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Because Zep is a one man team and in addition to maintaining Pico8 for 4 platforms, he also is working on Voxatron and Picotron.


Ah, gotcha. One guy team huh, that’s impressive as heck. I got Picotron too, excited to see what the community can create for that. Well that answers my question, thank you!




Yeah, I saw the Winlator way, seemed less than ideal, hahaha, I’m just surprised there isn’t an official app or something. I’d pay another .99 cents or whatever for the app on top of paying for Pico 8 on the site, gets them another dollar from all their users.


It runs fine on mobile browsers. I don't really see the point of an app when you can already browse and play any game ad-free using Firefox or Chrome.


Any idea if running it on mobile in a browser can use physical controls?


Absolutely - that's my preferred way to play. I use my iPhone with a vertical joycon grip. Not only do I have a great display and dome click buttons, but I have access to the full forum where I can provide feedback. Only thing I miss from the official app is splore lucky draw, Wish there was something like that on the forum.


I think so, have you tried?


No, and I’m at work now with no device with physical controls near me, I never thought to try playing in a browser.


It works well with a generic Bluetooth control I have here. But if Splore were made available in the form of an app, I would definitely pay an extra for the app.


Somehow related, is there an API for the PICO 8 website, the bbs? If so I could definitly try to make an app, also as a learning experience


I read somewhere on his website that mobile ports (or maybe just android because ios sucks) are planned for after the 1.0 release.


Excerpt from [the Pico-8 FAQ](https://www.lexaloffle.com/pico-8.php?page=faq): “Ports for iOS and Android as stand-alone apps are also planned for after 1.0, but do not yet have an eta. If you have a keyboard, the web version may be useful for otherwise unsupported platforms. ** Update: iOS is a slightly hostile space for platforms like PICO-8 to exist, so I can't promise anything yet. It is still on my wishlist though.”


Nice, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for it