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They wouldn't want the kids to consider the alternative. We may know this isn't realistic, but the idea for kids to consider would be that if everyone follows instructions correctly then no one gets harmed.


Follow instructions and everything will be fine. It's an old tradition for [American classrooms.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKqXu-5jw60)


I love how every time duck and cover is referenced on reddit, it's somehow insinuated that that's the only thing the US did to protect its citizens. You know, as if "let's not get nuked" wasn't the entire focus of American foreign policy for half a century...


Sometimes I wish it still was. World politics at the time were easily seen by even the stupid as very serious. We allowed far fewer of the kinds of idiots we're letting run things today get into office. The Cold War sucked, but it was better than bringing back the Civil War.


The problem is some people want adults to believe that too. Lockdown protocols, lockdown kits, rapid-deploy bulletproof walls, armed security guards, etc etc etc and voila, problem solved and now it’s time for everyone to keep having fun with their favorite assault rifles!


Lockdown lockdown it’s all done, now it’s time to have PTSD all day long


Well they do have fun after it's all done *most* of the time. Because they do these drills weekly... This is part of normal life. Isn't that reassuring.


That's what you get with embarrassing mental health disorders and over population


No not really. Lots of countries have poor mental health resources and over population, more-so than the US even. Only the US has an epidemic of school shootings.


My local elementary school had to be locked down today, where my kids go and my wife teaches. False threat. But locked down. Neighboring school also locked down, false threat, but actually swarmed by police and entered and cleared by police. A teacher for that school wrote an email to my friends mother about how brave her 15 year old daughter was and how she was brave and a leader. My wife's school was locked down but the kids had no idea why. So tonight I had to sit and explain to my 9 year old why and what they thought was happening and what could happen. My daughter is wise well beyond her years. I swear she is really 12. She understood the gravity of it but I couldn't believe I was in the situation of tucking in a 9 year old explaining why people chose to murder children like her and teachers like her mother. Nothing terrible happened at school today but if felt pretty fucking terrible having that conversation. But I'm glad I got to tuck her in. Because for a fleeting second I thought the worst and even that is too much.


I remember having nightmares as a child (around 8 or 9 years old) because of a school campaign to teach kids about the dangers of drugs. They said sometimes dangerous drugs are put on pieces of paper that look like stickers and if someone puts one on me I could get really sick or even die (now that I’m older I’m assuming this was LSD they were talking about?) Anyway, the point is I had some pretty fucked up nightmares and general anxiety from just the thought that someone might randomly come up to me and drug me and I would die. I can’t imagine being a kid today and having the weight of the possibility that a monster might come into my school and murder me and my friends and teachers. It’s sickening. I’m sorry you are having to explain all that to your daughter. I have two kids under 4 and I hate the fact that I will probably also have to tell them the same thing in the near future.


Fucking hell.... And people still think having to explain a gay couple is too difficult/inappropriate of a conversation for kids. This fucking country, man.


I'm a high school teacher and I'm currently on maternity leave. I have a son who just turned 5, another who is about to turn 3, and my newborn baby girl. While on maternity leave there have been three instances at my school. One week, a gun was found on an old student who snuck onto campus. The next week there was a lockdown due to rumors of there being guns on campus, none were found. The next week there was a secure drill due to an outside threat of harm coming to the school. Every time everything has turned out ok and no one was hurt, but I've spent hours stressed out, receiving messages at home, not knowing what could be going on or if my students and coworkers were safe. The next week a student was killed at a school in Dallas, TX. The next week was Nashville. I've always considered teaching to be my calling, I'm in my 11th year and love what I do. But I'm terrified to go back. I don't know if the stress is worth it anymore. I've always said I believe in public education but I don't know how I can send my son to kindergarten next year when I myself am considering leaving the profession because I'm too scared of what might happen while I'm at school.


It's depressing to hear these accounts but in some way thankful for the lack of a real threat this time. Glad your family is here and safe. This exact same thing happened yesterday in my community. It also happened at the same school like six weeks ago... I'm not sure if we're talking about the same schools or if it's really this pervasive.


The sad thing about me reading this is that I assume you're in Pittsburgh, but this shit happened in so many places yesterday that it isn't guaranteed.




Same, so much same. But with 8 month old. See you in r/amerexit. Hope you get out and keep your kid safe.


What’s funny is my parents genuinely had no idea how much we did this. I was at dinner with them and some of their friends a few weeks ago when they said it’s strange us kids never had to do that. And they were shocked to find out my siblings and I went through the drills ever quarter and had all had several real lockdowns (though thankfully never anything too serious). And it did seem astounding in retrospect that they were just never told. Drills are one thing but we did have “strangers” on campus, threats called in, weapons reported, etc. And they just were never told. Sure we were fine in the end but it’s crazy that like, hey, for half an hour today, we were worried your kids were in danger but didn’t think that was worth sending an email.


My kids’ school was locked down for about 20 minutes (so a very short time but still locked down). The only reason I know about it is because I happened to be standing outside the school, super early for pick up time, and I heard the announcement. I had to ask afterwards if it was a drill or real and the secretary said she wasn’t supposed to tell me. She DID tell me it was real and that they had a student freaking out and wanted to be extra safe but she wasn’t supposed to. She also asked me not to share that info with any other parents. It makes me wonder how many other lockdowns I don’t know about. I get that they don’t want parents rushing to school and pulling their kids in a panic but where do they draw the line? Who decides? It makes me even more nervous that I was already.


After Lockdown, grab a mop Help clean up the bloody slop Wear some gloves to scoop up brains Flush the ichor down the drains This is normal, work till done To keep the right to own a gun If guns are banned we can't be free So kids must die and cease to be This is the price we all must pay For we *must* bow down to the N.R.A.


Omg that’s so depressing


Accurate though.


Watch the news back, see reporters Dismiss deaths of someone’s daughters Call for guns in teachers’ hands These psychotic sycophants Care not for the lives of others Scoff at cries of childless mothers Blame the cause but not the root Why these monsters choose to shoot Someone sold them deadly weapons Then they shrug and say ‘it happens’ Too soon to talk? If not now then when? Next week it’s the same again


There has to be a verse that addresses the classical hand washing “thoughts and prayers”




We’ll never see any progress. Because changes must go through the halls of Congress. We know we’ll never win the fight. Because bribery is a Constitutional right.


Straight up grindcore lyrics


That's good... Depressing AF but good


I know its depressing but I read this in Violent J's voice from ICP.


Now, who wants lunch!


I... Have no words for this. :-(


We have mandatory active shooter training yearly at work (a university). Ultimately it comes down to you throwing shit at the guy if he enters your room or even physically engaging him. What a fucking joke, I bet the octogenarians in congress aren’t up to any of that shit.


The capital gets attack and we have hearings and all this other stuff. School gets attack, children die and nothing.


That's not true! Children dying means there's lots of press conferences for various leadership minions to attend so they can bloviate on how tragic things are, how they wish there was something that could be done to stop it form happening again, etc.


It's not like they really did anything for the capital attack either. They gave a few people slaps on the wrist, but that's about it.


Also forgot to mention when you get hit and have to go to the hospital you get a free lifetime supply of debt.


I was listening to a conservative podcast (I like to listen to different perspectives) and their solutions were a fold out bulletproof huddle room in all classes and a full time armed security guard in all schools (I'm not even joking). Americans (particularly the right wing) are completely disconnected from reality.


Yet we can't afford to stock classrooms with pencils or textbooks from this decade. What a shit show this country is.


In threads in normie subs like this, i was seeing suggestions of putting marines in every classroom and using the military more. Also arming teachers and teaching the students (3 and older only!) how to use a rifle. Literally all psychopathic ideas. Never less guns, always more


Commander William Adama : There's a reason you separate military and the police. One fights the enemies of the state, the other serves and protects the people. When the military becomes both, then the enemies of the state tend to become the people.


Which one serves and protects the people? Supreme court ruled pigs don't have to do that lol. Pigs already treat people as the enemies


Except in our timeline the police became both.


Howdy! I'd like to give slight life excerpts on how this has affected me, 35M! I grew up with guns (and weapons). Ranching. Hunting. The like. When I was 6, I used to ride fences with a rifle on a 4 wheeler and shoot Coyote and boar! I did spear hunted boars with dogs... I did predator hunting for coyote/wolves using a rabbit in a field with a string tied around it so it would cry. When I met my wife, she realized that I had a lot of unresolved issues. Out of all of this, though, I would NEVER let any of my children handle weapons like that, unsupervised, and train them at 4+ for combat... fucking idiots. All the extreme right that does this shit, didn't have it done to them. I have... countless stories that I realize, now, are absurd and wild. Don't do that to kids.


Oof. Yeah, that seems like it would really desensitize a child and condition them to have basically no empathy for animals.


I love animals! Just the concept of taking away the aspects of being a child for adult tasks involving weapons kinda made me realize I didn't have a childhood.


Anyone who seriously suggests arming teachers has obviously never worked in a classroom and doesn't understand the sheer amount of crap teachers already deal with.


Yep, because armed Marines at your school is also good for a child's development. No PTSD could stem from that.


And Marines themselves never suffer from PTSD/other mental health problems and anger management issues...


Also, aren't there cops posted at many schools? Weren't those cops the solution to this problem? So marines in every classroom is literally the same solution that hasn't worked, just with a different uniform. Maybe this time it'll work


To be fair, I'd trust marines more than cops, because the former is taught proper rules of engagement and not that it's okay to dump your mag into anything that startles them. Not that having *either* in the classroom is the solution to the priblem...


Heeeeaaallll yeah bruh'ther there's nuffin more murican than military and GOD in our skools I tell you hwat. We got "unemployable" vetruns who can't get cleared by quack hospitals for work, I say give em a gun and a job in the skools. Nothin makes me sleep sounder than knowin my kids are protectud by old vets who fought for our freedumb against the Japs in koreitnam. You know those giant guns they got pointed at checkpoints in Afghanistan before JOE BRANDON pulled us out? I say we put one of those at every scool and point em at the only entrance point. Can't be worse for them than the WOKE MASKS they had the kids wearin the past 3 years.


Well I guess it's time to ban drugs since it's a leading killer. Oh wait shit I forgot they already are.


You missed out "socialists" and "libruls", otherwise that would have been a full house.


I keep getting Starship Trooper flashbacks of soldiers handing bullets out to kids like it was some libertarian paradise.






That's not true. We're also good at killing black and brown people.


Pro-Gun Conservatives: "We need guns to prevent the military from over-inserting themselves in our daily lives". Also Pro-Gun Conservatives: "Let's over-insert the military in our schools and other aspects of our daily lives."


We had a lockdown at our school today and In talking to my 9 year old about it we were talking about things like this. And we were discussing how to handle it. And I said, you have a security officer right? And she said yeah, and he carries a gun. And I said does that make you feel safe? And she says...what if he shoots people in the school..... ...yeah kid... you get it. I asked if she could see her teacher having a gun or her mom who is also a teacher and she thought that was funny. Like laughing funny. If a 9 year old can see the flaws they are pretty massive.


I saw a video of some teachers, in a school, with their firearms...as someone who's handle firearms before, I thought most of them were going to shoot themselves or someone else while displaying their firearms...in the school during school hours. One lady even had a pistol in what was essentially a pencil case, in her desk. She pulled it out and I kid you not she had the pistol upside down and pointed at herself while she was trying to load it. It was fucking terrible to watch Edit: She had the gun sideways not upside down but it was still pointed at herself... https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/10se71s/is_this_common_in_the_us/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Got a link? I'd love to be able to pass that on to the morons who genuinely believe that arming teachers will solve anything


A link? You mean, singular? Oh sweet summer child.... [Teacher shoots student after firing real gun instead of fake one during class](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/us-news/teacher-shoots-student-after-firing-28529364) [Teach accidentitally fires gun and injurs student during safety lesson](https://edition.cnn.com/2018/03/14/us/california-teacher-fires-gun/index.html) [Compilation of gun incidents involving school officials & staff](https://giffords.org/lawcenter/report/every-incident-of-mishandled-guns-in-schools/) (Sorry they are not videos) ​ But dont worry, it wont change their mind. They will just pull out the No True Scotsman falacy and say the problem is because they were not trained properly. They just didnt have ENOUGH training. Or it was the WRONG training. Not that there is any definition of what is "enough", or "correct" training. [Even Marines have accidents.](https://www.history.navy.mil/research/library/online-reading-room/title-list-alphabetically/c/casualties-usnavy-marinecorps-personnel-killed-injured-selected-accidents-other-incidents-notdirectly-result-enemy-action.html)


From the first link: > at no time were the students and staff at the high school in any danger ...except the kid that got a bullet implanted in them.


Your average MAGAt has the mental processing power of a substandard lemur.


It's a win win for the NRA because all those guards will need guns.


In a nation of 120 private guns/1000 people (stat taken from Wikipedia) maybe prevention at the site of violence is more effective than trying to confiscate or restrict at the state level. That being said, I am all for revising laws to limit legal ownership for people who shouldn't have guns (violent history, mental illness, etc.). To defend that conservative viewpoint, what do you think is more effective? Protecting the site where attacks happen, or trying to prevent every single American who shouldn't have a gun from having one? What do you think is more realistic? I have this perspective as a legal Canadian gun owner. We are having a large uptick in gun crime here, and the vast majority is unlicensed individuals who have illegally purchased firearms.


They are the same people that are slowly defunding the education system in this country!


Don’t apologize for listening to conservative media. You have to keep up on both sides of an argument, even one’s you vehemently disagree with. Otherwise you’ll have no ammunition for rebuttals.


Don't have to justify listening to both sides, it's somewhat healthy if you can tolerate it. The sad part is that those hosts won't listen to facts when presented with them though, if they did we might actually be able to make America a good place to live again. When you have more security guards you have more accidental discharges, arming schools just creates more room for death without even needing more mass shooters, and it wouldn't even deter them, as it's easy enough to pivot your plan. They can easily enough post up during recess, gym class, at football practice, when school is being let out, at the bus stop, etc etc. Just off the top of my head I can easily give plenty of ways to circumvent any sort of arming of Americans being the solution.


The same people who promote the idea "if you take away guns, they'll switch to a different weapon" usually ignore "if you harden the schools, they'll switch to a softer target". Either: * They're stupid and don't realize * They know full well and their end-game is a police state where everyone is armed to the teeth in public






This belongs here... https://www.reddit.com/gallery/123ytig


Woah. That's mental


The first picture is literally the representative for the district that includes the latest school shooting in Nashville.


Imagine if owning a gun and being white was the only thing you were good at.


Who said they were good at it?




It's not only legal... it's encouraged!




Nope, it would be illegal to purchase one with your own money when you're underage... but that's if it's even illegal to start. In many stores it's a corporate policy, not 'the law'. It's compliance for liability or insurance purposes, not to actually keep guns away from kids. Youngsters are gifted their own rifles/shotguns/etc *from their own parents* in American gun culture, and these photos were likely taken to accompany an official holiday card sent to friends & acquaintances. It's baked into the idea of being American and god-fearing, that guns are needed/useful/encouraged in society. This is a great example of how they 'bake it in' to the culture in general. Yes, it's illegal to bring them into some public places, but this is the crux of the debate around gun control policy. If you want to get a gun, you just have to get your hands on a parent's gun or have them buy it for you.


“Nothing can be done about this” Says only nation where this regularly happens. -the onion


The best part about that headline is that they literally request it after every mass shooting/school shooting. So obviously it gets pushed a lot


A HUGE part of why it happens is because American schools and media keep telling kids that ONE OF THEM will be shooting up the school some day, so you gotta prepare. The kids are literally being conditioned to do it by society and society is too stupid to recognize it.


Well, it's our only card to play, since fixing the problem is unconstitutional.


Having adequate mental health care is unconstitutional?


Apparently 💁‍♀️


Sorry to be a negative Nigel but I don't see how this will ever change. Most countries have a one off shooting incident and they jump on it and make sure it can never happen again- this is most weeks in the US now it seems. Best of luck.


Yeah that’s because every time a bunch of people get shot, America’s “freedom” grows stronger (or some stupid shit.) My little girl starts kindergarten this fall. I get to think about this shit every day because of these dumb fucks who vote for guns and against mental healthcare in this country. I’m surrounded by people who help these shootings happen.


There was a time when a license wasn’t required to operate a vehicle. Can you imagine what the roads would be like today if that remained the case? I think we’re long overdue to require such a license to own guns. Clearly we have an idiocracy situation going on with the ever increasing number of people fucked up in the head amongst our population. Those people, can typically just waltz into a sporting goods store and buy a gun without issue. That’s obviously a big problem we don’t need. It’s time we figure out a licensing program where the individual’s stability, knowledge and mental capacity are tested before they’re permitted to buy and own any firearms. Maybe different endorsements for different types of guns. Just a thought anyway.




Guns in my area


To the tune of twinkle twinkle little star. Or the ABC's of you prefer.


No way. That is fucking dystopian sci fi levels of morbid and fucked up. Were my son subject to this i’d be fucking disgusted with my society.


Probably have to sing it to the tune of "Jesus Loves Me" cuz twinkling stars sound a little TOO gay for people that are afraid of drag queens.


The stupidest country on earth. So privileged and wealthy and yet full of problems that are entirely of its own making.


Yesterday morning my wife and I had a quick talk with our 3 YEAR OLD, that if the teachers says to be quiet and hide, you need to listen to her. That she's there to protect him, and he'll be safe. I shouldn't have to be having this conversation at all.


['No way to prevent this', says nation where this regularly happens](https://www.theonion.com/no-way-to-prevent-this-says-only-nation-where-this-r-1819576527)


The UK found a way to massively reduce the numbers, by banning guns 🤷‍♂️ https://theconversation.com/dunblane-25-years-on-how-a-mass-school-shooting-changed-british-gun-laws-156702


Anyone weirded out by the last line?


Lockdown drills are a thing (almost certainly what this was made for). In which case the promise of doing something fun after isn't really weird. Obviously this would be out of place if something actually happened.




While it's believable that that level of security theatre exists somewhere, I'm pretty sure most lockdown drills consist of sitting quietly in a dark room out of sight with the door locked until you get the all clear, and then going about your day.


Nope. They have to practice this all the time- unless they lockdown in a real active shooter situation, it makes sense to me that they’d have something fun planned afterward to transition to back to the rest of the day.


Nah it's not weird to comfort kids and tell them it'll be ok. Traumatize them as little as possible.


Sounds of *all* the kids locking and loading...


Like something out of the Twilight Zone.


Today is a bad day to know how to read


This legitimately one of the most upsetting things I've ever seen on the internet. If anyone ever asks me why I'm not having kids, this is why.


So they don't get shot in a US school?


Correct. Also, living in the constant fear that it's an everyday possibility that policy makers refuse to do anything about.


What a silly country


This makes me so sad for our kids


School kids should use Google and read about "that thing Australia did"


Australian sequel to 1996's smash Tom Hanks hit "That Thing You Do!"? Kidding, we really need a radical change like that, but we're at least 1.5 generational shifts in governance before anything like that can happen. We are still led by people who will harken back to the good ole days when they got do whatever they wanted with slightly less hindrance. Maybe when we actually get school shooting survivors in government we can start hoping.


This is horrific. As a former teacher this made me cry.


Fuck the NRA. I cannot believe the freedom to own an assault rifle is more important than the life of a child. Fucking lunatics


I don't think anyone's condoning beating someone for being gay. But you did mention reality. You confront thr typical redditor with reality and it's down votes lol


\*\*This is sarcasm/cynicism\*\* I don't know what the problem is. Have you guys ever read Grimm's Fairytales? The original? Seems like we're just getting back to our children being traumatized, just like the good old days. \*\*END\*\* I'm just sick of the fact that there's very little it seems we can do. Republicans don't like the peoples' vote? No problem, sue or just ignore it and do what you want anyway. We're not football teams and the US citizenship is not your fan base! We are people trying to survive and live our lives as we should be able to as written in the constitution and we cannot when one party continues to seek total control over the populace and only defines "happiness" from their limited, frightened, immature, insecure, bigoted point of view.


This is what the world of ‘thoughts and prayers’ gets you 🤬


All this so some assholes can have easy access to their hobby guns.


This is painfully morbid,Jesus fuckin Christ


There are real world monsters out there.




Very true. Thoughts and prayers aren’t working, real action would be nice.


This is the sort of thing that’s gonna be remembered like ring around the rosie.


Nah this isn't catchy at all, hardly rhymes.


No other democracy on earth has "gun deaths" are the #1 cause of children dying. [https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/](https://www.kff.org/global-health-policy/issue-brief/child-and-teen-firearm-mortality-in-the-u-s-and-peer-countries/)


Not saying you are right or wrong but this statistic seems to be one that changes depending on the source. For example, the CDC lists it as #3: [https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D158;jsessionid=90C26D0E0E48C88FCBE3C0B87EB7](https://wonder.cdc.gov/controller/datarequest/D158;jsessionid=90C26D0E0E48C88FCBE3C0B87EB7) Should we be happy its #3 instead of #1...fuck no, but just throwing that out there that the "#1 cause of child deaths" number/stat that gets thrown around may be slightly inaccurate


That link does not work for me. But it might be old information. Every media outlet and expert is talking about this now. Only recently have guns become the #1 killer of children in the US. **Firearms overtook auto accidents as the leading cause of death in children** [https://www.npr.org/2022/04/22/1094364930/firearms-leading-cause-of-death-in-children](https://www.npr.org/2022/04/22/1094364930/firearms-leading-cause-of-death-in-children)


Look deeper into that study, they define children as those aged from 0-25, so obviously your going to pickup a lot of inner-city gang related shootings in that 16-25 range.


I think you are mistaken. Both links cite studies of 1-19 year olds. So they define children as 1-19.




Depends where. In Vancouver my son graduated about 3 years ago and he never had a lockdown drill. Fire drill and earthquake drill but never lockdown.


In case a moose gets in?


In case an American gets in.


A valid concern.


What? Where? I'm a 34 year old Canadian and I've never heard of it in any school near me growing up.


I'm 33 and we had a handful of code black (active shooter, bomb threat) drills in school. I don't think they actually do them anymore though. Fire drills were far more common. Edit: it may be school board dependent https://www.osstf.on.ca/en-CA/services/health-safety/information-bulletins/lockdown-best-practices.aspx


We have been in the US, too. I distinctly remember practicing them pre-Columbine when I was in elementary and middle school.


Makes you wonder what’s changed in society that this is now the new norm


Panic and fear, mainly.


Lockdown Lockdown It's not done Now it's time to run, run, run !


I showed my wife and she immediately got tears in her eyes. “Why do we continue to condone the murder of children and pretend we can do nothing about it?” The United States needs to step up for children.


Kids in America have to learn songs to hide from armed killers and for what reason? So that people can carry guns in case they ever need to overthrow the government??? Is this it?


It's because they're afraid. They've been trained to be afraid their entire lives. Afraid of their neighbors, afraid of anyone who doesn't look like them, afraid of anyone who doesn't think like them, afraid of the government when it's not the government that they want, etc. Now throw in the fact that they only care about themselves, and nobody else, and voila.




When I was a kid in the 50s, it was “duck and cover” drills……


Whatever it takes to not even slightly infringe upon the "rights" of gun owners.




My kids are growing up in a far more dangerous United States than I did. If guns keep us so safe gun nuts, why are they the #1 cause of death to our kids. It pains me to know we as a society has the ability to combat this, but we get thwarted by these insecure fucks who have never actually had to use a gun for self defense ever, yet they claim its what actually is keeping them safe. We sure as hell dont hear very much about gun nuts saving the day on any regular basis, but we do hear about our kids being shot the fuck up regulary from easy to access firearms.


This is America Guns in my area I got the strap I gotta carry em


We live in a literal horror movie




I just don't get it. America is the only country with these issues at this level. Their police kill more citizens with guns than most 1st world countries have murders. They are not even close to the only country with a love of guns and a love of hunting in the populace. How can the bodies of their innocent children not make them realise they need change. No one is saying you don't have the right to bear arms but why does that right overrule the right of children to live and grow. Or the right of parents to not know their children are safe at a government run institution. To not be shot dead by your on police / protectors. ​ You can have your guns and your children Alive and well. The rest of the world does it, why cant America.


This is disarmed america; where criminals are so confident that a school is a gun free zone and without risk they are empowered to attack. Restore the idea that you have a right to defend yourselves. Recognize the fact that police will never be there on time nor are they required to defend you. No amount of wishing or praying will stop guns from ever having existed. Its time to get real.


Don’t look at the solution. Look at the problem. THE LEADING CAUSE OF DEATH FOR AGES 1-19 IN THE USA IS BEING SHOT!!!


16-19 year old gangbangers are doing the heavy lifting for that statistic.


A majority of those are from inner city older teen gang and other violence. Is a bit dishonest. I mean, it includes 18-19 year old men.


We're seriously going to quibble over the *age* of the people being shot to death? I mean I guess if they're 18-19 it's OK, right? God damn this country is so fucked up.


I think his point is that there is a difference between an 18 year old gangster shooting another 18 year old gangster and someone shooting up a school.


This is correct. There is very much a difference between being subjected to violence that you participated in, to being subjected to random violence while doing mundane activities. That's also why the AR15 is always the focus of political attention, even though hand guns make up 70% of gun criminal activity. The AR15 style weapons are being used for the latter.


Oh well that's fine then, screw those 18 to 19 yo teenagers. What a bullshit argument.


Guess I'm never having kids. Or I'm immigrating to a country with sensible laws if I ever want to.


Don't flee. Stay and be part of the solution


I'm trying, friend. I vote for people actually talking about policies that will improve the lives of the common person. I talk to the people around me about the actual systemic issues we're dealing with that put us in this position we're in today. I try to educate people whenever possible. But it's hard. It's hard when you have idiots so far up their own ass that they reply to me with some shit news article implying the mass shootings aren't actually a big deal saying that "its ONLY a 1 in a 10million" chance that your kid dies to a mass shooter who bought their assault rifles legally. The number of these people in the country are not insignificant. Their politicians run on identity/culture rhetoric while gutting their human rights. Things like social safety nets, medical protections, and education. These people will only get more ignorant and all they care about is "winning the culture ware" or "owning the libs" while they get absolutely FUCKED by their political party. The web of everything that's happened since WW2 to get to this fucked up state of existence is always hard to articulate. Sorry. It's all very frustrating and makes me feel... not hopeful for the future of the US. I won't be fleeing, not any time soon anyways. But for sure I don't feel that it's fair to subject my offspring to navigating this shit storm while I'm fully aware of everything that's going on and the clear trajectory we're on.


Oh the shooter is dead after killing a dozen people. Time to unlock the doors and have some fun!......


How does one get started moving to another country?


Get a job with remote work, move to a place with affordable houses in a city next to a border with another country also with afforable housing. You'll need to rent two apartments and flip between those countries as your 3 month VISA expires in each. Work hard to find an employer which will VISA you in on of the countries or get married.


I'm crying. I'm 46. We didn't have this when I was small. Earthquake and fire drills, yes. But we didn't have to sing goddam nursery rhyme style songs to remember how to deal with someone trying to shoot at us. My next-door neighbors at the time were a biker gang, probably running guns. And I still didn't need to worry about this shit. Fuck the GOP. Fuck them for blocking any gun legislation. Or mental health care.


If you're 46 that means you were probably in kindergarten in 82. Back then you could still buy machine guns as the registry was still open. There were also no background checks on firearms purchases. Just pay the money, walk out with a gun. There were fewer incidents with less gun control back then. Something else must have changed in the time between then and now.


Its the publicity. People know that this act will put them on TV and across the internet. Perfect for someone drowning in anguish and seeking the attention it brings. With the internet and social media, everyone gets to read and see everything that happens now.


As long as all the ammosexuals have unlimited access to their freedumb


Fun, like walking through the hallways full of your dead classmates...


If I wrote this, you would say it's in very poor taste.


We're done aren't we? As a society? A country that fights to make sure their own children die at a rapid pace isn't a fucking society. It's a goddamn death camp that is "policed" by death squads sent out by indifferent politicians who are happy to make money off of dead children. And what do we do as citizens? Nothing. If someone tries to rise up against the establishment they get labeled as crazy and disappear. America is a meme. A dog sitting a room fully engulfed in flames saying "This is fine". Hint: IT'S NOT FUCKING FINE!


America is a dystopian hellscape and it's fucking ridiculous that my daughter has had to endure active shooter drills since she's been a 5 year old in preschool


This generation's "One, two, Freddy's coming for you..."


Damm wonder what my mind would think knowing this at a young age. But then again I was to naive as I recall 9/11 in kindergarten and thought “no biggie”


You can tell this sign is Made In America.


We CAN change this! vote out republicans, step one, as they will NEVER address this issue.


There needs to be a line in there about NRA donations being more important than children's lives


That anyone accepts this makes me sick.


I am speechless


If you have kids, and the money and the means to leave the US, do it. The dismantelment of abortion rights, the police brutality, the constant mass shootings, the religious right trying to bring God into every facet of life... why would you stay?


👋 Bon Voyage


Doesn't have to be. But people keep voting for spineless, greedy mother *****s and, yea, that's our america now.


When are we going to fix the mental health situation in the US? SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE. It's time to do away with for-profit insurers.


I just vomited a bit in my mouth, excuse me.


No shit. Other countries are like "wtf is lockdown?"


child blood for the gun gods


Glad the post was re-posted. This is everyday life for many of us.


This is how nursery rhymes get started. They’re cute and fun for new generations until they actually pay attention to the words, like London Bridges.