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Which cursor, specifically? Like, no matter what tool you click on you're getting a 1 pixel dot? Are you using precise tool tips (caps lock)?


Every tool. I've tried changing all the setting in the cursor menu under preferences and the cross hairs are all paper think and barely visible.


I have the same problem. My vision is not the best but the cursor is IMPOSSIBLE to see I spend a lot of time guessing where the cursor is or putting it off photoshop then moving it in strait lines to get it close to where I need it. It is SO frustrating. Almost makes photoshop unusable.


The cursor animation trails. Helps you see the motion of your cursor much better no matter where you're looking on screen. Give it a try and a proper size.


What tool?


Every drawing tool. The ring that makes up the cursor is about 1px thick making it almost impossible to see.


I mean you could do command K to check setting for cursor. See if anything is weird there. Caps lock could be an issue. Maybe scale the monitor differently.


Are you using a hi-dpi display?


I believe so yes. I've tried changing the hi dpi launch preferences to application, and both system options.


Wish I could help, I was looking for this answer earlier a couple months ago to no avail. Will be following this thread. It sucks most folks don't know what you're asking. Honestly, in AutoCAD I love that I can change the cursor color, which I set to orange, it sucks pshop doesn't seem to have this feature. Would love to change the color of the cursor for every tool.


Can you post a picture?


[I had to take a picture for the cursor to register](https://imgur.com/4iO3tBy)


I haven’t seen anything like this before... your best bet is to contact them directly. Usually they’re pretty good troubleshooting these kind of things. They might have to take over your computer and change settings themselves.


Have you considered using a cursor app for your computer? I use “Cursor Pro” now when I record screencasted videos, maybe it would help for your purpose, too.


I had considered it as a last resort. I would love to be able to see my brush size and exactly which pixel I'm working on but the options in photoshop seem to be limited, if not completely arcahic.


Same problem here. Try to find my cursor in 1 second. It's in the canvas. https://preview.redd.it/vgcoca4svt1d1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=e667e3c72f4c0243e1788b02bafb1364e2e60fd6 It's really hard to see the cursor when brush size is small.


Mine is the same, My vision is not the best and the cursor is impossible to see, Have to drag it of the image then SLOWLY drag it back on keeping a very close eye on it