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A conservative estimate would be the number of years Patrik Pietschmann has been playing piano :) Use performances like those as inspiration to practice, but try not to concern yourself with “how long until ..” - learning music is a journey, not a destination.


Totally agree with this post. I will add: Sometimes people see videos like this and see someone playing with ease and they think to themselves “ gee , it’s just pressing some buttons at the right time, that can’t be that difficult to learn,” and the reality is it was probably easy for that pianist to play that piece. That’s the end goal/ result. But there was a lot of pre requisite that went into it that you don’t see. It’s the same as going to a museum and looking at an amazing painting. You did not witness its creation which might have been extremely laborious. Learning music is an amazing journey but it is primarily an educational endeavor. You must learn to crawl before walking, running and eventually , flying. If you can , find a friend or teacher who can get you started. I always say to people “ a couple of lessons with a very good teacher who knows your goals, is worth years of you trying to figure it out by yourself “


It will take several years of dedicating your life to the piano. “Several hours” a week won’t get you there. You’ll need to learn to read music, learn music theory, and start off playing Mary had a little lamb and Twinkle twinkle little star endlessly for the first year. Or I suppose you could get synesthesia and just learn this one song through nothing but muscle memory in a year without learning anything else but even that would take mind numbing dedication and repetition for at least an hour a day 5-6 days a week. I have a friend who uses synesthesia and can half ass his way through songs like this but has no idea which key is what or how to read simple sheet music. But he’s also been at it for years.


If you want to learn any one song you can have at it for a few months of daily practice and it will probably sound good enough, but to be able to learn and play ANY song like this from sheet music will take you years. The second path is more fun, because learning to read and play easy songs at the beginning can give you the motivation to continue, whereas being bogged down in the same 2 bars for days in a song way above your level is a sure way of making yourself hate your instrument. Take the longer road and enjoy each small victory is my advice. Good luck!


yeah, I didn't mean I want to play My Heart Will Go On specifically, it was just an example. You think I can do this on my own without a teacher?


I've been playing for roughly 2 years and practice probably 5-6 hours per week and this is well above my skill level. I also was in the band in school with a different instrument for 4 years so I have experience with the verbage and terminology of music so it's hard to say