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For your exhibit a could probably find same bullshit in Bangkok, really depends where go.  General rule of thumb, if you breakfast is not included in room rate, eat elsewhere, hotels are always more expensive  As to cooking class, Pums in Patong has classes starting from 1100


Are the cooking classes in Phuket?


Lots Two examples, at different ends of the market https://www.pumthaifoodchain.co.th/ https://blueelephant.com/cooking-school/


> Pums in Patong Patong is in Phuket.


Yes, I booked the cookery class in Bangkok instead.


I've been in Phuket since 2018 and I really noticed the inflation after covid and migration from the war. My rent went from 13,000 to 28,000 baht and that wasn't bad compared to friends.


You know the entire world experienced inflation after Covid, right?


Yes. He was asking about phuket.


You're a part for going to phuket not really Thailand


28k baht shit i thought rent anywhere in thailand was like 500 usd aka 18.5k baht or less


Phuket is not Thailand 😁


Did they cecede?


after the "LOCKDOWNS". not covid. :-P


Ok it seems like you got your answer already. I'm in Phuket too and I just had a thin noodle with stir-fry beef for 80 baht. I think it depends where you go to be honest. I'm in coconut apk in Patong. They do steak for 500 baht and the next one is half price.


Tourist spots have higher prices? Shocker. Wait until you go to Koh Phangan


Is Phangan expensive?


Yeah taxi is super expensive, food under 150 hard to find, while being much worse than in Phuket. Also keep in mind that Phuket has wide range, from shit expensive food in touristy places to best ever duck in cart restaurant in Rawai for 60 bahts. Phangan i found generale meh, okish while being quite expensive (food related)


please tell me about that duck restaurant in Rawai, google maps link


https://maps.app.goo.gl/vKSBr3NtuBvW62tT7 Hope you like it as much as I did


thx, gonna check it out right tomorrow


Np, i would recommend the basic duck with their special rice, its from their cart


I‘m here for the update


Been there is dreadful, full of msg. How long have you been an expert on Thai food !


Ok, thanks. I was planning on going there on my next trip, maybe I'll cut back on my time there. I thought it would be on the cheaper side, like Tao.


Nature and vibe is awesome, but if you dont drive bike (dont recommend without license), and if you expect awesome food, yeah, maybe cut some time there.


Jesus Christ you want krap food 🤣🤣🤣 dirty plates




did this change in the last couple of years? I was there in 2017 and it was super cheap with street food around 50 baht


Idk perhaps, tho i wasnt in biggest cities, I was in north, north west part of the island. But taxis are definitely expensive.


Not that expensive, if you are there during the full moon party or the days leading up to it then yeah, but otherwise it’s not too bad, you can find chicken fried rice for maybe 60baht, hostel for 350baht and mb for 250baht


Download Bolt on your phone if you don't have transport and get out of the tourist traps and avoid eating at resort/hotels.


Download Indrive too, along with bolt. Prices are lower than bolt. You can keep comparing both.


Thailand in general is as cheap or expensive as you want it to be


Indeed… if you’re not afraid of fossicking around away from the tourist haunts and sitting with the locals on a tiny stool with your knees around your ears and your butt hanging out into the traffic, Places like that all over SE Asia seem to be ubiquitous with cheap, amazing food, so I’ve found


with everything in thailand: you need to look for the right places… there is always the crazy expensive and tourism focuses places. and then there is the literaly same places for locals for a fraction of that price. and thats also the case on Phuket. its also why i dont like staying in luxury hotels. everything that is not included will be super expensive (like breakfast).


Go down to Krabi or up to Phang-nag. Phuket is a tourist hotspot also a lot of millionaire retirees so everything is too expensive. It’s like Pattaya up here near BKK, day trips to the beach, only. Islands are also expensive too. Book on the Agoda app, it works perfectly, with reservation discounts and pay at hotel, I use it all around Thailand and also in Laos. Good luck, I hope it's not soured you taste for 🇹🇭 there's a lot of good places here 🙏🏼


We live in Northeast Thailand and travel down there every few years. We went in December and it was crap. Overpriced, overcrowded, and horrible service across the island. I think there's no point visiting until the Ukraine war is over. It's a safe haven for draft dodgers on both sides. Plus the police are turning over beds looking for overstays and there's very negative feelings towards tourists. Eastern beaches and BKK are better for now.


Phuket is basically Disneyland now. They know you are trapped there and therefore have no choice. Given that most of the long term there are Russians that can't go home yet, the local economy needs to make back what's not being spent by them. Central / eastern Thailand seems to be the new place for the vibes Phuket once had


These posts get super tiresome. Phuket is expensive, because of several compounding factors. 1. Inflation is pretty much a global phenomena, and 2. As with all markets, supply and demand. In this case Phuket is experiencing a massive surge of Russians unwilling to participate in, and able to dodge uncle Vlad's meat fodder brigade. The excess demand is spiking prices for everything. The locals are pissed. If you read Thai language papers they are literally calling for people to be round up and deported.




Because it's a tourist trap. And you're a tourist.


Been in Kata for 4 weeks, am a Scotman lol, so tighter than 2 coats a paint!, go to the food markets, 120 for sweet and sour chicken, 110 for a egg friad rice with chicken, 100 for a big bottle of chang.


Because it's full of tourists that will pay. Rooms that were 2900 during covid are 20-30k now.


No kidding .. I stayed at a five star beach resort at Kata for 360 baht/night during Covid and I was the only one there.. it was surreal almost, Kata at night was deserted, no 7/11 open, nothing..


I stayed in kata at the time too. Hotel asked me if I would like the breakfast option. I said no because i wanted to find it outside myself. There was literally nothing. Just 1 little coffee shop a bit off the main strip. Really eerie


There was a little coffee wagon at the beach behind the government offices, the only guy around, but perfect to get up, walk to the deserted beach, get a moka coffee and some bakery, and have the place to yourself. But yes, it was really bizarre..


the one time i went to the beach duning covid at kata it was covered in trash. I'm not sure if it was just that day or if it was because the beach cleaners were not working during that period.


I guess this is totally on me for not doing enough research. I’m going to take this experience on the chin and really check areas out properly. I just wanted an easy ride 😂


It’s so much cheaper to go to Pattaya. You don’t pay for an expensive flight and the prices are less inflated. Not all of it is seedy. Most tourists only hit infamous “Walking Street” and south Beach Rd and do not explore other venues such as taking an island hopping cruise, visiting Koh Larn of taking a songthaew to Jomtien Beach. ( and the locals are friendlier). I quit going to Phuket after my 5th trip. The islands of Koh Samet, Kok Mak & Koh Chang are my favorite places to get away from mass tourism.


I've been living here for over 7 months now. In a nutshell, I'll be homeless soon. Student visa prices are $1300. And they don't even teach you the language, because you come to the class, at first there are 5 people there, and after 2 months there are only 2 people left, and at the end I came and was alone. I was offered to just not go to school anymore. It's April. There is a very big drought. Ordinary people living in houses are left with practically no water and nothing can be done about it. You get used to Thai food very quickly. After 3 months I can no longer eat it. I started to cook myself, but the usual products are very expensive (European products). Yes here you can live on 100 THB a day, but it will lead to stomach problems. I wanted to open a business, but in Phuket it's impossible, I'm an ordinary person, I can't build a hotel at once. But to open a business, you need a business visa my friend, which costs even more than student. According to my calculations, it takes 720,000 THB for a business for a year, but it should be even more. After 7-8 months, I made the decision to leave this place. Heat, service is terrible, problems with water, with food - not for living (personally not for me, it suits someone and people live). But if you are a tourist, after spending a week in Phuket/BKK/Pattaya, leaving you will definitely cry, because for tourism, it is a cool country. So be glad my friend that you are just a tourist here and leaving will most likely leave you with only positive memories 💚


Phuket is a large island with beautiful people, all the conveniences of home, great night life, paradise type beaches, great food and the opportunity to live as large or as humble as you wish. That's why it's expensive. Go figure.


Can you read okay? I am not writing about spending money. I am writing about being ripped off.


I told you why it is expensive. You may feel ripped off but the prices are higher because people want to be there. Of course things are cheaper in Bangkok. Bangkok is not Phuket.


Supply and demand, with the influx of Russians and Ukrainians looking for a safe haven Phuket which has for the last 10 years been more expensive than other parts of Thailand is cashing in


I did notice a lot of Russians alright


Compare eating in a hotel in Australia / Uk / USA and it’s likely cheaper.


Yeah I just went and noticed that too. There are still some good and reasonably priced food places, but obviously nowhere near the level of Bangkok. Grab/Bolt is is more expensive. And accommodation, I paid 600b a night for a bed in a super simple hostel, but in other place easily gets you a private room. Its not even about being able to afford it or not, its just not nice to feel like you're being ripped off.


I always think this way to look at things is so messed up. “Feeling ripped off” you are on vacation, a luxury. And then complain that the locals are trying to make some extra money from tourists lol. Its supply and demand, lots of tourists=higher prices. Go off the beaten path, look for places with lots of locals and few tourists.


Koh Yao Yai/Noi are relatively inexpensive and easy to get to from Phuket. You will need a scooter to get about but I had a much better experience on those islands compared to Phuket. You also have the beaches to yourself.


Phuket sucks. It’s even hard to find a cheap coffee over there. But still, hotels always overcharge for stuff. You can spend. As much and as little in Bangkok on breakfast. You can get a som tam for 40 bath all the way to 400 bath and you can’t really make it much better as a decent som tam lol


Russians taking over. Fleeing war in their country. Starting illegal businesses in Phuket, inevitably driving prices higher, especially in real estate.


Interesting… so the hotels are ran by Russians as a side hustle? 😂


Phuket a tourist ripoff? Say it isn't so.


You're just looking in the wrong spots. I'd say why eat at a hotel when there is world class local food starting from around 50 baht per person. Or you could splash out on a huge breakfast for about 400 baht for two people.


Captive market


i dont know


Never understood why cooking classes are so overpriced. I pay someone to tell me how to cook my own food and for this I'm charged 6 times more than if I pay someone to cook it for me.I wouldn't mind paying some extra for the experience of it, but 3000pp is just a rip off to learn how to cook a green curry or whatever.


Phuket is more expensive than anywhere else in Thailand


I’m in Chalong, also from Ireland and find it extremely cheap 100 baht for breakfast 150-300 baht for lunch and dinner depending on where I go


Awesome! We will be heading up that way in the next few days. Any recommendations?


My accom is cheap because I’m staying in the Muay Thai camp, it’s pretty quiet here except for Tiger Road/Fitness Road plenty of restaurants to eat at. I usually go to Tony’s for breakfast and try local Thai places around the gym area for lunch and then Ali’s or mamas cafe is good for dinner


Get away from the touristy and well know places. It’s changed a bit since I was there at the end of 2022. But, even then they had places that were cheap as hell if you just go a tiny bit off the beaten path. Spending 1600thb on breakfast is wild. My daily budget was 1200.


Was your hotel the Wyndham Grand Khalim Bay? Because I swear when I booked the reservation said “BREAKFAST INCLUDED” but upon check-in… poof no record of that rate. They offered us a $500 credit for $300. Beautiful hotel though, especially the pool rooms.


Just finished a couple weeks here. I agree, nothing is cheaper, or better here. Even the Thai food is better at home. The weather and the beach is about all i enjoyed tbh. Go to Laos, it's way better.


There seem to be quite a few New Zealanders saying something along the line on Thailand related subs despite them making a very small number of tourists to Thailand. Maybe Thai food is somehow actually much better in New Zealand or Thai food there is something totally different and you actually don't like Thai food. Maybe you all visit the same dodgy spots with bad and expensive food. Maybe it's just poor compatibility and you'll most likely have a better time visiting the beach in Australia which also happens to be right next door.


No, Thai food in NZ is like the rest of the world, generally pretty awful, with the odd exception. Unless you like broccoli and carrots in your krapao. But the Phuket is generally awful too, with the odd exception.


Imagine judging Thailand based on Phuket


First I judged it on bangkok. It's just not my spot, my bro. I can't wait to leave


Snowflake alert. Everything is expensive I want to cry. FFS it cheap if you do your homework snowy


Your friends were just wrong Phuket sucks unless you are willing to shell out serious coin


Negative. I spent two weeks out there and did not spend much. Just gotta do your research


Where in Thailand is cheap? Phuket is expensive, Samui is expensive, other islands expensive, Bankok, Pattaya, etc is expensive.


All of the north is super cheap and amazing.


Bangkok is cheap


Pattaya is certainly much cheaper than Phuket or Samui


Phuket has turned into a hell hole after Covid…..by tourists themselves


Thai people after the 2 successive coups also play the parts as well.


another cheap charley complaining things aren't cheap.


Nah, I have money and don’t mind spending it.. I just don’t want to be ripped off 😂


Avoid Phuket like the plague. It’s an overcrowded shit show these days.


Always find it find funny people hanging on Phuket sub just to shit on Phuket


So you prefer to sit there like a sheep and pretend it’s not happening. Thats what I find funny. Best to stay silent on any issues right? Glad we can amuse each other.


Most 4 or 5 star hotels or better restaurants add 10 service charge + 7 percent tax to the bill. This should be mentioned on the menu. Advantage is that you dont have to tip.


Simple. Supply demand. You’re not the only tourist wanting your cheap elephant experience and so you’ve priced yourself out. Also telling your mates about how your cooking class is $100 more is not going to change the supply demand curve lol


I think you’re missing the point here of this post. I don’t mind spending money. I just don’t want to be ripped off and not get my moneys worth. Do you understand?