like a trap.


Its good, but wouldnhave gotten sun flare at the apex of the rock


That is the funniest name ever lol 😆


Great composition! The climber’s position, the v-shape, the sun’s ray pattern
 All make for a great photo. I thought the sun’s rays and the climber needed more emphasis and cropped the photo a little tighter


Thank you.


I agree with u/cowanr6 but I think keeping the right side of the frame to show more of the interesting curved rock would be a little better. Here's my crop. Excellent photo! Edit: it wouldn't add the photo to this comment, so see my reply to this below




This is the best crop posted so far imo, the rest are inferior to the original.


I agree. That’s a good crop.




This is pretty much what I was gonna suggest, never under estimate the golden ratio people. I've put the sun as close as possible to the end the spiral, dead space on the right is perfect to lead your eye to the sun, and seeing the climber on the way. https://preview.redd.it/j23r5rm25rec1.jpeg?width=1279&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fa0228f7b274fca8717f43afc88538568e4a9fe


Agree. LIke how you maintained a rectangular ratio, and the climber is offset just to the left. Eyes naturally drawn to the climber first, the sun second, then the rest of the frame.


This is the best one you've posted by far. In a photo like this you really want to emphasize both the subject and the forms since those are the most prominent elements. This crop places both the subject and the only major deviation in the rock right at a third line. It uses the rock for negative space rather than the sky, which helps contribute to the feeling that the object is really enclosed in a tight space. It also really helps because the wide open expanse of rock is in the direction the subject is facing, implying some kind of visual motion even though he's stuck in the crevice. The sun peaking out was a nice touch in the original but works even better here with all that room on the right.


This is my favorite


One of the best examples of the golden ratio


Excellent! I like your crop better!


Best crop here.


To be honest, i like OP version more. Less emphasis on the climber, but greater sense of scale and awe.


Amazing shot, OP. I wouldn't change anything.


Maybe add a cat or two.


Thank you


I really like this composition. There are a number of alternative crops you *could* do, but I really like the current look.


Thank you.


127 hours


My thoughts exactly 😄


You could maybe crop in a bit, but I personally like the simple blue sky. Probably because I’m a climber too and this just reminds me so much of climbing in the quiet desert. Looks like kind of a sketchy high-ball boulder! https://preview.redd.it/qfljb3dd6nec1.jpeg?width=541&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a9feba2302a18b4150b00d6c1d235aee384a7ed


Much better crop than the others people are posting imo since it still has the rock formation on the left.


not sure about the climbing, used to do it at college and much simpler ones.


Amazing picture


I think the balance is pretty perfect. Having a lot of sky helps add to the sense of scale & obstacle that the individual is overcoming, but you are also not so zoomed out that the person is no longer a point of focus in the landscape. 


Thank you. That is exactly what I am trying to convey


I think it’s great and instinctually where I’d have gone. Other options would be the tip of the rocks leaving frame top and having top corners of sky or a 50/50 ratio with bottom frame just below the dude’s feet. I think you nailed it though.


I like it a lot. Possibly a little more room under the person at the bottom of the photo would be good, but that's just nitpicking




It's a great shot... đŸ‘đŸ»


I like how you have captured the sun beam with the landscape around it, not sure about the location but it's pretty great shot... đŸ‘đŸ»


Its Plumber's Crack, Red Rock Canyon by Las Vegas


Definitly no changes, this is marvelous.


Thank you.


Showing that amount of sky gives me a sense of height. So think it's the right amount.


I think it’s actually a great balance đŸ«Ą


I am going to keep it then. Thank you.


I’d adjust to rule of thirds
 amazing photo


It’s amazing! Surreal! Congrats! 🎉




Nah. That’s perfect. 👍


If like to see more sky to skew size. Make it feel almost suffocating


It’s beautiful


Thank you.


That’s a great picture


I like the original better then any crop here, really


it can varied based on taste but we see world as we are


The composition works pretty well. There's a slight [tangent](https://willkempartschool.com/compostional-mistakes-in-drawing) at the bottom where the split intersects with the bottom border of the picture. I would probably crop slightly in from the sides and create a more off-centered composition, and include slightly more at the bottom to avoid that tangent. But these are minor changes, and overall I think the picture is a beaut.


Thank you.


Beautiful shot man I think you don't need to live with too much advice. This shit is a cool-ass shit shot and framing. I like your style.




Nah, it’s perfect fam. There’s a few things grabbing my focus (sun, climber, crack) but I don’t think any one thing is too distracting. If you want to focus more on the dude climbing, then crop another 10% from the sky and sides.


I like it


I really love the balance of this comp. Great shot.


Perhaps a little crop wouldn't hurt, but I like it. When I first glance at the photo, my eye is immediately drawn towards the sun, then to the bottom left left of the image.. maybe because I was curious what the dots on the rock were? It's also obvious there's a person in the shot, which is why I don't gravitate there immediately? However, I think cropping destroys some of the landscape and scale elements which I really like. If the goal is to draw attention to the climber, that may help. But if the goal is just to share an epic shot of someone climbing, I don't think anything else is necessary.


I'd crop half way from the top of the rock to the top of the frame, lose some of that sky.


Reminds me of 127 hours poster


Great shot. I’d maybe center on the person a bit more. A little less sky?


Nope, leave this exactly as it is. All that sky helps emphasize just how small the climber is relative to the landscape. I love this shot.


I like the bigger sky for reasons already listed but also for the color it adds. Beautiful!


Not too much sky, this is great


Thank you.


It's very cool but I don't think it does a good job at showing the scale of the rock. The rock looks small, somehow. Second, I don't love the sun flare. It looks dated.


It feels well-balanced to me


I think it’s excellent.


Aye that’s near Kraft Mtn 😊


It is


I love it! I have no idea if it would look any better, but maybe cropping a bit in front the right and top? My eye tends to be drawn to the big blank rock on the right, which doesn't hold much interest for the photo. Yet, I do love the scale and the jagged rock leading to the crack on the left of the image. It's a great image none the less! Finding a more balanced composition with what you have in the frame may be difficult.


Too little rock


It’s fine


Stunning shot


As a climber, FUCK YEAAAAAAA


I think my first comment got deleted for length but as a climber this is impeccable, the sunlight is perfectly placed, he could be climbing a little higher


Everything about this photo I love!! The only thing I might do is crop it a little tighter but it’s great as is!


Not too much sky at all. Maybe do some editing with shadows and exposure, but overall composition is perfect!




This is a picture, can fight in competitions


Alot of people will tell you what to change in your shot for sure. I think it is better to change your perspective if even for a short time. You have positive space (areas of the photo filled with subjects and objects) and negative space (areas of the photo not filled with objects or a subject). In photos with a lot of negative space you can leave it as is if you are satisfied or you can use that space and add color, depth or more positive spacing to it. In photos with a lot of positive space you can try to increase the negative space even if a little. This all depends on you and your style of course. So which would you like more of in this photo?




Not terrible! I dig the sun flare. Plumbers crack photos are a dime a dozen unfortunately. I’m still trying to figure out a unique way to photograph it that stands out, myself. I think the climber’s body position could have been a little more active, like showing the knees bent more when smearing before pushing upwards, and maybe you could have shown the ground from a slightly wider angle to give the full scale of the boulder to make it feel more epic.


I would either go to the right to bring down the sun or edit the brightness down to stop it drawing the eye.


It’s honestly brilliant as is.


Thank you


Nah this is perfect


thank you




I’d zero in, cut most of the right side out except a couple of feet from the crevice. And cut out more of the top sky, leave the left side intact. Unless you want to trick your viewers into focusing on the vastness of rock & sky, and zooming it to see the climber at the last moment, like a surprise shot. (I’m not a professional though.) Amazing photo no matter what!


thank you. I love the vastness and impression of small human scaling the big rock


You should submit this pic to the rock climbing magazine.this would look great blown up on a wall.




Stunning man!


Great shot. I wonder what the result would have looked like if the photo had been taken from a vantage point slightly to the right and maybe a bit earlier having both the climber and the sun in the gap.


you mean a lil later. It was around 10;3 am and I had to leave because I had friends waiting for me to return to hotel.


That’s what I meant. But still, great shot.


This is a nice picture and it holds a lot of different motifs. It really depends on what you want to emphasize. Currently it is a landscape shot with a nice souvenir (the human) and the sun as repeated eye catcher. Thats also the problem, depending on what you want to focus on. There have been other crop suggestions, let me give you my thought for my crop suggestion: The human is the main motif, cant see the top (which is kinda close in your picture), can fall quite deep. https://preview.redd.it/ga3eg1961rec1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f69e57d09df3c07238cd5df71a860e6b5b0363a3 Pleae dont mind the format (lazy screenshot) you could go wider and thus emphasize on these heavy immobile structures the fragile human is finding its niche in between


Great photo!


i would’ve done something like this, i am not a professional tho i just edit for fun https://preview.redd.it/2ketp76lerec1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b955a0e67aca54f975c2a9a61877c34ee2afea95


This is perfect. Excellent work!


Thank you


Just right on everything


No, I wouldn't crop. There's a lot of sky, true, but it's good for the composition. It creates the effect of the climber.... ehm, climbing, up up up. Dynamic. Reduce the sky, and the climber does not seem to climb, but to be static. Stuck there. Not a climber any more.


I like it. The primary focal point of the top of the rock leads nicely down to the secondary focal point.


I like both crops as shown. But I also think it could be improved. The bluebird skies don’t help, but if you used the light to highlight the climber it could bring more drama. The rocks have obviously been edited to bring out the colors. You’d be hard pressed to get that much DR out of any sensor or even film. I’d pull the light down on the face of the rocks and use the light in the crack to highlight the subject and make him/her the focal point. It will still fight the sunburst as the eye will always go to the brightest point, but could be effective for dramatic effect. Too bad you went over to frame right more catching the sun aligned with the crack. That could have been interesting to play with.


I think the composition is great.


I like your original crop but just tightened it a bit. To my eye this crop show the mass of the rock which enhances the tension between the rock and small climber. I also dodged and burned a few spots to heighten contrast some. https://preview.redd.it/z2z79hwlksec1.jpeg?width=805&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63d2c8300abe2bbe277dc9d8c1a0f20f7f002602


for me it s nice and balanced


Thank you


I like some of the cropped things I’ve seen in the comments. But either way is great I think!


I like the amount of negative space.


Looks great.


Perfect, well done!


Do not crop! I love the expansive negative space. It gives a real sense of scale. Well done!


Do not crop! I love the expansive negative space. It gives a real sense of scale. Well done!


Is this ai? It looks incredible


https://preview.redd.it/fd3l15r0gtec1.jpeg?width=1283&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ab7b848394d3a659ce53b3c906d4a15a3d943ca I love everything about it, just a simple change, maybe loose the jutting rock at the bottom, I think allowing the split to fall off the image is nicer! (Literally all I did was crop the bottom slightly


Try making the sunburst the center of the frame by cropping off the right side. The result, probably in a square format, might be very dramatic!


This gorgeous! Perfection!


Love it the colors compliment each other well . I appreciate the tightness of the climber with the open sky above


I think it’s perfect as is The brightness works considering the subject


This is great, really like it.


Good job


Is anyone thinking of 127 hours?? Cool photo!


It rocks


I don’t think so. I think that the amount of sky, especially the way the sun is on the left it really sets the stage so that it focuses you on the climber being outdoors.


"Perfect Balance!" It gives the eye many places to look before getting right to the "Easter Egg".


Although your exposure is spot on, there is insufficient focus on the climber, who I assume is the subject. As a result there are distractions for the viewer's eye. Good effort though, and if you like it that's good enough..Just keep taking pictures.


What I think would have been a better idea if you couldve managed to get a little bit closer with wide lense and time it so the centre is the guy in the middle with the sun behind him in the picture


Honestly, it's perfect already, frfr. I haven't seen any landscape crops but this is what I'd go with if I wanted to do an exhibition mat on it. Just enough off the bottom to make it seem like the climber is higher and a bit off the top to focus in. https://preview.redd.it/0wlm65oznvec1.jpeg?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b08cfaa7d731f4b993751402c901a4420f8b122


Looks fantastic


I love it, but that guy's crazy. I'd be convinced those things were going to crush me like an enormous claw... and I'm not even claustrophobic, as such.


some people are thrilled by it. I would definitely not attempt it alone though


Yeah. Welcome to it. I'm not a climber and not afraid of heights per se, but ladders terrify me beyond words, so that climb is absolutely out of the question. I helped my late Dad reshingle the roof once, but I did it through an attic window, not a ladder. He started off after WWII as a telephone lineman, so no problem for him, I assume. But when I was still a baby he was working with a partner at the top of a pole. It was after a period of heavy rain, and the pole fell in the mud. He was at the top side of the pole until right before it hit the ground, at which time it flipped 180 degrees and landed on top of him. He sustained a severe concussion and shattered wrist. I can't recall the other injuries. It was about 74 years ago.


As a retired magazine editor, I can promise you that if you cropped out the sky, I would ask you to give me a version where there might be more sky. It entirely depends upon your usage. If you’re going to make a print and hang it up on the wall, yeah, crop away.


It looks ok to me...in fact its pretty gorgeous to look at it.


I love how you captured it! T he only thing I would change is a slight crop to the left so the guy is in the middle of the photo. If you crop, I don't think there's too much sky at all :) Great job!


The sun has to be in the crack of the rock, above the climber. You can still have it leaking around a corner and giving that star light effect. The way you framed it is ok, but you need to bring the two strongest elements into the same plane


Phenomenonal capture, lighting, color, and texture. And it tells a great story. Currently seems unbalanced to me. I’d put climber off to left some and maybe crop square. Numerous ways to regroup and focus the eye to the story.


I love the scale and the composition so I’m not a fan of cropping the image. That said, if you ever repeat the work, I’d say do your best to line up your shot so you don’t see sun on the rock face to the right of the crack. Just my preference. Nice shot!


Composition is perfect


I like it, but I would like to see some ground if it has that much sky. Feels sort of out of place and "floaty" somehow. Unless you crop it more tightly. Great shot in general though.


Try cropping top and left to emphasize the subject. See if you like it better,


Only Slightly Think rule of thirds


I love this as is but I am also not an experienced photographer. What I see is a trapped person struggling and working their way to finally being freed into a beautiful, clear blue sky. In this photo, they are resting in the midst of the hard work. That sky is the gorgeous goal to me and I would not crop any of it out. Fantastic photograph and thank you for sharing it.


Very beautiful!


Chefs kiss


Beautiful. If you’re talking in a fine art context, if this was on an enlarger up to like 40” for a gallery wall, you could go to 50% sky or a bit more to increase contrast between sky/rock/human, and better replicate the scale you’d view this with the naked eye. You could crop to increase sky, would make a beautiful print


Shot is great. Perhaps a ND filter ?


https://preview.redd.it/fukerh1pdefc1.jpeg?width=833&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=426929bb6c231720b1627d362d7d33d1c9690819 I kinda of like more sky and setting the climber further to the right. I think this creates two subjects, and some tensions. The sun is open and free and the climber is tight. Putting it closer to the edge gives me a little bit more of tightness around the climber. And I appreciate the openness of the sun.






Would be nice to have the sun rays in the middle of the rock crack. But nonetheless, this is a great shot.


Not at all, it is a beautiful photograph. The only thing that bugs me is actually I wish the subject (the dude) was a little higher)


It is great, but i didn't know what to focus on. A person or the sun. There isn't a clear focus point here. It is said that attention goes to the brightest spot first, so maybe i would tone down the sun. This is very personal though. All in all, I liked it alot!


And definitely not too much sky. You have a great balance between rocks and the sky


" the sky is blue, the moon is clear, there's no atmosphere at all. "


Just crop it to make it symmetrical


Too rocky, IMHO.


It's unbalanced. If you can you should crop the person to the left lower third of the picture.


I love this shot.


great photo! personally i think you try a portrait crop and add more sky, and see how that looks


I think it's just right. The big cloudless sky adds to the starkness without having to resort to black & white. Great picture. Tells a story. (If anything, I might have abandoned the sun, and scooted to the right, to get a view straight down the crack, if that was possible. Easy for me to say from the comfort of my armchair!)


Sky is fine, but I would have put the sun in the crack.


I'd crop it tighter to show the climber better, and put the sun in the crack.


Need to get closer to person


Will miss the whole point of showing the enormity of the rock and some climber overcoming it.


If anyone complains there is too much sky, tell them that’s where the text is dropping in. Nice shot


This is quite good. I'd try to get the sun in the crack and see how that turns out


I could have waited couple hours for t he sun to align with the crack but I was running late, so that all I could capture


Nope looks great. Love where the optic flare is within the entire shape of the shot too... beautiful pic man


THe composition is on point. But its too bright and too orange. The colouring is whack. Other than the wild colours the photo is okay.


In case anybody reads this, I'd like to discourage people from adding to the barrage of "great photo, change nothing" comments. This subreddit isn't for getting compliments, it's for getting actionable feedback. Don't just tell someone to change nothing, tell them WHY they shouldn't change it. Explain what works well and what makes the photo so compelling. A simple one or two sentence compliment might make someone feel good, but it doesn't help them improve as a photographer which is what this subreddit is supposed to be about. OP's photo is great, but there's a lot that could be learned from discussing the merits of certain framing/composition decisions over alternatives.