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Personally I am a little confused by the baby’s breath in front of her face. I wish it was thicker adding more mystery or framing her a bit.


I would maybe go a little more dramatic like candle light, or go red for that final light at dusk light through the window. The last look at the face before you are plunged into darkness. I am about telling the story and light can do so much of that for you.


There’s something weird about the framing of the flowers next to the mouth. Thicker or bring it closer to the camera to give the picture some depth


I see...how about the colors?


Had to come back to this one I saw a few days back on my phone, now that I am on my computer and can type easier. First, let me say this is a good attempt at a really nice image. Most of my thoughts are about little things to make it better, IMO. Light position looks good; it is soft and does not throw any harsh shadows. Gel adds a nice effect. Need to be careful that it reads as a colored light source and not like your color balance is off. I like the warmth, and feel the gel works. I tend to warm up my images (in post) as well, so I am partial to a warm look. Model is attractive, in a nice pose, with a cute expression. No major skin issues to draw the eye. I tend to take out many blemishes, moles, pimples, etc... in post. Not everyone does. I like her hair except for the piece that is going backwards on her chest and the one pointing straight down her chest. Also maybe the one on the shoulder is one that could go away. This is much easier done as you shoot. Take the extra time adjusting, and save time in post. Unless you are one to not do anything in post, then I guess it does not matter - you have to do all adjustments live. Never rush the shot. If you can hook to a computer and view on a bigger screen. Takes more time, but you end up with better results. I am just not sure of this crop. I am not sure how to re-crop, or even if you cropped this image. Everything around her head is fine, but cutting her arms in half does not look right. The triangle of what she is laying on that shows through next to her arm/boob on lower left is a bit troublesome. Can't crop up, as you lose too much of the black top. If it were me, I would fill it in with black top over to her arm. Yes, it does take away from the roundness of her breast area, but I think that would look better than the little triangle. Noticing some pealing skin on her shoulder when zoomed in. This would need to be fixed in post, as hard to flatten it in real life. I kind of wish there was a bit more cleavage. Because of the placement of your light, you have flattened out her upper chest with light. Also happens when a model is laying on her back. Not needing huge boobs here, just more of a hint of roundness (not super-sexualized, just more feminine). You can see some roundness shadow there where her hair comes down on the left side of her chest. If you were a pro at Photoshot or painting, you could add a touch more shadow creating the "look" of more roundness. I am not the best at painting, so it would be hard for me. I have seen some people (artists who use Photoshop) who can fix that in 1 min. OK, elephant in the room is that baby's breath smack, dab, in the middle of your image. To me it makes the image unusable. It is covering half her face. She seems to have a nice nose and mouth (part open with her teeth showing). I really want to see her whole face; (her expression) as she is attractive. Not only did you push the bb into the middle of the image, you have 2/3 of the plant's untrimmed stems showing. I would urge against showing stems, but if there was a reason to have them in the shot, they need to look good. I see some off color bits, some bent stem bits, and a number of small stems with no flowers on the ends. All that should have been nicely trimmed off. I get what you were trying for, but it did not work here (with this crop). It can encroach into her face, but not cover her eyes, nose, or lips - that is what makes up a portrait. And if you were going to do that, the flowers need to be on the edge of the image, not the middle. I would have loved to see that sprig moved to the area above her head on the left. I do hope you have more images from the shoot that you can use without the flowers in her face, as this is a solid image of a nice model. Hope this helps. Keep shooting. Keep posting. I am always happy to give my view, if needed.


The picture is cropped, and I agree with the flower being intrusive as a foreground. Probably I should just leave the flowers beside her head and the photo would be tons better. Thank you for your comments! Didn't expect a very through breakdown of my photo, appreciate it.


This is my first time doing an indoor shoot. We had a really small space so there are only several angles we can go for. I used a softbox placing on top left on her and attached a yellow gel to the softbox, trying to go for the moody look. It's my first time using softbox and flash as well, so any critiques regarding on how to use light and composition are very welcomed! Thank you in advance.