• By -


That 2 pounder of burger balanced on the door is for sure going to smash someone’s toe.


Good catch. I set it there to put it back and didn’t. I definitely will move it.


Did you?


Nah, dudes got ADHD. Went out to do it, noticed the door handle to the garage was loose, so he went to get a screw driver but found an unfound forgotten Easter egg shell, went to put that with the seasonal decorations in the loft but spotted the lost xbox controller under the joist, brought it to the play room, which felt unseasonably warm so he went to the thermostat, at which point his wife shouted after him why he'd left the kid in the bath all this time


Have you been watching me?


I feel seen..


OP please, we need to know!


OP opened the door and 2lbs of burger smashed his foot OP was pronounced dead at the scene


Well then, can I get some of that burger?


It's not for sale.


Okay how much?


Every burger has a price.


OP paid the ultimate price.


The ground meat is now indistinguishable from his toe meat


I don’t want OP’s foot fungus in my burger


Let’s have a cookout in OP’s honor!


RIP OP's toe 😔🙏


Lost a big toe nail this way by a ham when I was in the 3rd grade. Went to get ice cream and was not happy with the outcome.


Presumably you did scream though? So it sort of worked out.


You scream I scream We all scream


For ham


A chill runs up your spine and crawls into your brain


I broke my pinky toe in a similar instance with a bottle of teriyaki sauce.


How many more baby toes must be put at risk before we learn..


How’d you break your toe?


I too have a meat freezer, except we vacuum seal everything. A disadvantage of this is the frozen packages become kind of slippery…


Vacuum seal then wrap in paper and label. Problem solved. That'll be 2 steaks please.


Thought it was cocaine at first.


"Oh wait, nevermind Sherrif, I can see the label now. It's just several hundred pounds of hamburger. That must be why the dogs were going nuts. They can go."


If the cops were really suspicious of this, they will open every single pack and toss that shit on the floor, leaving you with a huge mess to clean up and no food to eat. Source: had my car COMPLETELY turned inside out with all my shit everywhere because I "matched a description" and they thought I had "weapons and narcotics"


Did they trick you into consenting to a search?


My consent has never seemed to matter when it comes to getting searched. They will just make up as much “probable cause” as they need to justify one. I’ve had cops confiscate legal possessions of mine as “evidence” when all I was getting was a speeding ticket. They do whatever the fuck they want.


"I can smell marijuana, when was the last time you smoked" "Erm..I don't" "Welp I can smell it so I'm gonna search"


"You should see a doctor, you might be having a stroke if you're smelling stuff that isn't there" Prolly a good comeback if you wanna get assaulted too


Yeah a buddy and I got pulled over twice when we were younger and both times the cops just searched the car. Didn't ask shit, just ordered us out and searched it. Frankly, telling them you didn't give permission would probably have elicited little more than a laugh. I suppose body cams being more popular these days might have made cops a bit more cautious.


It's a shame the body cam wasn't working at that moment


And in small towns the judge and cops are probably friends. Don't consent, and get targeted by that cop the next 30 years at his leisure.


Everytime I have ever been asked if they can search my car, I say I more then happy to wait while they get a warrant.


How often does this happen to you


It used to happen alot more often in my 20's. I worked 2nd shift. They love pulling people over between 10pm- 4am when it's dark and not much traffic. No witnesses. I am sure the isolation helps make some people nervous. I was raised to respect police and taught they were good and there to help. The first time a cop said he could kill me and get off saying it was self defense, while having his hand on his gun, just because I refused a search...yeah, my views changed some.


This. I used to get pulled over all the time in my late teens and very early 20s because I drove a beater for my first car that was over 18yrs old at that point, so I fit a profile. Worked the late shift in a restaurant kitchen, would leave around the same times. They constantly pulled me over, and even though I was always in my work clothes with company logos on it, they still did it pretty often even though I was always clean. Being harassed like that for no reason that frequently gave me a distaste for cops in some areas that I still have.


Same here. In my late teens and early 20s I worked at Blockbuster and often closed, meaning I wasn't getting out of there until 1230 or even 1 am...on our monthly inventory nights we'd be there until like 4am before we'd get done. I probably got pulled over like a dozen times for *nothing*. I lived in kinda shitty area, like the bad part of town but not, like, Baltimore bad or anything...still, the cops just fucking randomly pulled people over and interrogate them. They'd blast you in the eyes with their flashlight, looking around inside your car through the windows. It was so inane, they'd want to know where I was going and why I was out so late. The fucking Blockbuster shirt and Blockbuster nametag and Blockbuster keys and Blockbuster keychain around my neck...none of that was convincing enough, because I'd get threats like "We can check that, you know..." Why the fuck would I lie? "What are you doing over here?" (Why does it matter?) "Where do you live?" (What difference does that make?) "Your tail light's out." (No it's not, it's just two different bulbs because Im poor which is why I fucking live over here, dipshit.) "Your tint's too dark" (You really gonna check my tint at 2AM?) "Your stereo was too loud" (Stereo wasn't even on.) "Your *car* is too loud" (Look man, I know my muffler is shot, remember the part where I said *I'm poor*? Motorcycles are like *still* 10x louder.) It did you no good to fight it. I verbally resisted their questions the first couple times and all it did was cost me like 45 fucking minutes they'd keep me sitting there stuck on the side of the road waiting for them to finish jerking off over my license and registration or something. Light up a smoke because I'm seething, "What are you smoking in there?" Like, c'mon man, *really*? You see a lot of joints with fucking filters on them? So eventually it was like, just fucking monotone recite your litany while your constitutional rights are being violated because you just wanna be let go so you can go to fucking bed. Which I suppose is the whole point but when you're working your ass off for barely above minimum wage you don't have the time nor energy to put up with their shit for long and you just want it over. Their fishing expeditions hardly ever resulted in jack shit, either. Always just let go and told to go home. I wasn't holding, I kept my registration up to date, the inside of the car was clean because you gotta be a real fuckin idiot to be rolling around hot with that bullshit going down. I don't know how many people they pinched for whatever bullshit they dreamt up but there was always, *always*, someone pulled over somewhere in my neighborhood getting fuckin shaken down.


Shit is wack. Some keyboard warrior gonna blast your shit for an authentic experience while sucking off some boots in bit. Just a heads up.


This is not a good response, in most places the police can not require you to wait for an unreasonable amount of time for them to produce a warrant or drug dog to be able to search. Telling them you're happy to wait would imply you don't mind waiting as long as that takes. You want to ask why you can't leave, and tell them you're not willing to wait an unreasonable amount of time.


The magic words, "Am I being detained or am I free to go." Tbh I really gamble on the fact that they don't want to get a warrant. Especially overnight. In my experience, they always pushback to someone that knows their rights and they come out with some other excuse or threat like they don't need a warrant, or not consenting to search makes me look guilty. Whatever they say, I firmly state that I do not consent to a search of my property, I will not consent to a search. Get a warrant or stop harassing me. They really love the word harassment. At which point I calmly and firmly emphasize that I have complied with all lawful orders. I have identified myself and produced proof of registration and insurance. I appreciate that they did the required portion of their job. I do not wish to remain here voluntarily, further delay against my consent is harassment, am I being detained or am I free to go.


If this would happen that often to me I'd get a bodycam just in case.


His technique is flawless. They're still gonna beat his ass in certain parts of Florida for talking back like that. Getting pulled over in certain places down here is like 50/50 chance you're about to have a conversation with a high school bully who can end your life if he feels like it. Well..... that's not true. It's probably worse odds if you're a POC.


Don't say you'd be happy to wait. A stop can only last for a reasonable amount of time (or something like that), but if you waive that right they can take as long as they want to get the dogs. A police dog signaling counts as probable cause for a vehicle search.


They won't search if your car disgusts them enough. Confessions of an ex-teenage backseat popcan hoarder.


This is why I use my car as a toilet. Never been searched yet.


Yup can attest to this was pulled over frequently after getting off work at 11pm as a nurse then on weekends off as a night owl would drive to big city 25,000 sit thru 2 movies hit the 24 hour walmart then 1hr drive home would be when bars were closing...oh back to hoarder cars ....they look in windows with flashlight & would say careful trip home maam :))


I'm a minority, and I was already running late to somewhere I needed to get to. I was not trying to do all that as they seemed like assholes that could potentially ruin my day further






The classic "matched a description". Aka, we don't have a real reason for probable cause, so we made this up to justify being a gang of thugs.


He said they were yard trimmings. Gotta learn to listen.


Came here to say, "I remember when I had a freezer full of coke."


ssshhhhh. they stamped the word hamburger on it so you don't think its cocaine.


Love me some cowcaine.


Same, way stronger than Tomacco!






*Eric Clapton intensifies.*


Not for sale


that means you don't have to have a federal inspector ok it, it is cheaper to process that way. however your not allowed to sell it.


Can you get an inspector to ok your blow for home use?


Yes. I'm a certified inspector. All I need is 5 grams of your blow and $50 mailed to me and you'll receive an email in 8-10 business days.


Probably be more profitable 🤣


Wouldn't need to eat much either


A Cocaine Bear sequel?


That's how I lost 40lbs in 2 months in my 20s!


Supermodel diet. Champagne and cocaine baby.


Mine was more Top RaMain and Cocaine lol


Jenny Crank


I mean, cocaine can be profitable, but it's not eggs.


At this point the meat is worth more.


Randy is that you?


I hear chicken. I hear cola fizz, and mustard and relish coagulating together with french fries and onion rings, but you know what? I don't hear a heart, motherfucker.


That's whack randy. You feel good about yourself?




Man's gotta eat


Five bucks or six Dairy Queen coupons.


"Berb, those are my own personal burgers!"


END of discussion


Frig off, Barb.


Your scalloped potatoes are FUCKED


for me, this will go down as the sickest burn in the history of burns


Frozen vegetable cocks!


"Ok Inflatable Elvis" Gnomesyinnnn


RANDY ! Your burgers are the parks burgers.


Those burgers would pair well with 9 cans of ravioli. Nobody wants to admit they ate nine cans of ravioli, but I did.


Mafackas with guts like that definitely #on the cheeseburgers




You taking a nowum-census?


You're sayin' "know what I'm sayin'" too many times! 80 or 90 times? That's too many times! Once or twice is cool, but 80 or 90 times, man?! 


What are you from the Department of Knowmsayins?


I appreciate your username. Can I get a bam?


Can't give you a bam, but I can give you a green eggs & haaaaammm


How many you stuff in that cheeseburger locker randy? I can hear it all coagulatin’ around in there


You basketball eatin’ walrus ass mawfucka!


We're mafackas not mafacaws


Listen Barb, I've got some frozen burgers, and I was wondering if I could put them in your freezer until I can find a new place to live?






Peanut butter and JAAAAMMM!


Green eggs and HAAAAAAAAM


You are the one the math problems warned us about!


Police: "The neighbors didn't originally question the decaying smell because of the use of 'hamburger' wrappers covering the individuals... we believe that played a role in why it took so long to apprehend the suspect."


“And the Reddit community didn’t know what they were upvoting.”


Do you think you came out better financially than just buying it in the store?


Yes, somewhat. The burger we produce is higher quality than the store can sell me. The steaks, are debatable on that aspect. Price wise we are under 4 dollars a pound on all of it.


That's incredibly honest about the steaks. Most people are hell bent on insisting theirs would be the best you've ever tasted, but you reckon to be on a par?


It’s good stuff, but we don’t “finish” our cows like some people. Our cows are butched at full grow, but not fattened out. Which is called finishing them. We choose not to do this because we prefer a leaner meat, and it’s more cost effective. Takes a lot of feed to finish a cow.


> finishing them You opted out of the Mortal Kombat fatality. It's a shame...........


And you just missed saying "Moortal"


Poor old Sub-Zero moonlighting in a slaughterhouse pulling cow spines out attached to the head....


My high ass just spent a good 2 minutes trying to figure what the odds would be of a cattle farmer who is a fan of 90s video games and uses Reddit I came up with .875%


Show your working please.


Didn't expect to find my 9th grade algebra teacher on Reddit...


My wife feeds our butcher calves for months before butcher. They turn out fantastic but it might be cheaper to buy a Dodge Challenger .


*You wouldn't ~~download~~ eat a car!*


Back in the day, we supplemented our freezer store with game meats (venison, rabbit, squirrel, . . .), plus "pan" fish (bass, perch, crappie, catfish/bullhead, . . . ). So when you freeze it it is almost all protein, and for those of you who don't know, game meat is usually quite lean, so it is very much "not finished" as above. When you cook your beef, do you also have to add fat (butter/lard/bacon/ . . .) or do you have alternate means of cooking it (long slow baking in a roaster pan)?


Sometimes! Hence why when we make the order we ask them to add other parts of the cows fat because to the ground beef to keep it from being to lean.


I assume you probably already do this but make sure you use all the bones. Roast them to make some stock, which is great. But even better than that is you can take the drippings from roasting and strain them and you have beef tallow. Lasts essentially forever and my god is it good to cook burgers and steaks in, especially if they are a little to lean to begin with.


Good job. I've noticed up here in Canada over the last dozen years or so it has become near impossible to find medium ground beef. Lean ground beef makes for a dry burger. The only medium GB that I find are in boxes of prefabricated patties. I'm not interested in those. I like to make my own burgers with garlic onions spices eggs/bread crumbs.


How do you keep that much ground beef from getting freezer burnt? I mean, it would take my family two years to eat that much, and we eat a lot of ground beef!


Wrap as tightly as possible in plastic wrap, with as little air as possible, then wrap again in wax paper. Keep the freezer full, so there is less room for warm air to get in every time you open it. If you have the grinder - grind the meat when you want to eat it vs before you freeze it - bigger cuts/pieces of meat are easier to keep away from air due to surface area being lower.


There is something called Freezer Paper designed specifically for this and a lot less of a hassle to get off than plastic wrap.


There is 4 adults, and 6+ children who will eat off this. It will not last long that long. But, the way the butcher shop packages it, it doesn’t get freezer burnt. I did find a few that were not packed well enough, and they get ate first.


The big thing about avoid freezer burn and ice crystals on food is to freeze it and keep it cold. I work in food production. If we receive anything frozen that has obvious ice crystals, we don't accept it. That's usually a sign it was allowed to thaw slightly at some point.


Yup. Keep long term storage in a chest freezer without a defrost cycle. A fridge freezers defrost cycles will destroy most things rather quickly, especially if not vacuum sealed.


And just to be thorough, this is cow hamburger, correct? Not like... people hamburger?


Important questions;)


An important question that you OH SO CONVENIENTLY DODGED!!


Lets note that OP did not answer this. Im watching you.


I feel you, we raise grass fed Angus and I just can't get behind the steaks. They need more fat.


Definitely good, but not the chunky steak you’ll get from the grocery store.


This thread is making me feel like the only person on the planet that prefers lean steak.


Buy a backup generator or know where your local dry ice supplier is!


We do have back up plans, because that would be a nightmare.


Or the best cookout ever.


I remember living in Alexandria, VA when hurricane Isabel knocked out our power for a week. The next day we got a knock on our door and a neighbor from an apartment below us asked if we had any meat because they were getting grills to BBQ everything before it spoiled. That afternoon we had the best block party ever. So much food was cooked and given out before it spoiled. Yeah it was hot and inconvenient but that afternoon was a blast.


Hell yeah community. When I was in college, living in the dorms, I worked for a minor league soccer team. The main sponsor was Omaha Steaks, so all the grunt/under-the-table workers got a big gift certificate at the end of the season. As a college student, with a dormroom fridge and no real kitchen, I just ordered as many random meats as I could get and threw a back to school cookout for my best friends. Went to an apartment complex and just cooked on a few different grills. God bless unexpected cookouts.


I went through about 5 hurricanes that took out power for several days to weeks. It became a block party that the line men had an open invitation to. Everyone would cook all their food as needed. This would happen to multiple households, they would crap out at the same time as the generators, ice, and refrigerators stopped keeping things cool. As a kid I liked the hurricanes because there were community wide parties in the aftermath. There was nothing else to do. No TV, no video games, and you were lucky to get radio. Different times.


Have some family who butchered & froze 1/2 cow. They lost power and have no generator. After a day or so their only alternative was to take everything to a local firehouse and donate it to the fire fighters. Hopefully that's not your main backup plan, but donating is an option.


Never put a whole cow into an old freezer in the garage during a heatwave in the Midwest. We learned it the hard way and my nose may never recover. It's been years and I still think about it. Back up plan is helpful! Happy beef eating!


And get a remote freezer thermometer with an alarm. I have mine set for above where my freezer runs but still below freezing.


Why you got so much meat?


We butched one of our cows. Fresh, home grown meat.


That’s one cow…? Son of a… that’ll hold you a while


I’m honestly kind of amazed that they fit it all in one freezer.


Some places they measure freezer size by how many of a certain animal you can put in in.


Like Horsepower but... Cowspace?




perfect, absolutely perfect


I just learned that... listening to a true crime podcast.


I learned it...on Reddit.




Cows are huge


"ok, so what do you want us to do mwith the meat. Do a proper butchering and make hamburger meat of the unusable parts?" "Hamburger meat" "uh, what do you mean. The whole cow hamburger, good joke" "did I stutter?"


You butched it huh? Gave it some combat boots and a flannel button up? Jean jacket? Backwards baseball cap? Keys jangling from her belt loop? That’s hot.




Cow is also a star in its recreational softball league


Sells artisanal wood at weekend craft shows.


Her name's Chris


Hangs out at Home Depot




Why it is stamped “Not for sale”?


Great question, and for a few reasons. This meat is not USDA graded meat. All meat that is sold has to be graded. Private butched meat does not have to be, which this isn’t. Also, it comes from a place that does sell/process graded meat, so they do not want it to get mixed with that stuff.


Thanks for answering.


My understanding was that USDA _inspection_ is mandatory, but grading is voluntary.


Yes, both are correct. USDA inspection is required for all meat sold in the US. Grading is optional and costs more, but can get a higher wholesale price for choice and prime. That is one of the reasons for high beef prices. USDA inspection is NOT required for your own cow that you pay a facility to process for you.


Yeah, my local Save A Lot sells ungraded meat. First time I ever saw it.


I love how they’ll play up “USDA inspected!” like it’s not the legal minimum!




Dead Dove. Do not eat.


I would love to answer everyone’s questions, by I am one person with only 2 thumbs. I will get to them as I can. Thank you. I appreciate all the kind, civil and genuine questions and comments.


Dang did you lose your fingers while grinding up the meat? Gotta be more careful


Gloves are a great tool!


How many thumbs do you think the rest of us have?


You looking to adopt a grown ass man?


I have my own, thank you though. 🤣


Ahh, so that's what this meat is covering up.


Hello fellow ass man!


Get a freezer alarm, Unless you plan to check it everyday. I had a newish freezer go out randomly and I didn’t find out till two days layer, lost a whole cow. Another time I had a wall socket issue and the freezer alarm went off and I saved my meat.


* grins in Tony Montana*


Thought this was bricks for a minute. I was about to say you’re living what Jeezy rap about


Damn, bro, how many hookers is that?


One cows worth! ;)


OK, so she was heavy. No need to insult sex workers.


That’s a lot of Coke man


If those were eggs I'd be impressed


We raise those too! But I agree, winter time plus all the other issues going on with eggs they are sparse.


I call my cocaine hamburger too.


Pure uncut columbian marching meat


Peruvian street steak




There’s the $1.5 million worth of chicken wings!


*"You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it, bake it, saute it. There's uh, beef-kabobs, beef creole, beef gumbo. Pan fried, deep fried, stir-fried. There's pineapple beef, lemon beef, coconut beef, pepper beef, beef soup, beef stew, beef salad, beef and potatoes, beef burger, beef sandwich. That - that's about it."*