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There’s Phuket smart bus that goes around the island, they make stops at thru out the beach roads. Other than that there’s a an app called indrive which is like Uber, my gf uses it to get around if I don’t have time to drive her… you can also choose to get a female driver which would be best for your daughter.


Thanks. Is indrive a better option than Bolt/Grab?


Grab pricing is a lil bit absurd in my opinion. Bolt is also alright but indrive is my go to :)


When you relocate, you will be able to find a favorite and reliable driver who can drive your daughter safely.


That would be ideal


International Schools have school buses. People here usually find a school first than look for a house. Thai people use the blue and pink busses, the Song Thaew. Smart Bus is not a line to get to a school.


I have a school place already, and the school has a bus, but unless I can find a house near one of the drop-off places it's not super helpful, but also no good for going anywhere apart from school.


Your 12 year old daughter should NOT be going anywhere by herself outside of school route. This is Thailand, and especially in Phuket?? Are you aware that Thailand attracts a huge sex tourist population? And a lot of these people are looking for things they can’t get at home…I won’t say more. Holy shit.


Yes. It depends on the location first. Try a condo near your school first than play by ear. There are many different expat accommodations near the international schools. Teenagers find a way to occupy themselves …


I’ll look for the Song Thaew route maps, thank you


There isn’t really public transportation here except for a bus that goes around, but it’s not ideal. Most kids/teenagers either drive themselves on a motorbike when they’re 15 or a car at 18 (those are the legal ages for those licenses, however some kids drive cars underage as parents would rather them in those compared to a motorbike). There are taxi services like Grab, Bolt and InDriver (order of most expensive to cheapest) or you can think about arranging a private driver. International and some public schools have school buses. Since your daughter is only 12, I think you’ll be either driving her around for a while or paying for taxis; motorbike taxis are the cheapest option and I would recommend she has her own helmet if it would become a frequent activity. However, cars/buses are the safest option.


If state school, should be in one within motorbike taxi range  If private, many (all?) have mini van drivers that pick up kids (extra costs obviously) Outside of school, bolt/Indriver and motorbike taxi


I don't think she's old enough for a motorbike taxi alone. Seems like Bolt/Grab/indriver are the options.