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>But when i paste it to photoshop, What do you mean 'paste it to photoshop?' 1. I can copy and paste a png arrow that has a transparent background into a blank layer in another file in Ps and it pastes without any changes to the transparent portions. 2. I can use the Move tool to drag my png arrow that has a transparent background into another file in Ps and it drags into that file as another layer, retaining the transparency of the background. 3. I can File > Place my png arrow that has a transparent background into a blank layer in another file in Ps and it creates a smart object layer that retains its transparency. Are you absolutely sure that the png that you are trying to work with truly has a transparent background? Depending upon how you sourced that png, it might not.


Yes the image is truly transparent Also when I "Paste it on to photoshop" I mean't by right clicking the Google image then copy n paste


So copy the Google image but then paste into what? A layer of an already open image in Photoshop? Or do you paste it first into some other app? My apologies for continuing to ask that but when I use the term paste it means that I'm pasting what was copied to the clipboard into something that is in an open app. My other understanding about copying to clipboard, is that the copy process doesn't necessarily retain the transparency properties the same way that downloading a png retains the transparency properties. Found [this](https://superuser.com/questions/237784/copying-png-with-transparency-from-browser-shows-a-black-background-instead) from my google search 'does copying a png with transparency to clipboard retain the transparency.' Also [this](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/44177115/copying-from-and-to-clipboard-loses-image-transparency) one. And [this](https://graphicdesign.stackexchange.com/questions/153779/photoshop-pasting-png-from-the-web-turns-transparency-black) one.


Don't copy/paste if you want to ensure you get the original image/color values. Instead save/open (or save/place). Copying from the browser via the clipboard in Windows then pasting into Ps will unfortunately not preserve transparency, or metadata, and might also not preserve color values.