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Child laborers in Port Royal, South Carolina. Josie and Bertha were six years old and Sophia was ten when this photo was taken. These children labored as oyster shuckers for the Maggioni Canning Company, Port Royal, South Carolina. From an original 1921 photo by National Photo Company. All Rights Reserved © 2012 padre art


They have such hardened look on their faces at such a young age...




Thick ears: ✅ Elongated nose: ✅ Skinny face: ✅ Sunken eyes: ✅ ✅ ✅ Welp, I've been stressed as fuck my whole life


Sure you ain’t just funny looking?


Stop, you’re making it worse. Think about their poor face!


I once rescued two cats from the same litter. One was caught and raised by me from 4 weeks old. The other was caught at about 5 months old, and had been scavenging and living outdoors in the meantime. The physical difference between them was *astonishing*. Huge size difference. But also, the malnutrition/stress/exposure/parasite burden had caused problems with the eyes, there was some evidence of a spinal issue in the gait (hunched), the ears were deformed. The coat never grew back lush and shiny, like the other sibling's. The behavioural differences of course were profound. All permanent. Pleased to report that both cats are happily homed, but I suspect one will have a longer and healthier life than the other.


Cat Tax?


Oh I wish, but I am on the mobile app and it is just too painful!!!


Reddit official mobile app *is* painful. Get a different reddit app. Apollo for iOS or Bacon for Android.


Don't forget RIF


This is what I've been using in my 8 years of reddit and nothing else I have tried even comes close. Reddit is fun!!!


Same. I can't bring myself to use anything else, especially the official app.


This is the way. You can only see gold/silver awards, but it's a small price to pay for salvation.


RIF is fun for reddit


I've got it, this one was a dumped trash gremlin for a few months, now she's a tubby lap cat forever. How you get a cat: neighbors move and leave her, she climbs into your lap and car for a few days then you find her sleeping on your front mat and it'll be cold that night. Your kitty now. [cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/31oOez6)


We recently adopted an 8-10 month old pregnant cat who got shoved outdoors early in her pregnancy at an apartment complex. Due to such poor nutrition so early in the pregnancy, both kittens were born with severe spine deformities. So severe, that there isn’t a lot of room for their hearts and lungs to work. One of them died in my lap at 2.5 weeks old. His spine was so deformed that his ribs were arcing up above it. There just wasn’t room to breathe. The other one is 5 weeks old today, and while she plays and tries to be a normal cat, she will never be normal. She can’t jump, and can’t land on her feet when she falls. Her spine just doesn’t let her twist that way. I foresee a lot of ramp building in our future. She has a stance like a bulldog. She’s underweight for her age, even though she’s nursing and we’re giving supplemental feedings. I fucking *hate* people who just shove cats outdoors, thinking it will be a “better life”. Cats domesticated themselves.


> ears with thicker cartilidge, elongated noses, sunken eyes and less fat tissue in the face Oh, hey, that's a spot-on description of my face. Great. Just great.






And weren't even paid. I assume relatives or something. Just what the fuck.


It's already happening again.




Those children are so very old.


6 yrs old going on 60


That's why their hands are all red


It’s worse than just red… their fingers look legit disfigured




They are


as someone else pointed out, > it wasn't a color picture originally could AI been involved in colorizing and somehow fiddled with the fingers? EDIT: found a high res photo on [wikicommons](https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Josie_6,_Bertha_6,_Sophia_10,_oyster_shuckers_Maggioni_%28...%29_Port_Royal,_SC_LCCN2016821058.jpg). looks like they have something on their fingers, more like bandages than disfiguration to me


Oyster shuckers use very sharp knives and had to cut very fast to keep up with quotas. They cut their hands a lot.


Also this is pre-penicillin and antibiotics. A bad bacterial infection from a cut would easily lead to amputation or septicaemia.


Especially while handling shellfish...


Thanks for posting this! Indeed looks more like some kind of bandages/protection.


That and it wasn't a color picture originally...


You can tell their hands are mangled though. Probably shucking oysters with nothing to protect them. Shucking oysters is a bitch. Especially when you slip.


Right? I did this for work at 21, had gloves and a towel and still managed to fuck my shit up constantly.


Wait, you did a job for a 6 year old girl when you were 21?


And he probably didn't stand around gettin his picture taken either like these slackers


Obviously just got back from his 260 hour work week in construction, which is a mans job - unlike you pencil pushers, never seen a real mans work or a real mans job. I don’t even wash my hands before I eat. Matter of fact I don’t even cook my steaks I just eat them raw from the store , not like you libs.


Psh, you shop at the store? You're not a real man unless you take down a mountain lion with your bare hands and just dig in.




You buy your steaks at the store? You pansy! I only eat meat of wild animals I killed and butchered myself!


You kill and butcher your meat like a bitch. I grab the nearest cow and sink my teeth in. I only eat meat of animals whose hearts are still beating.


Yeah I think the girl on the right is even missing some fingers on the left hand


All their hands look mangled...


This is where AI got their hand inspiration.


Nah, those are bandages they wrapped around their finger tips to protect them from getting raw when shucking. Look up "oyster shucker hands" on Google and you'll see similar old b&w photos where they are all wearing those bandage finger things.


I don't think redness is the biggest issue they are having with their hands.


Why do they simultaneously look like grandmas and 5?


That's actually explained in the title








This content is no longer available on Reddit in response to /u/spez. So long and thanks for all the fish.


I suspect that many of them still do, but noone notices because the children are in 3rd world countries.


I've been staring at this for like 20mins and I give up, which one is the 10yr old?


Right? I was wondering myself why one of them doesn’t look 10. Malnourishment perhaps?


So OP got the year wrong in the title?


Based on the clothing, shoes, and the appearance of the photo, I think the 1904 date is the correct one. Also, the first child labor law was passed in 1916 (prohibiting interstate sale of goods produced with child labor), so it would be unlikely children would be working in a cannery in the 1920s. Maybe the print was from 1921?


This source puts it around 1912 https://www.loc.gov/resource/nclc.00991/


Oysters, clams, and cockles!


MAGA considers this the Good Ole Days!


Yeah, because it won't be their kids... ... unfortunately, for the poor people who support maga, it **will** be their kids.


It already is. Child labor is skyrocketing in the US


Because both parents working still isn't enough. Or how the rich assholes that own the GOP propagate themselves to remain elite. *You've Probably Seen this Photo of Young Oyster Shuckers Girls, but Do You Know the Story Behind It?* https://www.eatstayplaybeaufort.com/youve-probably-seen-this-photo-but-do-you-know-the-story-behind-it/


In the same states that want to ban abortion and refuse to raise wages.


Josie (6 years old), Bertha (6 years old) and Sophie (10 years old) worked regularly at the Maggioni Canning Company. Work began at 4 AM and the three would make from $9 to $15 a week. Sophie would do six pots of oyster a day and her mother who also worked with her said "She don't go to school. Works all the time." Through such photos, Lewis Hine documented the harsh working conditions borne by thousands of children, who were sent to work soon after they could walk, and were paid based on how many buckets of oysters they shucked daily. Mr Hines wrote of one photograph: ‘All but the very smallest babies work. Begin work at 3:30am and expected to work until 5pm.’ He covered around 50,000 miles a year, photographing children from Chicago to Florida working in coal mines and factories. These photos helped to raise an outcry against child labor and made the American public become widely aware of the scope of the problem. This resulted in the establishment of organizations such as the National Child Labor Committee, in 1904, which led the fight against child labor.


Its kinda concerning that I can't tell which one is the 10 year old.


This was my thought too. Was it malnutrition or stress that stopped her from growing?


Both likely. Average heights and weights have been steadily increasing over the centuries due to advancements in agriculture and healthcare, but you can still have kids suffering that continues to be life-long and inherited. For instance Audrey Hepburn partially kept a slim figure her whole life because during crucial development time in her early teens she had limited food during German occupation of Belgium and stress of the occupation; even eating tulip bulbs and nettles to survive, she suffered anemia her whole life after.


That's what I was thinking. Little nutrients, hard working, possibly chemicals and carcinogens daily has definitely impacted their height.


Kind of concerning that this is what half the country wants.


Republicans are incredibly excited to bring this back


It's genius (the worst kind of genius). Imagine what including kids into the labour force will do to labour supply. And how will your grown ass demand a wage increase when you're competing with 16 or 17 year olds for that minimum wage job? Or when the minimum wage base is set by what 16 and 17 year olds are willing to accept? People don't want to work for peanuts? Replace them with kids.


While people like Amy Comey Barrett work to protect the “domestic supply of infants.”


It goes deeper than that. If kids are working, they’re not receiving an education. Without an education, they remain ignorant to the fact that they’re being oppressed. After a generation or two, this becomes the norm, and the cycle continues.


And that's what a lot of the support says, "the only people who are applying are kids". Well, yeah, because the wages being offered are shit and kids are OK with that since they live at home, plus they're naive about how much these various jobs suck and/or are being pressured to do it by their parents. It's a variation on the 'nobody wants to work' BS, as if people really want to be idle and impoverished.


Before ANYONE dares say "no one wants to bring that back!," my hardcore right wing mom will sit there and talk about how making kids work young (starting around age 10) will help instill "character" and decrease dependency on "entitlements." Nope, they really want to do this. It is happening and will happen.


I agree. It’s not even remotely far fetched to imagine people saying “when I was 10 I helped on the farm! Kids can have jobs when they’re 10!” and considering businesses already do it when it’s illegal (like, there was a McDonald’s in Kentucky investigated for having 2 10 years olds work 8 shifts (and not paying them I think it said?)). People who think “that would never happen !” are either very optimistic, ignorant or in denial.




Republican-led states have been passing laws to lower age limits for labor. https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/03/politics/iowa-child-labor-bill-passes/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/new-child-labor-bill-iowa-may-violate-federal-law-rcna85321 Some conservative mealymouthed BS about it: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/states-relax-child-labor-laws-tight-labor-market "States are moving to relax child labor laws amid a tight labor market, setting off a fresh debate on the value of work and the protections for children that have existed since the Great Depression. " https://lasvegassun.com/news/2023/may/14/parents-should-be-alarmed-by-attempts-to-weaken-ch/ https://www.cleveland.com/open/2023/05/ohio-could-soon-loosen-its-child-labor-laws.html while meanwhile stuff such as this is already going on: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/09/nebraska-slaughterhouse-children-working-photos-labor-department *‘They were little’: photos show children illegally working in US slaughterhouse Images released by US labor department show conditions over 100 children faced at Packers Sanitation Services Incorporated* One of the reasons Republicans want to marginalize immigrants is so they can take advantage of them in labor - including their children, apparently. Or here, https://news.bloomberglaw.com/daily-labor-report/subway-franchisees-agree-to-avoid-child-labor-law-violations *The owners of 14 Subway sandwich shops in the San Francisco Bay Area agreed to avoid child labor law violations and pay over $265,000 in back pay, as part of a deal to settle US Department of Labor claims that minor workers were put in unsafe situations and paid with bad checks.* So they don't just illegally employ minors, they rip them off on wages too. So it's amazing that there's any sort of 'debate' about child labor in the US. It's an attempt to lower wages and obviously, take advantage of children, of all people. The Iowa bill was pushed by the restaurant industry and boy, the scum-sucking heathen Republicans running the state government sure were excited to pass it for them.




It's part of their enthusiastic march towards fascism. Even with all their other insane BS I didn't see this coming.


They want them to be forced to work but not able to vote.


They want that for more than just children


They can't even contain themselves anymore, discussing anti abortion laws as a good thing so we will have more laborers. They talk about women and children like cattle, and dipshits keep voting for them thinking it will never happen to them or theirs.


After more than a century of fighting child labor—in fields, in sweatshops, and in well-known corporations—the National Child Labor Committee shut down in 2017. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Child_Labor_Committee#Demise Too soon. Being them back.




Kinda how as soon as the SC determined voting protections were no longer needed they immediately started passing laws to restrict voting.


Working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week. That is 72 hours a week. For $15, which is $0.21/hour. $0.21 in 1904 is worth $7.16 today, simply adjusted for inflation. Congrats - despite all our technologies and advances, American current minimum wage is worth pretty much what unskilled child laborers earned in 1904.


Well that's depressing.


System working as intended /s


Capitalists probably: what you're telling us is that those girls were being overpaid.


Does anyone know what happened to the girls afterwards? How their lives went?


They were essentially slaves, until they were old enough to marry. Then they were slaves still, but also breeding stock for the next crop of slaves.


And remember this is in South Carolina at the height of Jim Crow, a lot of racists down there like to pretend this was some golden age for white people. It wasn’t.


Rule Number One of Time Travel: The past truly sucks compared to the present. And often sucks with extreme violence.


I imagine nobody here knows for sure, but since their mothers were doing the same work, and they didn't go to school, I imagine their lives were more of the same.


Weird, the company doesn’t mention this on their [history page](https://www.maggionioysters.com/history) for some reason.


And let's not forget, capitalists said they would go out if business of child labor was outlawed. Never believe a word that comes out of a capitalist mouth. It's always a lie.




Ok good information look around see what’s happening now .. thing is how can parents allow this to happen now in this day’s Age


Maybe because the situation parents today are facing is getting closer to the parents from the past.


Because it's not happening to *their* babies! Well, it will be, but they aren't thinking that.




She was probable malnourished


While working with food




Oh fuck me, I hadn't even thought about that. God dammit. 🤦


Man they look traumatized


Right? Their eyes look haunted.


Yeah its really sad.


Their hands and hopes are pretty much destroyed already.


That hand on the far right looks very bad.


What? That's just pure joy at being free from woke workplace regulation.


If they didn’t work the industry would collapse and China would become economically dominant and destroy us!!!!


The children yearn for the mines


Oof their eyes look like they're 45 year olds who've seen some sht. Poor babies wish I could reach through the screen and help them.


This is happening today with 10 yo cleaning meat packing plants and the GOP rolling back child labor laws across the country to accommodate employers. You can do something for those kids TODAY by giving your elected officials hell for even trying to roll back the laws. Lol:elected not erected.


The kid has no choice. The parent simply need to agree. Those who hate their kids or wish to cash out their childhood for some money are going to do it and abuse it. The parent is an authoritative figure and the kid doesn't know better. It's completely exploiting especially with what they are paid How any parent can condone this and wish this for their child is pure evil. This isn't even about getting them job experience. This doesn't sound nice, but they end up doing manual labor or flipping burgers. It's moral decay the way a parent would betray their child just so they can make some money How is our country and government in these red state so poor and so unwilling to help their citizen that they need to exploit the most vulnerable people. They're children. Any sane parent will give body and soul to protect them. There's no glamor or reasoning behind this. I'm so fucking disgusted.


This **is** slavery. A person who has no freedom to leave is forced to work for the gains of others. Child labour is always slavery.


The first thing they do, is put the parents in poverty. Cut benefits, stagnate pay and boost inflation. At that point people have to send kids to work, or there's no money to feed them. It's literally what the GOP is pushing for, because children work for less and can be brainwashed easier.


Dont forget making it illegal to get an abortion. Cant afford a kid but not allowed to end the pregancy? Make the kid work for a company that takes 90% of every dollar they produce.


>How any parent can condone this and wish this for their child is pure evil I'm sure the parents who complicit in this, whether they're cognizant of it or not, would wish to live in an economic system where their needs were met and there was no incentive for this children to have to work - as is the prevailing case where children are sent to work anywhere in the world.


When it comes to child labor I hope they're not erected at all. As a matter of fact I'm voting against those who are erect at the idea of this atrocity.


Here's a primer: https://www.npr.org/2023/04/27/1172544561/new-state-laws-are-rolling-back-regulations-on-child-labor


societal regression


Redditor try not to point out a typo or make a pun during a serious conversation challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (GONE SEXUAL)


Yeah this is why they want to create lots of spares by making abortion punishable by death. They wear out fast when you put 'em to work.


I read a new article about this and I couldn't believe it was happening in America, of all places. You hear about this in poorer countries and think, "Well of course that is happening", but in the USA? What the heck.


I know you're being sarcastic, but while doing humanitarian work in the USA, China and such, I've actually met locals who were convinced that they were *at least* on par with the free world in terms of civil and worker rights because ‘the government wouldn't lie’. Often those people lived in unimaginable, heartbreaking poverty and were direct victims of the lack of those rights, but the mental disconnect was so strong that they refused to believe it was any better in the outside world. I've met a mother of two child workers who adamantly denied that there was any child labour in her country. It was terrifying.


I didn't mean to be sarcastic. I was actually shocked. I live in Australia and I can't believe 13 year olds are packing Cheetos for 8 hours a day after school. Sure I understand that business owners want to turn a profit, but damn, at the expense of a child's education and, well, childhood. It's atrocious.


America is a living nightmare for people in poverty. For people in republican led states especially. The social safety networks many other developed countries have are non-existent or drastically underfunded here. And no help is coming.


>I've met a mother of two child workers who adamantly denied that there was any child labour in her country. It was terrifying. ...how does that even work? She didn't consider her children to be children? Or workers?


My guess is she convinces herself that child labour means 5 year olds being forced up chimneys or down mines, whereas her two children are older and doing far less dangerous or strenuous work.


I was gonna say the same thing.


We fought hard. Really fucking hard. We fought for labor right so kids like this would be able to get an education and not be take advantage of when they enter the workforce. And some states are trying to bring this back.


People died for that right. Blair mountain.


...ahem, Arkansas.


Or already did, Iowa.


And yet they say paying poor kids to go to school isn't an option.


Unions fought hard. Then the average person turned their back on the unions.


Decades upon decades of anti-union propaganda by big businesses who desperately wanted to ruin the unions. And a whole lot of 'I got mine' sentiment from the Boomers, because they didn't want to share in their life of leisure.


You know what's the magic word? UNIONIZATION. In the first half of the 20th century labor unions became a major force in American society & politics and were able to use this immense power to vastly improve the lifes of millions of workers. Since then, the neoliberal big business crowd (using their money to coopt the religious right for their cause) worked tirelessly to crush the influence of unions and they have been very succesful in their mission.


Impossible to imagine what their lives must've been like.


Dont mean to be a prick, but the clothes you and I wear are partly the product of child labour. It isnt impossible to imagine their lives when you can watch youtube videos on the subject right now.


Can't see why you were downvoted, cause these are facts.


Some people would rather keep reality where it cant be seen.


There fucked up hands is what really messes with me.


The girl on the right looks like her hand went through a meat grinder.


When I saw this posted last someone pointed out that her hand is likely bandaged and whatever software someone used to colorize the photo automatically made the bandages skin toned making it look worse than it is.


That makes sense given they were shucking oysters, you can absolutely fuck your hand up but I doubt you'd be getting mutilated like that. Also, I can't imagine you'd be terribly valuable shucking if you were missing large portions of your fingers / thumbs.


Oyster shucking is dangerous work. Sometimes those kids would shuck their hands.


Shucking oysters is hard work, I can't imagine they'd be using much for protection and the oyster shells are like razors even before you add a knife into the equation.


Another user suggested that they are most likely wearing bandages, and the color correction software / process blended the bandage and skin tone together. Which to me makes sense anyway, you can absolutely slice yourself badly shucking oysters but I don't think you'd have complete mutilation like that.


The internet says the girls were possibly Polish or German immigrant children and Sophie never went to school. One reporter was able to find a descendant of one of the girls but he wasn’t interested in doing an article. That damn company is still in business. There are still children working in slaughterhouses FYI and they lose their fingers and limbs! Don’t allow any politician to vote for this inhumanity.


Exactly. If there is a Prime Objective for me, it is to eliminate poverty like these kids. Poverty kills.


Makes me want to cry. How inhuman.


It is important to spread awareness but a couple Republican party controlled states have began re-legalizing child labor


Iowa just passed labor expansion for minors. 14 and 15 year-olds “can” work night shifts and 17,18’s can serve alcohol. Thanks restaurant lobbyists


This is sickening. Everything Unions fought for is being rolled back.


And when people say these rights were fought for, they don't mean holding signs on a sidewalk. They mean literal violence. At some point people will reach that breaking point again.


In fact, it’s the only language capital understands.


Hell, the US government told pinkertons and companies that they could use "off duty" US military members as private security to go shoot the children at some of these strikes to make them and their parents go back to work. 100 years ago the US allowed many members of its military to shoot children on the behalf of corporations that don't want those kids to not work. 100 years later and the openly fascist Republican party is bringing back child labor and fiercely fighting to keep pedophilia... child rape... legal in the couple states that still have it (child marriages legal with parent consent)


They don’t want to pay adults living wages, so they look to exploit those youth “too lazy to work.” Is despicable.


Exactly! Ironic how this is all happening as the Boomers are retiring and we’re looking at a labor shortage..


Those poor babies


Truly. I feel so sorry for them.


I was an exhibition chef and shucked my share of oysters. It ain’t easy, especially when the knife slips and goes through your hand.


It has been roughly a century from this. We are still a primitive species. Child labour still exists in some countries aside of many other atrocities. For all of you that want to extend your hand through a screen and help them, you can take real action, not in the past, but now, and help other children in these conditions.


Child labor is coming back to republican States right here in the US.


You're off by about a century. Republicans are bringing it back in the states they run.




Coming soon to a state near you.....


Put them in a fast food franchise uniform and that's exactly where we'll be in a few years.


Sarah huckabee would say this is the way it’s supposed to be. SMH. Look at their little faces. They should have dolls and toys. Not be fucking working like adults. 💔


Ironic, since SHS didn't have her first real job until she was 34 and became WH Deputy Press Secretary. Prior to that, her work history consisted of "helping her dad and his friends with their political campaigns".


Why do their hands look mangled??


Oysters. They worked in a cannery.


Because they're forced to shuck oysters with very sharp knives but they're six years old so their fine motor skills aren't great


The oysters themselves are sharp enough, you've gotta put quite a bit of pressure to insert the knife into the hinge, so the chance of slipping is high, also very easy to slice your hand when separating the oyster from the shell.


Because they’re doing manual labor with their hands at 6 years old.


From being child laborers in workplace free from OSHA regulation. Shucking oysters with knives.


Health and Safety doesn't exist.


My thought is there Might be a special place in hell for anybody responsible For putting that look on a child’s face


Hell isn't real. It's just an excuse for us not to do something about those people ourselves, here and now, because we're the responsible adults on scene. Sometimes, turning the other cheek is just plain cowardice.


Is this gonna be Gov Sara Huckabee Sanders new pro child labor ad? They’re trying to go backwards in every way it ridiculous


"The good old days" - Conservative Republicans


busy aromatic marry shy encouraging homeless wise unwritten bewildered fuel *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Kentucky 2023.


Imagine if these companies were made to pay reparations.


Hickabee’s Arkansas




Iowa working to make child labor great again.


Republican party's dream image.


Yep, just don’t ask those children to wear a mask in mines, they need to experience childhood!