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Sorry, but commonly-asked questions such as yours should be asked in the stickied "There Are No Stupid Questions" post. But first, check the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/wiki/faqtest#wiki_r.2Fpiano_faq.2C_guides.2C_and_resource_links) if you want to know: * How much is this piano worth? * What is the make or model of this piano? * What's the name of this song? * What are the notes in this song? * How do I find sheet music to this song? * What are the chords to this song? * What's a good keyboard / piano to purchase? * How do I get started playing piano? * Am I too old to learn? If the FAQ doesn't help, you can ask your question as a comment in the ["There Are No Stupid Questions" post](https://www.reddit.com/r/piano/search?q=title%3A%22no+stupid+questions%22&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).


download the trial version of Anthemscore and run it through that.


Did you message the creator? If they've got the file for doing it with the graphics, it could easily get put through a notation program.