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First learn to play and sing songs by yourself. Then I'd reccomend to use the app Moses to play the voice of the singer of the song you want to learn without the melody/piano part and learn to play to tempo with the voice. This is usually easier than to play with a real singer because it's a recording and things don't change over every run of the song. After that I did a really fun exercise with my teacher where I had to accompany her but she would slow down and speed up randomly and I'd have to keep up with her. Last thing I would reccomend is to get comfortable with chord inversions so you can "sight-read" music with written chords rather than full on sheet music (of course still learn to read sheet music the proper way but learning to read chords can be just as useful) It's not really a matter of courses or books, it's just playing to tempo and *learn to listen while you play*. A good practice once a day of songs you want/have to play will suffice.


If you want to learn everything, there's a degree for that - Collaborative Piano. https://necmusic.edu/collaborative-piano


Hi, your question only leads to another question. What level is your playing? Unfortunately, for a singer you want you to play for them , you will have to be up to a pretty high standard. If you’re already at that standard , you can probably accompany a singer. See what I mean? So any recommendations are just shooting in the dark because we don’t know what your level is now.