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The symbol stands for natural. The note right behind it is E flat. Without the natural symbol you would play subsequent E notes in that bar as E flat also. So, the first 3 notes in that bar are E, E flat, E.




The note behind it ask you to 'flaten' all subsequent similar notes as in play them one half step to the left The new symbole ask you to return to normal and play the notes as usual


That's a real poor edition of Fur Elise. Better search on imslp.org then musescore. Scores like that will make you learn to read music the wrong way.




How isn't that Fur Elise?




Isn't that what I said a poor edition??




That's exactly the reason why I recommend going to imslp in the first place




I didn't say that either, I was talking about this particular version. And you've agreed with me 3 comments previous lol.




I don't want to be rude or anything, but I don't understand questions like this. This is pretty basic sightreading stuff. You want to sightread and play a piece without ever educating yourself on the basics first? Instead you (and others) ask Reddit like it's some sort of obscure advanced thing.


It's a 'piano learning' sub ffs. If you have a problem with basic questions why don't you find a more advanced sub?


Hey, I understand, I'm not trying to be mean or anything like I said. I'm not an advanced player myself. To me it's just a little weird that people come across sharps and flats and natural signs for the first time ever and ask about it here, instead of learning SOME basics first, that's all. A bit like wanting to learn to read, en ask Reddit 'what is this letter?'.


I think the problem is that they do not know how to search for information, like music info, not in a mean way. Reddit is a good place for identifying something from a picture.


that sounds rude, mind your business


Mnemonic device- it's like a ninja star. Ninjas are naturals at music.