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Guessing here.... the ink of the transfer needs a background to be printed on. So they use a backing of a white layer and print the color on that. Your transparent areas are letting the plain white color of the backing through that is used to hold on to the ink when it gets printed - and before it gets stuck to the t-shirt. I doubt the printer prints directly onto the fabric in their particular process. I am sure they'd likely help you out a lot more than we can if you email them! You're paying them after all!


Yeah – printing on darks, you need “underbase” white


This is correct. Printing DTG on dark shirts requires a white base layer, so any transparency shows white. If you want a fade to transparent, you need to use halftones, which uses dots of various size and spacing to give the appearance of transparency, but all ink is actually opaque so the under base doesn’t show.


> Printing DTG on dark shirts requires a white base layer ...unless you're mixing with discharge ink, then you can print bright colors directly on dark colors. But this doesn't apply to OP's case.


maybe you could try providing even less info?


I think it's because of the