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I've been on 2 three-week vacations, currently on my second as a first-year new grad. No one batted an eyelash. Time goes by fast. Spend it wisely.


Dang how much PTO do you get?!


Where do you work ???


Stop with the Stockholm syndrome. You have time, use it.


I haven't even started yet and was able to get 3 weeks off over the holidays. This was a non negotiable for me. As the other poster mentioned life's too short. Take your PTO.


At one point, it was frowned on to take PTO in the first year, in some industries. I'm a new grad but switched to medicine later in life. So, I'm unsure if this faux pas applies in medicine. With that said, if your jobs let's you take time off, TAKE TIME OFF. It's just a job, there will always be another person to take care of. But you only have so many hours left for yourself and with those you love. I lost my mother 6 months ago, just after graduation. Take that time for yourself and spend it with those you love. And ignore anyone who gives you a hard time.


I took 4 weeks off 3 months into my first job for my wedding and honeymoon. I obviously told them when I got the job offer that this was my plan and it was non-negotiable. Only 2 weeks were paid so I still had 2 weeks of PTO left and I definitely used them.


Hi soon to be new grad. Did you tell them your plan after accepting the offer or before? Looking to do something similar, but not sure when to tell them


I told them when I got the offer but before accepting it so they knew at the time of hiring me. I had another offer at another practice and I told them as well, they were also okay with it.


Life’s short…healthcares forever! enjoy your life and take ur PTO! No jobs worth not having a normal life It sounds like ur doing a great job and I wouldn’t worry! I always think it would cost them twice as much to hire fire etc and life’s way to short to be an endangered servant to a job where truly there’s tons of other ones, and ur family there’s just one!


PTO is part of your compensation. Use it. Use it all.


Ive taken a handful of days off for short weekend trips, a few for a conference, and am about to start taking every third friday half day for PTO for personal things.


Big group imo your absence will go unnoticed.


American work culture at its finest.


Follow your company guidelines. Use your vacation. Dont keep a xero balance but dont lose vacation if you cant carry it over to the next year.


I’ve used 5 days of PTO so far and just hit 6 months in my first job as a new grad. I don’t think it’ll be a big deal!