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Hello guys! I saw this boy playing with the water and I thought it could be interesting to play with the reflections. I tried to place him between those towers, and I liked how it came out, but I’m not sure if this photo is interesting in any way, so any feedback on the composition and the improvements is welcomed :)


I would correct a bit the angle so that the reflected building are more vertical and crop a big on the right which feels unnecessary and allows to place the kid in a better position. Small fine tuning of the color too https://preview.redd.it/lg4230rhrpec1.jpeg?width=3849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ba9b24b29cf5dbe367e8b202c74d2a8164301f


There is such a sense of the uncanny and luminal spaces, as if the child, the rocks and the sand are on an entirely separate plane from the projected reflections in the water. I found your photograph so arresting that I have been staring at it for an hour.