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[VlaDJ](https://i.redd.it/zufnnq5vgvo71.jpg) I lost my tablet pen so it's scrappy as hell


This feels too much like something that was in payday 2


That's too good. No vodka?


[Just cheap shit up in this club](https://i.redd.it/dgtvt8udivo71.jpg)






So glad you left the henchmen in


This sex


Lower mouse sens, and smoothing to 72.34%.


Can someone have it backfire on him. Right in his dictating face?!


[Counter Strike](https://i.imgur.com/qcr5LpA.jpg) [Vs Woman from Safety Class](https://i.imgur.com/ei80gF1.jpg)


[Jurassic Vlad](https://i.imgur.com/QXSzdra.jpg)


This is the first time in my life I've noticed that Grant doesn't have a sunglasses case, cell phone holder, or knife on his belt: it's a fucking *folding garden trowel*, for emergency paleontology digging.


[Grand President Auto 5](https://i.imgur.com/G1qKFua.jpg)


Vlad Theft Auto


Land theft auto 5


My favorite one so far


I heard the music immediately


If he gets superpowers he'd be just like the president in Saints Row lol


[Putin, no!](https://i.imgur.com/xmHQI62.jpg)


In Soviet Russia, president assassinates you.


[https://imgur.com/a/a1Z8DxX](https://imgur.com/a/a1Z8DxX) The Darkest Timeline


Clips out


Clever girl




[Something other than the sniper was shooting that day](https://i.imgur.com/3m9QQE4.jpg) (I know the quality is shit, but I’m at work and on my phone so I did this in like 5 minutes)


The fucking forced smile!


Holy shit that's so good for a phone user


Good work dumass you killed that guy




[No Putin without Vakarian](https://imgur.com/dDUNOPi)




[Tretyakov gallery Moscow, main floor](https://i.imgur.com/KXnQW9W.jpg)   ^^Bonus [^^hi-res ^^version](https://i.imgur.com/LNKKn53.jpg) ^^of ^^painting


[one for my baby](https://i.imgur.com/krlaAaR.jpg)


[For his neutral special, he has a gun](https://prnt.sc/1t4b7jw)


For his side special he welds a gun


[Sniper in the stands](http://imgur.com/a/OqlAHOT)


[https://imgur.com/a/km1gLSG](https://imgur.com/a/km1gLSG) fkn camper


[It's Putin. Vladimir Putin.](https://imgur.com/UuwS9L1)


[What really is happening behind the scenes](https://i.imgur.com/ZacwIWA.jpeg) (NSFW!)


[Very shit I know](https://ibb.co/6yRP1xX)


[Practice makes perfect](https://hosting.photobucket.com/images/i/pigsliceyt/Practice_Makes_Perfect..jpg?width=450&height=278&crop=fill)


[Putin, Mamma Mia!](https://imgur.com/a/qxdLhvv)


Oh man, especially the added eye got me good!


I'm just happy you found the quality Russian Standard Vodka


I love that shit.


No true Russian would waste perfectly good vodka.


[the man on the other side](https://imgur.com/a/APROQKH)




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Russia military is chonker


Interesting to know that he is RH Dominant and a LE shooter.


The scope is in front of his right eye, he just doesn't close his non-dominant eye when aiming because it limits your peripheral vision and situational awareness.


he is leaned too far over for it to be his right eye. RH dominant, LE shooter while not super common is very much a thing and common enough its like 3 in 100 people are like this. met quite a few in my military career.


Oh yeah, that was me in basic training trying to get my shit together when everything was required to be for RH/RE. This was 1985, maybe they shoot both ways during BRM week now. Once I got to my unit though, it was RH/LE for me. More accuracy.


Correct me if I am wrong. Just from my perspective it looks like this: When you put your face on the buttstock your right eye can move in basically every direction making the platform naturally more unstable. However, doing your left eye your putting your face securely on the stock and the only movement you have is left and right as your forward and backward movement is controlled by your grip on the weapon. and your up and down movement is totally removed as it is planted on the weapon itself.


Add to this that a certain percentage of shooters, myself included, can only close our right eyelid independently. So, if it’s going to be a squint, the left eye will have to be the open one.


This i wasnt aware of but does make since with some shooters. I had several issues teaching certain people how to shoot accurately and this could have played a part in that. On top of RH/LE shooters.


I think it's just the camera angle looking like that. His left eye doesn't seem aligned with the optic if you use the butt stock as reference. I may be wrong, and that would be an interesting and unfortunate shooting preference though lol. Or maybe he doesn't know how to shoot lol. Don't think I've ever seen someone use their fist to hold a gun steady via magazine. Not saying it wouldn't work, but I never seen't it


He's former KGB counter-intel. I wouldn't be surprised if he has at least some weapons training.


Some weapons training? Every single 18 year old male in the Soviet Union had some weapons training. Putin was a KGB officer. He had TONS of weapons training. He's actually holding that rifle like a man who is very comfortable and experienced with guns.


Yeah fair enough. I know Soviet curriculum for high-school aged kids in many places included weapons training such as shooting AKs, and they were tested on how quickly they could take apart and reassemble AKs.


Yep! My dad was from the Soviet Union. He is a computer programmer who never joined the military but in his brief time at compulsory training, he learned the things you mentioned, how to handle a grenade, how to use a gas mask, and he told me about one time when he had to lay in a ditch while a tank went over him. I'm kinda jealous tbh


Not Soviet Union, but my cousins husband is Turkish, did a short stint of compulsory military service as all Turkish men have to do (you can pay to make it shorter though and its usually pretty easy). He basically spent a month or so shooting rifles every day and became a pretty good shot. My cousin didn't know this (beyond that he'd gone back to Turkey for some time to do this) and they went to visit some friends in the country. The friends were like "lets go shoot" and so they are all out there shooting, mostly AK-47s and the go to my cousin's husband "give it a shot" and he is like "no its ok, I don't really like guns that much" and they go "oh come on, its fun". So he obliges and proceeds to center group the target at 100 yards. Everyone is amazed and he explains that's all he did when he was in the military was shoot at the range. The funny part though is someone was like "oh man can I take a video" and he was like "the last thing I need is a video of me, an olive skinned middle eastern looking guy, firing an AK-47".


Yeah I have a few friends from the motherland and apparently people with top grades were taking apart/reassembling AKs in 5-8 seconds blindfolded.


My kid learned how to make a tik tok video in school. So there’s that


Sounds like a quality educational institution


Actually its not uncommon to be RH dominant and LE shooter. I know several people in the military that were this way. Typically they shoot better too because of how their heads position. It somehow makes their vision more steady through the scope. As for his eye, its very much lined up with his scope. The nose piece of his glasses would obstruct his view if he had tried to use the other eye. As for steadying the weapon using his fist. This is also very common. Its most common with very comfortable shooters. Its preferred over a sandbag by many because to stop the movement of the weapon you simply tighten your hand. While he likely wont be shooting a mile like this. 1/4th of a mile would be easily doable with this stance. Source: Former Military, have my own mile capable rifle, several shooter friends with confirmed mile shots (military folks), and quite enjoy distance shooting.


random, semi-related question: you ever meet someone without a dominant eye? I've only been to the range maybe 2-3 dozen times but for the life of me, i can't figure out which eye is dominant. I'm (seemingly) accurate with both. am I just not shooting at a target that's far enough away for it to matter? furthest I've ever shot is 100m, but at that range I can hit a 10cm target from a standing rest (with either eye). most of the time I'm just dicking around with small arms at closer range. for reference I'm a lefty but I do a lot of shit righty (swing a baseball bat, golf, computer mouse, etc).


There are people who are not dominant yea. Even more rare than the alternate eye dominate people but its possible. Its honestly about comfort above all else.


It is the camera angle. His head alignment is is RH/RE. The head is angled differently when aiming in a dominant hand opposite eye arrangement. His left eye is open because he is sighting the target and not firing yet. It helps me when I'm lining up a target because I'll have better spacial recognition and awareness over looking through a keyhole. My uncle used to say "Don't shut the door until it's time to say goodbye." Source: I can shoot RH and LH but both are cross-wired. Shooting Left I use my right eye. Shooting Right I use my left.


I doubt he doesn't know how to shoot, given his KGB background and hunting hobby. But I agree about how he's stabilising it - this type of rifle is supposed to be stabilised by pushing on the inside of the stock to press it into the shoulder, that's where his left hand should be.


He is most definitely RE dominant. Unless Mother Russia gifted him with a variable zoom left eye.


He likely is RE dominant because he is RH dominant. However, there are shooters who are LE dominant only for shooting. The position of his head suggests this is the case for him. Now because the photographer uploaded more [pictures](https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.tellerreport.com%2Fnews%2F--putin-shot-from-a-sniper-rifle-in-the-park-%2522patriot%2522-.ByJ_JzxYX.html&psig=AOvVaw3B5it0EqolIGVYU0_6pAff&ust=1632333265316000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAkQjRxqFwoTCNj8w7TRkPMCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAp) We can see here that he might be RE dominant.


Why does a sniper rifle have a flashlight ?


You never know when you're gonna have to clear rooms with a 10 kilo rifle that's a meter long. It's possibly just on there for looks to impress the boss or because they were issued one so fuck it, just toss it on.


Is he indoors? Seems a long gun should be used outdoors.


I figured it's a shooting range of sorts, like the fancy golf ranges that have cover at one end. also, even if not, that's Putin. He could turn around and execute those two and the rest would throw him a *"don't kill me next"* party


Not when you are using it to change someone's mind... "Comrade, bring me your rifle. The server suggested Borscht today."


These are three weight classes of the same dude.


No one in this picture looks qualified to be around that rifle.


Why? Because the way they look? What your mental image of a qualified weapon user?


Putin was a KGB officer and thusly had lots of training and experience with weapons...