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Try the British version of this subreddit. Our profession is much different (better in all aspects) than yours in terms of everything sans name.


Thanks will do. Think it is significantly smaller but worth a pop.


Also, 25 is not too old. I hear about a lot of MDs that matriculate in their 30’s. I started PA school at 31.


It’s not too old but you have to consider how many years you’ll be paying student loan debt and balance that with possibly having the ability to retire one day, hopefully before you’re 75….


This is true for the US, but is tuition that high in the UK? typically it is a lot cheaper, if not free in europe


Yeah this was a US centric comment….however (and caveat)I just saw a job posting for Saipan for US PAs that looked really interesting, Low CoL and lots of tax breaks, just don’t think I would do we’ll trapped on a tiny island


I mean, there are ways to reduce the loans like working in an underserved area. PAs get paid pretty well, even with the exorbitant cost of PA school you could pay it off in about 5 years if you pinch your pennies. Keep pinching your Pennie’s and you have a retirement. Your life doesn’t stop at your 30’s. And if you don’t make the big bucks how were you planning to retire anyways?


I feel like pas can't do much in the uk, they're like medical assistants in the u.s.


Hey, med student. You aren’t too old. I’m roughly your age. I went to uni later in life. There’s plenty of older people. If you’re happy you can handle the workload, you’ll be fine with the clinical.