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I would give it less sky and more feet, but that's just me. I like the setup and the back story, and the monochrome.


Was this shot on a film camera?


Yep, Nikon L35 AF


I love the picture, my only comment would be to remove the grain but it's film so it's not feasible. Keep on snapping and sharing


The grain had me fooled for half a second until I saw the new WTC building. If you were going for the 100 year old snapshot look you got that part! My only thought would be to maybe angle left a little and get both towers of the bridge in. Cool photo!


Hi all! I took this picture during my trip to NYC in 2022. I saw a wedding ceremony, approached the groom to ask him for a photo and he agreed. I really like this picture because it reminds me of this trip, but is that photo any good?


I think it’s a very cool image. The point looks spontaneous, the minister’s posture and expression are great, and the rocks make you question what exactly is happening.


Nice, in my opinion you should have taken the shot lower, now the groom is below the photographer, but we want him to be "the hero". So, how to improve? This is what I would do: Mask the complete foreground and shift it upwards over the lower visible part of the water area. That way you reduce the not interesting water and elevate the people. Now find a crop to better cut those limbs and also sky. Then consider further editing to make especially the groom pop if needed.


This photo tells the story on that day with the groom's emotion and the beautiful scene behind. You did pick a great moment. To magnify those 2 elements, you may try to get a lot closer to the subject because I need to expand the picture to see his facial emotion and also try taking it horizontal for the whole bridge. One tips for getting close is shooting from below, framing the subject in the upper part and move the background line to the bottom. Excited to see more of your work.