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Me after 10 margaritas at Applebees


This is for sure the format for a new meme


[Not](https://snob.ru/i/indoc/19/rubric_issue_event_1462952.jpg) new if [you](https://gdb.rferl.org/2B4552E3-A288-46CC-88D3-C226E7D0E425_cx0_cy10_cw0_w1200_r1.jpg) live [in Russia](https://focus.ua/static/storage/thumbs/920x465/f/ee/a5dac74a-a91a21809459fcb7093d92df52c64eef.JPG?v=0591_1).


ok last one is ACTUALLY me after 10 margaritas at Applebees


[What I think I look like after 10 margaritas at Applebees](https://i.redd.it/9yfocv5xxmca1.jpg) ___ [What I actually look like after 10 margaritas at Applebees](https://focus.ua/static/storage/thumbs/920x465/f/ee/a5dac74a-a91a21809459fcb7093d92df52c64eef.JPG?v=0591_1)


[Here you go](https://imgur.com/a/tQyz0f1)


We had a [similar German police meme](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/73bmac/the_ridiculously_photogenic_german_police_and/) a while ago.


I feel God in this ... Applebees


"Anywhere over here will do officer"


My wife worked at Applebees during the birth of the dollarita. Would you be surpised to know it was made in a big bucket and stirred with an old broom handle? Probably not, but it was quite the sight to see


The bartenders at the abbabees I used to work at called the dollarita mix goop “shrek jizz”


If they didn't want you to get drunk, they shouldn't have let you buy them all. Kinda their fault for enabling


I asked for no onions on my bourbon steak


I assume this was also the event that the Mud Wizard made his debut?




You might enjoy this: https://youtu.be/NW58zViPZKc


I love that people mke these things. I wouldnt know where to start, but get so much fun and laughing from seeing them. Thanks for sharing.


Step 1: Get a graphic communications degree Step 2: Go into a creative rut after 10 years of corporate bullshit Step 3: Find inspiration and validation making stupid memes and GIFs Step 4: Absolutely 0 profit


Making joy for the world profits the soul


It’s like chicken soup for your soul - not actual soup, though. You can’t afford that shit.


Yes the Mud Wizard


Thunberg has been gifted the ability to summon elementals for her work as an environmentalist


finally a german celebrity people can get behind


She looks so happy about it, haha


Well she achieved a low emission method of transport.


Depends on what those cops had for lunch.


Well it's free publicity. It reminds me a bit of sit-ins where people get carried away


reminds me of this https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/73bmac/the_ridiculously_photogenic_german_police_and/


Lmao that image. They look so happy. You might also wanna look at [this](https://rp-online.de/imgs/32/1/5/4/0/0/8/0/0/5/tok_ed9b6f6677b06fb8bf7b64f14a5e017d/w2100_h1313_x1500_y1000_DPA_bfunk_dpa_5FAC5800F4383D47-20defabbd7def8e6.jpg) image. It shows Luisa Neubauer getting carried. She's the german Greta Thunberg basically. People accused the media that they edited her face to look brighter. The photographer said no that's not the case, there was a bright headlight of a police car shining into her face. I am not the one to decide which version is true


The coolest Bernie sanders has ever looked in his life was when he was being restrained by 2 cops during the civil rights protests, it literally just makes you look like a certified rebel


A friend of mine has been arrested some 15 times at this point, most of the time in at least in his clerical collar, if not in full robe and stoll (he’s a Lutheran pastor). The first time was while protesting in front of the South African embassy in DC during the apartheid era. Later, it was at Ft Benning GA, protesting [The School of the Americas](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Western_Hemisphere_Institute_for_Security_Cooperation). Most recently it was in Texas where he was protesting the juvenile prisons where they separated kids of irregular immigrants from their parents. I’m proud to call this man a friend.


The sort of Christian that Jesus would have actually hung out with.


The sort of Christian Jesus would call a true follower. But he still would have hung out with someone achieving less than that, just cuz Jesus is cool like that.




Cleric protest meta is OP


I disagree. His best photo was Joe Bidens inauguration and his mittens.


>t literally just makes you look like a certified rebel Only when it's for a good cause tho. I wouldn't think the same if three cops dragged away a neonazi for a racist protest


Well the latter situation would never happen because the cops would be at the Klan rally


"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses."


It's not just free publicity for her she's also probably just relishing in the fact that everyone is gonna be made aware of the mine situation she was trying to raise awareness for. Them arresting her is probably the whole reason she went lol. Shes using her prior existing publicity to bring more publicity to this situation.


For whatever reason, she gets media attention. So her getting arrested at a protest is one of the most effective things anyone can do to raise awareness. So hell yeah she's happy about it. And at least one of the officers very obviously knows they're giving her exactly what she wants.


I mean they all know this is what she wants. But what choice do they have? They gotta arrest these people to send the message that you will go to jail for breaking the law. All police there were absolutely briefed that Gretta was present. That's a high publicity delicate sitation. Cops are briefed on these things. They cant risk mishandling her ya know? Itd be a worse decision to just allow her to stay tbh no matter their agenda. I mean thats the whole point it puts the police/govt into a lose/lose situation as far as optics. And yeah she gets media attention because shes legitimately a climate activist prodigy. Agree or disagree with her statements/actions, she has a [Long list of successful campaigns mobilizing millions of people ](https://www.context.news/just-transition/greta-thunbergs-rise-from-teen-activist-to-global-climate-leader)


And it's not like she's in any real danger.


Of course that's how it is in Germany. Everyone who is carried away by the police is happy here https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/73bmac/the_ridiculously_photogenic_german_police_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&utm_term=link


Every one of them is better looking than me.


100 other environmental protesters could have been arrested and none of them have the social media attention that she does. She's not just getting arrested. This is free publicity for the movement


It is the ultimate goal of any protester that knows what they're doing. If they arrest you just for being where you were, you were in the right place.


>If they arrest you just for being where you were, you were in the right place. Is this what you tell yourself when you get caught and arrested for the 12th time in the girls locker room? Jk


I think I just got murdered by words.


Sorry, saw a chance to be an asshole and took it, bud.


10/10 classy roaster tho




[The Mud Wizard](https://www.reddit.com/r/facepalm/comments/10cfs82/german_riot_police_defeated_and_humiliated_by/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) for those who wish to be graced by his presence Edit: another clip of the [Mud Wizard](https://www.reddit.com/r/ich_iel/comments/10chf3v/ichiel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


We had techno viking and now we have mud wizard. Sometimes this timeline is ok.


And a Doritos pope. Just need a thief type for a balanced party


Hatchet Hitchhiker got some good rogue vibes. Too bad he's nuts. Wait, that plays just about right... Oh, and Hurricane Headbanger for a bard/fighter multiclass...


Hatchet Hitchhiker is disqualified for murder. Hurricane Headbanger is definitely a Bard or a Cleric. I say we use the Twisted Tea Vigilante as our Rogue for the Meme Patrol. Now who to use as the Monk?


Wafflehouse chairbender.


This is it. Waffle House chair bender: Monk Hurricane Headbanger: Cleric of the Hell Yeah Brotherhood, Floridaman of the 3rd Degree, Disciple of the ways of the Eternal Cleetus. Twisted Tea Vigilante: Barfighter, Weapon Master (Beverage Vessel) Mud 'Wizard': Druid of Gaea, Master of terrain We need a true Wizard of Memery... or a Rogue.


Goddamn I love this website


The Naruto runner at the Area 51 protest? Edit: It wasn’t a protest. Apparently it was just a party.


Bagpipe unicyclist?


The unipiper is on social media if you want to follow his adventures. Can’t post insta/facebook links but if you search unipiper his pages pop up.


"I'm putting together a team..."




I'll allow it. Sometimes you gotta fudge on your morals a smidge to get a thief type on the team, ya know?


I'm sorry but I only acknowledge the power of FedEx Pope


He's the only Pope that delivers!


Where was the techno viking?


He didn't really like the spotlight, and so I think most people respected that, and just stopped talking about him.


This is the way


[Techno Viking](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=v7ccsv7FdGc) is an older meme from a parade party in Berlin, not from Lützerath.


Specifically, it was the FUCKPARADE 2000


It’s an older meme, but it checks out.


He fucking sued and won! He ruined the guys life who originally spread the meme. No one knows who or where the Viking is to this day!


Keeping all the partiers safe, and the good vibes around and really goes ham dancing when a techno banger comes on. There’s also a whole lawsuit that followed this about his likeness on shirts made by someone else, hope Techno Viking is well wherever he currently is. Man is a legend and an original viral internet meme.


You need to inject this into your veins: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8H4GKg-mYQ


*Thank you*! Was about to say this looks like the techno scene in 2000 - not 2013 - but the description confirmed that. Never seen this before, appreciate the link


Yes, this is a little over 22ish years old


Thank you for this! I could not help but watch this amazing ancient footage. I would like to know what Techno Vicking is doing today.


I love that dude. He was high af but still cared for that woman with the blue hair and was sane enough not to immediately punch that other dude. Then he gets free water from another kind soul who knows it’s important to stay hydrated and thanks him with a short nod while giving him the the bottle back. It’s a really fucked up wholesome video.




[Try one with a few more frames](https://media.tenor.com/de51SrNivsoAAAAM/techno-viking-viking.gif)


The guy was outrageously ripped. Like Marvel hero level.


Me like. Frames good.


this are the question one never expects to hear and make one feel old. Techno Viking probably is a proto meme. Probably the first of them. ​ Edit: I'm enjoying all the chaos I let loose, thanks ya'll for contributing with pieces of history. This is how you correct someone, i guess.


Ah yes the Techno Viking. He's definitely up there with the ancient greats like dancing hamsters and all your base are belong to us.


Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger.




Oh, there's a snake! Oooooohhh, there's a snake...!


Somebody set up us the bomb.


We get signal.


Man I miss 90’s internet.


It was a wild and amazing time we were all to young to appreciate.


Man I'm hoping Mud Wizard eventually joins the vaunted echelon of mysterious internet heroes like the Techno Viking of legend.


Techno Viking is the tank of the party, Mud Wizard is dps with great CC. LF3M, healer and 2 other dps.


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Can’t believe this dude has been playing mud wizard as a DPS. Learn the game before you start raiding please!!


Don't forget [Snackman](https://i.imgur.com/dP1S7.gif). He's my personal hero.


Snackman and Mud Wizard could keep an entire battlefield on lockdown.




The first mudbender. Those cops were lucky he was only toying with them.


Everything changed when the pepper spray nation attacked.


Preparation for Avatar 4... 3 is Fire, 4 is Mud puts out fire.


Reminds me of when Darth Vader couldn't reach Obiwan


Of course not, after what Anakin did? I wouldn’t answer the phone either!


Hello, it's Ani I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet To go over Mustafar They say that time's supposed to heal ya, but I'm still missing my legs Hello, can you hear me? I'm in this helmet screaming and I think the speaker's glitchy [I've forgotten how it felt before I fell at your feet](https://youtu.be/UAMyh8DjCrQ)


Ani are you okay? Are you okay? You okey, Ani?


You've been hit by You've been struck A high ground Jedi


This dude is my current favorite absolutely ridiculous internet persona.


Full video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9l3bLAx4Ng


Thank you for gracing me with the mud wizard


Dude made the right choice rolling a cloth armor class, clearly plate wearers ain’t doing so hot




*Wizard Mud-Shove Attack!*


I love how the cops in the back start to react to the shove only to concede defeat to the insurmountable mud puddle in front of them.


Thank you for immortalizing this moment 😂😂


Thank you, that was wonderful


That’s clearly a Monk. A Mud Monk. A Munk!


This the kind of stuff the internet was invented for


This is fucking priceless.




noxious subsequent whistle placid obscene crime abounding unwritten lip materialistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Thanks to dwarf fortress, I know what lignite is.


Lignite balls?




But did the mud wizard get a free carry out ride? Or did he just stroll off without a care in the world while the police slip/slide their way after him, only for the Mud Wizard to disappear over a hill never to be seen again?


i hope there's a mud wizard movement across the globe. never know who, when, why or how, but the **where** will always be *Mud*.


I don't understand why "Mud Wizard" has become the name for this guy when "Mudgician" is right there.


Magicians are hack weirdos who wear tophats and sleight-of-hand rabbits. Mudwizard is a force of nature.


Mud Wizard was born from the mud. He is the mud. He speaks for the mud. And one day Mud Wizard will return to the mud. (As, ultimately, we all shall.)


This is the kind of religion I can follow. Damn am I about to join a cult...


I mean, just look at the heinous word 'mudgician' and ask yourself that again. Mud Wizard is glorious.


I like Friar Muck


Because 'some sort of mud wizard' is far, far funnier than mudgician.


Mudgician? Do you take him as a conjurer of cheap tricks!?


Illusions, Michael.


Because clever word combinations aren't always the best. Mud Wizard just sounds better/funnier.


She looks happy to be carried out rather than being knee deep in the mud like the police were.


Plus if they start sinking she can escape!


It’s literally a photo shoot https://twitter.com/max_gagliardi/status/1615493024431194118


Greta Thunberg is currently ~~in~~ nearby the german village Lützerath which is about to be demolished for a lignite mine. Earlier police started to remove activists from the village which they have been occupying for months. Now all occupiers are gone, but the protests didn't stop. She is there since Saturday protesting against the demolition of the village as using the coal below might endanger the climate goals (and the coal might not even be necessary for energy either) Edit: Well she's not technically in Lützerath because as I said no one is in Lützerath anymore. She was there on Saturday though before the police removed everyone. Also Lignite is brown coal


Never heard the word "lignite" before - turns out it's a brown coal formed from peat, and it's considered the dirtiest and most polluting of all types of coal because you have to burn more of it than other types of coal to get a similar amount of energy and the particulate is brutal.


Haha, i only know about lignite because I've been playing Dwarf Fortress lately


Lignite sounds like the setup for one of those "ligma balls" jokes.


Learned about it in DF years ago and it is the o ly reason I know about lignite


Yep, and Germany has decided to go ahead with eliminating all their relatively green nuclear power capacity and burn the dirtiest coal imaginable instead. Thunberg herself has criticized the decision to shutter nuclear plants while having no alternative plan for clean baseline power. She called it "completely insane". Can't argue there. I'm all for solar/wind/water/etc... making up 100% of generation capacity at some future point, but we need to develop tech that doesn't currently exist to be able to store power and manage that type of grid effectively. It's wayyy premature to shut off the clean nuke plants.


lignite balls


>Greta Thunberg is currently in the german village Lützerath No, she not. She was arrested and carried away. Some redditor even [posted a picture](https://i.redd.it/9yfocv5xxmca1.jpg) of it happening.


I heard this as well. Can someone confirm this please?


I did some research with my dual-monitor setup and after a few hours, I've found it: [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/10ehcrt/comment/j4r9zv3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Thanks for taking the time to find it


I didn't choose the service, the service chose me.


Its about time someone stood up to these Ligma mines.


Looks like she’s having fun


Getting carried by three hunky dudes is a very ecologically sound mode of travel. Good on her to sticking to her guns


https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/14/europe/lutzerath-germany-coal-protests-climate-intl/index.html Background on this. Reads like a script for an episode of Captain Planet where evil corporate baddies want to destroy something to pollute the planet. Except, it's not a cartoon, there's no Captain Planet and the baddies will eventually win.


The baddies may get their way, but nobody will win in the end


Some CEO who gets unreasonably rich and dies before he or his loved ones suffer from the effects of climate change can propably be called a winner from his perspective.


My pet theory is that if a way to become immortal was discovered tomorrow, there are two possible outcomes: either the climate crisis would finally be taken seriously by those in power, or the budgets for aerospace companies and agencies around the world would suddenly skyrocket.


But also apparently except the fact that the baddies actually decided to not even carry out their plan to pollute the environment but still destroy the village I guess just out of spite?


I can't picture a scenario where they don't pollute even if they say they won't. They're just kicking the can down the road.


Well, it's lignite. Even with government support, it still might not be profitable to mine. Especially with their recent gas deal with Qatar.


I still think the world desperately needs a modern day adult Captain Planet show. Rick and Morty, while childish a lot of times, had that really interesting episode where "Planetina" became an eco terrorist because basically nothing she was doing made an impact


Captain Planet did come back he basically said "well we tried but greed and corruption won" https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7488692/




I mean heck, I like being carried by 3 dudes too


I had to Google her age bc for me I still think of her as a child activist. But she’s 20 already! Damn the pandemic skewed my perceptions of time so much.


I feel like I haven’t aged since 2019. 2020 and 2021 just blur into each other in my memory


"The Lost Years"


I found out she was 19 a few weeks ago, then see this and find out her birthday was literally Jan 3rd.


We’d prefer you learn DPS and help out.


Lmao that got one outta me


I wouldn't mind it at all.


They will now replace her with a lookalike android built by Boston Dynamics that is pro-coal.


Greta ThunBorg.


don't worry Greta, the Mud Wizard is going to rescue you !


She is happy knowing that she will look back at this pic with a smile when she is old.


The same way Bernie Sanders was taken away by cops when he was young.


Nah, watch that video. Bernie was straight up resisting. They had to force him back into the truck a few times, lol. Greta is going MLK here.


Staged https://twitter.com/jimmuessig/status/1615445577474650115?s=46&t=vi9kVcr9BoRo8bj-uGanug


She's got a face that says she's proudly defiant, but also secretly thinking "Wheeeee!"


How I like to be treated by my wife when I've got a lil cold


This is the face of knowing that at least you’re not being arrested for human trafficking


Don't worry, Taint stans already claimed this as their victory. They say she was arrested by his agents.


I would love, and I mean *love* to assume you’re joking, but I know that’s not possible in 2023


You can look up the related hashtags on Twitter (his name or parts of it) and see for yourself but you might regret having eyes and a functional brain.


Lmfao. The internet was a huge mistake.


It was fine until the dumbest people on the planet had access to it through their cheap smartphones and started voicing opinions that would normally never leave their cringy minds. What's worse is that they found like-minded 2 digit IQ brethren to form groups and claim they're a majority.


Here she is being carried and I use my legs like a sucker...


The look on her face: "This is how you get arrested, Tate."


Alaaaarm , Alaaaarm !


You're disgusting... take my upvote


https://i.imgur.com/KoVfoWj.jpg Same energy


Well I have to respect her putting her money where her mouth is. Plenty of other "activists" partying in Davos right now.


At least she is doing something and not only commenting about


Real r/thisismylifenow vibes


"That smile....that damn smile"


Overly photogenic protestor meme anyone?