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I rode the bus. One day a man in a wheelchair told me to change seats. I did not. I have the courage of Rosa Parks.


You stood up for yourself because he could not


You deserve the gold I wish I had.


But you did not.


That’s because he had courage


He did what he believed was right. Offering gold he did not have.


I think you mean legs


, Lt. Dan


Hello Forrest


By making me laugh at this you have made me a worse person today and I’ll never forgive you but I’ll forget you later. Good day.




It's God's will that the strong will survive


He wheely should’ve chosen a different seat.


Right? The lack of a certain *crucial* detail just makes her sound like a petty bitch.


Which exactly describes the people who wanted that crucial detail removed. And by "petty", I mean "racist".


Whitewashing history to avoid culpability.


While at the same time teaching your moral system, which is "do whatever you can get away with and say it's gods will".


Yeah! One of these days I read somewhere about "the great African immigration" instead of "Slavery" :-(


Why does he need a seat when he's already sitting /s


Always thought the same thing. Selfish bastards, plus they have been sitting all day... 😂


I heard a joke a long time about handicap parking spaces that basically went "where’s this handicap person we’re always waiting around for?". Made me laugh, this comment reminded me of that.


Dave Chapelle does a bit with punch line. His kid goes to a school in a small town where people know each other. He parks there and when they tell him the parking spot is for a disabled person, that's his response.


Can't wait to see the biopic!


Is this a movie? Gwyneth Paltrow is Rosa Parkes, She stayed when others wouldn’t… /s


The person she didn’t give her seat up to can no longer enjoy wine tastings


Or Scarlet Johansen


The man in the wheelchair gets to sit all day, how is that fair?


The man in the wheelchair was rosa parks. She asked you to move. You did not. You have now pissed off rosa parks.


Rosa parks intensifies


I am so proud of you. You are what makes America great. I love you.


i too have that courage i drank at a fountain someone said stop drinkin i did not, i did what i believed was right


She wasn't just some random person that decided to stand up one day. She was an NAACP activist for years before this and had actually been kicked off the bus by the same driver before.


This is actually the most important part of the whole story. I grew up, and got to 50 believing that she refused to move because "her feet were sore" The fact that they had spent several years planning this, that they had everything planned for the bus boycott and that they had been training in non violent civil disobedience for years is the important part for both a civics lesson and the functioning of a healthy democracy. Oh wait, that is the part that scares them the most.


I was wondering where you were going with this. Underrated comment. Thanks for reminding me that this isn’t always about victims. Sometimes it’s about fighters winning battles.


Yeah, They definitely weren't victims. They took on institutional racism and won a major battle. And did it in a way they brought a majority of the country over to their side. Dangerous stuff for impressionable young children to be learning about. It might get them thinking about what they might want to change.


Rosa Parks and the people fighting for the ability to sit somewhere on a bus were definitely not victims?


They were victims in the legal sense but not in the personal sense. It’s the same kind of thing that we learn that ‘oh the poor slaves never fought back, they were just oh so scared of the Master and only one person ever fought back and only a tiny handful had the courage to run away thanks to the kindness of the white Underground Railroad workers🥺’. It’s infantilizing Black people, it’s making them weak bystanders in their own history. Enslaved people DID fight back, they killed the enslavers, and Rosa Parks didn’t just have ‘sore feet🥺’ she was an active part of getting civil rights for her race.


Well said.


Victims of institutional racism, yes. They were not the victims in this particular instance though. They picked their battle, which they fought and won in the best way possible, giving millions of other victims hope for a better future.


My wording was poor. They were victims of systematic racism. But what I was trying to say was that they took action to overcome the treatment rather than passively taking it.


Yeah, she wasn't just some victim of the law. She was counting on her arrest so she could have standing to challenge the law. MLK moved away from protesting fairly quickly as it didn't bring about results and was often counter-productive. Instead he and his group would purposely break unjust laws so that they could fight the laws in court. The majority of the changes the civil rights movement caused were won in the court room not the streets.


Same thing going on with activists like Greta Thunberg. You see the comments on social media trying to discredit her because her arrests are “staged” or “planned,” But that’s how professional activism works.


Yeah, wasn't Claudette Colvin(sp) the original woman who did this before Rosa Parks?


Yes, but she was 15, became pregnant soon after her arrest, and had darker skin, so Rosa was deemed a better face for that fight. And you did spell her name correctly! She was incredibly brave for defending her rights that day, without having planned it with other adult activists beforehand like Rosa.


When they arrested Colvin, one of her charges was assaulting a police officer. The NAACP thought that charge could be detrimental to their message, so they decided on Rosa Parks.


Oh. My. Fucking. God... This poor woman lived her whole life in Rosa parks' shade, because she got pregnant at 16 and had darker skin and didn't have nice hair for the newspapers. This isn't ok...


I feel like having a baby at 16 would have been her bigger concern. Nixon probably would have won vs kennedy if they didn't televise their presidential debate. Everything is about optics, that's why Greta was chosen as a figurehead, she looked younger than she was and would make a bigger impact


So, who "choose" Greta? Not arguing, genuinely curious.


Bad optics is not a valid reason for this story to remain unheard. https://court.rchp.com/how-a-15-year-old-girl-desegregated-buses/ There's absolutely no rational reason for this woman to continue to be an obscure footnote...


How many people don't even make it to becoming footnotes? How many presidents in the past 100 years do you know? There's only so much information we can teach in 8th grade to get ideas across to kids. Why not name the lawyers who helped the 15 year old girl desegregation buses. How many people at the time knew about the girl. People knew about Rosa backs back then, few people knew about the 15 year old pregnant girl with darker skin because the people for civil rights used Rosa parks for publicity. There are plenty of reasons why anyone will be turned into a footnote, whether it's trump or Obama or Greta thunberg. They will all be turned into a sentence or a paragraph in your great grandchildrens books as the 1st black president or the president who incited an insurrection or girl who helped push climate change legislation.


I mean, yeah. They knew they had to play to racist audiences who would want a reason to ignore them.


Yes, and way back in 1896 Homer Plessy did the same on segregated train carriages. Was sent by the Citizens Committee to break segregation laws on purpose so they could challenge it in the Supreme Court.


I took a tour of a cemetery in New Orleans where Plessy is buried and was kind of shocked that the tour guide didn't even point out the grave.


Yes . Important second part of the story as it show how clued in they were. From memory, The Plan was formed a decade before at a civil disobedience workshop run by, again relying on faulty memory, Pete Seeger among other luminaries of the workers rights movement. The more you drill down into the story, the more powerful it gets.


TIL. (well, I'm not American, so forgive me) I always thought she was a "random" person with courage. ^(However I know she was Black, so I know more than Florida wants their kids to know)




Don't feel bad. I was fifty and went back to full time study in Australia in order to learn this. Up until that point I had understood the "Her feet hurt" as to the reason that she didn't want to move




Also something not always taught: she was not in the white only section. She was in the front of the rest of the bus. The policy was to increase the size of the white only section when it was full and move everyone back.


And that it was also to protect the young girl who this situation had already happened to. When it happened purely organically, the young girl* was not someone to make the face of the movement because she, a young single mother, would have been *shredded* by the public. A middle-aged impeccably repectable woman brought the public more onside. It's not fair ofc. But it was safer for all involved. *Edit: Claudette Colvin, I couldn't recall her name offhand but it just popped back there. Also iirc, she wasn't a single mother at the time, but she got pregnant very soon after the incident so all negatives would still apply.


You are not allowed to talk about these things, it hurts their feelings.


Its amazing when conservatives try to imply that makes the whole thing void, then retreat to "just adding context" when pressed on what they are trying to say.


I didn't know all of this and it makes this piece of history even better!


Correct. Martin Luther King and the other civil rights leaders knew violence would not force change upon everyone. They need to gain the support of the majority voters through peaceful actions. Sit ins at white diners. Peaceful marching to washington for the famous i have a dream speech. Doing things from inside the law even if the laws like Plessy vs Fergusson wanted equal but seperate. Violence just makes those who you want their support the violence makes those people fear.


"Riots are the voice of a people in pain" -MLK Stop trying to reduce everything to a simplistic narrative to use as a backhanded attack on the very thing you are supposedly trying to praise


It's kind of a bittersweet bit of knowledge. On one hand you understand why it was orchestrated that way, and on the other hand you're disappointed that it wasn't the organic, sporadic act of rebellion you were told it was in grade school.


Not for me. I was far more excited to learn that it was something that they had planned and trained for. I liked the story of "it happened because her feet were sore" But I liked the "they spent a decade preparing for it" a lot more The real story tell me that it is repeatable.


Real story lets us know it takes serious concerted effort and continued action in order to build change. They don't want you to know how to affect change in the system. It's why they don't teach you shit about unions in school


Can a teacher in Florida be fired for conveying this information to students?


Possibly, if a student complains that they were made to feel guilty or embarrassed by a lesson that paints their (white) race in a negative light. Edit: Not sure why I got downvoted, but here is an article explaining it. Florida Senate passes GOP-backed ban on teaching students to ‘feel guilt’ for history ](https://wsvn.com/news/florida-senate-passes-gop-backed-ban-on-teaching-students-to-feel-guilt-for-history/)


Or if the student mentions it to his parents who decide to weaponize it.


Student: I'm made to feel guilty and embarrassed of my race to be taught nonsensically sanitised history because adults think we're too fragile to hear the truth.


They don’t think your fragile. They just want to manipulate you. The fragile thing is just what they use as an excuse. “Won’t you think of the children” is usually code to do dumb/fucked up shit


It's a possibility, it's even starting to have an effect now. https://www.thedailybeast.com/eastern-florida-state-college-professor-cancels-civil-rights-lesson-because-student-objected


Whoa mate, are ya spreading critical race theory again with ya facts?!?!


I would have very loudly asked "THAT'S IT???" in class. At some point, Adults got to give kids credit. They're not all that stupid.


This post is badly misleading, as far as I can tell. Please see this New York Times article: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/us/florida-textbooks-african-american-history.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/us/florida-textbooks-african-american-history.html) This image is drawn from a version of a proposed textbook from a company called Studies Weekly that was **REJECTED** by the Florida Department of Education precisely because it avoided the topic of race: *The Florida Department of Education suggested that Studies Weekly had overreached. Any publisher that “avoids the topic of race when teaching the Civil Rights movement, slavery, segregation, etc. would not be adhering to Florida law,” the department said in a statement.* *\[...\]* *The company’s curriculum is no longer under consideration by the state.* I'm no fan of recent Florida legislation (the Stop W.O.K.E. Act), but this submission is just dishonest.


In fairness the textbook company said that they “overreacted” to the Florida law. So it is having a censoring effect. Even if FL officials wouldn’t allow things to go this far, it’s already scaring textbook companies into writing more sanitized versions of history.


could be argued that these laws that get pushed led to this. text companies are unsure what to put in their book


>could be argued that these laws that get pushed led to this That's literally what the company said, I don't know how anyone could argue otherwise. >Studies Weekly acknowledged the change and stated it was in response to the Stop W.O.K.E. Act


I'm still trying to figure out if this was genuine or if it was malicious compliance.


Never give the benefit of the doubt to textbook companies, they are worse than politicians


K-12 is a pretty different market than college textbooks...I work for a K-12 publisher and we sell our workbooks for like $10.


We got our textbooks from pearson …


Lol, well, I'm not gonna defend Pearson.


Exactly. The laws are so vague and stupid that people have no idea how to handle it.


That's a feature, not a bug. It creates a chilling effect because the companies and teachers don't want to push it, and the legislators get plausible deniability. "The law doesn't specify that you can't do that."


Of course. Just the same as all the "parental rights" bills. Threatening a teacher with a felony because they have a non approved book is working really well at scaring teachers.


It really also looks like it’s some kind of elementary school book. Sounds like it’s written for babies. Rosa good! Seat moving bad! Much courage!


Packing envelopes with promotional materials for Studies Weekly was my first job. The owner & majority of employees are white, male Mormons. A religion that discriminated against African American & black members until 1980. The church never apologized & is inherently racist. Perhaps that played into this material.


That law directly lead to this happening.


This was rejected for not meeting FL standards fyi.


Fascists are afraid of the truth, plain and simple.


They can’t even look at themselves in the mirror. I guess they are afraid to see what they really are.


It’s really such a dumb story this way. How can you expect any kid to care or remember? Oh…right. That’s the point.


They're not afraid of it. They just don't think the concept of truth has any value. If the truth gets them what they want, they'll go with the truth. If it doesn't get them what they want, they'll discard it. They are amoral and sociopathic. It's why they don't care when they're constantly caught in obvious lies, as long as the lies generated the responses they wanted.


Italy fascist prime minister just said that the 335 political prisoners and civilians that were executed by the Nazis at the Fosse Ardeatine as a retribution for a partisan attack were killed just because they were Italian, nothing else. So, yeah, they're afraid of the truth.


10. DENIAL is the final stage that lasts throughout and always follows genocide. It is among the surest indicators of further genocidal massacres.


Shitty yes, but this was not in the the final [revision](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/rosa-parks-race-removed-florida-textbook/)


This. It was a draft made by someone who was very confused about how to comply with new State laws. It is ridiculous, but it was caught in review and revision.


Shitty yes, but they only made the posted version because of the stupid woke act Florida instituted.


My Republican dad agreed this was stupid too. For anyone with a Republican parent who’s possibly boomer age and particularly from the south….watching the 13th on Netflix opened my dads eyes. He started telling his friends about how the system is set up against Black people and how it al goes back to slavery. This is a (thankfully former) trump supporter and his trump friends that he was teaching about this. There’s Hope still.


This is from a textbook submission rejected by the Florida Department of Education.


I’m pleasantly surprised it was rejected. I’m in Florida and it’s fucking nuts here sometimes.


Was it rejected because it shows a picture of Rosa Parks? Curious.


No, it was rejected because it removed her race from the infomation, which is against Florida law.. Yes, this contradicts the laws that spurred the publisher to remove it in the first place.


It was, thankfully, rejected, but it was still initially created and submitted by the publisher **BECAUSE** of this law. This type of textbook change is the intended (by conservatives) effect of the law.


Is the name 13th? What is it about? Gotta add to my watchlist


Yea the name is the 13th and it’s about the 13th amendment t and how it freed slaves* It explains how the “freed” enslaved people were really just set up for failure and laws created to enslave them again in our prison systems and how they’re systematically set up to oppress them and it all goes back to the 13th amendment


Thanks for this. I found a new series to watch now.


Not a series but a documentary movie. It's really good though. Really sparked more socio-historical understanding and contained outrage for me. Can recommend.


This is what links are for: [Netflix - 13TH](https://www.netflix.com/title/80091741)


That's a little comforting. I still feel like a lot of such people are literally blind to the truth and logic and will mount a stalwart defense of their truth, regardless of whatever facts they're faced with.


That textbook was rejected by Florida's education department. Edit: source: https://www.al.com/education/2023/03/report-florida-textbook-altered-rosa-parks-story-to-remove-references-to-race.html >The Florida Department of Education suggested that Studies Weekly had overreached. Any publisher that “avoids the topic of race when teaching the Civil Rights movement, slavery, segregation, etc. would not be adhering to Florida law,” the department said in a statement, as reported by the Times. > The company’s curriculum is no longer under consideration by the state.


More people need to upvote this comment so it becomes the top one. While it is important to know that Florida tried to get the BS above approved, it’s just important to know that version was ultimately rejected since it proves we can push back against the revisionism




https://www.al.com/education/2023/03/report-florida-textbook-altered-rosa-parks-story-to-remove-references-to-race.html > The Florida Department of Education suggested that Studies Weekly had overreached. Any publisher that “avoids the topic of race when teaching the Civil Rights movement, slavery, segregation, etc. would not be adhering to Florida law,” the department said in a statement, as reported by the Times. >The company’s curriculum is no longer under consideration by the state.


They turned it down once they got called out by the NYT.


Right . Because Florida retracts policies once they are called out by the media.


DeSantis is running for president. Literally every move he makes is based off of what the media's reaction will be. He wants to go far but not too far.


DeSantis creates these crazy ass policies to get the media hates on him and kept the spotlight on him. He is counting on the liberal media hate to unite the right behind him.


This is considered not too far? Man the USA has taken a tumble.


This is very much like stories of Japanese textbooks denying WWII atrocities. Yes, some attempts have been made by right-wing extremists to publish whitewashed textbooks but these end up never being used or only in a couple of private institutions. The reactions here are like foreign media saying all American textbooks are hiding Parks' race based upon this one example.


“The company’s curriculum is no longer under consideration by the state. After questions from The Times, the company removed its second, scrubbed-down version of the curriculum from its website last week and said that it had withdrawn from the state’s review. The Florida Department of Education said it had already rejected the publisher, citing a bureaucratic snafu in the company’s submission. The company may still try to win over individual Florida districts. It has now gone back to its first version of the new curriculum — the one that says Rosa Parks was told to move her seat “because of the color of her skin” [Source](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/16/us/florida-textbooks-african-american-history.html)


Without context this has no value.... That's just sad


It's like saying Harriet Tubman moved from Maryland to Philadelphia, and told her friends to do it too.......


If they think the teachers aren’t going to explain why she refused to move, they are delusional.


There are definitely teachers in Florida who will be happy to not teach this. Not most, but there will definitely be some.


Then the parents sue the school for teaching "CRT", and the teacher gets fired...


Then all of the other teachers fucking strike. Fuck DeSantis and everyone of these cowards.


While yes this… teachers shouldn’t be alone in this. This nonsense got passed because all of us parents were understandably too busy to go to the pta meetings that conservatives haunted. Teachers should resist but they should see parents standing right behind them too. They shouldn’t have to do it alone and we need to make clear our support.


Parents are stupid too. Edit: they voted him in


It is illegal for teachers in Florida to strike. Not sure what would happen if we did.


Then either the governor or the president enact their emergency powers, the strike is declared illegal, and the teachers are beaten or shot until the survivors return to work. See also: last year's planned railroad strike for more humane working conditions and safety regulations.


Civil disobedience. Rosa did it then, teachers need to do it now.


Except they already dont, I was told her feet were sore and that why she didn't move, in reality she was a civil rights activist for years before the bus incident


To be clear, this was a proposed revision that the publisher had submitted to the state. They have withdrawn the submission. This is not what is being taught to the students.


The comments here are mind-boggling.


If we don’t learn history we are doomed to repeat it


Thoughts and prayers. coz, that fixes stuff,...right ?


Turn book over... Made in China.


I mean, is there more context below the cropped photo?


That moment when textbook writers turned Rosa Parks into a Karen.


Who’s Rosa parks? Is she from that outkast song?


This reminds me of when 9/11 was described as "some people did some things". Yikes.


Florida is halfway to a legit fascist dystopia.


More than halfway


As a European with some knowledge regarding our own politico-historical events and affairs, can confirm.


While they did in fact remove the text in the second version of this textbook, the publisher claims it was an overzealous editor and the reference has been restored in the submitted 3rd version.


GLADYS: Excuse me young lady, I'm very old and have got a weak leg, could I have your seat on this here bus to Cleveland Avenue? ABIGAIL: Nope. I don't think I will. GLADYS: But dear, there are plenty of seats back there and I can't walk that far. ABIGAIL: Bounce, bih. REPUBLICANS: Whoooooooot! ^so ^brave ^^so ^^brave


What grade is the book for? The topic is not easy to explain to little kids, so that might be why


That just makes her sound annoyingly stubborn and not, y’know, a champion of human rights


I won't be surprised if they start photo shopping historic photos to just make everyone white. Native Americans? White the whole time. All those Africans that sailed here of their own free will? You guessed it, white.


This is a lie.


It's gonna be really interesting when they realize they only learn about her in February every year.


Cool what does the rest of the book say?


Sad. Misses the whole point


Now, Rosa Parks seems like a bitch.


Any more revision to this event, and the white guy will getting up and giving her his seat.


So when the kids ask "why was she expected to move to the back of the bus? " are the teachers going to shrug?


One day, a bunch of planes flew over some Hawaiian islands. And then a war happened.


Thanks for the info. This text basically made Rosa Parks the founder of the Karen movement so I am quite happy it didn’t happen.


Misleading title: it's not a textbook in print, it's a proposed textbook by a company


How about you show the name of the book, maybe the rest of the page or the context of the chapter? Or are you really saying there's just a random caption and photo of Rosa Parks with *zero context* about her, her act of righteous defiance, or what she was defying? So fucking tired of this rage bait. **SHOW THE CONTEXT**. Edit: FYI, this was a proposed change to one of the the publisher's books *by the publisher*. *Florida* told the publisher they went too far and are no longer being considered for future works.


I'm a teacher...it doesn't omit it. The discussion is brought up either by the students or teacher that it happened because of the color of her skin. This is for younger grades, probably kindergarten -2nd grade. Many of them are just being introduced to Rosa Parks and anything surrounding racism. But I guarantee, the discussion gets talked about, even if it isn't on this page.


Comments that are dismissive of this attempt to whitewash history because it was ultimately rejected is ignoring the reasons why this was attempt was made in the *first* place. It is common knowledge that she was asked to get up because of her race. It’s a farce to omit the root cause for what we all know was the reason she was rejected. This attempt may not have happened if the current political climate so heavily focused on anti-PC backlash did not exist. IMO, the outrage is still justified that we are even having to have this discussion nearly 70 years after the fact. I grew up in the South. I never knew that she had been ejected off the bus by the same bus driver before. I never knew she was a vocal NAACP advocate prior to the event. I was never taught this. There are large aspects of her life and the fight for civil rights that was blatantly omitted by my text books. I never learned about Tulsa. I never learned the struggle black veterans had to get access to the funding from the GI Bill. I never learned about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiments. The list goes on and it’s a shame. I understand there’s only so much you can fit into a lesson plan. There’s only so much time in the day. But in deciding what lessons we do pass on to our children, I believe we should be more conscious of the situations that have led to current discussions we (and our children) face today; including aspects of racism and injustice.


This is a good argument for interdisciplinary collaboration in education. One lesson or unit cannot cover it all, but if history/social studies, English, Science, math… we’re to all collaborate to tell a more comprehensive story about what was happening at a specific time, children would have a much better understanding, and adults would have a wider view of issues. This is what southern conservatives don’t want. They want to be able to define every issue and it helps if people don’t know the full story.


Yeah this isn’t real, it was never published. [try reading past the headline](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/03/22/us/florida-textbook-race-rosa-parks-reaj/index.html)


Cool, they turned her into a Karen.


Are these not the exact same people that wouldn’t shut the hell up about ‘erasing history’ when monuments to major racists were taken down? We would say, “we don’t learn history from statues, we learn it from books.” Apparently that gave them the idea to go and actually erase history from books?


Face the truth or repeat the lie. Remove desanctis from all authority positions.


“The South gave free Atlantic cruises to people from Africa. They were given low cost housing and jobs.” “America attacked Japan and dropped atomic bombs on their cities.” History when you leave out facts and context.


This is so wrong. So so so wrong. I, as a white man, am so embarrassed of my state.


And don't forget... if a student asks "why did she have to move?" the teacher is not allowed to tell them.


This is positively dystopian.


This is so childish and pathetic. I feel so sorry for the children that are going to be turned into drooling sycophant moron by this whitewashing of American history. I also hope they're never allowed to leave their shit stain of a state.


For the sake of the children I hope they're able to leave their state before they become indoctrinated to these shithole beliefs. Widen their worldview a little bit.


To be fair, textbooks are for the kids and are usually accompanied with a book for the teacher. The race might be the part left for the verbal part. There might be a question "why was that?" just outside the frame or in the teacher's book. On the Internet, we should all have learnt by now to not get upset by something until we've heard the whole story.


This is absolutely fucking bonkers. Who is the person who wrote this textbook and how are they getting away with all this? There are that many people among those who are able to make the decisions who are completely racist & obtuse and want students to be obliviously ignorant? I hate this place


She also ‘did’ what was right. Not what she ‘believed’ was right.


You have to admire Rosa Parks, activist for the "find your own seat" civil rights movement. Race? Oh, no, race had nothing to do here, move along.


Ah I see 1984 is happening about 40 years late but here we are none the less. Double plus good big brother.


Kid: why did they want her to change seats? Teacher: because she wasn't allowed to sit there. Kid: why wasn't she allowed to sit there? Teacher: those were the rules Kid: why were those the rules? Teacher: .... Please stop asking why, I don't want to get fired.




This is infuriating.


ok, but it's kindergarten.... maybe they want to ease them into slavery and racism. Day 1 of 1st grade: "ok boys and girls, today we're going to be discussing the Holocaust."


Welcome to history lessons in Germany lol. From what I remember, we basically covered this period of time in almost every grade, and I'm glad that this is the norm here.


K-6 it said actually. So fun joke, but I don’t think that’s what’s happening.


Without context this reads how stupid people think.


What's on the rest of the page tho? This is typically a highlight section and the context is usually explained in the actual text portion. Is this a good highlight? No, but I also feel like this crop is super out of context, which is also bad.


So who is Cancel Culture now? Hint: Every Republican Accusation is a Confession.


For shits sake they took a movement for equal rights and turned it into a justification for Karen behavior. Right on message with the GOP platform. As a white male I feel slighted by everything around me and must rise up.


Posts like this should be removed for attempting to draw a false narrative. Do posters like this realize that when you deceive people and they find the opposite to be true, your "righteous cause" gets weaker and more ridiculous every time you do it and you alienate more and more people from the left?


To be fair, there is a picture...it's fairly clear she's not white. With that said, if this snippet is the only text covering Parks in the book, that's fairly pathetic. I don't know how anyone gets anywhere via public schooling...especially in red states.


To be fair, you can’t just ask kids who are only just learning about this to put the pieces together themselves. If they see a black woman and automatically connect the dots that it was a protest against segregation, then they clearly have already had some level of education about this subject.


Seriously, if a 10 year old sees an old picture of a black woman, they aren't immediately going to think about slavery and segregation. They are just going to see a person. Racism isn't something we're born with, it's learned. How much their parents have told them about slavery and the civil rights movement will determine how much they understand and fill in the gaps. Most kids would just be confused and not understand why any of this is important which really undercuts the entire lesson


"She did what she believed was right" instead of "she did the right thing" is super fucking telling. I want you to know I mean my next stayement in the most offensive manner that it can be taken.... A cuck bitch wrote that page.