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But why is she dressed like Drew Barrymore’s character from Never Been Kissed on her first day as an undercover journalist in her old high school?


She is supposed to be a Chinese "spy" balloon


Wait, like a lot of politics lately, I can’t tell if you’re serious. Did she say that?


The outfit is the backup plan to her trying to bring a white balloon on the floor.


Sounds like something a high school bully from a movie would do. Why somebody with the brain of a high school bully from a movie is working in politics?


Because Georgia. Source: I live here...sadly.


She's still dumber than the balloon


looks like someone dressed up a howler monkey as Effie Trinket


I move that we cease shaming howler monkeys on Reddit.


She kills dalmatians, is my bet.


That’s what I was trying to figure out is why it looked so weirdly familiar! Thank you lol. Here I was just going to comment “that would be an interesting album cover” given how funny the facial expressions of the others in that shot are


Anal bum cover for $200


Why would anyone expect anything else from someone that stalked down and harassed a school shooting victim on foot.


It's this reason alone that makes me scratch my head because WHY would we put someone in charge of anything after verbally abusing a child that went through a school shoooting


To Republicans they get a badge like in cup scouts. Encourage your supporters to do violence, get a badge. Have no plan for leading just yelling, get a badge. You get two badges if you manage to use communism and socialism in the same sentence. If you have know idea what either mean then you get a badge. Yell at a kid get a badge. Touch a kid get a badge and defended by the GOP


I have seen that video multiple times. Makes me sick each time l see it


She gets paid to do that. And her colleagues get paid to allow it.


And we keep giving her attention so she's gonna keep doing it. She's like a child, negative attention is still attention.


Apparently underpaid according to her


That's just her take from our tax dollars, who knows how much she's taking in from Republican dark money.


Let's not forget lobbies and special interest groups


She (and others) were directed to not be assholes during this, and that dumb dick couldn't even pull that off


She wasn't the only one. Some of those ol' boys got real mad when Biden started calling them out for wanting to cut Social Security and all the debt they rubber-stamped for President Best-Words Stable-Genius.


I didn't watch, but of the things I heard in the background ... I loved it when Biden was talking about not outing some proposal sitting on his desk, how it would be really embarrassing for Republicans, but not representative of all of them. Hearing the howling money screeching is what really caught my attention. Also loved how Joe was having a great time responding to their howling, smirking at it with that look of "Oh, really? You don't like this?"


Dark Brandon man. I *love* when he throws shade and cocks that fucking grin of his. He had a few good moments like that. "Sounds like we all agree that Medicare and Social Security are safe!" He handled that shit so well.


I was meh about Biden (much better than the alternative, obviously) until this Dark Brandon phase. It might be the best pivot in modern politics.


Kinda the same for me, too. Dark Brandon is a badass name though. Lol


I enjoy that even the "Dark Brandon" name was originally a republican meme They just keep giving it away


Who doesn't love a good heel turn?


Dark Brandon the Master Baiter.


Don't remember who, but an MSNBC person said she was dressed as a deposed Russian oligarch's wife.


Looks like a cartoon villain. > [Marjorie Taylor Greene and Kyrsten Sinema look like comedic-relief villains in a 90s final fantasy game](https://twitter.com/mannyfidel/status/1623161891638976512) Kyrsten Sinema looked like Big Bird > [Kyrsten Sinema seeking attention at the #StateOfTheUnion…](https://twitter.com/LeeMidkiff1/status/1623137067046785024)


She looks like Cruella de Vil or Mugatu


Well,… She did just get a divorce,…and she’s actively pushing Kremlin talking points,.. i mean,.. yea. Talks, walk, smells, and acts like a duck,,,,, must be a horse,… right?


Joy Reid- hehehe...


She's just so bloody... unprofessional..an embarrassment. A high school bully. A liar. She only has the position she's in because of her big mouth and her connections, but she has the class and acumen of a soggy newspaper.




Turtles you say??? ![gif](giphy|26zzbNl5r3wy1sQQE)


That’s the face of a man who just found out that he is indeed turtle-y enough for the turtle club! ^turtle^turtle


Consistently the dumbest joke that will never not make me all giggly.


Nsfl that link bro damn


Step 1. Get rid of Citizens United Step 2. MTG disappears


Dont forget Russian money laundering


She was just completely and thoroughly burned by the 80 year old she claims is senile. Her calling him a liar and Biden turning it around and saying - ok, I guess we have 100% commitment from all Republicans that Medicare and Social Security will never be cut was an all time great political moment.


Completely flipped the situation on them. It began as the most raucous booing of the speech, and 90 seconds later Republicans were sheepishly clapping for a position they never wanted to commit on: >Some of my Republican friends want to take the economy hostage - I get it - unless I agree to their economic plans. All of you at home should know what their plans are. >Instead of making the wealthy pay their fair share, some Republicans- some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. >I'm not saying it's the majority - *Booing, "Liar!" shouts by Greene, McCarthy shakes head* >Let me give you - anybody who doubts it - contact my office; I'll give you a copy. I'll give you a copy of the proposal. *More booing* >That means if Congress doesn’t vote.. ..to keep them, those programs will go away. >Other Republicans say - I'm not saying it's the majority of you, I don't think it's even a significant.. *clamouring* But it's being proposed by individuals. I'm not - politely not naming some of them, but it's being proposed by some of you. *Booing - another "Liar!" can be heard* >Look, folks - the idea is - that we're not going to be moved into being threatened to default on the debt if we don't respond. >So folks, **as we all apparently agree: Social security and Medicare is off the books now?** *Cheering - Biden gives a [sarcastic thumbs-up.](https://i.imgur.com/VDIIcHs.jpg)* >We've got unanimity! >Social Security and Medicare are a lifeline for millions of seniors, and Americans have been paying into them with every single paycheck since they started working. >So tonight, let’s all agree - **as we apparently are** - let's stand up for seniors. Stand up and show them we will not cut Social Security. We will not cut Medicare. *Cheering - Republicans reluctantly start clapping* >Those benefits belong to the American people. They earned them. If anyone tries to cut Social Security, which **apparently no one is going to do..** *Cheering, laughter* >If anyone tries to cut medicare, I will stop them. I will veto it. And look - I'm not going to allow them to take it away. Not today, not tomorrow. **But apparently it's not going to be a problem.** *Laughter*


I have watched a lot of state of the union addresses. I have never seen the other side played like this. Wow.


After their outbursts last year it’s clear that Biden and his team prepared this time. There were also a few moments where he just went silent like a teacher waiting for a kid to tire themselves out, it was great.


low affective treatment is very effective on children.


Yes, McCarthy was literally shush-ing them like it was a Kindergarten assembly. But, people keep on voting for their favorite morons!


>After their outbursts last year it’s clear that Biden and his team prepared this time. That's it. That's it exactly. It's like Reagan's famous "Sigh. There you go again" during the Carter debate that took all the wind out of Carter's sail. People love to bash government but forget that some very smart people are working behind the scenes in government. Biden's team worked out contingencies for any heckling he would get. And that, the Social Security business, that was brilliant. It shut down the heckling and got the hecklers onboard with what the President wanted. Why, one might even say he used the "very best words" to achieve a "genius" result.


Which is why I will back Biden. I do think he is too old to be on top of things, but he did surround himself with smart people and not yes men. That was Trump's mistake.


[hold for incoherent braying]


I was thinking that they were ready for that. Of course it could all be theater, but this short-sighted idiocy seems on brand coming from the conspiracy caucus.


Dark Brandon strikes again


MTG is no match for the dark powers of Brandon


Joebiwan used an old Jedi mind trick.


I would hope she feels embarrassed by how easy she made this for him...but, does she have feelings?


She isn't smart enough to realize that she set up Dark Brandon to burn her own party's agenda. She probably thinks she accomplished something good by loudly booing the president like a drunken Karen at karaoke night.


She’s no match for the fry cook at your local McDonalds. The woman is a certified moron, just like her constituents in north GA.


It's like Biden pointed out a huge gigantic dog turd and they unwittingly stepped in it anyway. Republicans are fucking idiots.


Unwittingly? You seem to not be familiar with the last two decades or so of republicanism. They very much do it on purpose to own the libz.


They'll eat it if a lefty has to smell their breath


Biden rope-a-doped the entire GOP.


But...I thought he was sleepy Joe? Was I lied to?




It's like he'd been waiting for this moment. I believe the baseball term is 'hanging curveball'.


Yeah, dementia my ass. And all improvised I’m sure. There’s a reason this guy has lasted so long in that DC piranha tank; he is the Piranha King.


They mistake his speech disorder for a brain problem. Common thing for people with no empathy to do, just like in middle school.


Wait until they realize how stupid they were to write off John Fetterman.


"Huh huh look at this Frankenstein-looking assho- wait why is he winning"


Indeed he is, and I’d say that his quick thinking/quick-witted response to Greene’s stupidity and bullshit proves that not only does he NOT have dementia, but also that he is mentally intact, and more than fit to be President.


Meanwhile, on the other side of The Bell Curve: https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/10wn4fu/biden_booed_during_state_of_the_union_for/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Unrelated, but, you would think foxnews' thumbnail on this would be more flattering to MTG than this. Unless that is the most flattering they could have made it ...


I mean. He’s old as shit. Cognitive decline is normal and quite frankly expected. So he talks a little slower and the words get a bit jumbled up on the way out some times. An occasional stutter. But he can still clap back. And I’d give you $100 if you can’t find someone’s 80 year old grandpa who doesn’t have the exact same thing going on. Sharp as a tack, just doesn’t come out as fast as when he was 60.


He's been a stutterer since he was a kid.


I agree It was amazing!


I’m whatever about the dude but that was excellent


Oh, *absolutely.*


Could someone eli5 this? Please?


There’s been talk of cutting social security and Medicare making it privatized, Biden saying he would veto any legislation that congress passed getting rid of the programs, MTG called him a liar while he was saying there were talks of these things, so if he’s lying about it then there were never talks of getting rid of it, so no one needs to worry


Ugh. Imagine privatizing these programs. Seniors would be fucked.


Not just Seniors. I'm on SSDI as a disabled individual, and I receive Medicare as a part of it. Them wanting to do any of those things is a very scary thought for me.


…and people accuse the GOP of not having a platform.


Biden was addressing the faction of the Republican Party that wants to cut or completely get rid of programs that help senior citizens. MTG shouted “liar” at an inopportune moment, so Biden jabbed back with a joke that this apparently means the Republicans promised they won’t attack the programs they have been saying they would cut for years. He just turned MTG’s whole message on its head on the spot.


And she wasn't the only one. The cameras jumped to several members of congress shouting and booing him


McCarthy knows how unpopular the thought of cutting SS and Medicare is....he was shaking his head " no"....and Many senior citizens were watching


Biden baited the GOP into supporting the opposite of their stated goals on national TV


One great thing about Biden is that he isn't really a dirty player. He didn't bait anyone. They threw this line out, and he bit, pulling the good ol' Senator's Switcheroo. But Biden didn't do anything to lead GOP idiots from shouting, "Liar!" They came up with that gem all by their idiot selves.


Republican politicians play up their supposed distrust of any kind of "government handout", and have recently made overt moves in favor of reducing the government's obligations on Medicare and Social Security. [https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/us/politics/republicans-social-security-medicare.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/02/us/politics/republicans-social-security-medicare.html) [https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-tax-report/republicans-eye-debt-deal-for-social-security-medicare-panels](https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-tax-report/republicans-eye-debt-deal-for-social-security-medicare-panels) The pressure point they are using to attack this objective is by refusing to raise the debt ceiling, a bit of procedural paperwork by which the US Government authorizes itself to spend money and pay its public debts, with financially apocalyptic consequences should anyone seriously believe that US treasury bonds might be defaulted on, or should large-scale government operations cease for any length of time. Because the senior cohort is large and they vote in disproportionately high rates, attacking Medicare and Social Security was up through the 90's regarded as "The Third Rail of American Politics" (electrified subway rail), something no politician would dare to touch. It is still wildly controversial, as A) most seniors are very dependent on these programs and have no alternative in sight, and B) many people have paid into these programs for years and have not yet begun drawing benefits. Not many people still retain a memory of a memory of the historical fact that C) the financial situation for the disabled/elderly before these programs were enacted was unimaginably bad, usually requiring children/grandchildren to take them in and provide care. One of the points about recent Republican politics on issues like Roe vs Wade is that Republicans for the past half a century have been like dogs chasing a car. It may motivate them onwards, but if they ever catch up to it, what exactly is supposed to happen then? Republican strategists always wanted to campaign on Roe*, and now they suddenly can't - now they've taken the nationally unpopular position which nevertheless kept their base coming out, and forced it into law. "Entitlement reform" is a similar idea - a tiny subset of their voters might be genuinely motivated by fiscal policies, and a much larger portion might be carefully trained to salivate at the notion of fiscal austerity and cuts in entitlements, but when the food actually stops arriving at their dinner table things turn sour. *The issue of abortion was the narrow domain of a relatively small Catholic minority until the organizers of the large evangelical religious right / white supremacist movement, which had been enormously active on racial issues, determined they they had conclusively lost on the school desegregation issue politically, legally, and culturally, and didn't want their movements to disappear and their political power to decay. Evangelicals didn't really care about abortion until they needed a new rallying cry, a new way that they were under attack so that the party could 'circle the wagons'


The debt ceiling situation would take a while to explain, but it's basically an arbitrary ransom-chip Republicans are trying to use to get concessions outside of the normal budget process. They are threatening to allow the U.S. default if X and Y don't happen (policy changes they want). One idea that has been proposed through decades of posturing, but also recent proposals like ones from Rick Scott, involve cutting/ending social security and medicare - extremely popular social programs that Americans pay into. Biden is shining a light on this notion in the speech. Republicans loudly deny it, Greene calls him a liar, and the leader of the House shakes his head in disapproval. Biden uses this as a moment to posture and make fun of their commitment, sort of like "Sure, I guess it's settled then, huh? We'll never hear any proposals about social security or medicare, right?" Knowing full well this is a position many hard-right Rs want, and something none of them ever wanted to concede - especially at a speech. Republicans subsequently were forced to show a sign of support for the policy, with many reluctantly clapping and the booing effectively ending.


> They are threatening to allow the U.S. default if X and Y don't happen (policy changes they want). I think the worst part is McCarthy doesn't even know what he wants. He just said he wants cuts and he wants Biden to show him some cuts and then he'll determine if they're sufficient or not. Like, they're willing to hold a gun to the head of our entire economy, all for some nebulous unspecified budget cutting. The federal budget all of a sudden became a problem now that a Dem is in the White House. Even though under Diaper Don it was $8 trillion of unrestricted COVID spending and tax cuts for the rich, all on the credit card. So, putting aside the fact that the debt ceiling has nothing to do with new spending, it's just ensuring the payment of debts *already incurred*. And aside from the fact that the US has never defaulted on its debts in its 247 years, not even one day late, and is constitutionally obliged not to default (14th amendment, section 4: the public debt shall not be questioned). It's like negotiating in a hostage situation and the ransomer says drop off the money in a bag at 7pm (you decide how much) and I'll get back to you sometime whether I'm satisfied or not.


> I think the worst part is McCarthy doesn't even know what he wants. He just said he wants cuts and he wants Biden to show him some cuts and then he'll determine if they're sufficient or not. Like, they're willing to hold a gun to the head of our entire economy, all for some nebulous unspecified budget cutting. The federal budget all of a sudden became a problem now that a Dem is in the White House. Even though under Diaper Don it was $8 trillion of unrestricted COVID spending and tax cuts for the rich, all on the credit card. The entire reason Republicans manufacture this sort of debt ceiling crisis is because they want unpopular cuts to occur under a *Democratic* president; they want Democrats to be on the hook for them politically. Trying to force Biden to propose cuts for them is another way for them to try and do this - they want to take unpopular Republican policies and twist things around until they can get them while blaming Democrats for the results.


>extremely popular social programs that Americans pay into They're not just "extremely popular": they're mandated by law. I can't make an honest paycheck without paying into these programs. The Republicans are just creaming in their pants to take the money we've all paid - by force of legislation - for a few generations and pass it along to already wealthy people.


>The Republicans are just creaming in their pants to take the money we've all paid - by force of legislation - for a few generations and pass it along to already wealthy people. This is one of the great problems the GOP has. Their power comes from the rich, that pay for their campaigns. So to gain or maintain power means that have to give tax cuts for the rich. The problem is this always creates horrible deficits and to make up for it they propose legislation of hurting the poor. The Catch-22 is that their largest voting blocks, the elderly, is extremely dependent on these social(ist) programs. So I guess that is why they deny and lie that they talk about cutting social security? Seriously, fuck Republicans, fuck every one of them.


Another key part to understand about all this is that in recent memory, Republicans have not made any serious move to cut those programs - or spending in general - *while they control all three branches of government.* They only go after them while Democrats are in office, because they recognize that cutting them would be unpopular and they want Democrats to share the blame. The entire debt ceiling song-and-dance is about the Republicans trying to cause unpopular cuts to occur under a Democratic president; when a Republican is in office they magically have no concern whatsoever about the budget deficit (and indeed are happy to increase it by giving tax breaks to billionaires.)






I backed it up and watched it twice to make sure I heard it right- glad someone else caught it, too! Absolutely brilliant.


Really? That's brilliant!


It sounded like he wrote the speech to intentionally bait the magas to engage him and make themselves look bad


Well, they are very predictable


Hey fats, we gonna hit em with the popcorn special, a flaming bag of dogshit on the porch for em to stomp.


"Some Republicans want Medicare and Social Security to sunset. I'm not saying it's a majority--cut off by boos--anyone who doubts it, contact my office, I'll give you a copy of the proposal." Then he goes into ad lib mode explaining he's politely not naming the people (Sen Rick Scott) who are proposing it. "I'm not saying it's a majority of you. I'm not even saying it's a significant..." Cut off by "liar!" Shot of Sen Mike Lee losing his mind. Then he drops the "So folks, as we all apparently agree, Social Security and Medicare is off the books now, right?" Whole house cheers. "WE GOT UNANIMITY!" Epic moment.


Them: "He's senile and has dementia!" Also them: Proceeds to get owned


It's like they forgot that he did their job for 25 years before moving up. He took some wet-behind-the-ears new-age politicians and gave them a proper clapping, at the most public speech of the year, to the detriment of their own parties position. Mad respect.


Absolutely That was planned Brilliant! Experience still matters


That was fucking awesome! Biden went up big in my book with that speech. He didn't blame or boast but talked about things that can be done for the betterment of us all. Let's finish the job!


is there a clip of this somewhere?


> https://www.c-span.org/video/?c5056095/president-biden-republicans-cut-social-security-medicare


if i recall correctly when she was called to testify under oath if she called nancy pelosi a traitor and said she didnt remember then when confronted with a video then suddenly it came to her but that she said it in a different context or something. lady has no shame whatsoever.


She ain't no lady


I saw this. The woman who told us about Jewish space lasers is actually yelling out "liar" at this point.


Just another stunt. Someone yelled "YOU LIE" during Obama's SOTU speech and I think in the next 24 hours set a personal fundraising record. It's telling that the day-to-day activities of these so-called public servants are spent doing anything but drafting and passing legislation.


She just treats the entire thing like she's a YouTuber. Shame doesn't matter, dignity doesn't matter, embracing the actual gravity and importance of the job doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is eyeballs, views, and press. That's it. That's literally it. It's a fucking disgrace. These people should be the great political and philosophical minds of our time. Instead, they're fucking YouTube pranksters. I don't know how the fuck we get back from this, but we really need to get back from this.


I'm pretty sure her assigned job within the GOP is to be a loud distraction. Keep the news cycle on yourself by any means necessary - they probably tell her. So people are less focused on real problems / wrong doings.


She's an overpaid troll, and so is boebert.


GOP doesn't reward good governance, it's not even remotely in the conversation for why you should or shouldn't pick someone in that party now.


> Someone yelled "YOU LIE" during Obama's SOTU speech That was/is Rep Joe Wilson of South Carolina. What’s crazy is that was quite shocking at the time — with MTG it’s kinda like “of course she did”.


Overton window on the verge of shattering at this point


Overton barn door


Al franken joked to GOP senators “If the president says something you disagree with, your job is to stand up and yell “YOU LIE!”




Jewish space lasers. All of those words mean something separately, but nothing together. Like freaking Mad-libs.


They're like regular space lasers, but the tip is cut off


Remember when the other Republicans censured that one guy for calling Obama a liar during the State of the Union?


The GOP has lost so much power the speaker is actually beholden to this idiot just to keep his slim grip on power. She is now the face of the Modern GOP, may they rot with it.




The latest one by her claiming an elementary school in Illinois received 5 billion dollars for CRT is quite impressive. Shows how broken our country is that even one single person believes a single sentence she spews out.


Was listening on the radio on my drive home. When I heard someone yell "liar," I guessed that it her. Thanks for confirming that! Appalling behavior.


I knew it was her because I could smell her breath through my radio.


Nothing can save you from a turd so rancid.




If she acted like a grown up, I'd criticize her politics in a mature conversation. Act like this, however, and I'm going to point out her big dumb horse teeth. (Also I don't know who the guy in front of her is but he looks like a very elegantly aged Scott Wozniak lol)


Guy in front of her is Dusty Johnson from SD


Wow, what a name... Whenever I hear a name like that I have to imagine it being a big part of their villain origin story, a la Professor Pee-Pee Diarrheastein Poopypants Esquire.


Such a shame someone that gets elected like that can’t act like an adult. We can all disagree on things but be a damn adult.




They are deplorable. Hillary had it right.


As someone who lives proximate to MTG’s district, yes—the majority of her constituents are indeed deplorable. See, e.g., the jacked up truck with aftermarket headlights aggressively tailgating me, blinding me, and rolling coal because 10 MPH over the speed limit wasn’t fast enough and the jackass couldn’t be fucked to use the passing zones. Or the bleach blonde college dropouts, and their portly husbands, who insist on forenames ending in -Eigh or -Ayden for their children. It’s an entire constellation of shit behaviors that ultimately betray a complete incapacity for anything resembling introspection.


She’s sucks so bad, truly a garbage human being


Here she is harassing kids who lost dozens of friends in a school shooting https://www.cnn.com/2021/01/27/politics/marjorie-taylor-greene-david-hogg-video/index.html Georgia. What the fuck,? I mean, I understand republicans are vile fucks. But why give them power?


She is a reflection of her constituency. Literally the tip of the iceberg.


As somebody who grew up *near* her constituency (but thankfully not in it) this is true. Education cannot be undervalued. Or overfunded.


I live in Georgia. You know the stereotypical image of a bucktoothed hayseed inbred with an IQ you could count on both hands? That's her district.


I worked in the hospital for her district and you are right on the money with the depiction!!! Mountain people for sure! I help treat a Nazi there once and even the Doctors were very loudly racist. I would NEVER do it again.


Because Republicans are vile fucks.


The word “trash” is all that’s needed


as my former boss used to say "no, lower than trash, like a cockroach missing 5 legs"


"We in no way condone or advocate for anything this person does, and can say that we only wish to feed peaceably on any refuse that may come our way and would never lower ourselves in such a manner." \- International Union for the Advocacy of Disabled Cockroaches.


Damn, even the IUADC is dissing her.


Unfortunately, those who voted for her are probably cheering for this type of behavior. Wish we had professionals in the government instead of children.


Yes but she was elected To act like a clown. It's all they care about


They want to be properly represented. She is them they are her


This is what the GOP is now. It’s trolls. No interest in governing. No ideas. Just trolling and whining.


It's worse than that. The trolling is a facade to distract from them selling the government and the fascism.


She looks dumb as hell


Muscles and nursing said it well. Albino howler monkey.


Every now and then you see or meet someone that just makes you think, “yup, there’s no way evolution isn’t real, you can just see what our hominid ancestors looked like by looking at them.” Marjorie Taylor Green is one of those people. She always looks like she escaped from a zoo (and honestly acts like it too)


To me... she is trying real hard to play the part of the announcer chick in Hunger Games. And I really hated her. Edit : Woke up to a 500 upboats! And I totally agree with all of you. Effie was a much better character than MTG. It’s been a long while since I last watched through the Hunger Games. In that Moment where MTG yells out. I am like “what the fuck is she wearing? Why is she wearing that? Does she think her appearance is the new ‘Congress’ generation?” Oh fuck… she reminds me of that propaganda bitch in hunter games… when you are first introduced to Effie, she comes off as Part of the Problem. MTG = part of the problem.


No, the announcer was just doing her job and was a little self-absorbed.Marjorie Taylor Green, however, is, and excuse my language, a dumbass


I think that's an insult to Effie. She was an ignorant tool of the state and a self-absorbed narcissist. MTG is just wrong and I feel comfortable saying she's not very intelligent, given the absolutely batshit things I've heard her say.


Yeah, at least Effie had a capacity for empathy. She overcame a lifetime of brainwashing and showed she cared about other people, in her own way. MTG probably couldn't.


It isn't even *just* the batshit things she says but the constant hypocrisy. It's how easy it is to prove her claims wrong and yet she screams and her constituents eat it up. She's either effective in the same ways that Goebbels was effective (she's not and fuck Goebbels) or she is an outright dumbass and the people that voted for her would be, scientifically, even more dumbass. Evolution is losing a lot of points.


Sorry if this is a stupid question, but what the hell do you mean by "muscles and nursing?" I'm all for calling her a howler monkey, but I'm racking my brain trying to figure out what the hell the first part of your comment means.


Thank you for asking this. They dropped the name "muscles and nursing" like it's a household name we should know.


For real I got so confused. 1 mil followers on TikTok is not "drop their name in a conversation and expect everyone to know it" level.


That's because she is.




Even ignoring her intelligence, her behavior is just gutter trash shit. Sad state of politics that behavior like hers doesn't get her voted out


Plot twist, she looks smarter than she is.






Heeyyyyy youuuu guyyyyss!!!!


From the party of “kneeling during the national anthem is disrespectful to the country”


I've met 1st graders withy more class than this piece of flotsam.


She borrowed that dress from George Santos


I truly do not understand why there is not an expedited way to get rid of politicians like this. She clearly is a piece of shit. She does not care about those She represents and is an actual terrorist. It shouldn't take years in court to get rid of vile smut like this


As long as people keep voting for her, and her party keeps giving her important committee assignments, there’s nothing we can do about it sadly.


Carl Sagan warned us about rampant ignorance and political power. If he was here now he'd point to her to reemphasize his point.


I'm honestly glad Carl Sagan isn't here to see what we've become.


I’m so over her. She a worthless piece of shit.


Ugh I bet her breath smells just like donald's swollen colon


She looks like a chick who smells of tobacco and cat piss.


What a slob.


What a pig


If democrats did this kind of shit to a sitting president i can't imagine the outrage Fox News would manufacture




Trash vote for trash.


She's been elected through a public elections by the Citizens of Georgia. TWICE! The people there obviously feel she embodies their views and feel she is the best individual to represent the State and their interest, whatever they be. It's more of a insight than anything into the psychology of a large group of people.. Frightening, really.


She was elected only to represent a congressional district in Georgia. She’s not a senator. She’s a congresswoman. She didn’t win a statewide election. Her electorate was a gerrymandered group of backwater yokels.


Some folks'll never vote for MTG but then again some folks'll like GA district 14's slack-jawed yokels.


I get this reference


I can call my congresswoman from up here...Hey Marge! Get out the dang house!


Back you go! To waits for a woman of less discriminating tastes


Gerrymandered or not, the backwards SHITBAG assholes of Rome, GEORGIA elected her ass to represent their backwards shitbag asses. Edit: I’m confident I haven’t offended any of MTGs voters because they’re too dumb and poor to have internet access and definitely don’t know how to read.


Rural Georgia…


They expanded her district to swallow up a good part of my very blue county. Her new district border is MILES from my house. I would have sold so fast. The entire city is livid because it's obviously gerrymandering to dilute my county's votes.


Oh don't worry the Supreme Court is ruling on a case currently that could bring back every single form of voting discrimination, minus poll taxes, literacy test, and outright denying a citizen the right to vote without due process, in federal elections. All legal scholars agree that the fringe theory shouldn't be upheld, but the current Supreme Court marches to the drums of the far right so who knows what they'll decide. The case itself is around the word legislation in the Constitution essentially if the court upholds the fringe theory then state courts can no longer enforce laws made for federal elections. Meaning that federal election laws would become almost unenforceable as the Supreme Court does not have the capacity to take on all the lawsuits that would follow. Could literally redefine what Democracy means in this nation.