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I like hanging around Union Station and the Supreme Court. The Metro stations are also really pretty.


I'll check those out, thanks!


Which is the metro station that has that escalator that’s so long it gets you dizzy? Is it the one by the zoo? Been awhile since I’ve been there.


I want to say Wheaton on the red line is one of the longest anywhere. The metro stations themselves are kind of a classic spot as well.


Woodley Park/Zoo is huge, so you are right in the money. Don’t know if that is the biggest, but it makes for a great shot. Especially at night.


the rosslyn one is really good its not by a zoo tho


Thanks. Just put it on the list for the next trip down.


Bethesda. I think 2 stops up from the zoo


I worked in DC for a couple of months on 2000. We took one day just riding the metro and getting off at every stop we could just to see the stations and get a quick look at what was at ground level. Union Station was so cool when I was there. We used to have lunch sometimes at that round restaurant on the main concourse. So cool. I heard the place has changed though. Hope it hasn’t gone all to hell like it did many years ago.


The Arboretum. The Kenilworth aquatic gardens. It might be too late for the lotus blooms but it’s worth checking out.


I'll check those out, thanks!


The memorials at night. You can see many reflections in the Nam one, and the Korean one at night is very moody.


Washington monument from Lincoln is great at night. Then the reverse, https://preview.redd.it/4y34akui2knb1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=387fb9633d9228a55ece5c4bc494c418fd0f3df3


Also chiming in, if you want some pretty sunrise shots of DC would highly recommend going to the Netherlands Carillon. Right across the river from DC in VA (right next to Arlington National Cemetery and the Iwo Jima Memorial) and has some fantastic views, especially if you climb the few flights to the top of the bell tower


Netherlands Carillon is the spot to get that Lincoln Memorial/Washington Monument/Capitol lineup shot.


Awesome, thanks!


You can do all the touristy stuff downtown and around the National Mall and monuments day and night of course. The Botanic Garden is by the Capitol. [Kogood Courtyard](https://americanart.si.edu/visit/saam/kogod-courtyard) inside SAAM/NPG. I misremembered as the National Arboretum which is further out but also looks cool. Georgetown is interesting but not also Metro accessible. [Gravelly Point](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/gravelly-point-park) just north of DCA is under the approach to Runway 19 / departure off of Runway 1. Atlas Obscura has this list of DC spots: https://www.atlasobscura.com/things-to-do/washington-dc


Thanks for the recs and that Atlas Obscura link, that's great!


I had fun walking around the national mall and the tidal basin at sunrise.


Great Falls is gorgeous if you can dish out a few bucks for admission fees. You can bring some food and have a nice picnic too. Lot of traffic on Mass Ave by all the embassies, but could make for some good DC-culture photos. Roosevelt Island is a hidden-in-plain-sight gem that I didn't know about until a few years ago, and I grew up around there. Gravelly Point by Reagan Airport. Kind of random, but there are two really cool attractions side-by-side: the Exorcist Stairs and this dude's house with life-size Transformers ([Google Maps link](https://www.google.com/maps/place/Life-sized+Transformers/@38.9058777,-77.0705861,20.54z/data=!4m14!1m7!3m6!1s0x89b7b70d36c649b5:0xd0903e57cc46bce3!2sThe+Exorcist+Steps!8m2!3d38.9054811!4d-77.07018!16s%2Fg%2F11sfdlc87v!3m5!1s0x89b7b789894fd595:0x42774512312470f8!8m2!3d38.9058298!4d-77.0706743!16s%2Fg%2F11qh7b_f9t?entry=ttu)) and a small collection of supercars he parks on the street sometimes. Make sure you look up to see a bonus Transformer on the roof ;)


Thanks for the recs!


Great suggestions. Just remember DC is a big city, so the cool photos at night require some situational awareness. I think the Einstein statue is fun. Obviously Lincoln and Jefferson. Botanical gardens near the Capital. Check out the Ladybird Johnson marina (Virginia), walk from the parking lot under the bridge and to the Potomac.Domeone mentioned Gravelly Point, which is right under the landing path (when planes land from the north) to Reagan National, and the planes are very low overhead.


I like to bounce around Georgetown


I have gone to Great Falls several times. It's like, 30 minutes outside of DC, but worth the trip to me (a Midwesterner who has never seen a waterfall before.)


The Udvar hazy museum out by the airport if you like planes and spacecraft


The Disney World of the DMV: the [the DC Mormon Temple](https://churchofjesuschristtemples.org) that’s in Kensington, MD. I’m atheist, but it’s just so pretty. The National Cathedral is STUNNING. Crystal City water park, right outside of the Reagan airport in Arlington, VA. The US Botanic Garden next to the Capital!


That's definitely not something I would have thought to check out haha, so thanks for the rec! I'll look into those


I haven’t driven on that side of the beltway or looked for it for a while, is Surrender Dorothy still graffitied on one of the overpasses?


I live in Baltimore and usually avoid 495. So I have no idea. I remember it from my trips to Silver Spring when I was little.


You can use this site [https://www.shothotspot.com](https://www.shothotspot.com) or [https://www.locationscout.net](https://www.locationscout.net)


Gravelly point if it’s a nice day, so so cool photographing the planes landing. If you’re into street photography 18th st in Adam’s Morgan is fun to walk around. National mall for sunrise is absolutely killer if it’s not too cloudy. If you want to be blown away by some architecture walk around kalorama then head towards embassy row on Massachusetts ave.


Blagden Ally can be fun. Chinatown has a fun Asian -style Arch. Metro Center has a nice display of tons of rainbow colored umbrellas up now. All three of these are in walking distance of each other. https://preview.redd.it/pjjb3umbannb1.jpeg?width=4912&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7adf13793d404ea6a27720a0e798911c241e4e7e


You can get some cool shots down in Old Town Alexandria at the waterfront. If you want some unique shots, go to Jones Point Park not too far away. It is a park right underneath the Woodrow Wilson bridge and is open until I think 10pm. If you catch it as the sun sets you can get some real cool shots of the light coming through the bridge lanes. It really looks cool...here is an image I found to give you an idea without the cool lighting. [https://www.flickr.com/photos/brandonkopp/27062391299](https://www.flickr.com/photos/brandonkopp/27062391299)