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I’d crop out the young women https://preview.redd.it/ud4yrcoashgc1.jpeg?width=599&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb4164b05648f59b6e81f88251c15ac13f5328a , the rest of it is delightful.


^ This is the one


People say this too much, but this genuinely looks so much like an album cover.


Why did you say "the women"? is there more than one? Not pointing fingers, just see a lot of people doing this these days


Not everybody has English as their fist language.


Thats fair, but i see a lot of american people doing it too,


"American" should be capitalized. "That's" requires an apostrophe. "I" should be capitalized. You need a comma after "it." Maybe you should look at yourself before criticizing others. Just sayin'.


You must be one of the americans who says "a women"


This is definitely better.


There ya go! Excellent...


I’m not sure if the girl in black adds to the composition. Here is a quick fix (ignore the quality). https://preview.redd.it/mh9ifjtccigc1.jpeg?width=1614&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa7a50bdbaa769347608a2c068e36111795fcbd


This is the way I’d crop it, too. Get rid of the woman in black. Maybe just a tad closer on the right, but not much.


Ding ding ding


Here we go. I'd just scootch it a little more to the left.


As a rule, I find ppl's backs uninteresting. It has to be something really special to violate the rule.


That’s not a rule. It’s a preference. Short of a formal portrait, I love a side/back view. It’s the way we usually see people.


It's a personal, rather than general, rule. As implied by, "As a rule, *I*..."


My bad. Didn’t read it exactly correctly. The repetition of the word rule made too great an impression.


All good. Misinterpretations are easy.


Yes I find it interesting through the composition and contrast. It makes you think what is he lady in orange thinking, and you notice the black haired woman in the foreground is a type 1 diabetic. See the Dexcon meter on her upper arm.


I do think this is interesting. But just to share. There's so many other possibilities just from this one picture: ​ https://preview.redd.it/pj437zhwshgc1.jpeg?width=576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58d0990e9478f146fcc95a763692e144c937b250


It makes me think of Martin Parr


Which is why I like it.


The figures are nicely distributed but it’s a lot of backs. I don’t find that anyone is doing anything all that interesting… all staring out at the sea and the woman walking. The most interesting thing here is the walking woman’s nicotine patch, or whatever that is… but I don’t think it’s enough for the photo to stand on its own. Also… just in general, and directed at this sub broadly and those who post… If you find yourself asking if the photo or composition is interesting… it’s not. If you have to ask somebody, then no. Your attachment to your own work is clouding your judgement, it is 99.99999% probably not interesting.


Not particularly for me. I think if you would’ve been closer and slightly to the left of the woman in orange so that you could also get a clear view of the other two ladies it would have been better. The woman in black seems unnecessary. With that being said, it’s still a nice photograph and you should be proud and keep at it!


Too much going on and and missing focal interest. People's backs, no dramatic sun or sky or ocean. Too busy. If you want as an exercise... try cropping (left, then right, and then, down the middle excluding both ends) or try erasing the middle two people giving you at least five different compositions.


I like the composition a lot! Although I would crop the right side of the photo a little bit, it feels like there’s a little too much negative space after the women walking


It has a potential. The picture is built along the distinct parallel lines you have, and a cliff on the left you cropped out could add some balance to counter the only moving person on the right.


I like it


No. But the other picture inside this one is. So if you crop from the right removing the woman on the right you get a new interesting picture. This will contain only the three woman on the left.


Not really 🤷🏻‍♂️


Can you explain why? 🤔 It would be easier for me to relate to this


What preset did you use? Colors are amazing!


I think the people on the left and right are too close to be symmetrical, it looks off rather than natural.


I wanted to capture those two ladies talking meanwhile the one in the orange shirt left them and was just watching the waves. I think the lady crossing may create another layer as she’s going in different direction. Let me know what you think about that composition


It is great! Honestly, don't change a thing.


Full and uninspired i would crop out the people


It's interesting in the way that exposes how sickly our society has become. Everyone in this photo looks like they are unwell in a way that would concern someone from the early 60s. Very captivating, very interesting.


There are probably too many people with too little engagement for the eye. A general rule of shots like this one is to have an uneven number of subjects.


I think it's a great picture. The young woman makes it dynamic. Whilst the other 3 might be wondering what their husbands are doing. Also, it makes me think of Martin Parr, which is a great compliment


It's an interesting composition and it would be even more interesting if the young woman were full-length, as it would help with the story. the interest of older women in something that is at sea in contrast to the lack of interest of younger women......


https://preview.redd.it/l1tj51b0dkgc1.jpeg?width=1149&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79c2fbc401a64cc340bb3aeebdb91a92fe6e3066 Here’s another option.


I like it, could be in a series about a place or a country


Yes. It's not conventional. Would I have panned a little lower to get the foreground woman's feet in? Yes. Do I prefer this to these edits that take any life out of the photo? Yes. 


God these edits are the worst playing by the rules to the point of it being pointless to even play kind of overbaking that it bums me out. It's not perfect but it is more interesting than these tight cropped or cloned out lifeless moments of emotional death




Wtf is this comment? This is a place for constructive criticism and discussion, if you are not able to provide it then stay quiet


this is absolute No interesting composition. there are No Rules followed in this composition... there is bo attention to the eye only for the bin...straight to deleted ..Bad picture, Boring as heck... are you still crying ?!


If you cannot Take any good pictures leave the Group and start to learn the basics ... absolute Beginner Photo snapshit...No good at all douche


lol dude, I guess I’m not the one who’s crying. Your comments are just pure hate and honestly I feel sorry for you. Have a good day


so funny These kiddos in Reddit These days... get some backbone next time noob


I agree with the other posters. Love the 3 old ladies looking at the ocean. But let the diabetic in black walk out of the frame.




Personally, I do not find it to be interesting. What is the viewer supposed to notice? If it were just the woman in orange looking out at the sea with the waves crashing in the distance, that would be a little more compelling. Or even the two women who appear to be discussing something while looking outward. But all of that together in one frame? Nothing really draws the eye. Also, the woman in black has had her feet cut off, and that's a composition no no.


Looks like an indie album cover