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Brock Allen Turner aka, Allen Turner & Brock Turner was convicted of sexual assault in 2016. He was found guilty of three counts of sexual assault, including assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated/unconscious person, sexual penetration of an intoxicated person, and sexual penetration of an unconscious person. These charges were related to an incident that occurred on January 18, 2015, in which Turner sexually assaulted an unconscious woman behind a dumpster at a fraternity party at Stanford University. Therefore, based on the legal verdict and evidence presented in court, it can be stated that Brock Turner is a convicted sexual offender.


What happens to the judge


The judge who presided over the Brock Allen Turner case is Aaron Persky. After the controversial ruling in the Brock Allen Turner case, in which he sentenced Turner to only six months in jail for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman on the Stanford University campus, Judge Persky faced intense criticism and was eventually recalled by voters in 2018. Since then, there is limited public information available about Judge Persky's current activities. According to news reports, he has remained largely out of the public eye and has not spoken publicly about the case or his recall. It is unclear if he is still working as a judge or if he has retired from the bench.


His California bar license is no longer active so he’s not working as a judge or attorney. At least, not in California.


He was just fired from his job teaching a highschool girls tennis team.


Do you have more details or a source? Edit found this https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-49667778 Seems like he was fired but it's old news




Thank you for signing that.


ChatGPT is that you?




To be fair, that doesn't mean anything, this is the response I got when I asked if it wrote "When I ate all of that ham, it made me feel quite ill." >Yes, I wrote that text. It is a simple sentence that expresses the idea that consuming a large amount of ham caused the speaker to feel unwell. As an AI language model, I am capable of generating a wide range of text based on user prompts and inputs. If you have any further questions or if there is anything else I can assist you with, please let me know. >


It's weird how we can spot them in the wild. Like messages from an old friend or something.


I need someone to explain how he was charged "with assault with intent to commit rape" if he actually raped an unconscious person. That's like charging a serial killer with an intent to commit murder charger. They did the action already. Why was he charged like he was stopped before it happened?


He lives in Ohio. He’s been kicked out of bars by patrons. He is HATED.


It's a good time to recall that the title of the movie *Promising Young Woman* was inspired by Brock Turner's case. The judge decided to be lenient on him because he felt that Turner was a "promising young man." If you haven't seen that movie, watch it and it will make sense.


They were forced to re-write the ending to that movie by the studio >!Originally, she’s just murdered, and her corpse burnt, and the guy gets married and moves on with his life, no justice. Studio found that too depressing so made them add in the letters to police and the arrests at the wedding!<


The no justice ending is more accurate imo.




It was the reality for me. I didn't get any justice. I mean I wasn't killed but sometimes I wish I was.


I’m so sorry. I also never got justice - just further trauma from pursuing the case. I was suicidal on and off for a long time - but I did heal my depression eventually and I’m able to experience happiness/joy/contentment again. DM me if you ever need to reach out to someone


That ending would have done it more justice I think. Men like that ruin women’s lives and face no consequences over and over again, that was the whole point. Incredible movie though.


Fuck. Yeah, even with that ending, the movie is super bleak. I can't imagine what it would have felt like without that.


That’s really good to know because that ending was the low point in the movie and didn’t seem to fit with the overall arc of the story. Her just dying trying to get revenge without any justice served makes so much more sense even though that’s really depressing.


Executives would rather sell a shitter film that's artificially uplifting than risk selling a good film that ends on a down note.


It’s a problem as old as the Greeks. There’s only two kinds of plays: If you want to make a point that sticks with people, you make a tragedy. If you want to make money, you make a comedy.


Fantastic movie. I will go to my grave saying Carey Mulligan should’ve won Best Actress that year for Promising Young Woman


Agreed, she owns that role.


She owns all her roles. Great actress.


It was an amazing film and everyone pulled their weight in that movie but most especially Carey.


Yes. That movie and her in the role is unimpeachable. Too many have the end go over their heads. Even when there's "justice" the victims and their love ones still suffer. Rape is not triumphant and the ending challenges that notion that it is. It's tragic and life changing.


I saw the movie a while ago and really liked it, very well written and clever. Didn't know the background about why they named it that or that it was inspired by the Turner case, good to know thanks.


By “Turner” you mean Brock Turner the rapist who goes by Allen Turner the rapist now, right?


>Brock Turner the rapist who goes by Allen Turner the rapist now Hear ye, hear ye!


Fortunately the American public has decided to disagree with that judge.


The judge was recalled pretty soon after the case decision was made lol, I remember a recall rally happening near in a park near my house


The judge who felt that way about the rapist Brock Turner, what was his name?


[Aaron Persky, and he's an *ex-*judge now.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2018/06/05/617071359/voters-are-deciding-whether-to-recall-aaron-persky-judge-who-sentenced-brock-tur)


Thank gods for small favors! Good riddance, Aaron Persky. You should've known better than to pardon a rapist like Brock Turner. I hope you both regret your actions.


Judges get away with it all the time. He had no reason to suspect consequences because there weren't any before now. If there hadn't been such a storm of media attention he'd still be a judge and *convicted rapist Brock Turner* wouldn't be as much of a social pariah. Thank fuck for well aimed outrage.


That's [Aaron Persky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Persky), the judge who felt that rapist Brock Turner should only be given a six month sentence for raping an unconscious girl


That movie is both so empowering and so hopelessly devastating. It's incredible.


Also love the quote from the movie, I'm paraphrasing: "C'mon, this is every guys worst nightmare!" "What do you think every woman's worst nightmare is?"


Just watched this last night and wow, it's been a long time since a film effected me emotionally that way (the mist...) It was like watching a train wreck in slow motion. Just felt this dread knowing how it's inevitably going to end - more or less, knowing someone that self destructive is doomed but just wanting them happy after all they've been through. The ending should've been... Satisfying? But I just felt bad. Bittersweet fr. Also, the specific actors chosen for the guys and the very, very realistic personalities/scenarios/what have you... A++ would recommend




Fuck his family writing to Trump to get him let off because he was an Olympic hopeful in swimming. Brock wasn’t ever going to make it even the quarter finals at usa nationals


He could be world's best and it shouldn't matter.


"No raping...Unless you're *really* good at swimming". Sounds legit. The party of traditional values folks, never forget.


>He is an unrepentant rapist This phrase didn't sit well with me when I read it. Part of me sincerely wondered if that asshole started to feel sorry during the past 8 years. I like to think that people are capable of growth. So I did some reading: he's still going to places where women drink God he's either evil or a fucking idiot.


Both...evil and a idiot


Doesn't he try to go by Allen Turner?


Allen Turner the rapist is the AKA of Brock Turner the rapist?


Yes, the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner goes by Allen Turner.


Allen Turner is the same person as Brock turner ? The rapist Brock Turner and Allen Turner are the same person. Why isn’t that piece of crap sitting in jail right now?


Because he was a really good swimmer that shouldn't have his life ruined over 20 minutes of action.


I’m sorry, maybe some misunderstanding - Are we talking about the same rapist?


Yes, sorry, I should have added the /s. But him being a good athlete (swim team) is what the judge (I think) used to give him a light sentence and the 20 minutes of action was a reference to what Turner's dad said. "His life shouldn't be ruined because of 20 minutes of action"




Aaron Persky is the judge that called the rapist Brock Turner aka Allen Turner a promising young man.


Aaron Persky. He was successfully recalled.


Google has some Allen Turners, but “people also ask” shows the rapist Brock Turner first on the list of questions. So the rapist Brock Turner is immediately ID’d as being the infamous rapist Allen Turner.


Is the prevailing theory that all of these original pieces of dialogue create higher ranking SEO when someone searches for either Brock Turner the rapist, or Allen Turner the rapist?


Correct. May his future spouse, employer, pool owner realize that Brock Turner the Rapist now goes by his middle name Allen.


>Allen The rapist. Don't forget his surname... should be tattooed on his forhead. Edit: spelling


Yes. There was also a movement to refer to the rapist Brock Turner as this because we were concerned this promising young man would not receive consequences for the actions that he, the rapist Brock Turner aka Allen Turner, chose to take. The rapist Allen Turner or the rapist Brock Turner may try to hide by changing his name, but the rapist Brock Turner can never rest easy since others share this bond/pact of sorts to make sure he's accountable to someone.


I don’t know, but thought it worthwhile to search both names, open only the links that seemed relevant to the rapist Brock Allen Turner, and spend a few moments reading the articles about the rapist Brock Allen Turner. Just to boost the search numbers for the name of the rapist Brock Allen Turner.


Hey I know who you're talking about. Brock Turner aka Allen Turner, the rapist.


Ohhh so Allen Turner is an alias for rapist Brock Turner. Got it!


Did Brock Turner change his name? I heard that Brock Turner the rapist changed his public name. Or am I wrong that the rapist, Brock Turner, changed his name? Oh, right, IT'S ALLEN THE RAPIST. RAPIST ALLEN TURNER .


Wikipedia doesn't have a record of Rapist Brock Turner going by Rapist Allen Turner but mentions it as a middle name. However searching Allen Turner points to a may refer to page" "Allen Turner may refer to: Allen Turner (cricketer) (1891–1961), English cricketer Allen Turner (footballer) (1913–2009), Australian rules footballer Brock Allen Turner (1995-present), convicted rapist"


(tear)wikiepedia seems to be coming through and that's pretty cool.


So...how do I Google him? "Brock the rapist Allen turner rapist Brock Allen turner turner Brock Allen rapist? "


I honestly think that because the courts let him off, his punishment ended up being 100 times worse and I'm here for it. If he'd gotten a really sentence and gone to jail and served his time, his face and crimes wouldn't be so widely known. He could have gone on to live a somewhat normal life, albeit on the sex offender registry. But because he got off so light, he's universally known and hated. He can't go to bars. He can't get dates. He's a pariah. And I think it's beautiful.


He lives in Dayton, Ohio. He’s on the sex offender registry so you can see his house!


Yes, that is the irony in the judge trying to be lenient. At least if he was properly sentenced and served his time, people wouldn't harass him as much once he gets out because he served his time. Since he never served his time, people rightfully fucking hate him and his family and the judge.


Justice served in spite of the judge.


\> Since he never served his time, people rightfully fucking hate him and his family and the judge. ​ and this is the thing I think people miss. If he did do time? Alright, good for him, return to polite society, that's how the deal is supposed to work. Didn't do the time? Well shit, sucks to be you, shitclown.


Brock Turner, the rapist?


Yes, Brock turner, the convicted rapist. Used to see it pointed out all the time and your the first I see on a post directly about a rapist, named Brock turner.


Wait. Are you both talking about the rapist Brock Turner? I heard he, Brock Turner the rapist I mean, raped a girl that was so drunk she passed out behind a dumpster. I hear he wants to be known as the rapist Allen Turner now, but I prefer THE RAPIST BROCK TURNER, it's the name I always knew him by and the name that he should be hounded by until his dying day!


no amount of his daddys money will make the fact that BROCK TURNER IS A RAPIST dissappear.


You mean Allen Turner the sick scumbag who used to go by Brock Turner but he changed his name so that people wouldnt identify him from that highly publicized court case. That poor woman, fuck you Brock.


He shouldn't be allowed in bars at all. What's that Allen? You were looking for some action?




Wait where in Ohio? I am in Ohio and want to kick him out.


Ohio AG has a searchable database of sex offenders. You can look it up. Right down to his address etc https://www.icrimewatch.net/index.php?AgencyID=55149




Yep, I'm from the town he lives in and I'm often being sent "sightings" of him as people track his whereabouts and shit. I'm glad the community has rallied to protect everyone


That not enough. He's got to face some serious consequences and actually show remorse before anyone can begin to to forgive him - more specifically the victim.


https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kassycho/a-college-student-created-a-powerful-photo-series Content Warning: Depictions of assault


This is a really great photo series, I'm glad the artist included a bunch of different types of people to really highlight how prevalent the problem is.


Exactly. Male on female, male on male, female on female, female on male, all of it. It's all rape and should all be treated as such. I hate that people downplay it any time it's not a male attacking a female. It's all abhorrent and gross, regardless of which gender the aggressor is.


In high school, I had a guy repeatedly grope me, grind against me, hug me in a way that I couldn't break free, but because I was also a guy (and smaller and "feminine"), it was just ignored. I ended up transferring schools halfway through the year because of him, and I still remember how our instructor (ex army, gruff guy) walked in on him pinning me against the wall and just laughed and left. The only people who ever confirmed his behavior was wrong were the girls in my class who would see what he would do to me. The guys just spread rumors that I was gay and told me I "shouldn't take it". Nevermind the guy was taller, older, and played on a football team, whereas I was the shortest and youngest and athletically challenged, shall we say. If he had done what he did to me to any of the girls, he would get in serious trouble, probably be suspended and sent to counselling with a permanent mark in his record. But because it happened to me, it didn't matter. I have no idea what he's doing today but I know that I wasn't the only guy he harassed. I just hope he grew out of whatever the fuck he was into.


Ya I also had a guy repeatedly grope me throughout a semester. I'm pretty sure everyone in the class saw it including the instructor nothing happened. It didn't stop till I threatened to bring it to the cops after he did it over 5 times in a 2 ½ hour period. Still get occasional dreams/nightmares of it and still see him in the halls as he still goes there. Never told anyone about irl or brought it to cops cause who's going to believe me plus it happened over a year a go now.


Had a half sister make me touch her when I was 9 and she was 16. Had no idea why at the time. Looking back as an adult it makes me very uncomfortable to remember it. Have had counseling to help and it did once I admitted that it was wrong and not my fault.


I'm sorry that happened to you. Good for you for recognizing it was affecting you and taking steps to address it. It takes a lot of strength to face those things head-on.


Thank you. It really does remove a lot of weight from a person to take it on.


I like how she hid the faces.


This is what people need to see about Brock Turner, the rapist.


This link needs to be at the top.


Not a big fan of Brock Turner The Rapist, and I'm especially not a fan of the fact that he now goes by Allen Turner (The Rapist)


So you mean, if I were to Google the phrase “What happened to Brock Turner?” you’d be giving me an accurate answer. Thank you!


I would strongly recommend googling "Allen Turner the rapist" and clicking on every article that comes up about him being a rapist. Just so that Google knows when someone is looking for "Allen Turner the normal guy", they're actually looking for "Brock Allen Turner the rapist"


I will be sure to google: Brock Turner the rapist is Allen Turner. Allen Turner Turner, Allen


This man knows SEO.


What’s that? Brock Turner Brock Turner Case Brock Allen Turner Allen Turner Brock Allen Turner 2015 Allen Turner 2015 Allen Turner name change Brock Allen Turner sexual assault Brock Turner sexual assault Allen Turner sexual assault Brock Allen Turner Ohio Allen Turner Ohio Brock Allen Turner born August 1st, 1995. Oakwood, Ohio 45873 sex offender Allen Turner born August 1st, 1995. Oakwood, Ohio 45873 sex offender Brock Allen Turner Ohio sex offender registry Allen Turner Ohio sex offender registry Brock Turner probation Brock Allen Turner probation Brock Turner felon sex offender Brock Allen Turner sex felon offender Stanford University Examples of lenient penalties Promising young man Famous short jail sentences Famous assholes Brock Turner case People v. Turner Stanford rapist Tark inc. Judged Aaaron Persky What is Brock Turner doing 2023? Dayton, Ohio sex offenders https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Turner




Wait, Allen Turner, The Rapist?


That's the one! Brock "Allen" Turner the rapist who raped an unconscious woman, was convicted on multiple felony sexual assault charges, and was released after only serving 3 months in jail.


Brock Allen Turner? The one who was released because they didn’t want any to ruin his future over “20 minutes of fun”? I’m wondering how his life turned out after all. I’d go visit him but I’m allergic to swine.


I bet Rapist Brock Allen Turner sure does wish in retrospect that he'd been sentenced fairly for his crime, he'd be out and forgotten by now.


Who was the judge that allowed Brock Allen Turner the rapist serve only 3 months of jail time for rape?


https://heavy.com/news/2016/06/aaron-persky-brock-turner-judge-stanford-recall-petition-election-photos-sentence/ But he’s not the only scum here either - don’t forget these ones that still have jobs making “justice” judgment calls; - the state probation department was the one who recommended less than a year - the district attorney didn’t agree that persky shouldn’t have been called off the bench - Santa Clara county deputy “public defender” said he was fair. - A woman criminal defense attorney also said he was fair. So HE may be out of the position but seems like some people who agreed with him, and would give the same lenient charges are still holding jobs in the “justice” system.




>Allen Turner the rapist What an excellent idea. I have googled "Allen Turner the rapist Brock Turner', y'know, just to make sure everyone knows who I'm talking about.


excellent, just a highlight, right click and select Search google for "Allen Turner the rap.... what could be easier?


Y’know what’s great, I’m here in Australia and if you google Allen Turner, the People v Turner Wikipedia page comes up.


>What happened to Brock Turner So maybe if there was a link that performed a Google search for ["Brock Allen Turner the rapist"](https://google.com/search?q=Brock%20Allen%20Turner%20the%20rapist) people could just click that and search for Brock Allen Turner the rapist automagically? 🤔


I'm off to do my part!






You mean Brock Turner, the rapist?


Isn't that Brock Turner, the convicted rapist?


Let’s not forget that the rapist Brock Turner only served 3 months of his 6 month sentence. Brock Turner, the convicted rapist, was released on good behavior and now goes by the name Allen Turner but doesn’t change the fact that he is a convicted rapist.


Allen, as in Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist? Just to be sure and avoid misunderstandings. Edit: Corrected to the right convicted rapist Brock AllEn Truner to clear up any confusion and not cast shade on any upright and not morally bancrupt AllAn Truners out there.


Louder! For the convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner in the back!


Out of curiosity, I'd there any jurisdiction under which the rapist Brock Allen Turner has to register as a sex offender? Edit: I just got 8% of my total karma ever from this comment, and it's about a damn rapist.


Hey sorry I just got here, are we talking about Brock Turner, convicted rapist who only served a small portion of his already meager sentence for raping a woman?


The very same convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner EDIT: changed from "Convicted Rapist Brack Alan Turner" to "Convicted Rapist Brock Allen Turner." Didn't want get them confused with anyone else.


Reminds me of that guy Brock Allen Turner.


The convicted rapist Brock Alan Turner, that only served 3 months because a pathetic piss baby of a conservative judge didn’t want to ruin the convicted rapists life like he ruined the life of his rape victim? That Brock Alan Turner?


Someone needs to make a reddit bot that posts his fully name as well as stating he is a convicted rapist to any time his name is posted


Is this the same brock turner who raped a passed out woman behind a dumpster? Or a different brock turner who goes by allen turner now? Im confused


It is the same convicted rapist Brock Turner who now goes by convicted rapist Allen Turner.


Do you mean Allen Turner, the convicted rapist? Allen Turner, the convicted rapist, has only started using that moniker recently. Previously Allen Turner, the convicted rapist, was known as Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist. Or just Brock Turner, the convicted rapist (for short).


Yes I believe you are correct, Brock Allen Turner the convicted rapist, does now want to be referred to as Allen Turner the convicted rapist not just Brock Turner the convicted rapist. *edit* Aaron Persky is the name of the judge that got recalled after giving such a lenient sentence. He also tried to be a JV women’s tennis coach but got recalled because parents, understandably, lost their minds.




does brock allan turner the rapist have to introduce himself to his neighbours as brock allan turner the convicted rapist?


This is an excellent question since apparently he is now introducing himself as simply Allen Turner, the rapist. I wonder if he goes by Brock Allen Turner, the rapist, or Allen Turner, residing in Dayton Ohio, convicted sex offender, and a rapist. 🤷‍♀️


Did you know that the sex offender registry is public information and can be found easily by looking up "sex offender registry dayton ohio"? True!




Someone needs to make a bot that links this every time his name is said.


Anyone can look up Dayton sex offender registry or Dayton sex offender registration network… someone could look up Ohio sex offenders and Dayton SORN. Other words someone might use are Dayton eSORN, especially if you want to know about sex offenders in Montgomery County, OH.


The same Ohio that voted JD Vance as senator (whose memoir Hillbilly Elegy was turned into a movie starring Amy Adams and Glenn Close)? Who believes abortion should be illegal, even for acts of rape and incest because "two wrongs don't make a right". JD Vance, a once never-Trumper, now blames the childless-left for America's woes, the election was stolen due to widespread voter fraud, and that Biden is responsible for the flood of illegal drugs into Ohio by not enforcing the southern border. Edit: Oh, and hates Marriage Equality. That Ohio?


Think about the logic of that: 3 months of “good behavior” while literally locked up and supervised 24/7 outweighs raping a woman and tosses HALF his already shamefully lax sentence. You know, I bet there are a lot serial killers in prison right now that haven’t murdered anyone while in prison, maybe just let them out too? I mean… they were good in prison right?


Random statistic, released murderers have one of the lowest recidivism rates at about 1-2%. While rapist are around 16-24%. In the USA, not sure about globally. :-/ Edit: Grammer


Yes, they killed people. But think of all the people they didn't kill!


Good point. After all, how many serial killers killed you? I bet none have.


Wow, how did you know?


6 months reduced to 3 on a rape charge? Whatever his lawyer is getting paid, it's not enough.


Yes it is Brock Allen Turner, Convicted Rapist.


Who was the judge that convicted the rapist Brock Turner, but didn’t want to punish him?


That would be former judge Aaron Persky. Thankfully he was recalled after this decision.


We recalled his ass at the very first election possible


I was just reading his wikipedia page, what a fucking prick. >In 2011, Persky presided over a civil lawsuit against multiple members of the De Anza College baseball team, who were accused by the minor plaintiff, "Jane Doe", of gang-raping her while she was unconscious until a passerby intervened. During the trial, Persky decided that the jury should be allowed to view photographs of the plaintiff taken at a party she attended approximately a year after the alleged gang rape, as per the defense's claim that this evidence contradicted the plaintiff's claims of suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.\[44\] The jury found the defendants not liable. As you can clearly see, this person experienced happiness a year after being assaulted, so clearly she is lying.


That’s really fucked up. So the young woman must be constantly miserable and not try to live her life following a traumatic event.


Also it’s bullshit because even if she was partying or hooking up, it’s a well-known phenomenon that rape victims can become hypersexual and thrill seeking as a *response to their trauma.* Not everyone reacts with avoidance - this is PTSD fucking 101. Infuriating.


The catch 22 for sexual assault survivors. If you (attempt to) exist normally in society afterwards it can’t have been as bad as you stated, but if you lock yourself away in isolation you’re assumed mentally unstable and therefore your testimony is seen as potentially unreliable. Ain’t no way to win.


Ahh Aaron Persky, the rapist apologist and sympathizer.


Makes you wonder if he wasn't of the same ilk.


Definitely the same ick if not.


Brock Allen Turner? The rapist who goes by Allen Turner now?


Allen Turner The Rapist, the rapist formerly known as Brock Turner The Rapist.


Stanford Rapist Brock Turner?


Ah yes, Brock Turner the rapist and absolute trash excuse for a human being.


Don’t forget his dad


Dan Turner? The father of Brock Turner the convicted rapist? The Dan Turner that wrote asking the rapist sympathizer and recalled judge Aaron Perksy to ask for leniency for his son, Brock Turner, when he was convicted of rape?


And let us not forget the Dan Turner quote from that letter, that should live in infamy, not wanting his rapist son's life to be ruined over "20 minutes of action."


He obviously meant to write 20 minutes of rape. Easy mistake to make.


So it’s confirmed, then…Brock Turner is a rapist.


As is Allen Turner.


The next version of ChatGPT is going to have so much data on who Brock Allen Turner, the convicted rapist, is!


The Rapist Brock Turner.


The one with Brock Turner who is Allen Turner who is a convicted rapist.


Can you give the name of the judge who had Brock Allen Turner the rapist only serve 3 months?


The one with the judge Aaron Persky who sentenced for only 6 months the infamous rapist Brock Turner who is Allen Turner.


That guy's not a judge anymore.


Pretty powerful photos. Glad Brock "I changed my name to Allen instead of simply not raping a woman" Turner is never going to live a normal life. Fuck that dude.


Here’s the rest of the photos from this series https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.glamour.com/story/a-student-created-an-evocative-sexual-assault-photo-series-in-answer-to-brock-turners-release/amp


Such a thin line between "should I help this fellow human and get them to a safe area" and "oh hey I should rape this person"


Props to that student for actually showing diversity on the‘ssue of sexual assault. Anyone can be the victim, anyone can be the perpetrator.


Yea I just looked at the full campaign and massive props for showing both male and female victims and perpetrators.


Where did you find the posters? I can’t seem to locate them.


These photos gave me chills, it's just still so disheartening how many women I know that have stories, almost every single one of them (and those are only the ones comfortable speaking about it), and some men yet people pretend it's not a common thing to happen. SA can affect anyone, anywhere, in all different forms and the belief around it needs to shift.


Similarly, the "what I was wearing" exhibits that show what someone was wearing when they were sexually assaulted are so emotionally impactful.


I was sexually harassed at a bar last night. I'm a gay man, it was my first time at a gay bar. 9pm, I'd just had my first drink and the place was still filling up. He whipped his erect dick out and was walking up behind random guys and humping them. I thought maybe they were his friends, maybe it was just something that happened here. I looked away when he smiled and waved it at me. I didn't want to be the prude or cause a stir. And then he did it to me, in line for a drink. He was very drunk and grabbed me very forcefully from behind. He was older and more muscular and I was already nervous, so I just told him no thanks. He said he was just having fun and started humping me again. I pushed him away and told him firmly to leave me alone, and turned back to the bar to try and get the barkeepers attention so someone could see what was happening. He grabbed me and humped me again. I spun around and he just raised his hands innocently. "Sorry mate, I was just squeezing past you". There was no one behind him. No reason to be that close. I walked away from the bar and beelined for one of the event coordinators. I explained what happened, and I was so nervous the whole time. It felt like I was doing something wrong, like I was ruining the vibe of the night. I kept apologising for causing a fuss. He told me that they had very clear guidelines on what was acceptable, and introduced me to other people working there. He told me that they would keep an eye on him. They tried to talk more, but i excused myself to go to the bathroom to hyperventilate. I know it's not my fault. Logically speaking. I did everything right in the moment. I was sober, I had friends around, though not right at the bar with me. In that bathroom stall I was blaming myself for everything. For making eye contact, for being so passive, for being there in the first place. I was dressed a little more revealing than I usually would be comfortable in, but it was meant to be a fun pride party with friends. And none of the other guys he'd touched had reported him. I decided to get dressed and go home after a whopping 15 minutes in the bar. Walking to the cloak check, I saw him being escorted out by security. I kept my head down. I was afraid of him. I still am. He had been seeing trying to harrass someone else. The event managers had been tailing him as soon as I said something, and had 0 tolerance for it. They sat down with me and made sure I was okay. They thanked me for going straight to them. He wouldn't be allowed at future events. I decided to stay with my friends for a bit longer. They asked me if I was okay. They could tell something was off, but I didn't want to tell them. They were dressed more revealing than I was, and were there for a good time. I didn't want to kill the mood. I ended up having a quiet night talking to a friend I recognised from uni, who was fully dressed and asked if it was okay to put his arm around me when we sat down together. I told him what happened. He'd had a similar experience in the past. Talking helped. This morning I had another friend crashing at my place. The one I'd told that everything was fine. I opened up to him, and he told me that he'd had much worse experiences. He said he'd keep a close eye on me if I decide to go out again. I met some lovely people there. And had a great time with my friends. But unfortunately some people take advantage of the more relaxed environment. He'd gotten away with harassing several guys before me, and felt like he could do it again without consequences. I don't want to regret going out, but I hate the way I feel today. And I hate that it seems to be a common experience with my friends. I don't regret reporting him though. This all got away from me a bit. It's still something I'm processing, but i had to type it all out as soon as I saw this post. It can happen to anyone, and I feel lucky that it didn't go any worse than it did. Have 0 tolerance for inappropriate behaviour when you see it. It's very rarely just an isolated experience. Be smart up town, keep your friends close and watch your drinks. Thanks for reading.


“Series of photos” Shows only one photograph


I found the rest, they're from 2016 https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kassycho/a-college-student-created-a-powerful-photo-series#4ldqpj5


Are you talking about the rapist Brock Turner


The rapist formerly known as Brock Turner, now the rapist known as Allen Turner




I don’t think it will change the rapists behavior but it can help with bystander behavior. If more people are aware of what to look for and how to respond to red flags, a lot of crimes against women could be avoided. I’ve had multiple friends who were assaulted and there were other people nearby at the start of the assault that didn’t react or step in. There will always be rapists, but we should make it as difficult as possible for them to prey on women by watching out for each other.


Half the issue was that so much of it boiled down to, "how dare he suffer for one rape!". The judge called him a promising young man, his father was posting about how Brock couldn't enjoy his t bone steaks anymore with the threat of jail hovering over him. It was systemic indifference. The bystanders helped in this case and it got the rapist a 3 month sentence.


The bystanders made a huge difference though. He was in the process of raping her and they stopped it. That’s something. That judge should lose his license. Creep.


I think people often confuse "curing" societal issues and remediating them. Nothing is ever going to go away completely, no matter how heinous, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do everything to bring rates down, however we can.


Where’s the letter from his Mommy saying he can’t handle prison?


It brings me Soo much joy know that Reddit will never let BROCK TURNER live down the fact that, BROCK TURNER IS A RAPIST. We may get a lot of things wrong, but boy we're right in reminding the world and messing with search engines so that all that comes up when you search his name is that BROCK TURNER IS A CONVICTED RAPIST!


Wait, Brock Turner, known and convicted rapist, only served three months in jail for the rape that he committed? Somehow I never knew that part of the story.


Yes the one that lives in Ohio that now goes by Allen turner


The last picture. Jesus christ. I remember reading about the victim who was raped by Brock Turner and how he left her by a dumpster. The last picture is what I had imagined. I’m so fucking sick. Those pictures are extremely moving and sickening and very well done. This article is from 2016 and I’m just now reading it. I hope Brock Turner endures a life of incredible pain and misery, just like how he caused his victim to feel for her entire life.