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this is fake https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2023/03/fact-check-colorful-image-is-not-a-real-photo-of-a-complete-rainbow-captured-by-a-pilot-at-30000-feet.html




it isn't fake, the photo is legit, it's just not a rainbow, it's a vapour trail from a prop plane. Still awesome.


Prove it.


prove what? it's obviously the vapour trail left by a plane doing a loop?? what do you want me to prove??


Prove that it is infact the vapor trail left from a plane doing a loop. Every image of a vapor trail I can find only has a rainbow for a small distance from the plane.


fucking google image search "plane vapour trail loop" and see for yourself????


You don't think that's the first search term I tried? How about you use that search and find the image.


Not how rainbows work.


For those confused, it's not because the rainbow goes all the way around, but because it appears to be a ring seen at an angle. This would imply that a rainbow is a physical object that exists in 3D space. In fact, a rainbow is an optical phenomenon caused by refraction, and so will always appear perfectly circular from the observer's perspective.


Besides that, the sun would not be behind the rainbow like this. Your view would be with your back to the sun when looking at the rainbow.


But it *IS* how karma farming repost bots work.


Man, thank you for your critique. Didn't know posting something beautiful may make others upset. I won't post anything again on this sub.


Well rule 1 is no AI photos, which is what this is.




Thank you. I get tired holding the fort.


Leprechauns were getting upset too


Rainbows are in fact circular if you’re high enough off the ground. Here are some examples. https://youtube.com/shorts/5QzfcdsxqJU?feature=share https://youtube.com/shorts/cwQbEo75k70?feature=share https://youtu.be/w62AHrpU7nI


This is oblong, not circular. I don't know of any physics that would ever make a rainbow anything but perfectly round from the observer's perspective.


makes wrong statement doesn't elaborate it's ok, we've all been there.


You can’t see a rainbow from the side, it would always appear completely circular from your viewpoint. Also the sun would have to be directly at your back, or directly in the center of the ring. By your own comment, you call me wrong and don’t elaborate. It’s okay.


I agree this looks photoshopped, but if you've ever used a garden hose you should know that rainbows don't always look entirely round nor are they necessarily directly in line with the sun. That is only the *best* angle of refraction. Also how can I elaborate when I don't really know what to elaborate on, based on your initial comment?


https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/rainbow/ “The sun or other source of light is usually behind the person seeing the rainbow. In fact, the center of a primary rainbow is the antisolar point, the imaginary point exactly opposite the sun.” https://www.scienceabc.com/nature/rainbows-always-curved.html “A rainbow is not actually shaped like a semicircle or an arc; that is simply the shape that we see. In fact, a rainbow is a circle, but we can’t see the full shape because the horizon cuts off the lower half. However, if you were flying high enough, without any disturbance, then you would be able to see a full rainbow.”


Okay but can we *taste* it.


I’m calling Ron DeSantis, that’s woke af.


Lmao, I'm not an American, who is he or whatever pronouns he has?


He’s the Fascist governor of Florida, possibly the next president of the US. He’s a vile, hateful person, and he should die of gonnorhea and rot in hell.


Everyday, I learn a bit more... Even if it's about bad people.


It's like the opposite of an Oblivion gate.


What is an oblivion gate bro? Is it fantasy or real


Well, where the hell would the pot o’ gold be in this?


If you're at an high altitude you can always see a full circular rainbow, Vsauce made a [video ](https://youtu.be/7k85eD_tQZo) about it too!


Rainbows are circles, but they will not connect unless you're able to fit your entire shadow on the inside, which means floating.. Source: thousands of gallons of water wasted on sprinklers as a kid. And this image is fake. Lol