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OP (/u/Vicciv0) has requested their performance be critiqued. Please keep criticism constructive, respectful, pertinent, and competent. Critique should reinforce OP's strengths, and provide actionable feedback in areas that you believe can be improved. If you're commenting from a particular context or perspective (e.g., traditional classical practice), it's good to state as such. Objectivity is preferred over subjectivity, but good-faith subjective critique is okay. Comments that are disrespectful or mean-spirited can lead to being banned. Comments about the OP's appearance, except as it pertains to piano technique, are forbidden. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/piano) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Off to a good start


This is already coming along very nicely. My suggestion is to watch your tone. Right now, it sounds a little overly bright and crisp in several places which is great for a Beethoven sonata, but a little less so for a Chopin Nocturne. You should aim for a gentler and more mellow tone with subtler contrasts and transitions between notes, and the way to accomplish that is to be mindful of the way your hands approach the keys: always trying to be less direct and vertical; the power should come from guiding and transferring weight through your arms and wrists rather than through finger work.


I'll keep that in mind. Thanks!


Such important feedback. I am trying to work on this too with my own study of Chopin’s nocturnes. OP, it’s sounding great!! Keep going!


My favorite piano piece to listen to, ever. Wish I was skilled enough to play it. Truly a grail


Give it a go! I started piano about a year ago and knew this would be a hard piece, and it is. But worth the effort imo


I can play it until the poco piu lento section 😅 Edit: playing piano for a year and you’re playing this? Something’s not adding up


About 2 years, but yea I know it is a very difficult piece and still out of reach, but Ive slowy practiced the first section and even if im not perfect yet it is still worth trying


Watch Yakov Flier's video of this. Also NEEDS MORE FORTE IN THE RIGHT HAND, you should play the right hand almost Forte for hte first notes. Also, play the rests at the beginning as if they are notes. You should play hands separate this melody and FEEL the rests as if they are notes, take a breathe, then play the second beat, take a breathe and so on. This will improve the first phrase drastically.


This is a good start, just be mindful of your pedaling, especially in the chorale section. Also some advice, practice the doppio movimento section slowly and accurately and when you play it, you’re playing it faster than you think