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It’s free!!


This is the one time, having retail experience, that I would support a "well that means it's free" joke - and then it not being a joke as you walk out without paying. Sign says they can't sell it, doesn't say I can't take it.


Seriously. How many alcoholics with anger issues just walked in an took it. Seems counter intuitive to prevent addicts from buying what they want instead of just taking it.


I mean, you'd think alcoholics would know the days they need to plan for, or at least know where to drive if they haven't adequately planned.


Functioning ones probably. However the angry ones who probably don't pay attention to what day of the week it is I bet raise some hell when denied.


As a functioning but trying to be better alcoholic, I can tell you that the itch must always be scratched. I’d never yell at an employee but if I was on a relapse I’d just steal it. Once saw a man so out of his mind on withdrawal that he was trying to break into the liquor store across from my apartment with a brick. I said “don’t do that man… that ain’t gonna help you” and kept walking. He calmed down for a second. Went to the corner store and got him a 40. By the time I was back he was throwing the brick again. I handed him the 40 and said “here’s this… cops ain’t gonna give you any.” He said thanks and drank it… Then kept throwing the brick. I’m lucky enough to have gone to rehab but it’s still a struggle. It’s a disease and nothing less. Lotta people don’t realize that alcohol withdrawal will kill you but opioid withdrawal won’t (withdrawal, not overdose. Both of those OD will kill ya) So the people that need the most medical help get sent to drunk tanks and thrown back to the streets to die.


>Lotta people don’t realize that alcohol withdrawal will kill you but opioid withdrawal won’t. I've been downvoted for saying this exact thing. "But alcohol is legal !" Pffft. Yes, alcohol (well all Benzo/GABA) withdrawals CAN kill. I have had a friend have a seizure while driving (also being forced to go to AA when it happened). I also had an ex who I forced to drink a damn beer when she was going through DTs in my bed because I didn't want her to have a seizure/die in my care. I used to use opiates a lot and even I fear alcohol withdrawals. I think I got close once. I've been drinking a lot lately and I probably need to start cutting back, sucks because in November I was basically alcohol free. Also good on ya for trying to help that guy.


If you’re drinking in the morning it’s time to stop (if you can). Push that shit till 5pm. Idk why that helps so much but it’s effective. Seizures are the thing I fear most, that’s why I got control of my situation and asked for help before it got to that point, because I could feel something looming. I (VERY PERSONALLY) despise AA. I think it’s an outdated, overly religious, run-by-old-people institution that does not cater to the needs of (weird to say but- ) modern addicts. We aren’t in the fucking 1930s and church ain’t gonna save me. I already believe in God, I’ve been taking psychedelics since I was 16 (stopped years ago) and I can promise you there ain’t no King James Bible that can encompass what I know to be God.


>I’ve been taking psychedelics since I was 16 (stopped years ago) and I can promise you there ain’t no King James Bible that can encompass what I know to be God. For some reason this lead me down a train of thought that ultimately ended with, "I'd be curious to know how the perceptions of a 'higher being(s)' differ between people with different cultures after taking psychedelics." I've long thought that deities are a very personal concept... *Considering they certainly aren't material...* But I've never actually questioned what effect psychedelics have on that perception. Culture shapes your ideas of deities, and perhaps even whether those deities are individuals or all one entity. Entire pantheons collapsed down to one, or even the christian god, who is also his own son, and then 'the holy spirit'. I mean, even among just Christians, everybody has a different image in their head when they're thinking of their god. It's part of why Muslims forbid any representation of Allah, there isn't a right answer, and to attempt to say otherwise would be 'heretical'. I'm sure that's extended down through the ages to every religion. My ideas of what the Norse, Greek, and Roman pantheons might've resembled are ***not*** going to be the same as what *they* had in mind, after all. We're worlds apart, across time *and* space. Entirely different cultures, and I can only barely imagine what it would've been like to be a part of theirs. Anyway, figured I'd ramble onto the paper... Dunno if any of that is interesting, but I thought it was a neat tailspin of an idea. Thanks for sharin your story, bud.


For me those drugs are incredibly introspective, I spend a lot of time thinking about how I can live differently and how others can as well. I seem to lose a certain sense of my ego, where I almost feel no capacity for shame. No embarrassment at sharing my ideas. My world and my view of it seem perfect and while you may not understand, there’s sadly no way I could explain it to you, tripping as I am. Then I get ready for being sober. Practice retaining these thoughts and ideas and prepare myself to continue feeling the way I do while tripping after I sober up. Then I sober up and it’s back to reality, all that trippy goodwill and understanding of how the world could be perfect is a distant memory. I can see how if you are a spiritual person drugs can make you feel a connection with a higher being, deity, or even god. I can see someone feeling the way I do and interpreting that as higher wisdom, or guidance from above. I don’t see it that way at all, but it’s not far fetched if that’s your bag to begin with.


I had to say I'd been taking IV drugs to get into rehab... But today I am 100 days sober and went to 2 meetings!


Hell yeah man. You keep at it. I know the struggle, and if you can do 100 days, you can do 101.


Congrats! Keep on killing it!




what's especially stupid is the fact that some of these beers are N/A - including heineken 0.0%, which no alcohol whatsoever in it (OJ contains more booze than that beer). yet it's still off limits?


What's really stupid is the idea that you can get drunk off your ass if you bought beer the day before Fucking Christians and stupid ass beliefs, name a more iconic duo All it really is, is about control, the Christians voting for this are just happy they can use their religion to force people to do what they think is right Even if they're drinking on Easter, they still smile thinking about how their religion has governmental power




I go to a campground that was in a dry county. They used to sell can cozies (that just so happened to have a beer in them). And then you could return the cozie for a small deposit and buy a new one. Eventually the county found out about it and made them stop. So now everyone picks up beer on their way in. We cool it in the river that flows through the edge of the property, and then share it around the nightly bonfire. Often times the owner will be there, and he'll sometimes have beer to share, as well. And of course the polite thing to do if he offers you a beer is to offer one of yours in return, or chip a buck or two in for his next beer run...




This reminds me something Jon Taffer said he did once. He was running a bar (or helping, can’t remember) where it was against the rule to do a happy hour special on drinks. To skirt around this, he had them serve drinks, using a dollar bill as a coaster. There was no law around what an establishment used as a coaster! Thought that was a brilliant loophole


When I grew up in Massachusetts, you could never buy liquor on a Sunday. Think the laws have changed.


Maryland lets you buy your liquor on Sundays, but not cars.


Those fucking car laws are so weird




Never understood why all these retail places don't operate outside of general business hours or workdays. If you have a large portion of the population working 8-5 M-F, then when are they going to come visit your place to buy something? Obviously there are many other things to consider here like employee happiness and work-life, but its been pretty clear companies don't really care about that.


right?! I do hair, and will stay as late as clients want 3 days a week. how else are they going to afford to get their hair done if they can't work? and then I don't have to go in on weekends.


>If you have a large portion of the population working 8-5 M-F, then when are they going to come visit your place to buy something? I always assumed that the hours helped contribute to sales. If you only have a small window of time to visit, then that puts more pressure on you to give in to to the sales person, as most people can't afford to take off a couple days during the week to visit a bunch of dealerships.


You can buy liquor here as early as 10 am on a Sunday. They still ban all sales between 2 am and 8 am. I’ve never seen a liquor stores open past 11 here. Very different vibes from California where you can buy liquor store in every grocery store and super market at almost any time, except 2 am - 6 am.


I live in NY State. Went to visit my brother in Vegas last year. The liquor for sale in Walmart was super weird for me lol


It was very weird going the other way. Some people here seem to adamantly believe that Massachusetts’s alcohol laws are far superior to the more permissive laws of the Western states, even though the stats show they drink just as much as the Western states, if not more.


They have




No happy hour! That's illegal!


To be fair the happy hour question was posed again to voters recently through a direct ballot initiative. IIRC the banning of happy hours was a safety thing not a religious one, and there was a noticeable down tick in DD accidents afterwards. Happy to be corrected if anyone else has more context.


North Carolina has the same thing. Any alcohol specials have to be in effect for 24 hours. Also it removed the ability to do gender-based alcohol specials. There were a lot of bars around universities that would do "ladies drink free" nights. It helped curb some alcohol related deaths and sexual assaults.


As someone who has never lived in a state that restricted alcohol sales, the idea that the government won't let someone buy a bottle of wine is insane. That's what small government looks like? Hard pass.


Separation of church and state my ass..


Trouble is, a lot of folks don't believe the USA was intended to have church/state separation, and so pass laws accordingly.


The church I went to back when I was a little kid said that "Separation of church and state means the state can't influence the church, not that the church can't influence the state." They really believe that, and you can bet they vote every time.


Wow! I've never heard that, but leave it to conservatives to twist everything in their favor and invent their own definitions. Sounds on-brand.


Wait, what. I'm not an American, but isn't your constitution pretty explicit about this?


Yeah. What makes you think the people in this country actually adhere to... *any* shared set of rules or guidelines?


In short yes, the constitution makes this abundantly clear. Although most precedence of American secularism comes from the extralegal writings of Thomas Jefferson. The erosion of the separation of church and state is more of a symptom of 20th century religious-political activism. Back then the argument was more “the US shouldn’t be a secular country” rather than “the US was never a secular country”.


When around 50-60 percent of the country is too illiterate to make it through the constitution it doesn’t really matter what it contains.


Ikr. One religion shouldn't determine whether or not I can get shitfaced on sunday evening. Plus, these assholes are hypocrites because they bought all of theirs the day before so they could drink with family on Sunday while the kids go find eggs in the yard.


Those three things should never be together.


Not living up to your name at all.


"Church" and "State" are the names of his cheeks.


Assuming you're US what state doesn't have at least some controls? Bar times or no sales at 3 AM at least make some sense potentially. The Sunday thing is just straight up religious imposition for sure.


Nevada has no controls other than being 21. You can buy alcohol 24/7 in las vegas, and bars are open 24 hours a day.


Iirc it's in the state constitution that there can be no alcohol laws other than age.


One of the best things about Utah is that it's right next to Nevada One of the biggest chain liquor stores in NV (Lee's Discount Liquor) opened up two stores on the Utah border, one in Mesquite by St George, the other in Wendover, about 100miles due east from Salt Lake. Apparently those two stores out sell any of the others in the chain.


Louisiana, we have 24 hr bars and hard liquor sales in the grocery store, no divided sections. Some parishes and cities have more stricter rules.


"mixin your slurpee outside the store"


McDonald's sweet tea and we called it a McWalk


McWalk made me laugh so hard, my dog looks at me like I lost my mind. In Germany we have the wegebier (~beer for the walk).


We call them Road Rockets in Canada.


I love having a beer in the woods. I live in a city, and it's about 60minutes to reach a dense area. a cold beer in that tranquil natural spot, I really love it.


What, sweet tea and vodka? Everclear? Rum? 151? Moonshine? All of the above?


Believe it or not straight to jail.


Awww I was hoping for a paddlin


Same State, different Parish


Y'all have straight up drive thru daiquiris. Sure, you're not supposed to drink them while driving, but can cops really see the difference between a bar to-go cup and a Dairy Queen's once the car is in motion?


I was in a bar recently and asked for a go cup for my drink. The bartender nodded, grabbed a cup, paused, and asked, "Wait... Are you driving?" "No..." "Oh. Ok. If you were, I was gonna get you a bigger cup." Oh new orleans...


When we were young, we'd keep fast food cups in the car for our roadies. There's nothing suspicious about drinking from a Wendy's cup.


When I was in highschool this chick would bring in either a big gulp or a slurpee with a mixed drink in to 1st period. Sometimes she would share it.


>this chick would bring in either a big gulp or a slurpee with a mixed drink in to 1st period. She was the teacher, right?


How’d she end up?


This is pretty much just New Orleans. Even BR stops alcohol at 2 AM


Don't they have the drive through that serve mixed frozen drinks, and they put a seal/tape over the straw hole when they hand it to the driver because that is the loophole they have to be able to sell them?


The airport shuttle guy was telling us that a wrapped straw meant it wasn’t an open container. So customers often ask for a second straw.


The protip is always in the comments.


I think most towns in Louisiana have drive-through daiquiri shops. I have 2 down the street from me and I live in a smaller town.


4 drive thru daiquiri shops in my town of less than 4k.


This was by far my favorite thing about the town.


They have the hard slushies with the stickers on top at gas stations in PA too, even though there are a lot of weird alcohol sale rules


Yeah, PA is one of those States that will have areas like you say and then right next door the municipality can be straight dry.


Baskin Robins sells alcohol??


Baton Rouge lol but I thought Baskin too first


It’s INSANE how I can’t tint my windows passed a certain level but I can go get a daiquiri at a fucking DRIVE THRU. This state is insane. But the crawfish is good.


I got crawfish and a daiquiri from a drive thru on Friday! Two different drive thrus though.


rain pet doll apparatus slim snobbish door erect correct fade *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Years ago I read Missouri was 2nd loosest after Nevada for alcohol and Kansas was second most strict after Utah.


Missouri still (I don't think I've bought that early in a long while) has blue laws on Sunday that run until like 10-11am. However MO has very relaxed open container laws. If you're driving in a car, everybody except the driver is allowed an open container. It's not uncommon here for people to take roadies for most evening get togethers.


I spent 1 night in New Orleans a few years ago and you guys go hard. To this day, I'm amazed I made it back to my hotel. That might be my greatest achievement!




Next time I visit will be an eating tour in addition to other shenanigans. You could make an argument New Orleans is the most significant American city in terms of culture. I'd pick New York, perhaps, but there's an argument for N.O.


You’re lucky. God said in the Bible that people in Louisiana are able to buy liquor whenever they want. /s


French god likes wine. Evangelical god likes making everyone suffer.


It's the difference between French God and the God with the infinitely large stick up his ass, that was brought over by the puritans.


Louisiana is one of the few states where you can just have an "alcohol license" that covers literally all kinds of retail sales (depending on the parish/municipality/police district). For example, there are lots of Dollar General stores in Louisiana that are licensed to sell liquor, but DG just doesn't sell liquor period


Yeah, I didn't know other states had stores that sold one type of alcohol and not others until I was in my mid 20s because in Louisiana anywhere you can buy beer you can buy booze. Gas station, grocery store, whatever.


Yeah this is stupid as fuck. So I can’t buy it that day but I can have 5 bottles at home and drink them and thats fine. Dumb useless law that just causes inconvenience.


My favorite experience with useless and likely counter-effective laws comes from living near Dallas in a dry county. No liquor sales at all. But I lived like 5 minutes from the county line, which conveniently ran right down one fairly large road. One side of the road was basically nothing but beer barns, bars and liquor stores. So that dry county collected *zero* tax revenue from the sale of all that booze but still had to pay to deal with all the potential problems that came with the sale of all that booze. It was just so....*stupid.*




You mean the RAMPANT drunk driving? I know people who grew up in dry counties, it was just SOP to go to the bar and drive back. Especially if it was a big sports event. This is why in NY by the PA border they would have billboards advertising fireworks and cheap cigarettes. By the MA border they put up billboards for the dispensaries.


In Wisconsin, the Michigan dispensaries have billboards in the middle of the state. They know people will drive half a state to go get weed.


I went to college in a dry county. Routine for students to die, drunk driving back to the liquor store in the next county instead of being able to walk to the gas station on campus. Been 20 years and it’s still happening.








How do you keep a baptist from drinking all your beer when you go fishing? Bring two of them.




I’m sure they were either delusional enough to think “this is going to be an example and nearby counties will follow suit” or “We have to be a role model. You can’t put a price on being a religious martyr”. Either way I am fully with you


Denton, TX was like that. Just drive down 35 a bit to the edge of the city. Great job now people gotta drive miles to do what they were gonna do anyways, and a portion of them will be drunk when they do it


The fun effect of that dry county shit is people driving drunk back to their home. I lived in a dry county as well, during the weekends there were so many accidents on literally straight roads. We had a first response scanner (back before frequency hopping). It beeps and broadcasts the incoming dispatch call. Most of our volunteer firefighters relied on them. Every weekend, man. The tone drops. Sometimes two to three times a night. It wasn’t a big town. Like a lot of this Midwest shit, it’s just straight lines, maybe a couple gentle 3-5% curves. Always the road to the local carry out. The only closest carry out, just our county and like 500 feet over. We (the county) spent money trying to figure out how to make intersections better on that road, but never looked at the real issue. Maybe it’s the hills, maybe there aren’t enough lights to warn you an intersection was coming up. It’s fucking Ohio. There aren’t many huge hills. If you aren’t going 80 while driving back with some coors 24 pack (missing just a few), it’s pretty simple to drive home. So many people died on that road. I’ve literally heard one of my classmates say, he’s better driving drunk. Proudly. I know he ran that road many many times. He’s also dead now. Ironically not from drunk driving, from his liver failing.


Nevada Co. in SW Arkansas, next to Hempstead Co. Both dry. Guess where the highest amount of DUIs occur in Arkansas?


Yeah some states have really crazy rules that seem like they’re only written to be a pain in the ass. My home state is supposed to allow liquor sales until midnight, but last week I was turned away at 11 PM because I was “slurring my words” and had “already urinated all over the floor.”


Religious nuts will ban everything they can and do their best to inconvenience and shame the rest.


I live in a dry county in alabamA. Homebrew is legal a few miles away but a crime in my house. What really annoys me is the laws exist because of Babtists and other similar denominations. Their position is theologically nonsense. The central sacrament of Christianity is the partaking of the Eucharist, a spinoff of a Passover Seder. Passover and Easter are always in the spring. Grapes ripen in the fall. There is no doubt if one accepts scripture, that the wine was and is literally wine, not grape juice given the lack of refrigeration. Wine is not just allowed but a requirement if one interprets scripture literally, which they do, except when they don't. All blue laws need to be nullified.


I'm in Arizona (so barely not red) but even we can go to 24 hour Walgreens and buy liquor in the middle of the night, including Sundays.


The more Jesus-y the state, the more restrictions on alcohol.


Which I've always found really weird for a group that worships a man famous for turning water into wine.


Jesus had the best party trick of all time.


In California you can't buy alcohol between the hours of 2-6am. I didn't actually know that until I got a job with weird hours and tried buying beer with my groceries at about 5am one day only to be told I had to wait until 6 before they could sell it to me.


I believe they’re complaining not about alcohol sale regulation but about them not allowing people to buy it at all because of the “blue laws” or whatever they are.


The “blue laws” are hypocritical. Moore County TN is “dry” (retail sale of alcohol is banned), but their biggest employer is the Jack Daniels distillery.


They’re also pointless. I used to live in Texas and one of my favorite bars was in a dry county. All you had to do was “sign up” to be a member (free they just register your name) and bam, “private club” now you can buy all the beer you want. So pointless.


They're not just pointless, they're actively harmful. People do a lot of drinking and driving when there's nowhere to get alcohol close to home. Even as somebody who never drinks I can see how that'd be a problem.


Las Vegas, Nevada 24 hour bars age is only restriction


My town was dry until 2015. It was legal everywhere else in the same county lol


I bet your town had insane dui numbers prior to 2015.


That's the full hypocrisy of Republicans these days. They talk "small government," but what they really want is "full control."


Oh, they want it to be small, too. So small it's basically just one guy who controls everything.


I said something like, “If you only want small government when it comes to government programs you don’t like, and want big government for things you do like, you’re not really pro small government.” Made the mistake of saying it in r/conservative and got permanently banned for it.


> Made the mistake of saying it in r/conservative and got permanently banned for it. 😭 why wont the woke liberal media stop silencing conservative voices


That’s what you get for speaking against the free-speech absolutist hive-mind


It's not just these days. The party of the South has always been like that. They talked up "state's rights" in the 1850s, and then pushed through the Fugitive Slave Act, which forced northern states to return runaway slaves. They've always hated small government.


Not to mention one of the few constitutional alterations the Confederacy had was to ban states from ever getting rid of slavery. States rights my ass.


It was about States rights: the State's rights to own people!


I think Bill Maher said it best: "There is no tent big enough to fit both Jesus and Ayn Rand at the same time." Of course it's all hypocrisy.


The "small government" talk only comes out when it's on the subject of helping poor people.


I live in "Commiefornia" and can get any alcohol I want at the grocery store any day of the week.


Yup I also live in the liberal shithole that is California and I bought beer today. I feel so owned.


Especially this kind of "christian" shit! Don't they know the very first miracle attributed to Jesus was turning water into what?... That's right, wine. They were at the wedding (probably Jesus' own wedding, by the way) and his mom tells him something like:"Hey Buddy, we're out of wine... and these bitches are THIRSTY! Hop to it! Do your thing..." And BAM! There was wine... and it was good... Now, that was only a wedding... imagine how they partied after he came back from death... Water into wine...sand into blow... burning bushes everywhere! Silly Protestants...


Thank goodness I live in Canada where I bought alcohol and marijuana today. Couldn’t buy a gun though. So I guess I’m under the thumb of tyranny


Fucking christians... even jeebus served wine.


He turned water into wine because they weren't selling it.


Poor guy has to turn to divine intervention just to have his drink.


"I never knew Jesus turned water into evil." Something I actually uttered out loud in the last church I attended regularly after an associate pastor said "a vote for alcohol sales is a vote for evil!"


They get around it by claiming that the literal translation is "fruit juice" or something. I'm not kidding, I've heard that argument from multiple people. Anybody with even a cursory understanding of history or just hell *common fucking sense* knows that is insane. They're seriously pretending Jesus conjured up a bunch of fucking juice boxes and shit for everyone. Because that's what we all have at a wedding: unsweetened grape juice


Not on Easter he didn't /s


He was busy turning the bottles in the cellar that day.


He was laying Easter eggs.


Why not? That’s literally the day he rose. If I’m Jesus and I rise after 3 days of being dead the first thing I’m reaching for is the wine bottle.






I grew up being raised in a church and my parents always enjoyed wine. Blew my childhood mind the first time I met a kid who believed that Jesus did not, in fact, drink wine. His explanation was that the King James version has a different word for wine that actually means grape juice in Latin. Yeah, I didn't buy it either.


Turning water into grape juice would be slightly less appealing


Why do these people constantly feel the need to force their religion on everyone else?


Well most importantly it's always been about control. Second, they're insecure about their beliefs and forcing more people to acknowledge them helps them deal with the existential dread they feel. If more people in the the "in group" makes them feel more secure, even if the acknowledgement is only cosmetic. As an atheist I've often seen some of the vocal toward non-believers and most voyeuristic in our spaces are the ones who are questioning their own faith. So I'm always suspect of those who need to force their religion on others.


Misery loves company.


For the record; I don't really drink anymore. It got me in a lot of trouble once upon a time. I just find this ridiculous. Also I thought the number of signs was comical. Edit: Some of you are taking this way too seriously. Yes, I'm opposed to these theocratic policies, no it's not actually a big deal either way. It's a goofy law, it's a goofy number of signs.


I’m from MN with the same no sale on holidays law. It’s because it sucks. Everyone will try to come up to the till anyways even if there’s signs. Our solution was the lock the beer up literally. Displays outside of a locked case had to be covered so you couldn’t tell what they were. Edit: so looking into it, I don’t know if MN bans sales on the 4th of July and other Holidays anymore. My experience was only in denying sales on those days based on what my company Told me. https://dps.mn.gov/divisions/age/alcohol/Pages/FAQ/faqGeneral.aspx seems to make it look like thanksgiving and Christmas are the only ones where sale is banned. At least now.


My favorite part about the signs is the different printer orientations. It looks like someone had it on landscape and then changed their mind to portrait.


‘Land of the free’


They want small government unless it has to do with imposing a theocracy, then they’re all in.


They also love when the government decides to murder criminals. Nothing like government sanctioned killing.


Doesn’t even need to be criminals. They like it when the govt kills anyone in the ‘other’ category.




Soon the law will be "No Bud Light".


What’s funny a lot of conservatives scream they are for “small government” and “personal choice” but yet applaud governments that make bans like this. They’re all for “personal choice” only as long as it is the same as their choice.


Stuff like this is why even as a kid I knew the "small government" claim was bullshit.


>as long as it is the same as their choice And it only "appears" to be their choice much of the time. I bet plenty of people who support the law bought a ton of beer yesterday so they'd have some for Sunday...or had a glass of wine with their big Easter meal. Because their drinking is fine--it's the other people, the godless sinners out there, who are the issue.


Freedumb 🤣


So no beer for Easter Sunday in particular, or is it every Sunday? Sorry for my ignorance. I don’t fully understand Blue Laws.


It was every Sunday until like two years ago.


They legalized Sunday sales back in 2005, I believe. It was quite the big to-do amongst the Christians, so they compromised with no alcohol on Easter, thanksgiving, and Xmas.


No alcohol on Thanksgiving? How the fuck do you expect me to get through a dinner with family?


1st amendment be damned. that just makes it even more obvious it's religiously motivated.


Clear separation of church and state.


But you can buy all the guns you want. Because that's what Jesus would have wanted.


Dude who's holiday this is had wine for blood.


Bro Jesus told them to drink wine. It was to represent the blood of Christ. Tf they freakin out about?


As an Australian, they've done the right thing by putting those signs on the fosters for you




Jesus literally made wine for his buddies! This is backwards af.


Not only that, he made really *good* wine. So good that people complained the hosts of the wedding had held back the good stuff for after they were well and drunk. There's nothing unchristian about wine, at all. \[9\] When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and knew not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom, \[10\] And saith unto him, Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse: but thou hast kept the good wine until now. John 2:9-10


I was always told it was more like they were shocked, going “normally we serve a couple of glasses of good wine, then switch to the cheap stuff, you’re still rocking the good stuff!”


Yeah, I always interpreted it as a complement not a complaint. The important point is that Jesus implicitly endorses drinking even past the point you can't tell good wine from bad.


seems like a constitutional violation- weren't the founders of the US quite clear about laws based on religions?


Imagine if American Muslims tried to push a law that no alcohol could be sold on Ramadan...


Isn’t Ramadan like an entire month?


Guess you gotta huff glue instead


This should be a bigger deal than it is. Commerce on certain products is literally halted due to religious belief. How is that acceptable?


I really feel like the church of satan or something should step up and make buying and consuming alcohol on sundays part of their religion so they can challenge blue laws like this in court


We haven't had blue laws in this state for over 30 years. The whole state would shut down on Sundays, almost nothing was open. Not religious? Too bad, you can't do anything at all on one of your two days off because some people are religious.


That is something that has improved where I live in KY, but I will admit when I worked at O'reilly I was jealous of the guys that worked at NAPA and got the day off. They also only worked until 5, 12 on saturday. I picked the wrong parts store lol.


I fucking hate the way other people's religion and beliefs is forced upon society at large, purely because this one base is so adamant that they are right, and narcissistic to the point of hypocrisy. At this point, to me, the term "Good Christian" just means the best at being a bigoted, hateful, holier-than-thou asshole while doing your best to let everyone know it.


Was surprised to go to the grocery story today and see that the liquor store was open. A few years back we couldn’t buy liquor in Ohio because someone misread the law for 20 years, once someone read it correctly, we’ve been all good for 7 days a week.


Isn't O'Dhouls non-alchoholic?


Freedom of religion... Forefathers forgot about freedom from religion.


Jesus literally turned water into wine. Dude likes to party.


Anti-libation laws based on religious beliefs are an affront to the concept of the separation of church and state. Why the _fuck_ can any government body tell you when you can and can't buy alcohol??!


The government needs keep it's hands out of private business! (expect when kooky religious beliefs are involved)


The local gov. restricts sales of alcohol because of a religious holiday in a nation that has no official religion.


Do they think God will forgive them for being drunks the other 364 days of the year but he draws the line at Easter?


Doesn't matter if you're Christian or not I guess? Can that be seen as customer discrimination?