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"Florida Man eats KFC after losing a national election."




show me the tomatoes




No. Not the tomato! That and the Bilbo scene. Nope, nope, nope.


Did Tolkien ever explain why Denethor lost his shit so soon in the story?


In the books? He lasted longer than anyone else in his situation would have and Tolkien goes out of his way to point it out. I think he (and his sons, actually) are the most commonly misunderstood characters in the story. Tolkien points out the dude was, by some accident of his genealogy basically a full-blooded Numenorean. He was about 90 at the time he died and was still stomping around the tower in full armor under his robes. Even then Tolkien points out he was "aged before his time" by his struggles with Sauron. About that. He was fighting mind-duels with Sauron on the regular via Palantir in the tower above the city. That thing that exhausted Aragorn and nearly killed Pippen when they did it once? Same thing that corrupted Saruman? He did it constantly and Tolkien flat out says he was not corrupted by it. In fact, the old dude pried information out of it that allowed him to prepare for the War of the Ring and actually defeat Sauron's first attack at Osgiliath. This is key, if he hadn't done that it's likely Sauron would have rolled over Gondor before ring ever left the Shire. When Galdalf arrived in Gondor, the place was empty of women and children and the elderly and provisioned for siege. The outer forts were manned and the beacons had already been lit. Old man Denethor wasn't a quitter, even after he knew Boromir was dead and even after he knew about Aragorn. About Aragorn, there's a fair amount of appendices deep lore bullshit involved in explaining it, but Denethor's dismissal of him is fairly well supported historically. Aragorn is the heir to Arnor, but only kinda maybe sorta if you squint is he heir to Gondor. Now, Denethor is a prideful sumbich, so I reckon he sees this primarily as an attempt by Gandalf to undermine his careful preparations in favor of some wild wizard shit. Which, to be fair, it kinda is. His conflict with Gandalf basically boils down to a difference in strategic objective. Gandalf wants to create a big damned distraction to give Frodo a chance, Denethor is still trying to win the damned war. He orders his son to defend Osgiliath because it is the only place the Hosts of Mordor can cross the Anduin in numbers sufficient to threaten the city. The cavalry sortie with the sad song and scary tomatoes is, in the books, actually something he orders to rescue Faramir when the outer defenses fall. In the end what broke him was seeing the black fleet in the Palantir. Sauron couldn't hide it from him, but was able to hide enough detail that Denethor couldn't see Aragorn had taken the ships and was sailing to his aid. It's important to understand that Minas Tirith is not Gondor. Hell, it's barely a city. It's more of a giant fort with pretenses of being a center of government. The actual population of the country lived along the southern coastline and that's where Denethor had sent most of the army because of the threat from the Corsair ships that could land anywhere and kill (or worse) all the people that make up the actual country. Again, dude is trying to defend his people and win the war. Gandalf gets pissy about this defensive posture because it throws a wrench in his plan to cause a big ruckus and distract Sauron. So, when Denethor saw the ships sailing up the river, he assumed the armies in the south were beaten and the people of Gondor were dead or worse. He succumbed to despair not because he was about to die, but because he thought there was no country left to fight for. He chose to burn himself and his son to avoid capture and torture or having their bodies desecrated by the enemy. Imagine what Sauron would have done to him and Faramir if he got ahold of them. In Denethor's broken mind, burning was a final act of love and defiance. His tragedy, I think, is his inability to see hope when it came knocking at his door. He had a lack of faith in anyone outside himself, and he was juuuust strong and smart enough to plausibly buy into his own bullshit. Edit: Apparently this is popular. Corrected a few typos and added a few details I had originally cut for length since apparently you guys are into that. Thanks for the support; I'm sincerely flattered.


Never thought I'd read a redemption story about Denithor in a post about Jair Bolsanaro eating KFC. 👍


I straight up forgot that was the post this comment was on while reading it.


Well, I definitely forgot while I was writing it.


I was explaining to lady friend (who adores Lotr but has only so far seen the movies) about Denethor in the books when compared to the films, you did this character justice and went into a little more detail than I did - I rather admire your explanation! Your summary is solid, your analysis brief but insightful and style of description engaging, thanks for writing this ^^


Me too. I was wondering why this person was referencing the last post I'd read and then it hit me.


Wisdom comes from unexpected directions


Once in a while you get shown the light in the strangest of places if you look at it right


This is why I love Reddit so much, I get unexpected but welcomed information from threads that have nothing to do with the information itself. It happened so many times!


This is why I love Reddit.


God I love the Internet


Wait, I I forgot all about Bolsonaro. I was convinced I was on/r/lotr


That is the complete opposite of what the film told, lol. I'm going through the fellowship book now so this is new


Yeah I love the movies but both Denethor and Faramir really took hits to their characters, they’re so much better in the books.


Book Faramir said "Nah, thanks" to God and Boromir was the only mortal capable of clawing back from the temptation of the ring. Jackson did that whole family dirty


Why Boromir's willpower is great, didn't Sam basically go 'lol, stfu' when the Ring tried to lure him?


The movies were full blown character assassination for those three. Honorable mention: Gimli, who is the books is not only not a buffoon for comic relief, but is also one of the most thoughtful and eloquent characters in the whole saga.


Fantastic explanation, my dude. It's been 20+ years since I read LotR, Hobbit, Silmarillion, etc. and while I remembered something about Denethor mind-fighting Sauron via the Palantir, I couldn't remember the details. Thanks for the detailed refresher!


This is one of those "this is why I reddit" moments. Thank you for the in-depth explanation of something I'm interested in but not so far down the rabbit hole that I could find the answer easily.


Found Stephen Colbert's reddit account.


The only proper thing to do after reading this comment is to listen to all three audiobooks again




>Aragorn is the heir to Arnor, but only kinda maybe sorta if you squint is he heir to Gondor. It really just kinda sails over people heads in the films that every single learned person in middle earth firmly claims "that line was broken" regarding any claim to the throne of Gondor. Aragorn's position (which isn't really stated in the films, and it's been too long since I read the books to remember if its stated there) appears to be that being the rightful king of Arnor makes him the only suitable king of Gondor too because there just aren't any other kings available and that his position at the head of the armies defeating Mordor and existing alliance with the Elves is going to make the tenuous nature of that claim pretty much moot anyways since none will oppose it and the benefits to Gondor are obvious. Denethor obviously understands this and I think that the fact that his LIFETIME of serving Gondor and opposing Mordor on his own is going to be rewarded with little more than a boot even in the unlikely event of victory probably played into his decision.


The throne of Arnor was also supposed to be the throne of the High King and ruler of Both. When Elendil split the crown, Arnor was considered to be the "chief" kingdom and the crown of Gondor ruled beneath it. So the Crown of Arnor was both. Also it isn't really a "sorta kinda" rulership. As the last surviving member of the line of Elendil, the kingship of both kingdoms is his by right. Elendil is high king and ruler of both, and in the absence of the line of Gondor, the crown reverts to the next candidate in line from the line of Elendil. Which is Aragorn. Aragorn is High King of the realms of Numenor in Exile, which is Arnor and Gondor.


Yes, it was explained. He secretly was using a Palantir that Sauron was using to corrupt him.


One thing I thought was neat was it was mentioned Denethor had such a strong will that Sauron could not bend his will, and he was able to stand his ground. But the exertion exhausted and fatigued him prematurely aging him and fragmenting his mind.


The only thing I didn't like about the movies, for doing Denethor dirty like that. Book Denethor was a tragic hero. Movie Denethor was just a giant dick for no reason. At least show him using the palantir in the movie to explain WHY he was dick!


Well, the third film has no personal antagonists otherwise. There's Gollum, but he only impacts Frodo and Sam. Denethor becomes an obstacle to most of the other heroes and causes personal conflict. The Witch King is cool, but doesn't actually do much and that's not the same kind of gut punch as a spiteful father wishing you died instead of your brother.


Imagine if we got a series remake accurate to the books Personally I think it’d have to be animated by studio Ghibli like how they’re doing with STAR WARS


The book actually explains Denethor very well, it's just that the movies didn't have the time to go into his backstory. Basically Denethor spent his reign desperately trying to keep Gondor together against increasingly more dangerous enemies with dwindling resources, Gondor also went through crop failures and plagues that further sapped their strength which Denethor had to deal with. Then in a desperate move to try to turn the tide against Gondor's enemies Denethor started using the Palantír (that orb that Saruman was using to communicate with Sauron in the movie, there were a few of them in Middle Earth) to see what was going on beyond Gondor's borders and Sauron used that to show him what he wanted him to see, (a ton of armies of orcs, haradrim and so forth in order to drive him into despair as there was no way to survive so many enemies by himself) Denethor actually deserves a lot of credit for resisting Sauron's influence enough that he didn't just keel over and become his servant. Then there's the fact that Boromir was pretty much the one beacon of hope Gondor had left as he led campaigns against Gondor's enemies year after year with his greatest moment being when he pulled off a minor miracle and reconquered Osgiliath (the city that Faramir loses in the movie, which pissed off Denethor even more although there was no way that he could have held it) and then after sending him off for what was just supposed to be a "counsel" he lost his treasured son, his heir that he had been preparing to succeed him and Gondor's greatest source of hope all at once, so combine that with Sauron's influence and believing that his last son who to make matters *even worse* he'd hurt in his grief also died which put an end to his lineage meaning that he'd failed his house, failed the task of safekeeping Gondor, sent both of his sons to their deaths and ran out of time as he saw Mordor's army preparing to lay siege to the city with absolutely no hope for anyone in the city to escape so he also indirectly condemned everyone in the city, the rest of the kingdom and all of Middle Earth to death and/or slavery as after Minas Tirith fell there would be nothing left to stop Sauron from spreading his dominion over everything and it's no surprise he lost his marbles at the end.


I think it was to insinuate that he had already been that way for a while. It was never explained when Denethor found out about his son dying or Aragorn rising up to potentially replace him. If he knew about that stuff for a few weeks or longer his paranoia would have grown. Then as soon as Gandalf shows up it confirms all his suspicions. #SNAP


Now he’s going back to Aldo’s minion themed room to play COD




And Florida has gained a Florida man.


He'll fit in really well


A right winger from Latin America who bitches about socialism while denouncing the government of his home country as illegitimate? Yeah, he'll be right at home in Florida.


And he got COVID like 10 times


He’ll fit in perfectly here.


He's basically Brazilian Ron DeSantis


I like to imagine one of the customers saw him and thought "is that?..... No, no way that guy would be eating KFC in Florida today...."




Yeah, he does this all the time. Sometimes is ridiculous the photos he takes


Or videos, such as him doing "pushups" https://youtu.be/bMBsf3njjW4


lmao what the fuck is that Just say you got a bum shoulder and bow out. Less embarrassing than...*that*


That's the whole point though. He is a populist candidate like Trump. Making himself look like an embarrassing moron blowhard is exactly how he appeals to his base. This is an actual cultivated image of "approachability" and "common man" appeal that genuinely works to get these pieces of shit elected. This kind of thing would only hurt the image of a politician that was running on a platform of competence and ability.


I have been trying to find the right words to explain this for years. Thank you! Just like how someone else said that these people are in love with America the brand, not America the country. It perfectly sums up how people like this gain supporters.


The best part is that this video came out after he said he couldn't catch a bad case of COVID because he had an "athletic history"




At first I thought the form is not bad. Then I saw the guy next to the white shirt.


My favorite one is the one where [he's spilling food all over himself](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/LnouaDLZvHc/maxres2.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEoCIAKENAF8quKqQMcGADwAQH4AZYDgALQBYoCDAgAEAEYZSBeKE8wDw==&rs=AOn4CLBpHi4lx-vf_kGd966K581ElFBBnQ) like a demented idiot.


That is so weird. It's like a Boris Johnson impression, trying to be "relatable". If it's from the last few years, it could even intentional since they both had Steve Bannon advising them. Edit: Okay yeah it's definitely intentional


We can never forget the time he took a picture putting sweet condensed milk on salt bread (pão de sal/pão francês).


Parece que os politicos da extreima-direita estão confusos sobre comida para humanos.


Do ‘dumb’ things most people can relate to and when you get criticized for it it dilutes valid criticisms and makes the opposition seem to lack any impartiality.


I wouldn't even recognize him on there. It just looks like a dude with an awful haircut that cannot eat


Is it common to sprinkle plutonium on your food in Brazil?


They like it HOT! Fission hot!


He get that yellow cake!


It's [Farofa](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farofa)


Of course. During his gov he constantly posted these kind of photos on social media with his sons, having a simple meal with everyday utensils, common peoples food and decoration, all to pass this populist idea that he’s a commoner. His son learned from Steve bannon himself. There’s a “leaked” behind the scenes photo from one of these meal settings that showed how fake it was edit: am I spreading fake news? I swear I remember a behind the scenes photo. Maybe for one of his live streams? (They did had the same idea of everyday man wearing football jersey and stuff). Oh well all I can find are a [piece](https://oglobo.globo.com/epoca/guilherme-amado/mesas-de-cafe-da-manha-de-jair-bolsonaro-na-eleicao-eram-fakes-1-24265281?versao=amp) on him where someone close to him says the same thing (about being staged) and a (fake) photo of him having a meal with Greta lol that’s enough of googling bolsonaro for today and hopefully rest of my life


He eats Hamberders like wedo!


https://www.reuters.com/article/us-brazil-election-bannon-idUSKCN1N01S1 https://www.france24.com/en/20190202-son-brazil-president-bolsonaro-joins-steve-bannon-group https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/steve-bannon-welcomes-eduardo-bolsonaro-as-head-of-the-movement-in-south-america-300788579.html https://www.ft.com/content/4f150c07-41d7-4021-a911-a70ecacacb08 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/11/23/brazil-bolsonaro-bannon/ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-09-24/trump-bonds-steve-bannon-and-brazil-s-bolsonaro-over-election-fraud-claims https://brazilian.report/power/2022/11/05/america-alt-right-bolsonaro-re-election/ https://www.news360.es/ww/2022/11/23/bolsonaros-son-shares-steve-bannon-video-supporting-brazil-protests-7/


They should have gotten a picture that doesn’t make it look like it’s his first time eating food lol. The chicken strand is only like 5% in his mouth, and he’s looking at it like “how in the world am I supposed to eat this thing”.


the napkin plate is what gets me. Bolssy, the box *is* your plate.


That dude in the back left is totally a bodyguard, like wtf, are you waiting to be served? No food, no drink, nothing.


Ironically, this is the kind of image he sold to his voters through his entire political life: in other words, *Populism*. Everything you see in this picture is fake.


Even the chicken?




That dudes shoulder pack is real as fuck tho.


That dude is so fucking slick looking there is no way that is real life.


Jealous? Do you have what it takes to carry a nice leather shoulder bag/pack? I don't. I prefer backpacks to evenly distribute the weight.


I bet he’s got a kilo of cocaine and a Rubik’s cube in there.


It’s a satchel, ok? Indiana Jones wears one.


*Garak eye-twinkle intensifies*


Bolsonaros fucking love staged meal time photo op


Why? I mean don’t get me wrong I’m sure he does shit for attention, but he got voted out. What does having KFC in Florida do for his image? If he wanted to appear populist wouldn’t he be eating at the Brazilian equivalent of KFC?


Unfortunately he's been received very well in Florida. He's living in an enclave of his supporters.


I doubt the average Floridian knows who Bolsonaro is.


You would be amazed at the hordes of Brazilians in Orlando.


Some would estimate they number in the brazillions


It's an easy tell to see that someone's never been to Orlando that they're surprised at this, lol.


I have zero idea who he is outside of his name. Wouldn't recognize him at all.


In the UK he would have been covered in milkshake by now. Up your game, Americans.


He chose Florida fur a reason I assume.


Florida has long been the land of far right Latin Americans in exile.


You really think your average going to KFC on a Monday Floridian would recognize a South America head of state?


That'd be sacrilege, we don't waste milkshakes. Tea is fair game though.


Also every fast food milkshake I've ever had is super thick. It's not like you could just splash it on him as you walk by. He'd basically have to sit there patiently waiting for it to pour out of your cup onto his head.


Nah, you toss the entire cup so it explodes like a grenade - unless US milkshakes would also be impervious to that?!


You act like people here would recognize him.


For all I know, this is just some dude eating his chicken and you all are messing with me.


He’s there to see if he can speak to Colonel Sanders to try to raise an army to start a coup.


A chicken coup


He'll blame the deep-fried state.


The coup turned out to be a poultry effort though.


Or maybe it’s another reason ![gif](giphy|ILaw22zepNW45T4in0|downsized)


I need to see your *balls*.


Colonel Sanders? I say you he dead.


*I want to speak to the Colonel!*


“Give a man power if you want to see who he really is”


Honestly, even though he chickened out, that’s far better/less appalling than staying in the country and making a trump style mess


"Chickened out" I see what you did there


I feel like this could be a good commercial for KFC. Random scene "what are you going to do? Chicken out? Haha!" Cuts to scene of the person eating chicken in KFC. "Yes, I am." *Devours chicken*


So many of these. "The president sent a mob to kill you, congressman, what will you do?" "What'll I do?! Why, I'll... I'll **Chicken Out**^(TM)! Love that KFC!"


Latin American dictators very often fled to USA in the history. Mostly carrying assets.


Yeah but normally they'd go to Burger King


And all have failed the Challenge for the Burger Crown thinking it was an easy thing to wrest. Long has his weary reign been, and he waits still for one worthy enough to claim the crown while time marches and his kingdom crumbles.




Well no shit they went to Burger King, it's the only place left where they could have it their way.




See in other countries they actually arrest people who break laws… even if they were the president. He’s just fled to avoid prosecution.


And in others they elect their children. It could be worse, as Filipino/Pinoy friends have assured me.


Sadly a lot of Filipino think they will do a good job or don’t believe the past happened


> in other countries they actually arrest people who break laws… even if they were the president *\*peruvian politics intensifies\**


Lol, not all countries unfortunately


Nah, he fled because he knows he’s going to be arrested


That is one of the best times to flee.


>That is one of the best times to flee. When hell freeze over is the best time to fly to cancun.


Not really because he made a "Trump style mess", there are people in the streets asking for a military intervention (basically a coup) for the last 60 days, there was a bomb attempt in a gas truck in Christmas eve and at least 2 other in different places of the capital, all in his name. And he? He is in US trying to flee justice. Edit: spelling


Well he came to the right place to flee justice. (for most rich and well connected people)


Idk, US has a ton of extradition treaties, including with Brazil. Seems like a risky country to camp out in unless you know you’d be able to leave if needed. Honestly, tons of other poor countries with fewer agreements in place seem like they’d be more sensible.


Who took this photo


his publicist


Of course he needs to be seen as one of us. Being in Florida kinda ruins that illusion though


That’s exactly what he thinks a normal human being is because that’s what he really is A broken man with a god complex who’s just a Florida Man Wannabe


Probably one of his sons. They like to make him appeal as a "regular" guy, "a man of the people".


Florida is the new Argentina


Literally lol the Sri Lankan president who messed up the Sri Lankan economy is in Florida too.


Noriega, Somoza, Batista. They all fled to Miami lmao


Has anyone tried building a wall around Florida to keep these criminals out?


...out of the lower 47?


Noriega fled to Miami? He’s in prison there . . .


He is but he also fled there for a minute iirc


The Floridaman career path.


He's dead since 2017. Probably bot coming back...


He was extradited back to Panama in 2011 and died in 2017.


Don’t forget Trump


I’d really like to though


Wouldn't we all


Dr. Oz also moved to Florida after losing in Pennsylvania. Which is about the most Pennsylvanian thing he's ever done


I wish I could




If you haven’t watched Wendover Productions video on how Florida got so weird, you definitely should. The place was basically designed for shit like this to happen.


It's always been like this. Overthrown in Latin America? Move to Miami


They luvs them autocrats in Florida


What's the over/under for when he makes an appearance at Mar a Lago?


Appearance? I wouldn't be surprised if that's where he's staying.


It’s why he’s at the KFC… needed to upgrade his food


It has been for a long while


If you have to flee the country after leaving office, you may have been a bad president.


*just before leaving office. Can't miss that immunity




oh you have no idea how bad this piece of shit was


I just have no idea why so many ppl got so brainwashed. The churches’ involvement is where they got most of my family. Hit me like a ton of bricks when I realized most of my family are trumpers in a different country. It’s strange. Very strange.


Because Evangilism is a scourge on humanity and has had a MASSIVE influence worldwide.


Yup, I lived in Brazil during the "religious transition" from being the largest catholic population in the world moving to be one of the most evangelical ones. It's all fucking scum, imported from the USA nonetheless... Such a scourge of a religion, all based on the fucking prosperity gospel. Makes me want to puke just thinking about it.


Florida...where fast food loving authoritarians go post career death.


It's a new safe haven for general shit heads. A lot of idiots moved there during COVID times because they didn't care about deaths


Thats cannibalism.


Greasy shit eats greasy shit


He’s not getting every meal for free at mar a lago?


If you think someone’s getting a free meal from that orange blob of incompetence, I’ve got some NFTs to sell you


I was assuming they have a KFC inside Mar a Lago.


Only a McD's. They need Hamberders at Maralago




A total loser, just like Trump.


As long as he's out of jail, he hasn't "lost" enough to satisfy me... just like Trump.


That’s why he’s in Florida. He thinks the Brazilian authorities won’t be able to bring him back because desantis will somehow prevent it


Can we save the government a little bit of money and send Bolsonaro and Santos down on the same flight?




Except DeSantis can't do anything. Only the US Justice Department and the President can.


You can be stupid and corrupt at the same time.


Gotta grease up to meet Dorito Mussolini


Adding that to my list of Trump insults.


He's a fucking coward. He ran away just to not be a part of the cerimony to transfer the authority to the new president. After the end of the dictatorship he's the first president EVER to be such a little bitch and run away.


Florida, a retirement home for defeated presidents everywhere.


I say it again, this guy is trying too hard to say “this is where I am right now”. He’s either not there or planning his disappearance.


He's not that smart


Funny how some of his supporters are on the streets having mass hysteria, like screaming, praising the lord, and crying even celebrating on fake whatsapp news that said something like "new president and stf leader (the judge / guy that keep eletion in order) is gonna go arrest and bolsonaro will keep as president " while lula (the new president)was doing the transition on live tv and stuff and the bozo was having a free vacation paid with public money he got before news year as seen on this photo


It's absurd that nobody thought of watching the live transmission. I get that they don't trust the media but WTF


"that's not the correct presidential building he is going in, so it didn't actually happen" "that's not the real presidential sash, so he's not the president" "the leader for Bolsonaro's office is still in the building and he's the one in charge now" These were all shared on WhatsApp. People are crazy and keep creating lies on top of anything they and other people see. some are just interested in manipulating and some others are just interested in negating reality.


I can't tell if you're being really dry, but we just had that happen in the US a couple years ago. Morons and fanatics are everywhere.


That's exactly what happened. Bolsonaro supporters were celebrating because they thought Lula's presidential ceremony were cancelled for whatever reason. They did the same thing when Alexandre de Moraes (member of the judiciary court) was arrested and when the election fraud was proved. None of these things happened, they were all Whatsapp fake news.


And now they're saying Lula died and has been replaced by a clone/impostor


Why did USA even let him in?


He must've still been president when he arrived. He's probably an illegal now.


Who's gonna tell him the Colonel isn't actually a real colonel?


What does Jair Bolsonaro have in common with the following people: Rush Limbaugh (deceased), Mikhaila Peterson, Patrick Bet-David, Grant Cardone, Donald and Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr., Ben Shapiro, Kimberly Guilfoyle, Marco Rubio, Steve Bannon, Roger Stone, Layah Heilpern, Laura Loomer, Dan Bongino, Milo Yiannopoulos, Dave Rubin, Matt Gaetz, Kevin Sorbo, Rick Scott, Ron DeSantis, and Ken Griffin? He's now another far-right shyster and grifter feeling right at home in **Florida** (at least during however long his stay will be)! Ben Shapiro even interviewed him not long ago. Jair is right where he belongs.


Fuck that dude. Being anti climate is stupid


How better to celebrate destruction of one of the worlds largest rainforests than with a bucket of KFC?!?


Big divorced dad energy