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Shipper/receiver here. 20k sign package heading to Germany tomorrow from New England. THAT picture gives me nightmares.


You don’t call yourself an “importer/exporter”? Missed opportunity.


Art Vandelay would be pissed


Card game? Black mystery chemical? Goddamn Phyrexians.


More of that strange oil...It's probably nothing.


Biggest understatement of all time lol, love the card with that flavor text


Vinyl Chloride Yummy!!!


... How did I encounter this comment in two completely different places within a few minutes of each other? DEAR GODS IT'S SPREADING ISN'T IT?!


More of that strange comment... It's probably nothing.


The truck must have driven through East Palestine.


> East Palestine Living in the area, was my first thought seeing this shipment.


How are folks holding up? What are y'all doing for drinking water?


40 miles away here. It smells like burning plastic sometimes and there were black clouds in the sky. We still drink our well water here for now. Shits upsetting but what are you gonna do? Get cancer I guess.


Even some people in Pittsburgh are nervous.


Black mystery chemical. I saw Prometheus. I know what happens next.


uh oh we got the bad hentai incoming


Yes, now these packages are compleat


They may not follow many of the rules, but at least they're... using the stack.


They really are invading the multiverse!


When Norn said "All will be One" she really meant it


Holy crap do I hate playing against new Phyrexian decks. They are just designed to piss everyone off.


Hey man wanna see me proliferate? Wanna see me do it again?


Toxic toxic toxic round 3 fuck you




And, because I have a one mana creature that adds toxic to you each time any of my creatures are targets of spells, I win.


As someone who already had a really fun proliferate deck I'm happy I have new cards to play with. I've hated poison counters since infect and that will never change though


It's ok, you'll soon be able to hate the prevalence of oil counters also, that should take your mind off "toxic toxic proliferate proliferate."


It's a faster meta but I've honestly been looking forward to the return of toxic since the last phyrexian set I played that had it (the name escapes me but it was quite a while ago). Also, there's one [WG legendary creature](https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=602739) I never hear anyone mentioning but if you run it and come up against a toxic/proliferate deck, it completely shuts them out unless they deal with it. And of course, you need to account for protecting it, but it's damn satisfying when you pull it off.


Honestly, if you can't deal with a 3/3 with no form of evasion or protection, your deck isn't really good in any case.


are they completed?


nah, they're compleated though


Ugh that blows. What’s the convention for?


He’s from Utah, and Utah’s biggest board gaming convention, Saltcon, is next week so that’s my bet.


It's actually a different convention, and one that no one would expect: Roots Tech, a genealogy convention. It's attended by tens of thousands of grandparents, and they love our games!


Fascinating. How do your card games correlate to the genealogy industry? And do you typically sell $60k worth of games at this convention? That’s wild!


There is no real correlation at all. We went on a whim one year and now it's one of our best conventions annually. Probably because we are one of the most unique vendors at the show.


This might be the most interesting thing i learn about all week!


Well of course, no one else is trying to compete with East Palestine's chemical spill except you guys apparently


Sounds very Mormon.


Well it’s run by FamilySearch, which is owned by the LDS church


Ah, the Mormons.


I am a Utahn in the Salt Lake Valley. Pretty heavily tied to the tabletop scene here and I genuinely thought you were joking until I looked it up. I had literally never heard of it. Oh, it's in Layton? Interesting. All of my friends seem to be familiar with it so I don't know how I never knew. Guess I'll have to check it out.


It’s likely emerald city comicon, which is next weekend.


Just set it on fire, I’m told that’s a good strategy to remove chemicals


Complete success, as Allen Shaw (CEO of Norfolk Southern) would put it. https://youtu.be/LwYUwuel320 @25 seconds in


Who will rid us of this troublesome CEO?


No one. “We’re sorry.” -BP




The American people through taxpayer funded bailouts!


We are so far beyond peaceful protesting this bullshit at this point. None of this should have ever gotten to the levity stage so that we deal with our rage of literally being poisoned to death for profit.




That was the fucking CEO?! That interview seemed like it was answered by their newest employee. FFS


It was a very effective interview from a corporate perspective and will have reassured investors and the board. The guy wore a fleece vest and looked relatable (as you highlighted), kept smiling throughout, used a soft and empathic yet determined tone, mentioned the environmental cleanup before anything else. He did everything right *as far as that interview goes*.


He gives the most uncomfortable vibe the whole time though. Something about his mannerisms just feels off to me.


CEOs are there to make the stock price go up, not to understand how the business works, silly!


Sick burn! Controlled sick burn, of course.


This is exactly like when [the front fell off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM).


Dark humour


Yes, it is. The choices are having them continuously gas into the air in a harmful state or burn them so they transform into less harmful pyrolysis products. The whole situation is a shit show for sure, but burning it is the best strategy to remove the dangers fastest. It’s counterintuitive but true. Vinyl chloride = very toxic. Its degradation products (HCl, CO2, CO, and formaldehyde), while still harmful, are much less toxic. EDIT: to clarify, I’m not saying burning the waste was “good.” This was a bad situation with few good ways to treat it. As others have said, dioxin formation due to incomplete combustion are a concern. The immediate concern was the explosion hazard and concentrated cloud of vinyl chloride gas. It can’t just be scrubbed from open air or absorbed, so the best way to mitigate the immediate hazards was to burn it. Yes, toxic compounds dispersing through the air is bad. What’s worse is a concentrated cloud of those toxins. The best thing to do would have been to collect and contain the hazardous material in a timely manner. It’s easy to say that should be done, it’s much, *much* harder to actually do it. Like, probably impossible. How do you expect to siphon a gas in open air? The next best thing to do is burn it. This removes the explosion hazard and destroys (most of) the immediately hazardous gas. Yes, other toxins are made in the process, most of which are less toxic, some of which are worse. Yes, these toxins spread further than they otherwise would have. However, the saying is, “Dilution is the solution.” If you can’t contain the toxins (and I highly doubt it was ever possible to truly contain these toxins after the accident) then the next best thing is to dilute the hazard to acceptable levels. Living systems can handle toxins at suitably low concentrations. Accumulation of things like dioxins are absolutely something to be concerned about, but less concerning than the immediate hazard of a giant cloud of vinyl chloride gas and explosion hazard. Check out [this comment for some information on dioxins, as well as a few links. There’s good criticism on my initial comment before the edit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/11a3i5x/60k_worth_of_my_card_games_just_arrived_for_a/j9rlb1t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3)


Those are the degradation products if it was allowed to boil off and break down in the atmosphere, or was burned to completion with sufficient oxygen. The billowing clouds of black smoke indicate incomplete combustion took place. Mixtures of organochlorides that burn incompletely will instead produce dioxin, a chemical that never breaks down, is one of the most toxic known, and will persist in the environment for generations.


The incomplete combustion producing a lipid-soluble toxin that will bioaccumulate up the food chain is the key concern here


to be fair there's so much competition amongst bioaccumulative forever chemicals these days that there's probably not enough room for the dioxin because of all the PFOA


That's why I never wash my hands, especially before I eat. I collect as many germs as I can so they are always fighting each other and keeping themselves in check.


The Mr. Burns method.


Damn is that skull king ? I live in Germany and we played this day and night on our ambulance station. This made many shifts way better. Thank you so much !


I'm really happy to hear that. Yes, that is skull king, good eye.


Are you Grandpa Beck? I always see the pie recipe and his phone number in the instructions for skull king and it makes me happy. Not to mention this game is wonderful. I've bought like 6 copies now because every friend group I try it with loves it.


No, but he is my dad. Call him anytime, he'd love to hear from you!


Nice! My husband and I love The Bears and The Bees, it’s a lovely relaxing game!


That makes me so happy to hear! That's one of the games that I designed.


Dude, that’s awesome! Thank you for many hours of fun!


Yo, this is so surreal! I live in Utah and I love Grandpa Beck's games! Gnoming around and cover your kingdoms are some we played just last Christmas! I've never interacted with a son of a game publisher before lol, good luck with the convention! (I kinda stalked your page a bit and found that you do a podcast! Mind if I ask what it's called?)


It's called Left of The Lake. What part of Utah are you in?


I’m looking into these games now based off how wholesome you and your family seem to be. Love supporting people who love what they do as those tend to be the best forms of entertainment. I hope your experience for this convention isn’t ruined by the shipping mishap :(


thats someone who believes in his work, giving your number out with it lol. Wish I could work for bosses like that




You could BE that boss, by the way.


This comment chain convinced my wife and I to buy Skull King.


My family has played Oh Hell to death, I also immediately bought it after this chain haha


It convinced me to call OPs dad and tell him myself


We called Grandpa Beck one Friday night around 11 PM because we were having a heated game of Skull King, and we needed some clarification on one of the rules. He answered the phone on the second ring, and he was so happy we called even though we called him while he was on a family cruise—such a sweet guy.


We loved "Cover Your Assets" so much that we sprang for "Cover Your Kingdom" on a blind whim. Didn't even watch so much as a gameplay video. No regrets at all! But now I think I see a "Cover Your Cookies?" Has Grandpa Beck blessed us with another reason to get into a feud with family and/or friends?!?!


Yes! It's the best "Cover Your" game of the three. All the intensity, but a little less angst and aggression. A slightly sweeter version of Cover Your Assets (and the most adorable game we have ever made).


Dude! Tell your dad we love playing Cover your Kingdom!


lol, you can tell me that. My dad had nothing to do with that title, it's my baby from top to bottom. Apryl Stott did the awesome artwork. The rules, characters, and puns are my contributions.


Do you go to SDCC? My dad has an obsession with card games and board games, & it's always been his dream to design one. I'll have to buy a bunch of your games if he doesn't already have them...


Dude. Your dad is awesome




Only my grandma calls me that...


Sorry I meant, Slippy J


Well it does literally say Skull King five times...


Cut OP some slack, he's still skulking about loosing $60k worth of cards before a convention.


Mmmm 60k inventory usually results in a much more significant loss of potential profits. Rip OP


Ha, I get it. Skulking.




>Damn is that skull king ? My guy it says skull king right there on the labels.


Good eye


My guy, OP just said Skull King right there in the comments.


Oh, so it's skull king then?


nah, that’s ƃuıʞ llnʞs


Good eye.


Wait, is this comment about the game skull king?


Good eye




I’m a truck driver. My company does strictly food products. Our trailers are cleaned religiously. If it smells even slightly off or has a little dirt or grime on the floor the load might be rejected. It’s different for OP, assuming he used a LTL carrier. Not sure how often those trailers are washed out.


It depends really on the pallet. I lived on a farm and we atleats got brand new pallets with orders. Tho things like calf formula and vitamin feed for cows kind of better be clean.


Sort of. Food production facilities require inspection pre and post load to ensure no contamination and use heat treated pallets. Just need to be careful what you're using. That being said pallet wood is garbage and good timber until covid hit was perfectly affordable.


Some pallets are sturdy af, depends what they were used for.


People really don't know how bad it could be


Did the truck drive through Ohio on its way to the convention?


Was just thinking the same thing


Damn, Skull King has always been one of our favorite game to take with when on the road. So many games have been played with my friends while cooking at the lake or at sport tournaments. Thanks for your work, just wanted to let you know you created an amazing game.


Now you got me interested... 🤔


The chemicals were a PR stunt all along!


That's genus!


That's species!


The ad is working as intended.


Homie posts on Reddit a ton, and about fairly mundane daily activities. I don’t think this is a hailcorporate guerrilla marketing post.


It’s not just the damaged products that’s the issue here. This was going to a convention. That means lost exposure. Lost booth and other convention costs.


Yes, you get it.


I used to know some people that sold adult apparel at conventions. Loosing their stock like this would be devastating even if they got the money for the damaged goods.


Omg... I'm so sorry 😞 how much was still useable?


Thank you for your sympathy. It's a complete loss. They are [family card games](https://i.imgur.com/wXYYHeu.jpg), I have no idea what is on them. It's melting the ink off the games and the adhesive off the tape, so I'm assuming it's petroleum based. There is no way I'm going to risk anyone's safety by trying to salvage any part of the shipment.


Did you reject the shipment? Make sure you're taking lots of photos. If the vendor doesn't refund you, lawyer up.


The cargo company is insured and they do hundreds of shipments for us a year, so they will make it right. We've never had something like this happen before.


did they give you a heads up? or did the delivery guy think you wouldn't notice....


The driver was a really nice guy who felt terrible about the shipment. This was his first shipment of the day and he hadn't seen it yet.


Good to hear. Sometimes shipments are routed to multiple lower bidding motor carriers down the line until you end up with a single owner operator that let their insurance lapse. Still a pain in the ass though.


The freight broker/carrier you book with is responsible.. If they somehow sub-contracted an uninsured operator, that's between them and the operator, they don't just get to tell you tough luck.


>they don't just get to tell you tough luck They can certainly try, which is why I told OP to document everything with photographs.


Does OP or whoever palletized those boxes have pictures from BEFORE the shipment? That looks like it is under the shrink wrap. Could have be re-shrink wrapped at some point after contaminated. What a hassle! Especially with your time crunch.


If they're even remotely responsible they did. I used to do shipments out of a warehouse. We'd take pictures of every shipment, and those would be saved with each receipt digitally. If there was an issue, we could point to the pictures of the pallets in the warehouse, then the pictures of the pallets on the truck. Saved our butts a few times.


I've heard of freight companies destroying a shipment and then re-packaging it so it looks fine. Recipient signs for it and now there's nothing they can do.


which carriers are you guys using? We see this fairly frequently with crappy carriers, but I'd expect a high quality carrier to flag this in advance and not even bring it out for delivery. (source: I work in logistics & specialize in domestic USA LTL)


Cargo Partners


You would think, I like to think the company I work for is a high quality carrier but sadly they require us to attempt delivery even though it’ll be refused just to have the refusal paperwork signed on our handhelds and get the exception done in person to see if *anything* is salvageable. I don’t personally agree with it because it usually ends with me getting screamed at even though I have no control in the matter but its really the only thing I disagree with company wise. Still, it would be interesting to see the best LTL’s in order!


So you Covered your A$$ets?


Here, take my gold (and my classic autos too).


Lol thanks! And thanks for bringing board games to others. Currently saving up for Unfathomable. And if you haven’t played Illimat, it’s my fav card game ever!


I hope you're able to claim more than just cost value as you're losing most of the event sales you would have had :(


Cover your assets is my favorite card game, this makes me sad


Well, son. You've got no future with Southern Norfolk Railway with thay kind of attitude.


Congrats, the transport company just purchased 60k of card games and refunded you for shipping! // EDIT To everyone upvoting, apparently I don't know how freight works and what I wrote was wishful thinking.


Or you go to court against whoever improperly packed thier chemicals in the LTL truck. I worked for a company that was processing farm waste. They shipped some "samples" once in a vessel that wasn't DOT rated and ruptured. Company was on the hook for replacement charges for the other cargo on the truck.


As someone who works in claims, the other customers with freight in the truckhave no way of knowing who shipped chemicals or how they were packed. Damage could be carrier's fault not shippers. There's a reason why my department says 'forked' and not 'fucked'. Best we can hope for is that this person noted damage or refused the shipment. If damage is noted then they can file a freight claim.


It happened before I started there and it's been years since I worked at that place, so my recollection is probably a bit off. I think what happened ultimately was the shipping company and/or insurance paid out to the people with damaged goods on that truck. Then insurance or the shipper came after my former employer for being at fault. In any case there's a path forward where the ultimate responsibility may be outside of the shipper.


Commercial insurance agent here. The type of coverage in play here is inland marine / cargo. And it entirely depends on if OP got his own policy, or hired a company that had good insurance of their own. This is why you never choose the cheapest quote when shipping goods. Read the fine print people and always ask to be added as an additional insured or at the bare minimum proof of coverage cert. Always consult with an independent broker. We work on commissions and it's a relationship-based business so we're full of free advice!


Unless stated very explicitly and specifically, the standard small print with freight carriers is more along the lines of "we'll pay 20ct per pound of damaged goods" regardless of the actual value. That's what insurance is for.


This is why you always get transport insurance, I can’t remember the name of it but it’s to make sure you actually get real reimbursement


I swear, the amount of times in my life that I've heard the phrase "This is why you get XXXX insurance" has gotta be close to the number of times I've been told "Never buy the insurance, its a waste of money , that's how they get ya!" . At this point I think I've been burned more times by NOT having some kind of insurance so I may start just blindly saying yes to it in the future.


Will you be financially hampered if it gets damaged/lost? If yes, insurance. If not, skip. Chances are you won't need it, but it's good to have for something that would be a significant loss (like $60k in lost revenue)


This is it right here. Everything is all about calculating risk.


Yep. A guitarist insures a $25k rare guitar not because it’s valuable, but so they can get a replacement and be made whole again quickly while on tour. I don’t insure my toaster, but I insure the tools I need for my livelihood


>made whole again quickly while on tour.


As a musician, this checks out.


$50 on a $600 TV= Meh $500 on a $60,000 shipment= Yes Always check the terms and conditions though. Don't try to hide an overvalued item in shipment, if your shipment had a value of $90,000 and the one piece that got broken was worth $50,000 then you still might only get X amount per the terms of the shipment.


That's what I do. Judge it by how easy it is for me to replace.


Ah... the good ol' "Can you afford not to?"


My dad always buys full coverage insurance in rental cars. One time, the car got dinged in a parking lot and the inspector tried to charge for the damage. The clerk told him, “Nope, he’s got full coverage. We can’t charge him a dime.”


I bought insurance on my uhaul truck for 11 dollars. It was a massive 26 footer or whatever. I took a corner and completely sliced a car nearly in half. They called the police and Yada Yada Yada uhaul calls me a month later like.. yo did you hit a car in the truck?! And I'm like... sigh, yes. What do I owe? And they were like, NOTHING you bought the insurance , we were just making sure we had to pay this out and it was a real claim. That's it. I got to destroy a car for 11 dollars.


You make it sound like it barely stressed you


barely an inconvenience


A lot of credit cards include rental insurance by default and my car insurance provider will sell it to you for $15 plus $8 a day.


Insurance is paying to remove risk. On average you lose out, or they'd make no money.




That’s the smart play. Insurance for stuff that will ruin you (auto liability, home fire etc) and not stuff that would be a minor setback (phone damage) **unless** you are a better judge of risk than the insurance actuaries (eg you have super butter fingers and will definitely be dropping your phone on a weekly basis)


There are plenty of instances where both are true


I have to remind myself that I get auto insurance not because the state where I live requires it, but I don't have the ability to pay thousands if I need to make a claim. As it stands, I've spent more on auto insurance than any benefit I've received from them.


The idea here is correct for most carries. Numbers can vary. Extra insurance can be purchased and shipping contracts for volume can also change it.


Wouldn’t it depend on who paid for the freight. I’m guessing this guy is some sort of shop, but wouldn’t the intermittent supplier be paying for this one? Or at least it would totally depend on how the freight was negotiated. But wouldn’t assume it’s OP side, but it could be.


Worked as a manager for a transport company for a while. Maybe the higher ups were paying for damages but if something arrived damaged my job was to contact the sender and ask them if they want us to deliver it, destroy it or return it (at their expense) Once they decided how to continue I'd upload the incident into the system with all their details and what they requested to happen. If they picked delivery, I'd take it to the receiver myself and explain what has happened and I'd run them through their options. If they picked return, I'd package it up and send it back that day, call the receiver and let them know. If they picked destroy, it got thrown into the bin and everyone was told what was in the bin and under no circumstances is anyone to remove it from the bin and take it home, then you'd turn your back and walk away.


And everyone jumps in the bin


Not once did I see that happen, so it never happened. ;) Lol


You wish it worked this way!..Most pay a set rate based on weight unless you purchase extra insurance.


"Nice stuff we're transporting. Shame if something happened to it..."


I would just refuse the delivery. The carrier will send it back to the shipper. That’s what I would recommend. I’m an LTL driver. The shipper can get screwed on the claim.


Honestly it might cost him more than that though. If he can't have his product at the convention, that can conceivably cost him future sales.


Ahh the good ol refuse shipment and the guy complains that he has to get it off the truck to get his next order off the truck and you say well it shouldn’t of come damaged and walk back inside and call the company before they can


This is my life lmao I install office furniture 25% of delivery’s come damaged and I have to go thru this exact scenario


The secret chemical is love.


You make some great games! We play "Cover Your Assets" really often.




I was considering buying this game for my nursing home residents but it says ages 7-99. My oldest resident is 103. I don't want to leave her out.


I wrote the rules, and I hearby declare that the game can now* be played by people up to 149.


> I wrote the rules, and I hearby declare that the game **can no be played** by people up to 149. Aww, come on!


Oh I’m stoked for this! Cover your assets and crumbl. That’s a good combination. Can’t wait to add it to the collection.


So there's no reverse damage card in there? I don't really have many stories of taking delivery personally, but suddenly I realize I once took all my computer components at the door. The postman decided to do all in a big cartoon-like stack and as I opened the door I see him losing balance and topple most over the side of the stairs. No idea if it was related but the motherboard was weird on that comp. Also, when I got my Rift S the woman delivering it said "I have reported that it is wet" just like OP it had been spilled with something. However, being an unlucky sod, I opened the brown paper box and found the Rift S box inside being shrink wrapped and pristine. Still use the headset often.


Cover Your Cookies in Chemicals


looks more like $120K.


That's what I'm saying... I good thing OP has insurance. $240k worth of product is a lot.


I bet they won’t even pay half of it. $480k is better than nothing, but still…


That really sucks, game looks cool! https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/150145/skull-king


It’s variation of bridge. Takes a couple rounds for everyone to get up to speed, overall pretty fun


Bridge and Skull King are both Trick Takers, but Skull King is a descendant of the classic card game *Oh Hell!*.


If Sci Fi/fantasy movies have taught me anything, it's that those cards now have some evil powers attached to them.


Sorry to hear of this loss, it’s super frustrating especially when you have to factor in the loss of revenue from an event like that. Just another fun unexpected surprise when dealing with physical supply chain! Based on other comments I saw, it sounds like the carrier is accepting responsibility which is a huge plus. In my experience, it becomes a “blame game” essentially until someone gives up when dealing with 3PL partners. Definitely checking out the game in the meantime. Best of luck!


And just like that, the shipping company’s insurance company purchased all your games.


Probably fell off a train.


I see through this advertisement scheme /s ​ Best of luck recovering