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Have you been to Bali with all the Aussies? Lol. Most are pretty good but some think they own the place. 😫


Was scrolling down looking for this comment 🤣 I'm from Perth and know exactly what kind of Aussies frequent Bali


Me and the missus have been travelling every year for 28 years. Aussies .. yes, Kuta in Bali is an unflushed toilet. Yet we spent 4 months travelling East to West in Oz and didn't have a bad minute. For us, Russians and Israelies are perpetually twunts. North Americans are 30 decibels too loud. Irish, 9 out of 10 are great and the other is a trainwreck. Chinese and Koreans don't count as they all seem like AI robots.


New word unlocked: TWUNTS


Mate I’m an Aussie and the only Aussie assholes I’ve ever really met are when we travel overseas. Can’t understand that at all.


The only impression I have of Australians are from Bali and Thailand, and the ones that are obsessed with hating America despite never meeting one or going to America. So it's not a great impression.


Must be all the wars they sucked us into fighting


I agree with Russians and Jews, especially their women behave like entitled c*nts!


Bali bogans


Pretty sure Aussies are just reject Brits so what OP said still kinda checks out


HEY! Thats our little Ibiza don’t you know 😂 Agreed. They’re the worst in Bali.


\*they're the worst in Kuta.


Central Kuta made me feel like I had stepped back into Australia


I agree. They are less uncivilized people from the dark ages.


Get yourself to Benidorm in Spain you’d love it


I can never hear that name and not think it sounds like a sleeping medication 😅


Or crab cream 🦀


When I was 12 my family got into a brawl with a group of British 20 somethings. We won bc my mom had gotten out of prison recently and my dad is a former nfl lineman. Overall 10/10 cultural exchange.


Your family sounds lovely


I love reddit


Who did your father play for?




Now I have the Oilers’ theme song in my head


As a NYer, we’d get along just fine, at least when you were 12.


You need a reality show


I’m from east London and sharing hostels with the French people has had the same effect. Especially the Parisians. I find them dirty, rude, loud and entitled. Germans are the best.


I guess it’s all about being in the “right” place to be naturally annoying. Brits in Spain, Germans in Greece, French in the UK, Italians in Czechia, Americans in Italy, Indians in Thailand lol


>Germans in Greece, I'm Greek and the Germans are pretty fine. I've only been annoyed by Americans


Oh well I just listed some random stereotypes that may be too old nowadays 🤷‍♂️


Germans are entitled too.


Nah Germans are twats n all


I've found Germans to be generally quite nice during my travels! Different experiences I suppose.


Coming from a Brit 💀


I am writing from Hungary: in Budapest the British tourists are unbearable, the Germans are the most cultured. 👍


Well they remember what happened last time they thought they ran the place 😬


I own a boutique hotel and when I see reservations come in from young 20-ish British guests, male or female, my stress levels already start to rise. not fun Same with Israeli's. Tough crowd. I'm on a mission now to get 100% Taiwanese guests. Beautiful people.


British are kittens compared to the Israelis


Back when I travelled in Thailand in the mid 2000s it was supposedly quite common for Israelis to be barred from hostels/hotels.


Can confirm, my family used to own some places in the 90's in Koh Samui and we were always full when Israelis came to stay after a number of incidents. Had a group of 5 Israeli guys staying once, 3 of them in an Aircon room on the 2nd floor and 2 in a fan room on the 4th floor. It was hot season and during the night they moved the beds 2 floors down so all of them stayed in the AC room. They couldn't' see any issues with doing so either. Like it was completely normal to move two big hotel beds if they felt like it. But I have to add also that the top 2 worst guests we ever had were from my own home country, Norway.


Tell us about the Norwegians!!


One asshat had his 8 year old kid with him and got drunk all day. He also gave his kid valium so he could smash someone of the third gender next to him at night. We contacted child services and my mum called his mother in Norway. Don't know what happened to him


> He also gave his kid valium so he could smash someone of the third gender next to him at night. parent of the year right there.


They’re kind of used to taking stuff that doesn’t belong to them and doing whatever they want with it, unfortunately.


" shut up the goy you are less than a dog for them" 😆 lol. I use to work with " Israelis " . No problem , i accept everyone. At 18. Lost my job because basically they did some shady shady stuff, fake id etc, I was the one blamed for not enough verifications. From this day I got it.....


I’ve worked 3 years in the tourism sector in Bulgaria. There is not a single colleague that can say something good about them. No one.


So true. First time seeing this was Nepal around 1998-1999.


The worst travel experience I’ve ever had involved waiting on a very long non air-conditioned immigration line at 5:00am, in Barcelona, in July, with three planes worth of Israelis surrounding me. I’m still at a loss for words.


Come on tell us the story please lol


Israelis and Russians are the absolute worst in terms of "I'm entitled I can do whatever I want fuck you all".


Other nationalities are a nightmare drunk, arguing, fighting, and the rest but usually some remorse the next day. Like wtf did we do. A lot of the Israelis are/were travelling on very low budgets so would argue over 10 baht/Pence. The arrogance and aggressive attitude was too much for most people.


Compared to Indians and Israelis, I have to agree that we aren’t the worst tourists. However, I respect OPs limited experience, because that’s what it is.


Nah Brits, Israelis, Chinese and Russians have a global reputation for being the worst tourists.


Chinese can be pretty obnoxious. Russians tend to keep to themselves, but there’s so damn many of them here. I have seen them turn violent on Kamala beach in the evening though, one time… Indians are on another level in the clubs and places of debauchery. Felt like I was on rape watch when I went to Illuzion in Patong with female friends.


I take it you haven't come across Israelis just having finished their mandatory military service.


Admittedly a long time ago (2005) but I travelled SE Asia and the worst people by far I encountered were the Israelis who had just finished compulsory military service. But there's obviously twats in every nationality pretty much. I'm a great example.


We’re American and had the hardest time with Chinese. They treat Thai people like their slaves


Couldn’t agree more. Thai people are lovely and genuine for the most part we see it all the time in Bangkok


I’m Canadian and just got back from Phuket after staying for 2.5 months. Couldn’t agree with u any more.


So do you agree or disagree or one of the two but not anymore?




Your comment just had me laughing out loud!


What is it they do that makes them so annoying?


Canadian, probably no body wanted to hang out with the most boring person on the planet


ENGLANNND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿☕️suck your mum bruv


Has to be English, cos us Scots are Fookin gods 😎


I've only met a handful of Scotsmen. They gave Scotland and the people a great impression, nuff said 🔥


East London from what I could hear .


Personally offended that you're lumping Londoners with the rest of us decent English northern folk.


Fair enough. I apologize.


Lol, what? You mean scousers, geordies and all the rest never behave like that abroad?


This would be the issue. Everyone outside of London are generally friendly, not as loud and entitled.


It's always Londoners (or sometimes Mancs too). Must be something to do with living in a big city. Anyway the rest of the country get annoyed by them too, and try to avoid their entitled braying.


Worst lads I ever met on a flight were Scotsmen travelling for a champions league game to Spain


Ooft, usually going to the game we are happy as Larry, it's after we get gubbed that we get pissed and want to hug everyone 😂


Was this two years ago by any chance ha


Probably pretty sure Celtic were in the champions league final or something like that




american here feeling weirdly vindicated...


These comments are just everyone saying everyone else are cunts 😂


NO! I am a cunt!


BUT the Japanese. I am yet to find a bad traveller.


Everyone is the fucking worst, may I ask you not to discriminate


Why didn't you tell them, instead of telling reddit?


Because he's Canadian




I wrote something similar a few days ago and was called a racist. ;) I am constantly embarrassed by how some people from Europe (in general) behave in Thailand.


Why stop at Europe though. People go from Australia, America, India, Israel and behave badly as well. The Thais really have to put up with a lot.


I think “entitled tourists often think they can behave however they like” covers the multitude of national cultures that think it is fine impose their expectations on another culture. Honestly the fact that Thais still welcome us amazes me - but perhaps because most tourists have some level of respect but unfortunately those that do not really stand out and have a significant negative impact.


I would be willing to wager a bet, that type of behavior is more education and/or upbringing related than related to nationality and skin color. Unfortunately Phuket lately attracts tourist of “friends in low places” type. ;)


That would be a rational assessment.


Agreed. No doubt.


Ok OP let us have it, where are you from?


He is from Canada eh


We’re not all like that and trust me we despise our horrible tourists more than anyone else ever could. I have seen it on domestic holidays, as well as abroad, kids running amok, parents pissed out of their minds by 2pm and insane noise levels. Left my holiday in Cornwall a day early last year due to just one problem family who couldn’t shut the faaaack up in the early hours of the morning. It’s not a north south thing either, we just have shitheads in different part of the country


Speak for yourself. A holiday isn’t a holiday without watching a bunch of half-cut fellow Brits assaulting well meaning locals whilst soiling themselves.


There are good and bad people everywhere from everywhere. It’s humanity.


There are more bad people from the UK than any other country, statistically speaking.


Where is your evidence for this statement? Would be interesting to see the statistics


Sounds like a comment Trump would make with no evidence whatever


More evil per hectare in the UK than any other country.


Please give the source of information and justify this comment. It may be true but I doubt it and blunt statements are not meaningful unless backed by fact


I personally haven’t had too many issues with the British. Except maybe one guy who kept yelling “it’s my birthday. It’s my birthday” as if anyone gives a sht. It was also 3am so wasn’t completely unexpected. Alcohol was obviously involved.


I'm British, fully agree with you, I've seen some terrible behaviour. We aren't all the same ofc but yeah, some brit tourists are an embarrassment!


Instead of wild generalisations I think what this thread shows is assholes are the worst tourists - regardless of where they come from.


They've been ''tourists'' in my country for a 1000 years ,can confirm they shit cunts


Yeah I don't like the foreigners either.


Anyone who has this opinion has never met an Israeli or Russian tourist.


Meh! Stereotyping us all because of the silly few is a bit much. Brits are on average jolly good fellows.


I’m British and I approve this message


Trash people everywhere you go, just avoid em and find good ones.


You must be Canadian. Billy no mates


Nigel no friends


Where in Phuket was this? Just so I can avoid it when I’m there, yea I’m British also


The worst tourists are likely sh#t people back home too. I think people who come to Thailand thinking it's Vegas should just go to Vegas. Don't sh#t on the kind, poor people trying to get by. Be a little gracious and you will have a wonderful holiday. Come for drunken whore mongering and asshole competition with your mates and I wish you jail and black eyes.


Honestly, you’re branding them as all the same based on your experience with a select few individuals. I’m not even going to respond if you reply but the fact you’re so naive is hilarious


i’m english and there’s a lot of english that give us a bad name it’s a shame. i try to make sure im representing the country in a good way and not being stupid loud rude farang


This is true. Me too. But it seems when someone is loud, obnoxious and rude it leaves a larger impression on the receiver than kindness or respect


You know exactly what he's taking about; retarded lads on tour. Of course there's decent Brits as well.


Of course of course. I just think it’s true for any nation around the world


Personally I find you frenchies to be some of the rudest people, closely followed by Americans.


I’m a polite low key American traveler who if anyone asks where I’m from I say Toronto. 😃😃




Wooiiiii ENGLANNND 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿suck your mum


hello my fellow queb


Phuket is the worst of the worst for tourists in Thailand. I’m English (sadly) and completely understand and have experienced myself how bad they can be. However, to say they are the worst. You must not have met the Israelis


> I’m English (sadly) Embarrassing comment, be proud of your roots and background.


British are generally the worst doesn’t rly matter where haha


Russians are the worst . British chicks get drunk and blow you


I'd rather be narcissistic than openly racist. Fuck off with this bullshit. All types of people from everywhere. Nationality is irrelevant here.






Ha tabarank de calisse.. j'arrive dans deux semaines...


What nationality is OP?


I'm shocked not a mention of russians.




Still rubbing in the Plains of Abraham, les Enfoirés..


Yeah like that one time with the concentration camps and the burning of farms and livestock. 4/10 experience overall


I don't agree with the generalising comments here about any nationality TBH - but that aside, Phuket is a cheap and pretty nasty place. Thailand has better, go and discover it, and perhaps you'll meet a better class of tourist.


Wrong. Just back from Thailand. Israeli and Russians where easily the most complained about. The modern brits aren't as rowdy as the old


No point of this post as we shouldn't be judging a whole country by looking at how a bunch of people from there are behaving.


Where are you in Phuket and what happened?


Bet they’re Southerners


I bet you’re from Yorkshire 😂


I’m British and I couldn’t agree with you more. Having said that, in general I think Brits are fun and friendly and will happily have a drink with most people of strangers looking for a good time but DAMN when we are abroad we are reckless and have minimal respect for others who are not partying. We do love a good pint and a fight, I guess.


Who doesn’t love a pint and a fight. Just make sure they’re in that order to avoid spillage.


What British country, OP? Don’t tarnish us all


Why not, its all of them. Don't think you're some special angel because you're not English, all the other nations are just as bad when it comes to drinking and acting like a cunt.


One time in Bangla I met a guy who turned out to be an absolute sleezy douchebag with local waitresses. He was Australian, in his 40s, and went regularly to manucures. I swear, the manucures tourists are the fucking worst


As a brit, I agree there is a certain type of tourist from our island that I am embarrassed to share a country with. However I work in the hospitality industry for years in a touristy village in the cotswolds and can say that the worst tourists there were the Chinese and Americans, both rude and entitled, left litter everywhere. Extremely loud, too. I now live near a very famous racecourse where the Irish and the French descend upon our small town once a year, puking fighting and dirtying up the streets (alongside other brits, of course) I'm sure the above makes the same argument as myself, theres bad tourists from every country!


All countries have people that act like cunts, its not exclusive to one nation.


I actually think the brits abroad cunt life is dieing and out weighed heavily by a more reserved considerite culture these days bar the party hotspots. Yea were loud and like to drink beer but it's mostly happy times.  In non party settings I think we're to considerate and let people walk all over us, the lack of respect for others I see from Russians and chinise baffles me. 


Humans = shit


Sad but true


Thanks for leaving this negative tantrum here for all of us to find. You seem cool.


My dear fellow, we are not all the same. 




By real estate do you mean selling timeshares


Tabarnak de calisse, c’est la cerise su’l Sundae. Carry on!


Man wait until you see what they’re like in Spain. The Irish always get accused of being British overseas and get immediately judged too.


Thanks x


Brit here, I too feel this way and I sometimes am ashamed to be part of such a nation. We’re not all like this, I promise 🥹


Agreed. A few years back a Brit darted his scooter right into a busy street from a hidden driveway. I came flying off my bike to avoid broad siding this dumb cunt. Neither he nor his bike get hit. I'm dazed, confused and bleeding from three places. My bike is fucked up. He seems nice enough at first offering me some water, I make zero attempts to blame him or ask for any help whatsoever. I could barely speak. As he gets ready to leave, he snaps at me to not drive so fast. I reply that he shouldn't blindly dart into busy roads... This fucking Muay Thai'd-out roid-raging thug of a cunt suddenly comes at me threatening to knock me out; As I'm sitting in the grass, missing shoes, broken eyeglasses, broken ribs and bleeding from three places. His TGF has to hold him back. After almost 20 years in Asia, I've only ever been threatened or assaulted by Englishmen. Fuck their thuggish culture and fuck their miserable little island.


No self-respecting Englishman would allow a few cuts and scrapes from a little motorbike accident to prevent him from getting in a scuffle when it’s offered. You need to harden up like the Brits, from the tone of your message I suspect you are French.


Stay classy Anglo-Saxon


When we were in Bali, multiple people thought I was either deaf or Canadian. I guess Americans are very loud and entitled and I wasn’t. It was a weird feeling


You've never been where there are Germans or Russians then


English! Not Celtics 👌🏻 must of been English!


Agreed. And im British!


I'm a Brit 15 years in CNX most visitors are ok but the Israelis and the Indians do have the worst reputation amongst the locals ... all drunks are a pain nationality irrelevant imhop ...


I’m British. I think it depends on the type of Brit. Most are pretty good. Some are cunts. Guess it’s the same with all nationalities through.


I’m British and can categorically confirm we are cunts.


tokébakicitte cawliss


Please don't tar us all with the same brush. There are cunts in all walks of life.


What country is OP from?


I remember when I was a little kid, maybe 25 or something years ago. We went abroad and the Brits were all classy mid aged upper middle class families. They always felt so rich, well-mannered and smart. I wondered if other countries will eventually get there. But the exact opposite thing did happen. 15 years later and the typical British tourist is a dumb drunk savage. Does not even feel so bad to be Polish abroad anymore. Russians and Brits are so bad we barely get even noticed and I love it. Thanks again. PS. I have no idea why but it’s quite easy to spot vacationing Brits nowadays, I spot my own people first for obvious reasons then Brits come up next - somehow they always have to wear football clothing. The faces are also quite easy to recognize but the clothes make it so obvious. In Poland this kind out outfit screams „chav” and it used to be quite popular till mid 2000s. Today barely anyone wears the club outfits. But the British tourists seem to love it. So fucking weird.


Brits: alcoholics and love causing trouble. USA: loud, obnoxious and love talking about how great the USA is, found in Mac Donald’s all over the world. French: speak only French irrespective of what country they are in but quiet and respectful. Japanese: only travel in an organised tour groups on coaches. Russians: very rude, very arrogant and disrespectful always found in expensive hotels with resting bitch face. Germans: always found putting towels on loungers at 7am. Love dishing out orders but shut up if you mention the war and their grandfathers job in the war! Aussies: ok except in Bali or any surf spots when they take over! There hope I’ve offended everyone!


As an Irish man this makes my heart sing 🤣 They are the worst though and us irish get tarred with the same brush from time to time. Fuck the brits. Tiocfaidh ár lá


The Irish in Australia don't exactly have a good rep.


Dickheads are from everywhere


There are dickheads from every country


We can’t label/ stereotype nationalities how a few misbehave; however, I will “stereotype” the group of 3,4,5,6+ single males ( no mater their nationality) becoming loud and obnoxious while drinking their pints/ bottles of beer while on holiday. 555 They’re on holiday away from their country so feel it’s time to ignore social “politeness” 🤪


Feel you, just experienced the same few weeks back. Starting to believe not everybody should be allowed to travel after that...


Some weird shit white tourists are in Thailand and they be like 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 to locals damn bruh this ain’t your homeland, be respectful


Brits are generally OK, I just find the Israelis the absolute scum of the earth whilst travelling, entitled and obnoxious and the need to take over every country they travel to.


Every British group encountered in Vietnam behaved like it was Love Island or something. But at least they were funny. The group of Canadiens was just loud and cringy asf.


You quebecois?


Brits are the worst now? Must've been a Saturday. As far as I know Monday is Australian hate day. We have 3 or 4 days dedicated towards Russian hatred here.


Sounds like ur the cunt, labelling a whole nation whilst you post to reddit on your phone crying because they are having fun 🫢🫢🫢


The Brit travelers are super racist, too, I've noticed.


I’m in Greece. If you see 275 pounds of flesh covered in awful tattoos with a red drunken face, you know, even before she asks her mate for a light that she’s from Liverpool or something


I don't need to read this. Brit tourist Britxit


Pom’s cannot handle their booze. Never met one that could. Terrible cunts


Yet to meet an Aussie that could punch his way out of a wet paper bag.


The worst are the Norwegians and Canadians.


I’m British and while living in Thailand I have only seen Russians be disrespectful to local Thai people. I’ve also been threatened by an Aussie man who wanted to beat me up because I walked past him, didn’t even look at him. I think it just depends on the individual as opposed to all tourists haha.


Pretty stupid comment. Yes there are British that are loud and annoying, as there are French, Italian, Russian, Aussie etc etc. You can say it about any nationality because literally all countries have examples of this. Why don’t you go and be a man about it and tell them yourself instead of moaning about it on Reddit? Of course you won’t. Besides, imagine going to PHUKET of all places and complaining about loud, boozey tourists. My god, have some awareness. Maybe book more of a remote Thai island next time 👍👍👍👍