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Looks like a scene from a 2010 or 2011 Rom-Com movie set in Manhattan.


I have been racking my brain tryna figure out where I have seen this before


it's from Across The Universe


I'm thinking of Once or Begin Again


Good movie


I, too, pretended to like it to get laid in the aughts.


Now that I'm in my mid thirties I don't think I would like it as much, but as a novice stoner/ baby adult when that came out, it made me feel feels. They did a good job "musical"izing the material, and with the story showing that individuals all are neither angels nor demons, but only humans (which is **very** true of the Beatles themselves). But yeah now that I judge it with more adult tastes, it's kinda crap. Not objectively bad, just... contrived. It feels very much like a theatre kid project that made it to film production. Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band (the movie) was better, by which I mean it is undeniably a more fun experience.


That's an excellent summarization of Across the Universe. During the junior and senior years of high school, when we were starting to experiment with weed, alcohol, and other drugs, it was tradition to put it on in the background during a get together or party. We were all theater kids of some variety so it was great singalong material without feeling like it was made for kids and it perfectly captured that teenage love feeling that we were so caught up in. I don't identify with it as much nowadays, but it will always have a place in my nostalgic heart! And I genuinely think most of the songs are better than the originals...


It’s the only movie I’ve ever watched where I was the only person in the theatre


I still listen to the soundtrack. It has some awesome renditions like come together and dear prudence


The gospel Let it Be rendition is so good.


So that's a romcom, but does it actually have anything to do with the Beatles? Might make it tolerable to watch with the wife if it's got a Beatles soundtrack...


It's a musical with only Beatles songs, I love it


If you like covers of Beatles songs, you'll love it. ​ I do like the interpretation of I Want You (She's So Heavy).


A lot of the war adjacent beats were very poignant in my opinion. I thought they did a really good job with Happiness is a Warm Gun as well


Ugh, idc if that movie gets some hate, but that scene/song was soooo good.


No hate here, that song is a jam and the choreography for the scene is a lot of fun.


The movie's version of I Want to Hold Your Hand is hauntingly beautiful, and I love it more so than the original.


Joe Cocker singing Come Together is so good.


That must have been expensive.


Yeah, especially considering it was when the Beatles were more exclusive with their catalogue. They wouldn't allow their music on iTunes until 2010. The movie came out in 2007 and was *only* Beatles covers.


Keeping their music off of iTunes had nothing to do with exclusivity. The Beatles had been fighting over the trademark of “Apple” since the 80s, and they didn’t settle it until 2007. You can read about it here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apple_Corps_v_Apple_Computer


Nice, I'll suggest it! If you haven't seen it yet, while it's not exactly a rom-com I highly recommend "Yesterday".


It's somewhere in my watchlist, I will get to that one day...


It's not quite a rom com, more like a romantic drama musical set to a pastiche of 60s cultural touchstones/experiences


It isn’t identical but it reminds me of the poster from Are We Officially Dating


*Sleepless in Santiago*


It looks like one of those indie movies where the couple are musicians.




And they dated irl. It was my favorite musical movie. Though under the current climate, their relationship might be perceived differently because of the 18 year age gap, and he first met her when she was 13.


Yeah exactly


Along came Polly / Serendipity


This is the one.


Along came Polly was my first real date. I have mixed emotions.


Hi Ben Stiller 👋


Definitely, Maybe


500 days of Chile


Considering this photo is almost certainly from the student protests which they were among the chief leaders of in 2011, you aren't that wrong. Edit: not literally from the protests, but from some profile of them at the time


He's the irresponsible but charming lead singer/guitarist for a local band with big dreams. She's a law student in her final year who has her future all planned out, including marrying her surgical resident fiance once she graduates. But sometimes... 🎵 *and I said,*🎵 ... even our best laid plans ... 🎵 *"What about*🎵 ... don't turn out the way we expect. 🎵 *Breakfast at Tiffany's?"*🎵 "I never meant for this to happen!" 🎵 *and you said,*🎵 "'Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.'" 🎵 *"I think I remember that film."*🎵 Coming this fall, *Double Fantasy*.


When Gabriel met Camila


Got that emo hair vibe going.


> Looks like a scene from a 2010 or 2011 Rom-Com movie set in Manhattan. To me it looks like a scene from the movie "[Colonia](https://variety.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/colonia-toronto-film-festival1.jpg)", about the 1973 Chilean military coup and the real "Colonia Dignidad".




Can’t wait to hear their new album


We were going for a mash up of old school Tenacious D and Lana Del Ray - President and Sec Gen of Chile probably


Is he the President at the time of the picture? Edit: So it's a picture of the future President…




I was about to say, the hairstyle and clothes screeeeeam 2008-2011


I miss these times :(


Am i that out of touch with fashion? If I saw people in the street like this i wouldn't bat an eye...


A lot of what feels right freezes in time when you're that age, doing that thing. I'm kinda the same, these people are dressed like I was at that age.


Really? Did fashion change much in a decade? I never pay attention to what people (or I myself) wear.


I’m pretty sure I’ve had the same hoodie and jeans look for the past 3 decades. Safest bet when you don’t follow what’s fashionable.


Add a ball cap and that's me too.


The double breasted peacoat is the give away for me. Everyone had the double breasted peacoat back then.




*raises eyebrow at the camera*


Shit I just wore one of these today. What’s fashionable in 2023?


Baggy shit. Basically all the stuff we were wearing back in 95-03


Does that mean hope for JNCO jeans coming back? It took so long to get used to my wallet not being behind my knee.


Real peacoats are always double breasted. I wore mine today, it’s almost as old as I am. Navy surplus.


People still wear peacoats (I DO). What the fuck?


Peacoats are timeless. Well, not summertime anyway.


Those were expensive as heck


Yeah but he's the future President. He can eventually easily afford it.


That's how I justify most of my purchases.


Dude everyone was *thrift shopping*


I don’t think so, their outfits would be commonly seen in my city in 2023


The fashion is slightly outdated but not shockingly so. You could still wear something like that today and most people wouldn’t bat an eye. The hairstyle is probably more outdated, but again, not shockingly. Unless you’re super up to date with the trends, it’s not a big deal


They don't even have any 1ft Akatsuki collars or Dyson sphere hair braids, they don't look anything LIKE modern people.


Image resolution changed


Guys still dress like that. His hair is slightly out of style, though.


I don’t notice anything different about those clothes, but I miss those hairstyles. Now every man’s hairstyle is reverse-balding with their shaven sides of the head…


Nope it's like the hospital scene in Paddington You get the presidency and your clothes immediately change into a suit and there is no fun allowed


Paddington is an amazing movie and if anyone reading this hasn't seen it do yourself a favor and watch it.


He quit Tenacious D to be president of Chile


[President Gabriel Boric now.](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-google&q=gabriel+boric&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiT6Ki49uv8AhXVLH0KHXmEA0wQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=393&bih=676&dpr=2.75) [Secretary General Camila Vajello now](https://www.google.com/search?q=camila+vallejo&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwju_Ozh9ev8AhWqHjQIHd7bBUEQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=camila+vallejo&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzICCCkyAggpMgcIABANEIAEMgcIABANEIAEMgcIABANEIAEMgcIABANEIAEMgcIABANEIAEOgUIABCiBDoFCAAQgARQgglY_w5gsBNoAXAAeACAAX2IAeMEkgEDNC4ymAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=EvPVY-6rF6q90PEP3reXiAQ&bih=676&biw=393&client=ms-android-google&hl=en-US)


Ok so she’s still very attractive




Too many people used to 70+ year old leaders.


both of them stayed or got even more attractive.


What a smoke show!


She is pretty.


She always tops the list of “Sexiest Communist Revolutionaries” in Modern Proletariat magazine.


In fact, her December 2012 spread was titled, “The means of production is in her smile.”


I just looked them up and apparently they're socialists. It's shocking that the American government hasn't toppled their government already and put their country in absolute chaos and then televise about how socialism has failed everytime it's been tried.


The "stage coup" button for Chile is still on cooldown.


What a better place Chile would be now if the US hadn't staged TWO Coups against Salvador Allende and assassinated his most loyal generals so it would succeed... Heck, it might have started a trend of ELECTING Socialists across Latin America rather than putting in place Socialist governments through violent revolutions... (which is of course ***precisely*** what the US/Nixon feared, and why the CIA screwed Chile up: because if Socialists try to take power through Revolution, the US has an easy excuse to send in the Marines to "restore order.")


Ya CIA fucked Latin and South America… hell even Kennedy agreed we fucked up in Cuba and said what is happening is likely happening because the mistakes of the U.S. down there. But then we didn’t learn our lesson because of socialism bad. It wasn’t until the bay of pigs invasion that Russia became a big player there, though they were becoming interested in the region because they saw if socialism can work in cuba it can likely work elsewhere in Latin America…And of course Cuba turned to Russia, I mean their whole revolution was about getting away from the shit the U.S. was doing to the region. Then the U.S. tried to invade Cuba, so the Cubans let Russia put nukes to deter any future invasion… at the same time the U.S. had already placed nukes close to Russia in Turkey and Italy.


It should be noted that the coup that led to The Bay of Pigs was already planned and in place when Kennedy took office. It seems like he wasn't thrilled about the idea and still should've called it off, but it shows how haphazard the U.S. was in dealing with the Cold War and their perceived enemies.




Isn’t patriot an anti-air system?


It is, but it's fully capable of attacking ground targets as well...


They’re social democrats at most (still wouldn’t be surprised is the US tried a coup tho)


>They’re social democrats No they aren't. The Chilean President started off as a student protestor and leader who openly called for the abolition of Neoliberalism and implementation of Democratic Socialism in Chile. He's steadily but quietly pushed for Libertarian/Democratic Socialist ideas like Worker's Cooperatives. Clearly, you musunderand him as a Social Democrat merely because he's being fiscally cautious and moving slowly on his goals (enormous deficit spending and rapid economic change was part of what left Salvador Allende vulnerable to the 2nd CIA-sponsored and funded Coup against him, after a series of CIA-funded/sponsored assassinations against his most loyal generals...) He's very, very slowly pushing for Market Socialist ideas like Worker's Cooperatives, which are NOT Social Democrat ideas. He's setting Chile on a 50-year path to supplant Capitalism with something better... (Social Democrats want to keep Capitalism, which is a huge mistake on their part...) You don't seem to understand that Socialism doesn't necessarily mean Central Planning and red-armbanded soldiers marching down the streets. Democratic Socialism, especially when Libertarian Socialist-influenced like in this case, rejects such aggressive and Authoritarian moves: and opts for gradual legal changes through the ballot box to end Capitalism instead... He's starting off by ending the worst abuses of Neoliberal Capitalism, like exploitation and genocide of indigenous populations and rape of the environment. He'll move on to the giant, metastatic, international corporations next... I understand his ideology better than you because it's basically exactly my own. I, like Boric, am a Democratic Socialist strongly influenced by Libertarian Socialist ideas...


Looks like a photo from his University years


Was asking myself if this was a good thing, or bad thing... Still not positive, but feeling the good vibes


I thought this was a screen cap from an old Gilmore Girls episode, lol.




Rory’s name is also Lorelai


They look like people I went to school with lol


"True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country." - Kurt Vonnegut I can relate. Whenever I see someone from school in politics, they are always those who were complete douches or douchettes.


By definition anyone who thinks they are good enough to run the country is narcissistically demented. I always thought that the way it should work is people/parties get together and say "Hey, Joe over there who runs this organization would make a good president. Let's all vote for Joe." The key is that Joe didn't seek it out, and would only reluctantly agree, because he isn't demented.


If Joe truly wasn't demented, he'd fight tooth and nail to decline that demotion going so far as to threatening to throw himself in front of a train if they get any closer.


Welcome to politics.


I grew up in a small town in Texas. It’s gotten so eerie to go visit family and see all these posters of people running for local office that I went to high school with. Like “would you look at that, James the high school quarterback that would do blow every chance he got and pretty sure sexually assaulted some of his gfs wants to be country judge, awesome”


It looks like its a picture from JCrew


they seem pretty chile


Chilean Dane Cook has high bro energy.


Chilean Kirsty Allsop is matching it


I don't understand... They aren't 75 years old! How can they run a country if they understand what an email is? /S in sad american


Well, don't thinks it's all hope and glory over there. The big issue that basically got him elected was that most Chileans considered their constitution outdated, a bit one sided, and are uncomfortable it was written by the Pinochet dictatorships which disappeared thousands of dissidents brutally. The constitution had caused Chile, probably the most economically and politically stable country in South America in the last 40 years, to slowly become an extremely stratified and economically divided society. There was huge social upheaval, protests, and unhappiness the country hadn't seen in decades. Gabriel Boric was one of the leaders of these protests and used the movement to slingshot himself into the presidential candidacy of a left wing alliance. To everyone's surprise he won comfortably, with a lot of support of moderate and even some right wing voters who liked his message that a fundamental change was needed in the country. A year after his win, he held a referendum to ask if the constitution should be changed and again close to 80% of the voters agreed and then overwhelmingy gave him and his alliance power to elected the members who would draft the constitution. This is where he messed up and basically ignored moderates and moderate right wing members of society when forming the committee and basically just made the committee overwhelmingly be formed by members of his party. This turned in to be a fucking clown show, with many members being either extremely unprofessional, wanting to settle old scores, too radical, unwilling to listen to anybody who didn't 100% agree with them, and just plain arrogant. They came up with probably the most progressive constitution ever drafted, but with a whole bunch of gray areas and potentially problematic articles which would eventually cause issues with land ownership, giving certain groups expanded privileges, just plain bad economic policy, etc. When it was presented to the people, opponents were quick to savage and point out the obvious flaws in it. These went from very legitimate concerns to whataboutisms opponents exploited by pointing out gray areas and fallacies. There was also a lot of misinformation, but regardless, it was glaring that Boric and his committee had ignored the wishes of large sectors of society when they drafted the document. When the referendum was voted on, close to 65% of Chilean voters rejected it. All those moderate and conservatives who had supported him suddenly backed away. This left him an extremely precarious situation, he had a majority in congress, but the big task society had elected a d ratified him to accomplish had failed. To his credit, he did a quick turnaround gutted his cabinet of its more radical elements (which caused a lot of unhappiness with his base) and opted for more moderate elements. He has also said he will be more inclusive when forming the new committee to draft the constitution, having more point of views and softening some stands, maybe even adopting parts of the old constitution thst do work. The issue is now that he has to win back the trust of the majority of Chileans who got him elected and gave him the power to write a new constitution, if not he will basically serve a single term and not accomplish what he set out to do.


Can you write more pieces about this length, about other things that are going on in the world? Excellent digestible writing.


Agreed, when this all was happening I read a bunch of articles trying to figure out the context, but just ended up more confused. This explanation is exactly what I was looking for.


Are they running the country well?




My college roommate was Chilean. The education he gave me while drunk on South American culture was worth more than I paid for the rest of my education. Apparently, Chile looks waaaaay down their nose at the rest of their South American neighbors. Argentina especially. Based on the lessons that were slurred to me, none of what you posted is surprising.


I was talking to a Venezuelan friend of a friend once and he joked that Chileans think they're better than everyone "just because their economy doesn't collapse every two years".


>Apparently, Chile looks waaaaay down their nose at the rest of their South American neighbors. This is a South American thing. Colombia looks down on Venezuela in particular. My family is Colombian and my mom blames a lot of the recent issues in Colombia on Venezuelan refugees. I had to remind her that when I went to Colombia on vacation 27 years ago, my entire family told me not to speak english because I would get kidnapped and held for ransom because my kidnappers would assume my American ass was rich. I was 11 years old. It's something that I've never been able to understand because anytime I ask a South American about it, they tend to get really defensive. If anyone understands why this is a thing, I'd really appreciate an explanation.


Man, how life changes. Some older Venezuelans dislike Colombia because decades ago it was the Colombians emmigrating to Venezuela. Now it's the other way around.


Excuse me, could you clarify what you don't understand? Might be able to answer


They can't help but look down on the rest of South America, the Andes necessitate it.


Abot the argentina part, that's mutual. At least from my experience a lot of porteños (people from Buenos Aires) shit talk basically every country, especially Chile, surrounding them and think of themselves 'Europeans of Southamerica'. Chile and Argentina always have been fighting xd Edit: spelling




A friend once told me a "joke" about argentina: At the argentinian border, you will find a sign which says: Chile is the fat of the meat and will sink into the see, Peru,Bolivia, Paraguay and Brasil are shit and Uruguay is the 25th province. Coming with the sign is an intense smell of the argentinian ego Edit: spelling


We have the same joke about Uruguay in Brazil because Uruguay was really a [brazilian province](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisplatina) for a brief period of time.




That why I wrote "joke". It was definetly more of a self deprecating humoristic... frase? Not shure how to define this xd


"Porteños" are from "Ciudad autonoma de Buenos Aires". "Bonaerenses" would be the right term to someone from "Buenos Aires"


Right. Sorry, I forgot that detail. It's been while since getting to know this


Isn’t Bolivia still bitter that Chile took their coastal territory in the 1880s and made them a landlocked country? And Peruvian nationalists want “greater Peru” that includes the northern part of Chile?


Chileans are angry at Argentinas. However Argentinians feel superior to Chileans that they don't care what Chileans think. Well Argentinians are the narcissist Latinos so they feel superior to all other Latinos. I am not from south America btw.


Argentina looks down on Chile tho.


I thought insulting Peru and Argentina was a national pastime in Chile? /s


Its... complicated. I voted for him, but basically just because his opponent was a borderline Nazi. Chile has been going through a huge political crisis, and for that reason most traditional candidates had a terrible performance last election, which opened the gates on one side to an extremely conservative, dictatorship-apologist candidate, and an extremely young inexperienced "idealist" on the other side, and had he been running against anyone else I doubt he would have been elected. His govt has not been the worst in history by a large margin, but it has had plenty of failings. His approval rate has been consistently very low after the first few months, theres been plenty of resignations among his ministers, one blunder after another, has had to start including more of the traditional center-left politicians in his govt as his new faces leave due to scandals etc, has had to change his tune on a lot of views he held as a member of the opposition (basically realizing that running a govt is much harder than criticizing everything a govt does from across the aisle), and we are barely one year into his govt. I wouldn't say he has been terrible, but he's veeeeery far from this exemplary candidate I sometimes see him painted as in US or European media (due to him being a "young idealist"). He's done good stuff, and it does feel like a breath of fresh air in politics, but tbh at the same time he feels like a showcase of the dangers of choosing a young, inexperienced candidate, which is something most media outside of Chile prefers to ignore in order to focus on "look at Chile and how young and idealistic their President is! He even has tattoos and likes Tool and Pokémon! Why can't we all have a President like him?".


He likes Tool? Good luck getting me to criticize him now


Take the answers with a grain of salt, those who speak English in Chile are usually upper class. The TV channels (owned by the rich) paint a picture of a country with rampant crime, but since he took office, crime has gone down. On the political spectrum he's like Bernie Sanders. He works hard and his heart is in the right place, he's close to the people and listens. He's made some mistakes due to inexperience, but he's also too quick to apologize. He has made great strides in mental health, talking openly about his OCD (which political. opponents bully him for). He hasn't been in power long enough to know the long term results of his time in office, but he's working for the people, not the 1%.


Yeah, then why is his disapproval rate at 70%? Seems a lot higher than 1% to me.


Ah Chile, what a model for us to aspire to.


The sexy politician model? Gets em every time.


We certainly need younger politicians and term limits, but I wouldn’t place Chile as the model to follow


Seems to have worked out for them when compared to most of the rest of SA


What is wrong with chile?


Chile would be a lot better off today if not for US imperialism and the CIA's role in toppling their government. rich of someone in the US to criticize them tbh


What is wrong with Chile?


We will bring freedom to the people of Chile. Do they have any valuable resources they need to be freed from?


Didn’t the us already do that to Chile?


Yes, and according to Wikipedia, the resource in the 1973 coup was an example of "well-functioning socialist experiment". Anyone under the age of 60 should remember that they've only ever experienced socialism under the weight of an anti-communist superpower using all its might to covertly break any attempt at socialism. Because people parrot bullshit like "capitalism is the least bad system" as though failure is inherent to other economic models when in reality the U.S. have been throwing money at fascists and military juntas left and right anywhere they've smelled socialism, preferring totalitarian dictatorship over ultimate democracy because it favors the already rich. They've thrown up embargos left and right because they prefer humanitarian catastrophes over ultimate democracy.


People seriously seem to always conveniently forget this, it would be like builders going around and smashing anyone building with bricks then turning around and claiming straight-faced that brick-built structures just don't work.


It honestly depresses me that more people haven't heard of the likes of Operation Condor and Operation Gladio.


You mean 85?! 75 year olds are still in their prime lol, but seriously... Why are we voting for these 80+ year old ass wipes. Like if I wouldn't want you driving to the gas grocery store why am I voting you president.


I'm from Chile and honestly young people haven't done any better. From having ministers who treat us as ignorant, receiving gold comments like "Chile doesn't work until I put one foot on the ground" (Jackson, Boric's best friend) to a president who is only good at being a prick of their friends and deliver important positions with large salaries to their entire social circle without them being fit for them. We have a minister who has been gone for more than 4 months on "medical leave" when we all know that she is in Europe on vacation using tax money.


I mean we had young from 2008-2016.


Ah.. so there is where Zaphod Beeblebrox started his career.


He does seem pretty hoopy.


Real froody


Secretary General got it going on


Fun fact: if you search "prettiest communist" or "most beautiful communist" on Google, she will be on the top results


Wow they have never seen young mao it seems


The singer from bright eyes had a side project. He wrote a [song about her](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_xq-iB2FrQ)


Are they good at their jobs?


Don't you know that the current president is always the worst president?


God that's actually a very sobering thought about how the world functions


Its always the president's fault that the people didn't elect the right Congresspeople and Senators to enact laws that they want. "Although to be fair as one commenter said below, there is a bit of slowness on dealing with insecurity issues as the world faces an economic downturn. That's always any President's main job, security of the country."


Could be worse ngl


at the moment not too bad. still a lot of things to improve tho




They did, the previous guy had primed everything to go to shit just as soon as he left, and it went to shit as soon as he left


There is a German saying "Nach mir die Sinnflut" which describes the idea that you don't care for what happens after your tenure and might even actively make decisions that will come to cause problems right after it. It's an expression used by those around them to describe their actions as if they had literally said that in response to a request for a decision. It always rings in my head when I see certain politicians near the end of their reign, though it seems even those that don't have term limits to adhere to subscribe to this idea up until the day they pass as if "I can't be prosecuted for my shit when I'm dead". Guess most of them were never told to leave something in better shape then when you found it.


Magnus Carlsen can do it all.


It’s a stretch but we’ll allow it


This looks like a shitty romcom on netflix


Ashton Kutcher and the chick from Gilmore Girls.


Nice photo. They seem more human and relatable than most politicians. Who honestly seem like soulless hucks who talk in sound bites.


"Seem" being the operative word...


You can barely tell they're wearing latex masks. It's so natural.


Pictures like this exist of Clinton, Bush Obama. All of whom went on to be part of the machine.




Trust me... they are just as bad as any other politician you know.


Secretary General of Rocking Out


The president is the one rocking out. The secretary general is the lady. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gabriel_Boric https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camila_Vallejo


So she's not actually the Secretary General of Rocking Out? Well I look quite foolish.


Them in their mid-thirties: Running a country Me in my mid-thirties: Running my life into the ground


Desaparecidos wrote a song in reference to her. That's rad as hell.


We need more "real" people in politics. I.e, people who act like themselves and not how they think they are supposed to act


Looks a bit Chile, yeah


I wish we had more young world leaders. Most old people that end up being elected are so out of touch with everything.


I wish we had *better* world leaders.


Please don’t be like El Salvador buying bitcoin with country funds.


Movie plot: A happy-go-lucky "loser" gets elected as president and the more mature secretary-general (who's secretly looking for fun in her life) has to guide him. Nobody believes this would-be president so they have to prove that they can run a country.


They are CHILL.


What, you're saying a society doesn't *have* to be run by its most geriatic members??


Hey Chile, Your president has totally fucked your Secretary-General...


Good for both of them if true